Milltown Pride (2011) Poster

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Baseball player wannabe goes through major life changes
donalddrogers5 October 2011
Set between the two world wars,Milltown Pride is a great movie taking a wannabe baseball player from the good side of the tracks across the tracks to play ball for the mill workers team. There he finds his families preconceived notions of mill people are not accurate. But he also finds some of the perceptions true as he succumbs to peer pressure. After hitting bottom, he finally sees himself for what he truly is, he humbles himself before God and finds restoration in those he has harmed.

Some of the dialogue is a bit stilted, but the cinema photography is outstanding. Very similar in theme to the other films by Unusual Films it seems to struggle to meet the high expectations of this viewer, but is still a great family film.
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A relatively baseball free baseball movie
rkderby7 February 2021
I enjoyed the period nature of this movie, and there's nothing about it that bothered me..

EXCEPT that I found this movie labeled under sports and not "faith" . It truely could have been made without using the baseball scenes at all. "Townboy" goes to the rural mill, where town boys seldom tread due to some poorly explained "code." Ok, let's put him there because he needs a good job! He sparks with a mill workers girl and creates hard feeling. This could be contained inside the mill.

Baseball seems to be in this film only as a methaphor for sin, which is kind of a stretch. But it's needed in order to enfuse the Baptist moralizing which is for sure the point of this film. And that's a fine base for a movie.

Any plot device would have been as good. Not a bad film, but made for an ultra conservative audience to watch in between "Little House" episodes. Nostalgia for a simpler time is the message. The baseball is just a pasttime.
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Fantastic Family Film
smithsarah70024 June 2011
This is an excellent family film, and I highly recommend it! I was very moved my the film and was challenged in many ways. The characters can be genuinely related to. The struggle of Will is very evident - and strikes a cord with so many people - then and now. The prodigal son storyline is very compelling and challenging as we move through the various decisions and consequences of a young man trying to do things on his own and in his own strength. The gentle encouraging and loving example of those around him is also a challenge as we too come alongside those who might be struggling. The Gospel message is so very clear, though not in-your-face or offensive. This period drama is incredibly true to the times - it is obvious that much time went into the research about locations, costumes, lingo, etc. Though a little over 2 hours, it keeps moving and takes you with it! Congratulations to this film team on a very fine film.
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radicalsameness6 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not worth $5, let alone the $25+ they are asking for it. Stiff, stilted acting or acting more appropriate to a stage performance; a plot that embarrassed rather than uplifted or challenged me as a Christian; and a completely unrealistic view of the South during that era. Every single person in this movie is Caucasian. Many of them have no Southern accent, or a Southern accent that comes and goes at will. There is an empty feeling to this movie-- as if there were so many opinions and so many important people to please in the making of it, that all the meaning or depth it could have had just faded away. It feels over-sanitized to the point of sterility. Even the drinking doesn't seem realistic, just silly. Billy Sunday's meeting is pitifully quiet and dull, unlike the real Sunday's vigorous sermons and vocally enthusiastic audience. The other BJU movies had more 'heart' in them; this one is an empty shell, void of suspense or interest, void of spiritual depth-- just a tiptoe journey over the surface of Christianity with the issue of drinking tacked on to the gospel.
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It's a winner!!!!!
mraymond-9102314 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is an outstanding Christian movie about people from different economic and social backgrounds, that shows that kindness, love, forgiveness and patience can heal and uplift everyone! It shows how so-called Christians are not always what they say, that they are. This is an entertaining movie about baseball, that also shines Jesus to others!

My 36 year old son, who loves the Lord and baseball, says that this is a five star, exciting, heart-warming movie! I give it 5 stars, too, because it is a rare gem, that does not have any swearing in it! This is truly a wonderful story, that will make you laugh, cry and smile, again! This will be a hit with baseball fans and everyone, who loves to share victories in life!

I want to encourage the makers of this movie to keep producing wholesome, uplifting films, that can be rated either NR, or G. Folks, "G" means it is for a general audience, not just for children! Anyone, who buys, "Milltown Pride" will have a winning addition to their video collection.
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Milltown Shame
timbenson69 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Unusual Films thinks it has finally warmed audiences to the idea that right-wing, ultra conservative Baptist-style Christianity looks good on the big screen. Boy are they wrong. It has never looked more ludicrous.

Hold on to your pants, folks, because this is legalism at its finest! Summary of story: Circa 1920's, a boy wants to join a nearby baseball team, but his mother is worried that he'll get sucked into the alcohol/party lifestyle of that era (the Prohibition is in full swing). Shortly after the boy joins the baseball team, he meets some new friends and "succumbs" to drinking alcohol to fit in. Tsk tsk!

