Rise of the Animals (2011) Poster

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I could've made better props and effects in my backyard
wolveren7 May 2012
Okay I gave it a 2 because it got me fooled. And I laughed! But not from the comedy. I laughed at how horrible this movie was made. Perhaps they intended this to be so stupid and faulty to entertain us. 30-40 seconds into the movie you will see what I mean. There was this spotted cat going berserk in a kitchen, lady holding a frying pan in fear. The cat suddenly jumps on her, and wham! She hits the cat (that looked like an all white teddy bear) that slams into the sink. Couldn't they just have tried to paint the stuffed thing with black spots to look like it was the cat? I can do better special effects and props in my backyard without breaking a sweat. So maybe I'm missing out on something about modern comedy. It's an adventure. The adventure of your lifetime getting ripped off on this foolish story. Horror. Oh the horrors of films made like this. I thought movies made in the Philippines were utterly horrible. Great work guys. You actually made Philippine movies look better. If you got nothing else on a Saturday night, and are prepared for the worse entertainment in the history of film making, suspend disbelief and just drink till your eyes get sucked in your skull and can't finish the movie? Then this is one of those movies out there just for you. Oh yeah, there are more of this I can assure you.
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An intentionally inept 'animals attack' flick.
BA_Harrison21 February 2017
Virginal pizza delivery boy Wolf (Greg Hoople) and his equally inexperienced best bud Jake (Adam Schonberg) crash an all-girl sleepover party where both guys finally get lucky. Their good fortune is short-lived, however, when it transpires that the world is under attack from the animal kingdom, with even the most cute and cuddly of critters now bloodthirsty beasts.

Rise Of The Animals is an intentionally inept 'animals attack' flick that aims to entertain with a barrage of deliberately pathetic special effects, a preposterous script, and terrible performances. And for a while its actually quite fun, the animal attacks achieved through the use of Birdemic-level CGI and manky hand puppets, with buckets of blood splashed around for good measure. It's all so dumb one cannot help to be entertained. For a while.

Sadly, as the story goes nowhere, delivering one silly attack scene after another (including mutant turtles, a crap CGI gorilla with a red mohawk and an equally unconvincing bear), the novelty gradually starts to wear off, and, by the end of the film, you might find yourself wondering why you keep on wasting your time watching cheap rubbish like this when there are so many other films more worthy of your time. I know I do. Every time. But I keep on coming back for more
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This best worst movie ever
atinder1 May 2013
Rise of the Animals (2011)

I could not stop laughing though out this movie, not cause the jokes were funny but the movie is self was so awful, on so many levels , it was Hilariousness bad.

It was very bloody and there lots of bloody moments in this. Which is a good thing.

The rest of the movie was just......

The animals attack were so bad, they are stuffed up animals, attacking people.

If not stuffed up , there are some really bad effects, it's had to be some of the worst effects, I have ever seen.

which make this movie even more laughable.

The acting is really horrendous from every one.

I swear, I don't know what to rate this, 1 out of 10 for being one of the worst movies ever or 10 out of 10, for been one the funniest movies I've seen.
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gash! pure gash
keithgoddard7214 May 2012
LOL u remember the days of the early 70's horror films where Christopher Reeve played Dracula & you see a bat fly around the room and you just KNOW that someone is in the ceiling holding a stick with some fishing line on it flying this bat around! well this is kinda THAT type of film! the type where the blood on the floor looked what it was "Fake blood" this is the film, i doubt they will ever make their money back on this film as its not funny its not scary and its not real in any sense! a few weeks ago i went to the cinema to watch battleship then the Avengers..battleship got a 7/10 the avengers a 10/10 where as this film i thought i would be generous and give it a 1/10 there is such a Tsunami of bad effects in it it made me laugh a little as some of the actors wasn't bad tbh and to be fare to them, but i do think the Goonies was more frightening then this
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'Rise of the Animals' - more like 'Rise to the Edge of my Seat'
hoffmeoffjack9 January 2020
Rise of the Animals is 2011's crowning achievement. From it's big budget CGI that could rival James Cameron's "Avatar" to it's compelling acting, no greater found even in "There Will Be Blood". RotA is a flawless cinematic masterpiece. This instant classic cult film, started off really strong and controversial. I'd go as far as to say, you will not see it coming. the acting may be sub par, but that is where this movie shines the most. from quirky characters, to methed out lovers, the cast really captures it all. My favorite part was the climax and also the resolution at the same time. What other film does that? To have such important story telling elements happen at the same time... why is this movie not presented in film schools? By the end of the film, you will feel your heart racing as you quickly search the room with your eyes wondering where the closest animal is. Don't just watch this movie.. study it, breathe it, and don't forget... rise of the animals.

