"The Rookie" Day in the Hole (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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I'm sorry, I enjoyed it
HarbingerUK4 August 2022
It's ludicrous and stupid writing but that's what I used to love about this programme.

It never used to take itself seriously, it was never real in the early days but then it lost its way, it started being serious, dark, with meaning but couldn't quite pull it off as it didn't quite mean it.

This was a silly episode with a silly series of plots. But occasionally pretended to be real.

Think TJ Hooker. Cheesy silliness, and I enjoyed it.
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yougoboy2721 May 2022
Unbelievably stupid. Why treat your fans like dummies? Nathan is not Bruce Willis and he should not be written as such. I like this cast but the writers are abusing them every episode. I repeat...stupid.
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Good but not great
Cordero1316 May 2022
This was a fun episode. I like the Chen and Bradford doppelgängers, and Nolan getting to be the trainer for a bit. I love Bailey and I usually love Alan Tudyk, but this wasn't one of his best performances. And the storyline with Chen and Bradford just kind of stops. Aaron shows up for like 10 seconds, where's he been most of the season?
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Kind'a fun
neverenoughgold16 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let's see, Nolan's step brother appears out of nowhere, and I mean nowhere! Then we have a doppelgänger for Bradford which is unusual in any situation; and low and behold, another twin shows up for Chen!

So by any chance was Stephen King involved in the writing... or maybe Rod Serling?

Anyway, it was an entertaining episode for a change. My wife and I enjoyed it, we hope you did too.
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Not the worst....
gnkelly-9732219 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I like this show but it really struggles sometimes with the light-hearted comedy while also half wanting to be a serious procedural show.

I didn't mind the low rent Precinct 13 storyline with Nolan in the desert. It was absurd but watchable. Why the criminals would put their automatic weapons down beggars belief, and Pete Davidson's character is just ridiculous. I like Davidson but I hate this character.

Back in LA Tim and Lucy were meeting their doppelgangers Dim and Juicy. One was pushing the limit of stupidity but two really was too much! They could have told the exact same undercover couple story without the lookalikes and it would have been more satisfying.

Overall this episode tilted towards silly nonsense a bit too often. That said, it was 100 times better than the car crash that was the documentary episode.
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Great Season Finale
yebba-4441316 May 2022
I loved this episode! I well rounded finale to a really great season. Plus a gift from the writers from those of us who have been waiting 4 YEARS for Chenford... Loved it! Can't wait for Season 5!
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Is that what "Jumping the Shark" means?
EeeGee5 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Normally I don't mind that this show has a little bit of silliness to it, but are we supposed to seriously believe that a drug trafficker and his girlfriend just happen to be Tim and Lucy's EXACT doppelgängers??

It's just so farfetched! The only thing I'm happy about is that it led to them finally getting their act together - this has taken far too long.

In other news, I'm VERY happy to see Nell and Ellroy still together and also just so glad to see Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion back on screen together again.

Now I'm just filling in characters to make this review as long as it needs to be. 600 characters is silly.
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Great Episode!
niaproctor-9473815 May 2022
Let's start with three words action, drama, and romance. I will enjoy this episode because I think it will be amazing episode. I hope this final will please everyone. Thank you for the support everyone. Thanks for making a show that is good. We all appreciate it.
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I love this show.
Whitneywest1016 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
But that was the lamest season finale. And I watch a lot of shows. That felt like a 2020, we're in a "pandemic" and didn't get to properly wrap storylines finale. Zero point to Dim and Juicy besides finally getting Tim and Lucy to acknowledge what they've been hinting at all season. And who lays down their semi automatic weapons to go fight hand to hand when you've got the numbers also? Did they let some first year college script writer who has never watched an episode of The Rookie pen this?? Firing isn't enough for whoever approved this. Blackball them. They aren't worthy.
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So happy to see an episode true to the show
grlym-4684920 May 2022
On the heels of 2 terrible episodes these past few weeks. And a couple other horrific episodes earlier into the season where it seemed like the show just phoned it in....they finally came back strong.

This episode came back to some of the roots of the show. In large part...it is finding a soft unobtrusive way to inject thoughts on broken parts of our legal/law system...then provides other possible solutions to these problems. It allows watchers to not be easily offended and have an open mind. And ponder the thoughts brought in by the show. And all if this is packaged in a show with a cast we can rally around. And plots that are easy to follow but still engaging.

