Thor: The Dark World (2013) Poster

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Thor Rocks.
scifier-3229530 April 2019
I know this film has been ragged on by many people, but I really enjoyed it. Was great seeing Asgard, and how Mjolnir followed Thor around was wonderful. Hey, Thos has always been one of my favorite characters, and Hemsworth plays him so well.
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"I'd rather be a good man than a good king".
classicsoncall7 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The film overall has it's fair share of holy s**t moments that defy all levels of credibility, even for a comic book/sci-fi/fantasy movie. That whole business about the Aether winding up in Natalie Portman's body was just a little too much to wrap my head around, especially after it was assured that the heroes of Asgard buried it so deeply to avoid detection by the Dark Elves.

Probably the best way to approach this film is to just sit back and get transported between the realms of Earth and Asgard without thinking too much about it. As an actioner there's plenty of it. As a story, there's just too much going on with events seemingly occurring because they were written that way instead of there being a rationale for them. I mean, one minute Thor's hand is cut off and then it's back again - wait a minute, what!? And with the emphasis on the Dark Elves I found a lot of Asgard suspiciously resembling places seen before in Rivendell. If there's going to be a Thor III, maybe a little more thought needs to go into it.
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Not bad at all
Leofwine_draca12 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Although it's a film that many have criticised for having the most ordinary plot imaginable, I found THOR: THE DARK WORLD to be a fairly entertaining film and not deserving of all the criticism. Yes, the plot is predictable and some of the surprise plot twists are anything but, but this is the kind of film that holds the attention through spectacle and effect alone.

Thor and his buddies once again have to team up and go into action, this time against a new menace, led by the singularly unremarkable Christopher Eccleston. Natalie Portman is back, unfortunately, as is her grating comic sidekick, but at least Stellan Skarsgard is around to add a bit of whimsy to the cast. Fan favourite Tom Hiddleston returns, of course, but he still doesn't really appeal to me; I just can't see what all the fuss is about. Chris Hemsworth is better as the dependable hero of the hour. The CGI effects are decent and the climax suitably imaginative, an inter-dimensional fight scene seemingly inspired by Wes Craven's SHOCKER. THE DARK WORLD isn't going to win awards, but it's watchable all the same.
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0U24 February 2020
Is this a huge stepup from the original "Thor" movie. No, unfortunately not. Is it another watchable, fun superhero movie; yes, definitely. It's a really good movie and if we look at the way Alan Taylor directs this movie, it's actually not that much different from what Branagh did back in 2011. Chris Hemsworth is good as usual and Tom Hiddleston is more wonderful than ever as Loki, but the villain Malekith, played by Christopher Eccleston, unfortunately, is a bit of a disappointment, mostly because of the lack of motivation.
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Thor: The Dark World (Short Movie Review)
Cirene40430 May 2019
  • Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston
  • Some of the humor

  • Story
  • Weak and boring villain
  • Most of the humor
  • One-note side characters (Again)
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Good movie
djfrost-4678617 May 2018
It's a good movie. Like that Natalie Portman was still in it. Too bad she wasn't in Thor Ragnarok. The bad was they tried to go funny at parts. It wasn't very funny.
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A good entry into the Marvel Universe
kuuk329 October 2013
Having just watched a premier screening, I am delighted to come away from the cinema to write a positive review. Thor Dark World is a spectacular special effect driven film, much of which is set in Asguard.

I was worried that including Loki yet again might become a little repetitive, but in this film he excels as a great character, I only hope however that they don't overdue his presence in the Marvel Universe. How many times can this guy come back from the dead?

There isn't as much character development as the first film, and Thor's friends are nowhere near as interesting as the Avengers. I guess they simply needed these characters to all remain as they were so as to keep continuity within the Marvel universe, but its noticeable how little impact the storyline will have on anybody.

The armies of Asguard were noticeably lacking in fire-power and weapons (even though they have an armoury), which is made even more evident when an entire guard division bring knives to a laser-gun fight. Their turrents were the only defense they had against an Ariel assault and proved to be practically useless. You would expect them to be better prepared.

