Rigged: The Zuckerberg Funded Plot to Defeat Donald Trump (Video 2022) Poster

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Thought provoking, but expected more
sjwestbrooks30 April 2022
Rigged is a very intriguing documentary, giving loads of facts that will make you question everything you thought you knew about both Mark Zuckerberg and the 2020 U. S. presidential election. It is very well made and features many interviews from concerned conservatives, such as Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.

I did, however, expect it to be a bit longer. The documentary is only 40 minutes long, probably due to its fast pace. My guess is that the filmmakers didn't want to "waste time" with explanations of every fact, but I also think that an issue as important as the 2020 election deserves at least a full length discussion.

If you're asking questions about the 2020 election, this is a good documentary to watch if you don't have much time on your hands. If you want more, however, please watch both The Deep Rig and Selection Code.
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Pure trash fiction posing as a documentary
WonkaWilde11 May 2022
There is nothing real or factual about the insane conclusions this film jumps to, as it's completely based on discredited theories. As such, it doesn't fit the concept of a documentary in terms of presentation of facts. If you want to consider it a documentation of anything, it only could be a documentation of the insane, trash, ramblings of its delusional makers. I'd like to give it less than a 1, but that's not possible on here.
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Anyone calling this fiction is a liar
bentram24 June 2022
If you watch it you don't even need to wonder if it was stolen or not plenty of proof and facts, video, testimonials etc people who say this is fiction are pure 100% liars.
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Disinformation at it's best.
RealLeblanc13 May 2022
Look up who wrote the scenario for this piece of trash. It says a lot about the tendency of this short film full of lies and disinformation. Don't waste your time with that film unless you want to believe the big lie,
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Short and to the point
pegwht7 May 2022
This short film (40 mins) explains how Zuckerberg influenced the 2020 election. Period. If you want to learn more about Mark Zuckerberg and his role in Biden winning the election, this enlightening and factual documentary is for you. It addresses one piece of the 2020 election fraud puzzle. If you want more pieces, watch "2000 Mules".
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There is a 'Big Lie', but not the one you're thinking
cbhawkfan14 May 2022
This movie along with 2000 Mules provides the facts that prove the 2020 election was fraudulent to the extent where the wrong President was elected. To deny the obvious means you're either not too bright, or corrupt. Yes there was a 'big lie', the lie by the Democrats and their media that Biden was fairly elected.
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silvercat-7331323 June 2024
If the election was rigged, how are all of these people in power positions?

One would assume if someone is rigging an election, they'd do it across the board.

Is there something wrong with putting up ballot boxes so EVERYONE can vote? Or is that too fair?

Who's really rigging an election? Hmm?

I like how these people keep claiming the ballots were miscounted, IF THEY LOSE. But they're counted correctly, as long as they win.

Does it make sense that the same machines that counted wrong for Trump counted correctly for them? Shouldn't ALL the votes for EVERYONE be recounted?

Does anyone really think any of these people would allow that?
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Romantic comedy: men in love
zhivago9724 November 2022
Wonderful romantic comedy that finally reveals the truth about an illicit romance, complete with hookers and BDSM role play. Who knew the protagonists can have such a strong bond with each other, when both are married! But I guess the world is changing and open relationships are no longer hidden. And this love affaire has been going on for over a decade!

Anyone who seeks the truth can read between the lines to see what is really going on: brotherly love!

I found this documentary to be more like a romantic comedy and also very insightful. I never knew these facts before. Now the truth is revealed, what goes on in their bedrooms is now open knowledge.
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I get it
scrantonbrett13 June 2024
Depending on where you live, elections are often rigged especially, for me personally, in Chicago and the suburbs. The dead vote, and they vote democrat. My father passed on 1975, but after hearing about the fraud, in 2002 I got the proper paperwork done to see his voting record, as I am his only child so that made it easier. I found my dad, who was an independent, had been voting and voting straight ticket Democrat through the 2000 elections. So, I went through some steps to make sure he is listed as deceased, by election officials and check on it every 4 years.so watching this and knowing in Illinois this is how they get illegals or felons to be able to vote as long as it's democrat, really it has zero shock factor for me. I'm simply glad I live in a state now that holds to verifying IDs. Sure, they tried to pull it off in Indianapolis, and silently people went to jail, but it wasn't over the 2020 presidential vote, everyone knows Indiana goes Republican on that, to many votes to even attempt over coming. So, in the end, l was not surprised by this, at all. Is it all true, maybe, maybe not but I recommend you check on your deceased parents voting record since they passed. I repeat, this is how they get people who do not have the right to vote, to vote.
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