MH370: The Lost Flight (TV Series 2022) Poster

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Quite interesting....
radhrh10 March 2023
...but essentially pointless documentary mini series about the Malaysian airlines flight which disappeared between Kuala Lumpur and Beijing a few years back. I was vaguely aware of the story at the time but really didn't pay close attention so much of the story, as told in this documentary was new to me. At three one hour episodes it's a bit long and could've fitted easily into two. We hear a lot from the families of the victims but mostly this is just people saying how sad they were so we could've done without that. One such family member, a French man did have something important to say regarding his clandestine meeting with a French intelligence agent. The rest is a series of conspiracy theories ranging from pilot suicide to hijacking by Russia to the plane being shot down by American jets to prevent sensitive electronic equipment going to China. There's also some beach bum who claims to have found wreckage washed up on a Beach in Africa. Non of it really makes very much sense and what started off as an aviation mystery remains so in the end.
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A waste of time, don't bother
Mccadoo14 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this on Netflix and while it wasn't produced by Netflix if might as well have been because it checks off all the boxes for one of their "documentaries"; give a bunch of air time to people who have no idea what they're talking about while giving real experts very little time or none at all and then throw a bunch of nonsense at the viewer without presenting anything that's even remotely viable in solving the mystery.

They spend some time, not as much as they should have, documenting the actual event. And then they provide far too much air time to a variety of self proclaimed experts and all around fools that allows them to present their idiotic "theories" in great detail. My favorite was the French woman who is supposedly an investigative journalist who went into great detail about her galactically stupid theory about the plane being shot down. Of course she has absolutely no proof and her narrative is sprinkled with worlds like "maybe" and "possibly" and phrases like "they may have" and "it might have happened this way". Her basic premise is absurd on it's face but that doesn't slow her down a bit.

Then there's the American "aviation journalist" who has his own theory that, while different than the French woman's, is just as foolish.

It goes on from there; the Russians did it, the Chinese did it, the Americans did it, all for various reasons. No, wait, the pilot did it...I was waiting for someone to blame it on aliens! I'm really surprised they didn't include that in this series because I'm sure someone out there has proposed it and it's just as plausible as the other half-baked theories they gave much airtime to here.

They did interview a few real actual experts as well though they got far less airtime than the conspiracy idiots did because they're just not as entertaining and facts are so boring you know. One of them summed this series up with one sentence; "theories are like as#$*oles, everyone has one".

Don't waste your time. There are a few other documentaries about this incident that are far better than this trip down the rabbit hole. A waste of time. Don't bother....
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Nothing to see here...
mjwluv2sing11 March 2023
In a nutshell, three theories with no new or intriguing information. I seem to recall some altitude changes during the investigation? Never mentioned. No mention of a possible fire on board, one of the most credible theories. And lots of weird analysis of data that was all held for too long by shady authorities. Best part is the clown that happened to be responsible for finding most of the recovered debris, which is also suspect. This is a docu-comedy. If you are truly interested in this air travel mystery, you won't get any fresh perspectives in this turd. The interviews with the families tug the heart strings, but it's sad they ended up part of this series. I hope they were paid nicely.
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One of the worst documentaries I've seen
theflamingfish10 March 2023
I was really looking forward to this , but as it turns out this has been one of the most factually incomplete, almost wrong, irresponsible and insensitive documentaries I've ever seen.

Instead of just throwing out baseless accusations and pushing completely ridiculous conspiracy theories, I would have really expected more factually correct and actual research.

It is sad to see how many details they just left out, like a recently discovered location, and instead decided to commit journalistic suic*de and release such an incomplete and insensitive documentary. This should be taken down and redone completely.
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So called "experts" with their wild theories
sunkor1239 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
MH370 is a fascinating subject, and Netflix made a juicy documentary with self proclaimed "experts".

This is an excellent manipulation of viewers - who are keen to listen to possibilities on the reasons for disappearnce of a large aircraft.

"Experts" are working in their own thought bubbles, questioning all official statements / theories, which sounds great - until you start questioning all the gaping holes in this theories.

None of these theories has been tested severely as the official statements by government agencies.

Assumptions made without any verifications - eg: one of experits asks - why did an Australian air base in Malaysia did not detect MH370 flying over its base?

At face value it seems very sensible, but there would be a very simple explanation behind it.

Another theory - Plane got "hacked" by a passener and made to travel north to Kazakhstan.

Mostly its frustration and anger by the poor families who have lost their dear ones and some of them who are now chasing these theories to explain their loss.

How did a jumbo jet the size of 777 not be found in this day and age? That is fascinating question and provides a ripe ground for all possible theories.

Maybe 777 is just a very small object in the vast expanse of our Earth, occupied largely by oceans - in areas that no one dares to travel.

Without firm evidence its rich pickings for this kind of documentary. All very manipulative.
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No real investigation or conclusion
stjohn_james_smith9 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Very saddening to see that such a moving topic is used for self-presentation from multiple entities and shady characters. Besides beeing heavily annoying some 'experts' are just there for adding minutes to the othewise thin plot and poorly researched Material. Netflix is just not the right place for investigative journalism or anything which has the slightest demand in uncovering or explaining any difficult storylines. Its just another show which has the untasteful tendency to fuel conspiracies and catch viewers by asking questions without making conclusive points. Key facts are missing and everything is coated by a clutted array of emotions and triggering camera shots.

At least this 3 piece 'dokumentation' will remember some people on what a tragedy happened with flight MH370.

My deepest condolences to everyone who lost a loved one.
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ladybugs-4136819 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A complete waste of time. So, the Americans shot down the plane to stop China from getting walkie talkies and lithium batteries? Just stop already Netflix! Stop putting out these ridiculous documentaries with conspiracy theories that does nothing but fuel more hate in people's heart. You can clearly see the people with these baseless claims are making money by writing books and hoping someone will believe them instead of fighting for the truth. Plus, there were a lot of things left out like the actual downed location. I can't believe I wasted my time on this. I will not watch another documentary on Netflix again.
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Dramatic conspiracy oriented bluster, lacking in real substance
joshcranford17 March 2023
Like many, I'm so fascinated by the mystery of this story and was really looking forward to where this documentary might go. BUT, this three episode documentary is a flight to nowhere. You might even think it was produced by some of the folks at the History channel in between filming Ancient Aliens episodes. The theorists with their narratives seem really conspiracy oriented, lacking in real substance or evidence and overall just really really subpar for such a compelling and serious tragedy. And oh GAWD, every time they are showing texts on the screen you get to hear a zillion full volume iphone text tones one after the other. That became REALLY annoying.
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