The healing powers of Thor, Jane, and even a smashed alien space-craft become a bit of a running joke as well. But at least they get hurt, even if it only takes them a scene to heal. And if smashing every column holding up a building is still not enough to take it down I'm not sure what will be.

Christopher Eccleston played a competent bad guy, although his intentions for what he was doing was still unclear as to why. Its simple to say he was insane and just wanted to kill everybody, but when a threat of that magnitude appears and planetary alignments are in effect, you expect half the Universe to show up and stop him or take advantage of the situation, or come looking to take the power for themselves. I also expected to see the entire army of Asguard come to help out at the end like they apparently did in the past. Not just Thor who appears there by mistake.

The scientist with the miraculous plot saving devise is also a little hard fetch to take in, especially when he creates a remote control for cosmic anomalies. Along with Loki's illusion power which also serves as a convenient plot-saving devise at times. I'm willing to overlook these but there's no denying what they are.

Overall its a good enjoyable superhero movie, which you will want to watch several times and is a decent entry into the Marvel Universe.

P.S. Watch it in 2D, The 3D added little of worth.
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Action Packed Fantasy Romcom?
philip-554-6025363 November 2013
Well I was so looking forward to seeing this movie when I went last night, and although it was reasonably good it was not at all what I expected.

Watch the official movie trailer and you see what looks like quite a dark fantasy, so you can imagine my surprise when throughout the movie the audience was laughing out loud at the stupid one liners. Yes I know this is entertainment, and this movie was moderately entertaining, but once again the makers have tried to please everyone by adding a bit of everything; action, special effects, romance and humour, just far too much of the latter for my taste in a genre that does not require hilarity to succeed.

Although it has a lower IMDb score I much preferred the 2011 Thor, a stronger storyline, darker and no laughing matter!
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Loved it!
lukewakeman4431 October 2013
For starters, I loved this film! I was a fan of the first but this one is superior in every way. The actions scenes are better, the plot is better and there is great banter throughout the film. Due to these factors it is entertaining and has more than enough in it to keep you interested. The acting is fantastic, especial by Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston, as they work great together and appear to have a great understanding of each others roles. I just can't understand why people don't like this film unless they are not a fan of superheroes. After seeing this film last night I read through a few of the reviews afterwards and was shocked as some people were giving it lower than 7. These people are clearly boring and have no idea about an entertaining film and enjoy watching films that just depress you and have no idea about what a fantastic superhero film this is. I recommend you watch this immediately as you won't be disappointed.
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Another fun entry for the Marvel franchise
GTeixeira5 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Two years after the events of 'The Avengers', Loki has been imprisoned in Asgard and Thor is restoring peace through the realms. As the realms are about to converge and an older-than-the-universe evil awakens again, it's up to Thor to protect his girlfriend Jane, who has the key power needed for the villain to triumph.

Part of the 'Phase Two' of Marvel's cinematic universe, 'Thor: The Dark World' is the second solo adventure of superhero and Norse deity played by Chris Hemsworth. It stands strong mostly thanks to a cast that is already more used to their roles.

Hemsworth, by now, has already mastered his role. He managed to find the right balance for his character, far more mature and leader-like than in his previous appearances. As before, Tom Hiddleston dominates every time he is on screen as Loki, being responsible for some of the film's best moments. Anthony Hopkins is good, but flawed; his Odin acts a bit too out of character later on, considering how he was established in the first film it is hard to believe he would get so carried away by grief and risk the entire universe for a relatively petty revenge.

Earth-wise, once again the film suffers from the same problems. Natalie Portman is quite weak here (as much as in the first), which is problematic considering she has a larger role; meanwhile, Kat Dennings and Stellan Skarsgard once again serve as nothing but a sad attempt at comic relief. Skarsgard, in particular; his character, so serious and intelligent on 'The Avengers', has been reduced to a pathetic loon that has little to do with how his character had been presented before.

The plot is inventive, and the expanding on the Marvel universe was nice. The whole Dark Elves storyline was good, the villains were menacing and challenging (Christopher Eccleston and Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje were very good) and the concept of the Aether, while somewhat underdeveloped, was nice. Sif and the Warriors Three, as well as Heimdall, were fun to watch if a bit underused.