What follows is pure propaganda. The film shows the main protagonist becoming a raging alcoholic in a matter of days (I kid you not). He's even to the point of tipping back bottles, trying to extract every last drop of vodka/whiskey after just a few days of being exposed to alcohol.

Ironically, the film's director forgets to portray the rest of the alcohol-drinking team in the same negative light. For example, when our protagonist steps up to bat, he is stumbling and passing out from the drinking he did the night before, but when his slushed teammates get to the plate, they do just fine. Oops! Why do these ultra-fundamentalists argue that drinking will automatically ruin a Christian's life, even though it's PLAINLY CLEAR that most of the world drinks and lives to see another day! (just like the "evil" baseball team in this movie)

But there's no arguing here, whatever your rationale might be. Ready or not, this film actually ANTICIPATES your reaction to this nonsense and has a wadful of Bible verses ready to defend its narrowly-interpreted take on tee-totalism. "Can a Christian drink alcohol?" one of the young characters asks a man. Enter: mini-sermon on why taking even a sip of moonshine will ruin your life for good. Plus, you're just being selfish whenever you drink, the movie argues. You're not thinking about "bringing glory to God," preaches one of the characters. If you find this shallow type of reasoning persuasive, then it's your lucky day!--the movie is packed with it. Turn off your brain, open your Bible, and gulp down every word of the preacher!

Now here's something rather odd that I should mention as well. If you've had the privilege of talking to any of the graduates or anyone closely connected to this school, you'll find out that a negative review such as this one is EXACTLY the kind of criticism this university relishes. They would be "ashamed" to receive a high rating from a "secular" movie site that clearly doesn't understand the holy truths they're expounding. "Unusual" Films actually prides itself in being different, peculiar, or even offensive to those outside fundamentalist circles.

Pop it in for a laugh, if you must, but don't expect any serious entertainment/worthwhile instruction, even if you're a smarter, more perceptive Christian than the dufuses that produced this movie. Stay away from this junk.
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Milltown Pride is an outstanding baseball movie!
valerievangetz12 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Milltown Pride is an awesome, exciting, entertaining and meaningful movie about baseball, friendships, and love in action! I highly recommend this movie! It is very well made and the actors are great, and the story is even better! This is really a fun and sweet movie for all ages! It is a very strong 10!

If you enjoy baseball and happy endings, then I encourage you to buy this for yourself. Also, this would make a great Christmas present for a relative, or a good friend. This is a spiritually uplifting movie. It will warm your heart! Have some popcorn and enjoy an emotionally packed film that will make you smile!
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Too much preaching, not enough gaming!
paul-j-pritchard27 April 2019
I love a baseball movie, even though I'm not American.

The whole genre reeks of spiritualism, mysticism and the righteousness of "the game" which is what I love. I thought this film would follow that line...

This particular movie is basically a faith parable that involves baseball. It's a shame it tries so hard to push its strict Christian ethic at the expense of the working classes, they are the ones quaffing liqour in jars FFS.

Ultimately it's a disappointment because all we see is the protagonist suddenly descend into drunkenness, then have an instant epiphany and rise into sober righteousness with no real journey undertaken.

couldve been a good film, ultimately it's spoilt by a narrow perspective.
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Milltown Pride is truly a great baseball movie!
martingreg-8033914 August 2015
Milltown Pride is truly a wonderful baseball movie! The story is about a young man, Will Wright, who grows up during the depression. Unlike most families at that time, his family is in the small percentage, which is very wealthy. The prejudice between the rich and the poor is very bad in this era, and Will's father forbids him to play baseball with the poor kids on the other side of the track.

Young Will can't understand why his father is mean in this way. Will meets Chick, one of the less fortunate boys and the children really like one another, and play baseball together. Most of the mill boys like Will on their team, but Chick's brother, Pike rejects and hates him! Pike is resentful and jealous, because Will has everything, which he doesn't have.

As the boys become teenagers, the sweet bond between Will and Chick grow stronger, and Chick encourages Will to work at the mill, so he can join the mill baseball team. Will is excited about this opportunity to advance his skills in baseball, which he really loves to play! When Will's dad finds out, he is enraged. He wants Will to go to college, like the older son, who is studying to become a minister. Will says that he wants to be a professional ball player. Well, the father is furious and tells Will that he might start drinking and then become an alcoholic, too! He warns Will, and tells him, that many players drink and that they will persuade him to do this. Will tells his dad, that this will not happen.

