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Some light, please!
scfc30 December 2011
What were they thinking? They have a *very* convincing bridge, a Picard who could be Stewart's twin, and then they manage to turn it into a disaster.

All scenes are lit from strange angles which turns a porn movie into a guessing game. Interestingly, in the 24th century all humans (except Picard's body double) boldly do not go bald - and that on a spaceship that is so clean that there are no toilets. Tasha's wig looks like they couldn't afford one that fits. And the sex scenes are just boring.

To me Star Trek was always a symbol for escapism, stretching the frontiers of imagination. And with that benchmark, this movie fails utterly.
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The adult film comunity has a Strar Trek fan community within it.
xenolite24 September 2023
I am not an aficionado of the porn parody genre in general, but a correspondent directed me to this.

The headline first: The sex scenes were too long and the expositional STNG parody scenes were too short.

What we have here is the expression of the small Trek fan community *within* the adult film community.

This movie is a sincere fanfilm that attempts to close a few tiny hanging threads for a few characters in STNG. Just a small amount of closure. The people who made it are total Trek geeks and the script (such as it is) is full of Easter Eggs for fans. They are also well regarded adult performers. It is really interesting watching them call upon the best acting ability of these actors who are rarely called upon to do great acting. Some of them really did their very best to rise to the challenge.

This film was made with love.
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