The special effects and action scenes were nice as always, and even without Kenneth Branagh Asgard kept the same fantastic-yet-medieval look from the first film. The final battle, with the characters moving through dimensions, was a particularly good visual feast.

My main problem with the film, though, is not the weak comedic try or the underuse of certain aspects. Main problem is the fact this is an established universe where Thor is not the only hero.

In 'The Avengers', it took multiple heroes (Thor amongst them) and a super-secret spy agency to stop an otherwordly invasion. In here, you have an otherwordly being, even more powerful than the one before, who is not wanting to rule the world but to DESTROY IT and ALL OF EXISTENCE... Yet Thor tackles him by himself, and ENDS UP VICTORIOUS?!

Considering a 'nobody' astrophysicist like Jane (Portman) could track the dimensional rifting, wouldn't SHIELD do the same and investigate a possible threat? Where is Iron Man, who has been shown to go around the world relatively fast? It is not like no one knows what is happening, as there is a lot of people watching and filming the battle.

When you consider it by itself, 'Thor: The Dark World' is a very good and fun superhero film, only dragged down by its weak attempts at humor (8/10). Franchise-wise, however, the film ends up with some plot- holes and continuity illogicality (6/10).

The ending was very good, foreshadowed but not overly predictable. The mid-credits scene expands the Marvel universe further, and creates hype for their future works.
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All style, no substance
ff900010 November 2013
The acting was solid. The production value was superb. Everything else was really poor.

The back story and character motivations are laughably sparse. Most of the characters are completely one-dimensional, with the possible exception of Loki. The plot is the most boring and typical of all action plots - some "bad dudes who happen to be really ugly" decide to "destroy the world for no reason other than being evil" and "only our hero can save us all", etc. Moreover, it was lazy writing - whenever an absolute miracle needed to happen, it conveniently did, every time.

Of course this is a mindless blockbuster Marvel movie so we shouldn't expect much. But the thing is that these kinds of films CAN be made with a reasonable plot, pacing, and character development. The writers were obviously just going through the motions to cash in on the surefire moneymaker sequel, and from a business perspective it is hard to fault them. But it says a lot about the sad state of Hollywood in 2013 that this film currently has a 7.7 on IMDb.
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Well, that was a surprise
newtonpost30 October 2013
Just got back from seeing this and thought I'd put in my thoughts.

This is by far the most intricate and thoughtful of the Marvel films to date, with a great story and some superb performances, particularly Hiddleston's as Loki. The characters from previous Asgard related outings are there, but thanks to some good writing, are more 3 dimensional and therefore, interesting. This is one of the few films that would have benefited from an extra 15 minutes or so to explore further the motivations of the key protagonists.

There is plenty of large scale action, as well as some laugh out loud humorous moments that help to keep this kicking along.

I am both surprised and delighted that this is not only the best superhero movie to date, (even eclipsing Spider-Man 2), but currently the best movie I've seen this year.

Don't miss this!
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maleficarus22 December 2013
I was never a really big fan of Thor to begin with and this movie just proves it to me again. This movie was so slow and boring. The first hour I almost fell asleep a few times. The special effects were really well done but other then that I really do not think this was a great movie. I gave this movie a generous 6 out of a possible 10. Normally these types of movies at least earn a 7 from me but this one at best was a 6 only.

You can tell that this sequel was made for the sack of making some more money off the very boring Thor. I for one will not waste my money on a third that is for sure. They really need to stop wasting everyone's time with Thor. He is boring and other then his looks has very little going for him. Good day!
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Even more shallow than the first.
redpandarevolution6 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The plot barely exists for this film. Generic evil people try to take over universe, Thor stops them, the end. Which might have been alright but there was very little action in this mindless action film. What little fighting we got was poorly orchestrated and repetitive.

The dialogue is wooden and adds nothing. The characters with the exception of Loki have no depth and only exist as an assortment of clichés. Hiddleston makes for a great Loki but that is literally the only good or interesting thing in the entire film.