As the hurt son packs his clothes to leave home, and heads out the door, his sad mother tries to change his mind. When she cannot, the mom sweetly gives him a little money and tells him, "Promise me that you won't drink." Will promises her, that he will not do this. However, later on, he gives into peer pressure, and drinks. Then, he becomes an alcoholic! This hurts a lot of people around him and terrible things happen!

Milltown Pride is a movie about prejudice and people making wrong choices, and then hurting themselves, as well as others, because of these. This is, also, a baseball movie, that shows how love can change a heart and make a wonderful difference! The movie climax shows Chick leading Will to Christ.

After Will becomes saved by Jesus, many wonderful changes happen in his life and these make a wonderful difference in others as well. The baseball movie is entertaining, meaningful and uplifting!
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Baseball fans will love this movie!
david_uhlenbruch14 August 2015
Milltown Pride gets a high score from me! This baseball film, directed by Tim Rogers, and written by David Burke, is a movie that will please anyone who is seeking a wholesome family movie about baseball and faith.

The movie is an outstanding 10! I am adding my applause to the other reviewers, who, also loved this movie! This movie has a message, that everyone needs to hear. Milltown Pride skillfully weaves fun, adventure, and faith into a very entertaining film.

I was really impressed with the period costumes, sets and great music! All of the actors, young and old, did a great job in playing their roles, but Thomas Sneed, as the grown Will, was very convincing and touching in his role! Of the children in the cast, I think that Roy Rogers, as Bo Spangler, did an outstanding job! I hope that this young man performs more in Christian made movies!

This movie would make a great birthday, or Christmas gift for anyone! Of course, it would be a winner for you, too!

I want to encourage those, who made this awarding winning NR, moral movie to make more.

Tim Rogers and David Burke, please make some family movies about Easter and Thanksgiving, and continue to glory Jesus in all of these films! I pray to the Lord for your continued success. Thanks so much!
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Milltown Pride - a great gift for baseball fans!
jeffburchett20 August 2015
If you enjoy baseball and moral, entertaining movies, I think that you'll love Milltown Pride! This movie would make a great gift for baseball lovers! This film would, also, delight others, who desire Christian entertainment that has a happy ending! This movie appealed to me, too, because it is very wholesome. There isn't any swearing, or deafening noise (crazy music) unlike most movies that are on the market! I agree with another reviewer, that we need more movies, like Milltown Pride, that are NR rated, or G rated.

Milltown Pride is a witnessing movie and was well made. The depression era movie accurately showed how folks lived back then. If you were a child during the 1920s, or 1930s, or if you have a parent or grandparent that grew up at that time-frame, then you will like this movie. Watch Milltown Pride and view the challenging but, also, sweet things of this era.
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Milltown Pride - It's a super baseball movie!
donjon_robertson11 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I usually just vote on a movie, and I do not write a review, but I must write one for Milltown Pride.

First, I looked at the votes for this movie and I could not figure out why the average rating is only 6.4.

65.8% of the movie's voters, scored it as a "10"! Then, 10% more, said it was a "9". Okay, so over 75% said that the movie was really good.

So, how could the remaining 25% make the average drop to a 6.4? (I don't think that someone did very good math!) I encourage the website folks to figure the average, again.

For those who are considering the purchase of Milltown Pride, I want to encourage you to do this. Milltown Pride is a high quality, fun movie. I'm going to buy two more copies, one for a friend and one for my nephew. Please read the other letters of recommendation from the other viewers. This movie will be a hit with lots of people!
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This baseball movie is the best!
woods_chrisw17 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Milltown Pride is such a great family movie about baseball, and the people, who love this game!

The story takes place in the 1920s and the setting, costumes, music and actors portray the era.

When I watched this, I could really imagine how life was back then. This movie was sentimental to me, because my grandpa grew up in that decade.

He died,when I was just 10, but I remember him showing me early pictures of himself, when he was a boy playing baseball. He loved the game and was quite good at it!

Anyway, back to my review of Milltown Pride....This is such an awesome movie! Many reviewers have described this movie in different unique ways. I can't add much more, because they've told you a lot already. Buy this movie and see for yourself how entertaining, fun and meaningful, that it is!
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Milltown Pride is absolutely a 10!
marlenefisher3 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Milltown Pride is a about the "game" of life! It is a wonderful baseball themed movie, that is fun and meaningful. I wish that there were many more Christian movies like this one!