And the show knows how to have fun. Bringing back Alan Tudyk was a blast. Especially as I love firefly.

I hope the 5th season can stay true to its roots and not get sidetracked by this fbi offshoot show (your hitch I will never watch as I though the actress /character was beyond annoying and poorly thought out (school social worker that can solve everything)

The core cast is still fantastic (even the new swapped out leads). I hope the show can stay on point. And please...NO celebrity guests. Shows always have this cringy kiss up to the celebrity feel and they distract from the show at every angle. Cameos from actors that don't need this "everything is about me' are fine. As they know that being an actor is more important than their celeb status.
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s_shady-3825916 May 2022
The Nolan story was good but the other part of the episode was so incomplete not even a cliff hanger incomplete. It was like they stopped writing the other story halfway through the episode. I had to go back and check if I missed something.
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So funny
lawriter-6175618 May 2022
This is fiction and entertainment. It was definitely entertaining. Laughed through the whole show. That's the point, right? Love Allen Tudyk, he's a riot. This episode was the best one yet!
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awbusa22 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Can AARON be written off the show now ? , his innocence was proven & his story is over so why keep him on the show when a better actor or actress could take his place ?
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Gunfight at the OK Corral
bosporan16 May 2022
Not the worst episode of the season, but close. It is difficult to know where to begin.

Alan Tudyk is one of my favourite actors, but his zany Resident Alien character does not sit well here; it is a mate's quid pro quo for Fillion having been on his show. Both plotlines are ludicrous in the extreme and one of them remains incomplete and unresolved. Each relies on outrageous serendipity, stomping on credibility like a half-baked comedy.

I like that there is a mechanism to get Tim and Chen together, but there are so many more creative ways available to do that.

The season has been inconsistent, with some very good episodes, but too many that are incoherent and contrived.
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Fun, but....
diggerz03917 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a weird episode. I am assuming a season finally. So if it is, then it is an even weirder episode.

A whole bunch of stuff that just makes the show get more unrealistic. The thing about this show at the beginning was that it was close to realistic. But now it is getting silly.

What the hell were all the bad guys doing at the diner? Playing whack a mole?
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This show is like Bollywood now.
morganparker217 May 2022
This was just absurd, the quality of this show is tanking. I really liked this show early on, it was decent. But things have been sliding bit by bit and this episode was like a big drop. This really made me see how much things have changed about this show, it is really kind of sad now that I think about it after this episode.
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InForAPenny2 October 2022
Finally made it to the end of season 4 and this episode was disappointing.

The Nolan showdown in the middle of nowhere - seriously? They could have done much more with this, instead it was a bit absurd.

And I'm so over Bailey. I didn't mind her occasional appearance at first but now it's too much. I realize she's some kind of Superwoman who can do everything, but her fight scene was just ridiculous & completely unbelievable. Enough with the writers contriving ways to insert her into every episode. We are seeing more of her than the regulars. Chen, Lopez & Harper are becoming afterthoughts while we watch the Bailey show.

I did enjoy the Chen-Bradford storyline & hope they continue with this new aspect in their relationship. It had a lot of the humour I love about the show.
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Funny for the wrong reasons
AshBoshog16 May 2022
I was laughing and having a good time but not because of the jokes no I was laughing at how stupid the writing is. I started watching this show because I was actually invested in the story but now it is just another dumb show to laugh at.
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So is this a comedy show now?
nookies-2384916 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You'd expect our main character and a few people he cares about being alone, stranded with a rookie cop and zero backup and heavily outnumbered would be a nervous nail biter. Yet this was the most comedic episode of the season. Alan tudyk is always a win, but he's a goofy character in this the entire time. Pete Davidson being in it well, you know how that goes. Instead of his rookie cop shooting a guy that had him pinned to the wall Alan's character hands him a few plates to break upside his head. It was like a was watching the looney tunes. Which is weird considering this show has been serious every time.
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Can anyone explain what happened to this show Warning: Spoilers
I used to love this show but from the 3rd and especially the 4th it's like everyone is on acid. If this is really what the police is like in America and LA people must be cuing up to start a new life in crime. I feel sorry for the real police force in America they must be turning in the graves especially the ones who have paid with there life's. It's disgrace to all law enforcement. Why did 2 bad guys follow nolan's girlfriend she was driving past them. How did they know she was his girlfriend or have anything to do with anything.
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Wow. Just wow.
jcollins-458-41538717 May 2022
The climax of the episode was like The Three Amigos meet The Three Stooges.