Thor continues to be the worst Marvel movie franchise and Hemsworth is possibly the worst actor to ever star in multiple major movies.
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Marvel has lost it, it is now just a Comedy
leebyrne1829 November 2013
Marvel has finally lost anything it had going for it. It is now completely aimed at kids. One joke after another! sure it's funny! but I was not expecting a comedy. I loved all the previous marvel until iron man 3, I then gave up on the iron mans and thought that Thor 2 looked a bit darker.

boy was I wrong. Really disappointed. The whole thing is a joke. i know i sound like a bit of a moody Michael but i was really looking forward to this. I have now given up on marvel and will not be going to see any more of them. It's a good watch for kids or if you want a laugh. They should really get some tips from the batman movies.
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ritiksinghal-3211025 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Before watching the movie I heard that this movie as the weakest blandest etc. But after watching I can't understand why ya it had a boring villain who was built up throughout the runtime and got defeated in two hits but it is not something new I mean every villain up till now has seemed like this whether you take any iron man villain abomination red skull you can exclude Loki on the other side I liked the concept of convergence and it had some great character dynamics like the role of frigga was awesome and skirmish between thor and Loki was brilliant you have to say Loki was the real star of this movie Also I really didn't like Jane foster role her jokes on asguard felt really out of place and her overall role hmm... This movie also looked awesome that whole battleship scene was thrilling the pacing was fine and the humour was a problem not at all on the level of the first movie and felt really out of place I also liked the role of Odin but i don't if he is alive or not and the post credit scene infinity stones have started to make there way in HYPE...

FAVOURITE CHARACTER : LOKI FAVOURITE MOMENT : Loki and thor fighting over there mom.
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Fantastic piece of writing and captivating actors!!!
tiaghai5 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was really excited to watch this when it first came out and I was one of the first at the cinema, and the film didn't disappoint. With a fantastic contrast of scenes and emotions this film kept me entertained and hooked until the very end. It made me laugh, made me scared and made me cry (especially the scenes surrounding Loki). Kat Dennings and Stellan Skarsgard made some hilarious jokes and made me and all of my family laugh. Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman conveyed the relationship excellently, Christopher Eccleston was captivating and Tom Hiddleston made me smile and cry, what more can I say( he is an amazing actor and my idol).The plot twist at the end was fantastic and totally unexpected, the whole plot was well planned and written. I cannot wait for the next installment of this franchise! Fantastic writing and acting!!!!!
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Overall good
alahmed-5567316 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't like frigga's death.

Their plan to destroy this "ether" is stupid. They were told that this thing is indestructible yet they try and obviously miserably fail.

Loki fakes his death Then pretends hes odin. Where is oden? Was he killed? It wasn't explained.
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Even D.C Comics fans will like this movie.
dimitri-1133222 January 2014
Out of all the Marvel movies I have seen, Thor has been my favorite, so when I heard that Thor: The Dark World was going to be released, I was psyched. Of all the films that where in the movies at the time, (Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Captain Phillips etc.) I chose to see this one, and I was not disappointed.

If you did not watch the first Thor movie, you may not understand this one in it's entirety. If you did not like the first Thor movie, then this is not for you.

But if you watched and liked the first film, you will love this film. The visual effects are amazing, and the ending will leave you baffled, and expecting the next Marvel movie.
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Better than expected
TiagoRicardo3 November 2013
Let me just start this by saying that I was not expecting great things from this movie, but Marvel has done it right again and i believe that anyone who enjoyed the first movie will not be disappointed with this one. The special effects were really cool and the Asgard scenes were amazing in IMAX 3D. The return of Thor and Loki was by far better than I expected. Loki was really better than in "The Avengers", it was more funny and more enjoyable to watch. The only negative point in this movie is the villain (Malekith) which is like an accessory to the story. Marvel Cinematic Universe is getting better and I cannot wait for "Guardians of the Galaxy". Definitely a surprise, "Thor: The Dark World" is one of those rare cases where the sequel beats its predecessor.
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Completely on autopilot...
DarthVoorhees8 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying that I don't hate superhero films. I like them very much when they are done well. I hate laziness in films and superficiality. The problem is that pretty much every superhero film made is very lazy and most of them are entirely superficial. Marvel's initial idea of an Avengers universe was inspired from a marketing stand point but I am beginning to question whether or not it has been a failure from a creative stand point. 'Thor the Dark World' is a terrible movie. It does absolutely nothing to add to the mythos of the character or this Marvel universe. The only reason it exists is to draw up excitement for the next Avengers film.