Milltown Pride will entertain and warm your heart! This is a baseball movie that children and adults of all ages will enjoy. I really recommend this movie to you. This is a NR film and it is very wholesome! I am thankful to the producer, writer, actors and all of the behind the scenes contributors of this outstanding film. Please buy the Milltown Pride DVD. I think that almost everyone, who values good entertainment will love this baseball movie!
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I love this movie! - Milltown Pride is entertaining and uplifting!
paulapeach27 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Milltown Pride is a wonderful film about baseball, and so much more! I was really impressed with the actors in this movie. Although some were young children, they were precious and winsome in their roles! Those who portrayed the adult characters were very convincing in their roles, too. (No one cheers for the bad guys, but those parts are the toughest to play!)

I don't want to say too much about the plot, because it will spoil the movie for you. However, I believe that most viewers will enjoy seeing the many relationships of the characters developing in surprising and wonderful ways! Milltown Pride shows how love, forgiveness and unselfishness can change the hearts of others. This movie portrays how life was for people in the 1920s. This was the Great Depression period! Although life was tough for most people, the majority of Americans shared what they had with others. It was a time, when Goodwill was easily seen.

This award winning Christian movie is fun, educational,and a strong witnessing film. It's a sweet, encouraging movie!
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I really enjoyed the Milltown Pride movie. It's really a 10!
jillannlawson15 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched and enjoyed the Milltown Pride movie three times already! When I first bought the DVD, I watched it with my husband, Don. He loved this baseball film, also. Then, I babysat my 10 and 12 year old nephews and I watched it with them. The boys loved the movie!

Then, about a week later, my parents visited us and Don and I watched it with them. Yes, my folks really enjoyed Milltown Pride, too! So, I can truly tell you, that's this is a fun film for all ages!

If you are not sure what to buy others for Christmas, or for another special occasion, I repeat what another viewer said, this would make a nice present for almost anyone!
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Milltown Pride is a great movie for all ages!
handyandyu13 September 2015
I really enjoyed this baseball themed movie. Milltown Pride is now one of my favorite movies. I am 24 years old and I liked how this film takes you back in time to the 1920s, when my great grandfather was a youngster! He watched this movie with me and it really took him back to happy memories of his childhood.

The Milltown Pride movie has funny music and some John Phillip Souza music in it. Besides the beautiful photography and the period music and costumes, all of the actors in this were very good and convincing in their roles. Milltown Pride is a movie that children and adults will love. It has something for everyone and it is a moving, entertaining movie that will stir and delight many hearts.

Milltown Pride is really a 10!
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Milltown Pride is a delightful, uplifting, touching movie!
alvinaw-8366011 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Milltown Pride is such a great baseball movie! If you have read the previous outstanding movie reviews, then you already know this! This is such a delightful movie and I cheer, also, that it is suitable for all ages. This is a Bob Jones University production, which is very professionally done.

I hope that they make more movies, like this one! Milltown Pride is truly a wonderful story. After you watch this movie, I think that you will concur with me.

I really encourage the the writer, David Burke, and the director, Tim Rogers, to produce more wholesome movies. I think that I am repeating what another person has said, when I ask you to make movies, that are appropriate for Easter and Christmas. Please, we really need to share the joy of these meaningful times! Please make all of your movies good for all ages. God Bless You!
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This is a "must see" movie! It is definitely a 10!
scottyodonnell2 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Milltown Pride is a great baseball themed Christian movie. I am not going into details about how great this is, because other people have already done this! The main purpose for my writing is to congratulate everyone, who played a part in making Milltown Pride. It is, also, to ask the Unusual film Company to make similar quality movies with an array of stories, that everyone can relate to.

Let me repeat the plea, that these new movies are also non-rated, or G rated. A lot of decent folks do not like the PG, PG-13 and R movies,that now, even the Christian film companies are making! Please, continue to be God's salt to this world, and make movies for all ages, that are pleasing to the Lord. I request that Unusual Films make some feature films for Christmas and Easter. True Christian movies are hard to find for these very important celebrations! Tim Rogers and David Burke, please produce some more wonderful films! Thanks, and may Jesus bless everyone in your ministry.

Movie lovers, please buy Milltown Pride and you will really enjoy it and be blessed, too!
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Milltown Pride is an exciting Home Run!
ccrane-1587513 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Milltown Pride movie really scored for me! I am thrilled to have this great, witnessing baseball movie! I am going to buy this movie for some relatives for Christmas. My dad and sister will especially love this movie. We are really baseball fans! If you enjoy baseball, too, I think that you'll have fun watching this.