Greg, if you're working on any other big projects like this- I know a few people that would be interested.
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Rise of the Stuffed Animals!!!
paulwalsssh5 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie at a friend's house and laughed all the way through the film. A very cool premise enticed me at first, sparking my initial interest in this flick. All my preconceived notions were instantly annihilated in the opening scene! Instead of a seriously toned horror movie I was greeted with stuffed and/or puppeted cats, rabbits, deer, and squirrels running amok and terrifying the clueless humans. Every now and then a real flesh and bone animal is thrown in for good measure. The movie itself is amateurish to say the least. The acting is wooden, the script is sprinkled with hilarity ("Catch you on the flipside."), and some of the characters' decision-making and logic is confusing. Of course I do not expect a movie in this d movie vein to boast visually pleasing graphics, but the bear cgi was Nintendo 64 quality at best. All these gripes are conquered by one achievement: the movie is fun to watch. I had an absolute blast for the movie's very short runtime. The film brought to mind Wild Beast (another animals on the loose movie) and, more similar in comparison, Night of the Lepus. There are terrible movies...and then there are terrible movies which are fun to watch. Rise of the Animals is, imho, akin to the latter type. If you have an hour to waste and want a good b-movie laugh, check it out! "SQUIRREL!!!"-Police officer
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RIse Of The Animals is Low Brow Tom Foolery
michaeldukey20001 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've read a couple of the reviews here and anyone expecting a scary movie from a film where the DVD covers shows a Squirrel nibbling on an Eyeball and has a tagline along the lines of "Bambi DOesn't Want A F***ing Salad!" is far more inane than the accusations they hurl at the film makers. Rise Of The Animals is a fast paced ultra low budget spoof with intentionally bad special effects and some sophomoric jokes that come off better than most first time horror comedies. It draws it's inspirations from seventies "B" classics like Frogs and Day Of The Animals and bad CGI epics on The SYfY CHannel like Sharktopus and Mega Croc. In fact I can heartily say the rise of the animals is far more entertaining than either of those films even with it's home made bad video game CGI. There's not much of a plot. A virginal Pizza Delivery guy stumbles upon an all girl sleep over where a girl from Canada whom he has had the hots for is staying and after a night of premature eruptus first time sex he wakes up to find the hot chick gone and the world gone crazy with violent cutesie critters. There isn't anything realistic or serious in the film and unlike many horror comedies it doesn't try too hard. It just gets as stupid as it wants to and goes on to the next scene. To it's credit it's nicely filmed,paced,scored and edited reminding me a lot of John Landis's first effort called Schlock. This was made by teens and folks in their 20's for under ten grand so knock back a couple of cold ones and have some fun and take it under consideration that the 7 I gave this pertains to it's genre only. I wouldn't grade it on the same scale I would Chinatown or Toy Story 3.
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Cedric_Catsuits5 August 2013
Faultless acting, complex plot, ground-breaking special effects, scary and realistic monsters and seamless editing are all noticeably absent from this movie.

Anybody making negative comments is missing the point, and a few brain cells. This film sets out to be the worst animal horror film of all time, and despite stiff competition from the likes of Grizzly Rage it succeeds.

There are far too many movies that try hard to be everything this is not, and fail miserably. Those are the truly awful films. This one at least is honest.

Where I mark it down from 10 to 7 is that it is probably intended to be a parody of cheesy horror flicks, but doesn't quite make it as such.

Anybody fed up with the pretentious twaddle that budget horror movies so often are, should find this highly amusing. The cast are likable and not actually bad actors (well maybe some of them are). Motta is particularly watchable, and I loved her encounter with a horse.

Take it for what it is and enjoy it.
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Great effects and some unforgettable moments !
pytoks2 February 2014
This movie has some unforgettable moments in it that makes it so memorable. I won't spoil anything but some of the scenes were so hilarious I will always keep thinking about it. Also a plus for their effects, they did the best what they could :-). The only thing that could've been bit better were some of story parts. During the middle of the film it became a bit boring and some parts were totally illogical but of course you can live with it because of the comedy part.

It might have been even better if they explained the cause why they started attacking humans but of course that adds more mystery to the movie.

I would give it a 7.5!
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8th Grade Science Project
spoerltastic13 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie with my 13 year old daughter and was amazed that the ferocious animals weren't terrible CGI like in most B movies (that I happen you to love) no, the animals were even better!

Stuffed animals and puppets. Buckets of red colored water thrown at the actors. And not to mention acting that's worse than my 8 year old niece pretending she can't find her sister during hide and seek.

We had an absolute blast roasting this movie. And laughing so much we cried.

I had to give it a 6
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The Turtles Are Coming! The Squirrels Are Here!...
azathothpwiggins2 November 2021
It has finally happened. The animal kingdom has had enough, and mankind is doomed!

RISE OF THE ANIMALS shows us an all-too-possible future, when the creatures we've taken for granted rise up and eat our faces off!

A trio of survivors, including Wolf (Greg Hoople) the pizza guy, must fight their way through marauding hordes of deer-puppets with antlers thirsty for blood, and CGI squirrels of certain death!

Soaked in oceans of gore, the world has become a hunting ground for vengeful wildlife out to settle the score once and for all!

Think of this movie the next time you go around depleting the ozone layer, motherf-----!...
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