There are no stakes to this film and there are a lot of places to direct blame. The acting aside from Tom Hiddleston is next to unwatchable. The thing is that this is a very talented cast we are working with here. Anthony Hopkins and Natalie Portman have both won Academy Awards. Stellan Skarsgard is one of the most fascinating character actors in Hollywood. I like Hemsworth a lot too and thought he was great in the first 'Thor' film. But none of them invest anything in the material. Hopkins looks bored and emotes nothing in his delivery. Portman's performance is terrible too and in the process of it being terrible it makes a terrible script look even worse. Jane Foster is a horrible character here. She is by far the stupidest damsel in distress portrayed in comic books recently. Portman is too lazy to give her any sort of character. She punctuates every cheap joke and many of them are just about how ditsy the character is. This kind of writing and performance make me almost agree that comic books offer a flawed and stereotypical depiction of women. Stellan Skarsgard, an actor I think has great depth, is played as a complete fool here. I hated every time he appeared on screen and I am a Stellan Skarsgard fan. I don't place the blame all on him but yeah everyone here did something very wrong in bringing these stupidly conceived characters to life.

In actuality though they are not the biggest problem with the film. The problem is that there is no threat to anything or anyone. The villain here is so completely forgettable and has a plan for evil so half assed that they movie really had no chance of working. This is the ultimate example of a conflict for the sake of having a conflict. If actor Christopher Eccleston is not rewarded a Razzie for his portrayal here than that award show has lost all credibility. Villains even poorly written ones with no motivation like this Maleketh should at least offer the actor the chance to try to ham it up with the tropes of goofy villainy. Eccleston doesn't do that. He has a boring calm delivery that evokes no response but laughter. And since Eccleston's performance is such an overwhelming failure I was drawn to how stupid his make-up looked too.

I wish I could give this a bomb rating, I really do. To be honest though Tom Hiddleston is too damn good in the Loki role to say the film is completely without merit. They don't do anything new with his character here but he's so entertaining and in every Marvel film he adds new layers and nuances to a very interesting character. A whole movie could have been made about this stage of Loki's life and it would have been so much more entertaining and compelling than this load of work. Hiddleston portrays Loki as unchained with no loyalty to anyone. This is the first film where we see him as a trickster and Hiddleston delivers suffice to say. The problem is he isn't really in the film long enough. Jane Foster, Darcy, and Dr Selvig all get more screen time than Loki.

Here's my brilliant business proposition to Marvel. Don't make any movies but Avengers films. Give your golden boy Joss Whedon the four hundred or so million you spent on 'Iron Man 3' and 'Thor the Dark World' and see what he does with it. In watching 'Iron Man 3' and this film it is clear that is where the mindset and passion are.

I hope the Marvel cinematic universe can be saved but I have to say that their track record is looking really bad right now. Kevin Feige and Disney should look back at Favareu's first 'Iron Man' film. It was gutsy and took risks and there was no guarantee of immediate endless sequels.
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Much, much better than expected
tobywan_kenobi2 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have just returned from watching Thor: The Dark World and I have nothing but praise for it! For some reason i was expecting to be underwhelmed by this outing but am extremely and pleasantly surprised by the quality of this film....the acting, particularly from Hemsworth & Hiddlestone is genuinely first rate, and the direction skillfully engages you and even more skillfully avoids falling in tired cliché which is extremely impressive as the Dark Elf plot line is, to be honest, nothing new.

As a reader of the Thor comics it is fantastic to see the characters of the main protagonists being fleshed out in line with their comic book portrayals. The Loki that Hiddlestone has slowly shaped over three films is now, for my mind, the Loki of the comic books. It's this kind of thing that really pleases me. Hemsworth's Thor is now much more rounded and fleshed out (pun intended, my girlfriend was extremely impressed with one particular scene). The effects for Mjolnir and indeed for all of Thor's powers were much more considered and impressive than in previous films . Nice to see.

As others have said, the main pulling point in film is the relationship between Thor and Loki and it's this that gives the film a really satisfying depth and interest.