The Producer/Director of Milltown Pride is really a gifted writer. After watching this film, you might like his other productions. Just look under the website, Unusual Films. Milltown Pride is a movie, that is touching and enjoyable! Tim Rogers, Please make more movies like this one! God Bless You!
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Milltown Pride is unique, fun and a great movie for everyone!
hopepalmer31 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Milltown Pride is a about a young man, who loves baseball and who dreams of playing the game professionally. The movie takes place in the 1920s, and beautifully portrays that era. The costumes, beautiful and cute music, antique cars and the South Carolina photography is beautiful! I cannot chose one actor, or actress, who performed the best, because everyone was great! This is a heartwarming, very moving picture and it shows how miracles can happen in anyone's life.

I am so pleased, that this movie was a NR film, because I won't buy PG, PG-13 and R rated movies, because these contain swearing,sex exploitation and extreme violence, which offends me. Our world has plenty of that, but movie producers, especially Christian film makers, should not include these elements in their movies. This embarrasses some adults and influences children in a negative way.

Immoral behavior is rightfully admonished in Milltown Pride and the story shows how negative choices, such as excessive drinking, will hurt not only the drinker, but those who are innocent bystanders.

Milltown Pride gently and sweetly stirs hearts and guides them towards doing the right thing. The movie shows the viewer how one can have forgiveness, joy, a good purpose and a life of hope and victory! This is a great witnessing film!
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Milltown Pride is a winning homer!
fisherearnest22 September 2015
Milltown Pride is a great movie that centers around a young man, who dreams of playing professional baseball. This movie is 5 stars! I cannot figure out why it does not have at least an average review rating of 8. The film was very well done and it is an exciting baseball story with many important messages. Children and adults will really like this uplifting, energy packed movie. It has something for everyone! This is a film that is superior to most flicks. I encourage you to buy this and enjoy the great movie. (The movie, I assure you, is much more exciting then my review of it!) I am not a professional writer, but I wanted to convey, that Milltown Pride is really a fun film!
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Milltown Pride is a heartwarming, entertaining movie!
josephadamkirby12 August 2015
Milltown Pride is a great baseball flick, that is full of surprises! It is a wholesome movie that adults and children can really enjoy. I wish that there were more uplifting, moral movies, like this one. The story is not only about baseball, but it is about how love and patience can break prejudice barriers. Milltown Pride is about the rich and the poor, and it shows how there are more similarities in folks, then differences. The movie demonstrates how love towards mean people can change their hearts.

Milltown Pride is a Christian film, that is witnessing and powerful. The movie is full of suspense! There is, also, some humor and very heartwarming moments. If you like cute romance, it even has that!
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Milltown Pride is a 10! I hope producer makes a Christmas movie!
audreybusquin29 November 2016
I think that Milltown Pride was very well done. As others have said, this is an entertaining Christian-theme baseball movie. All of the actors did great, even the young performers. I also, enjoyed the scenery and cute, old time music in this movie. The period piece costumes were good, too. It really took you back to the early days of baseball.

This is such a wholesome, Christian movie, and no one takes God's name in vain! How wonderful that Milltown Pride shows the love of Christ and gently witnesses to everyone! I know others have already encouraged the producers of this movie to make more unrated, or G rated films, but I, also pray to the Lord, that they will have the desires and the financial resources to make a Christmas themed movie, that really teaches people of all ages what Christmas is really about!

(Oh,I do hope that they can do this for Christmas 2017!) In the meantime, I encourage everyone to buy a copy of Milltown Pride, a very special baseball movie.
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Milltown Pride is a great movie for young and old!
nancyvalerie24 August 2015
Milltown Pride is a movie, that really touched my heart! This movie is a very exciting story about the wealthy and the poor, the young and the old, the loving and the mean characters, that we meet in our real life! It's a bit about children playing baseball during the Great Depression, but it is much more then that. Milltown Pride is about choices that we make, the good ones and the bad ones.

The movie is, also, about prejudice and how it can be hurtful and destructive to those around us. The loving, kind people and the mean people that Will meets, while he plays baseball, have important effects on him.

This film is about how love can help others and you to overcome challenges, that you have. Ultimately, we learn that everyone needs someone who is perfect and forgiving. The only one, who fits this description is Jesus, the Christ, who will save, redeem and give love and eternal life, to everyone who will repent of sins and receive Him, as his or her Lord and Savior! Will learns this important lesson and his life is wonderfully changed!

This is a sweet film, that shows the victory, that everyone can have. Milltown Pride tells the sweetest, true story, that has ever been told!
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