If they don't want to take it serious, just turn it into a comedy.

Here are some more letters and words to meet the minimum requirement.
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Why so stupid.
pauli_gomez29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, I can accept most of the Nolan storyline plotholes because this show is not too realistic and always tend to make Nolan a supercop. So I can accept that the bad guy minions are really bad at their job, and that Nolan half-brother just decided to join him in a desolated motel, and that the sheriff decided to go on vacation without leaving the armory key to his deputy. At least the story was fun and I always love Tudyk and Fillion together.

But the Lucy and Tim part? Awful. Not one but two dopplegangers was beyond stupid. Also unnecessary. They could have both of them playing undercover characters, so we could see them with a different, weird look and shippers can have them kiss and all that. But there was no need of the doppleganger nonsense. And then, the story is not finished. Are we going to see its closure next season? It was weird how they just stopped telling that story in the middle of it, while nicely wrapping the Nolan one. It is as if they could not decide if finishing the season with a cliffhanger or not.
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razr_t117 May 2022
This show is obviously meant to be fiction but somehow this episode was the first one I completely thought was just a joke. If any other episodes drop to this point it will become a satire. This is absolutely the worst episode in the series by far.
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Predictable and off rails
master_m-4258720 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I understand that this show isn't exactly how police do their jobs, it's not a reality show or documentary, it's a TV series/show.

Still the first 2 seasons were promising and very well casted, scripted and filmed.

The last 1/2 seasons the show got derailed and I read more reviews of people who agree.

This episode was so staged, from Bailey and Nolan needing to go somewhere far away and then finding Nell and the clean up guy there plus running into Chastity and Pete like that is crazy, unbelievable.

Too bad that the other bad guys waited until Nolan fights the one bad guy who came in. Not very realistic.

The Bradford and Chen (who gained a lot of weight btw, check her outfits this season and then compare it with the first 2 seasons) angle is so predictable. They had a moment in the previous season when West passed away and they always seem to end up together but the "undercover" operation with two (not one but TWO) lookalikes is lazy writting in my opinion.

I am sad to see the show going down hill. The mistakes they make in how the police approaches certain situations changed a lot, more and more procedures are being violated and where is the IA (Internal Affairs) when you really need them?

Maybe it's for the best that IA isn't there anymore otherwise nobody would keep their jobs, especially after Guatemala. (Based on season one and two)

Cops who got shot at aren't protected anymore but the strangest thing in my opinion (in any show btw) is that people who have been through so much together still feel the need to lie to each other or withhold information. Like seriously? That's just too easy to use as a way to create a situation that could easily be avoided.(for example the whole Wesley/Angela/Elijah situation).

It was sad to see Jackson getting killed and written off the show like that. He was a cool and likable person.

What I noticed is the whole woke introduction, which I don't mind but sell it better, make it more believable. Hell, even put a transgender cop in there, I don't care, as long as it's believable.

The two-parter with FBI agent Simone is perfect example of how this show changed and it was also the first time I skipped through a couple scenes. If this were to be a comedy show, I would probably not watch it, but at least it would be believable. Her introduction wasn't that bad but when she stepped in the meeting like that, too late, opened her mouth with all those people there, higher ranked officers was too much. It made me sad to see the show this sloppy. When you look at the show in season one and two, there is no way anyone would get away with something like that, getting suspended and as a trainee/rookie, you are off the force.

Because of episodes like that it's hard to see what Nolan, Chen and Jackson had to go through in the first seasons to make it as a cop and taken seriously. With all the amazing arrests, human lives saved, advices given and cases solved those three still had a though time becoming a P2 cop. And then.... well, then it's lost it's value now.

The show has 3 options here;

-either needs to go back to the well written, acted and filmed series it was (my favourite option)

-cancel the show

-rename it because this is not The Rookie from season one and two, this way you are just fooling the audience.
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This whole episode plays like bad fan fiction
deneshouse-119 May 2022
What the heck? Who in their right mind thought these storylines made sense in a supposedly realistic show?

It's like a bottomless pit of stupid,

This is a show that I loved in the first three seasons, but has become a shallow cartoon of its former self.
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