This is a highly enjoyable and impressive film and I will be seeing this again, (in 2D though as 3D adds nothing) and whole heartedly recommend this to others. 9/10
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A much stronger entry into the Avengers universe than both Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and Iron Man 3 Warning: Spoilers
Firstly I would like to say I am a big fan of the modern day marvel films. However, I was extremely disappointed with Iron Man 3 it lost its focus half way through with one of the most ridiculously executed twists I have ever seen. Thankfully Thor:The Dark World gets these right. There are many moments throughout the film where it looks like it is set in one direction and then it completely changes course and this makes it extremely entertaining to watch.

Apart from questionable performances from Anthony Hopkins (who is one my favourite actors) and Christopher Eccleston, the performances are excellent. Chris Hemsworth has never been better as the God of Thunder but it is Tom Hiddlestone's performance as Loki which steals the show. He is without doubt a joy to watch on screen and always demands attention as it is never quite clear what it is he is about to do. It is this unpredictability that undermines the true villain Malekith who is fairly weak in comparison.

Now the story. The story is fairly basic; ancient evil after an evil power source which can destroy the universe etc. But it is the way in which it unfolds which is so captivating. With many fairly shocking moments which drive the story to a more darker road. This brings about my only complaint on how the actual story is told. There are several moments where the story is quite emotionally driven and these scenes are the highlights of the film. Yet after each seen they jump straight to comedy elements and it just doesn't seem natural all the time. Don't get me wrong the comedic parts are some of the best (the Captain America scene was incredibly funny) it is just too much of a drastic change. All in all this is a must watch for fans of Marvel. It is better than the first in my opinion and much better than Iron Man 3.
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Thor The Dark World: One of the weaker MCU offerings
Platypuschow10 January 2024

When the Dark Elves attempt to plunge the universe into darkness, Thor must embark on a perilous and personal journey that will reunite him with doctor Jane Foster.


The same bunch as before but now we have a disappointing Eccleston and Fandral has been recast with Zachary Levi.


I didn't hate the first Thor but I didn't deem it a great film, our titular character bounced between distinctly unlikable and oddly hilarious and didn't seem to manage as a leading man. The supporting cast, a combination of bland and oddly quaint! Dennings character walking a fine line between being quaint and deeply annoying.

The humor is on point, the visuals are interesting, Thor is the same mix of unlikable and funny (But less so than the first film) but the plot is really unengaging, Malkeith makes for a terrible villain and the ending is really quite poor.

The film also distances itself from the MC quite a bit, there aren't as many nods as we're used to though the Captain America cameo was kind of neat.

I consider Dark World one of the weak links in the MCU, thankfully Thors next solo outing made up for it.


I don't know what it is with Portman but she's so remarkably unlikable. Is it her face? Is it her acting ability? Is it her real life personality? I honestly don't know what my issue is. She just looks like someone who would kick me between the legs, put a cigarette out in my eye and expect me to say thank you.


Some funny moments A few solid cast members Malkeith is a terrible villain Inconsistent tones Plenty of bland moments.
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Just Wonderful! Packed with action, heartfelt emotion, humor, drama and intensity.
stargatesam31 October 2013
Thor The Dark World is brilliant and completely tops the first film. There are a lot of extremely funny bits in it as well as some dark and moving moments. Probably a much funnier movie than it had any right to be given the subject matter. Loki is done perfectly and the dialogue between him and Thor is superb.

If you're a fan of the first, this certainly won't disappoint at all. Without spoiling anything, the scale of this film is very Avengers-like in that the action pieces are amazing. During a sequence halfway through, I literally turned to my friend and said, "this is freakin' awesome".

Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Each frame is packed with action, heartfelt emotion, humor, drama or intensity. I was expecting to simply see crazy mythology with monsters destroying the landscape of the nine realms for two hours. Instead, I was shocked at the depth and complexity of this film. You definitely need your brain and your heart turned on for this one, unlike other CGI mishmashes. If you want a movie with just dumb action and no plot then stay away from this exceptional film. The performances are top tier and the visual effects may be the best I've seen this year. I have to join the majority of people and even critics that are praising this film. It's a true joy and such a pleasant experience.
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