"Supernatural" The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo (TV Episode 2012) Poster

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Good movie!
jimbomuncy511 December 2015
The quality of this episode is superb: movie quality, GOOD movie quality. The plot, the photography, the action, the characterization--everything is James Bond-like, specifically the ones with Daniel Craig as 007.

Apparently, Supernatural has some money now to spend on production; and it paid off in spades. Good job, everybody! I've seen many worse multimillion-dollar productions. The writer and director should now have the confidence and the proof that they can make a full-length motion picture based on Supernatural. They would definitely have a good return on their investment.Obviously, I think that this episode is one of the best; in fact, how do you top this episode?

The characters are balanced out, too. No one or two people Bogart the episode, which keeps it fast-paced and riveting. You want to know who is doing what, when, and how; and you aren't disappointed either. A very enjoyable way to spend 42 minutes!
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Vengeful Spirit
claudio_carvalho11 March 2013
Dick Roman assigns his employee, the hacker Charlie Bradbury, to decode Frank's hard drive. Meanwhile, Dean and Sam discover that Dick has the HD with the information about the leviathans, and they meet Charlie at her apartment and explain what is happening. Charlie promises to retrieve the content of the HD to the Winchester brothers and to snoop into Dick's e- mails in his mailbox and deliver them to the brothers.

In "The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo", the storyline with Dick Roman and the leviathans return, but Felicia Day steals the show in the role of the hacker Charlie Bradbury. Dean and Sam are helped by the ghost Bobby and the brothers show concern with the wish for revenge of Bobby. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo"
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It's funny, in a crazy way.
honorhorror28 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It felt a simultaneously good and bad thing to build the entire show on a string of geeky and crazy ideas. On one hand, the stable fan base may not grow dramatically when we're so deep into the story. Yet that is where Supernatural truly shines. The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo is such a typical Supernatural episode, and it's the reason I watch this show.

So, in order for this episode to work for you, you'd at least have to watch the movie "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" US version to understand the spoofs. You'd also need to belong to the generation which accepts Harry Porter as their one and only true "High Art" like Sam did in the story. Actually, this one might come out as one of those better meta-episodes that will leave a grin on your face long after you saw it, and not just for making fun of Star Wars in unexpected ways and quoting Harry Porter as a guiding star. The episode is not particularly long, but totally eventful and epic in scale with a lot of good suspenses and good actions. While the 7th season had already garnered some bad reviews from critics, calling it dragging with its main story arc, this episode really tightened things up, wrapping up Frank, Bobby and Dick Roman's storyline in a satisfactory way with bunch of new possibilities in hand. The writers totally deserve some good credit. The apparent achievement here is that they advanced the main storyline without compromising the parodied fun.

In a way, you can call this episode an inspiration for the elder generations who want to reach out to the younger, Dungeons and Dragons generation. When Charlie, the "Lisbeth" of this episode freaked out and froze, Dean totally ran out of ideas to work her around. On the other hand, Sam is able to pull the impossible by referring to her own personal "Bible", aka the Harry Potter books in order to motivate her. Should we want to make clarifications and good parables in our effective conversations with this generation (I am 25 by the way, but felt a bit stuck between generations and cultures), that might just be the humility we need. At the end, Dean said Charlie is like a little sister he never wanted, which is bittersweet considering what the brothers have been through. Listening to a 30-something Dean uttering this sentence can be ironic, since the show-runners are in fact responsible for writing them into a seemingly endless pit of misery. Every time I laughed at Dean and Sam on the screen simply made me wish more that my life isn't just another sarcastic episode of "Supernatural".
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Supernatural is back!
mm-3928 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Supernatural is back with a vengeance! "The Girl with The Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo" has it all! Great directing, humor, good characters, and a strong story. The director borrowed an idea from the movie Vanishing point. Where the story begins with a scene and cuts back with a header which reads several days earlier a few times during the story. The humorous with the different characters interaction is great. One experiences Sam using reverse psychology with the girl , while Dean via headset tells the girl how to flirt/con with a male security guard. The Dick Roman character is the arch evil guy who shows his arrogance, love of conflict, and manipulative. Dick Roman finds the conflict nothing more than a game. Great story where the creatures are creating a plan to put humans on the lower level of the food chain, and the subplot is what will happen to ghost Bobby? Will Bobby become a vengeful spirit? An episode that has everything. 10 out of 10
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shwetafabm24 June 2020
This character was definitely a breath of fresh air. A lot of secondary characters this season habe felt inadequate and like repeats, Frank as a fill in of Bobby, Annie and Jody mills remind me too much of Ellen, Garth was great as a side character also. The episode doesn't really feel like supernatural but i guess you gotta embrace what it has become instead of hanging onto 1-6.
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A real gem; the best of this episode subtype
CubsandCulture7 May 2020
This is one of the very few episodes that remotely conforms to the heist format-"Nightshifter," "Folsom Prison Blues" and "Red Sky at Morning" also come to mind. This one however is nearly pure a heist story. The timeline is broken up, the reveals are based on shifting perspectives. etc. The split screen is a stylish flourish that I am glad they tried. This is such a well put together episode.

Charlie is of course the star but this is so much more than her introduction.
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The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
pontikis26 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Dick Roman takes on his hands one hard disk of Frank which contains informations about Winchesters and he gives it to a very clever hacker who named Charlie,Dick Roman said to her that she has forty-eight hours to break the code and if she don't break it within forty-eight hours they will dismiss her the Winchester brothers when they learned that Dick has Frank's hard disk they are going to Charlie to stop it before dick break the code and get the informations.Bobby is gonna try to help the Winchester brother but when he faced Dick his came like eruption because he remembered when he died by Dick's bullet.JohnMacCarthy directed the episode and is written by Robbie Thompson.
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This episode was 2 sides of a coin
teainthetreehouse10 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is like the concept of two things existing in the same place in Spacetime. It was a good episode stacked on top of a terrible episode.

This episode made me want to throw myself down the deepest hole on earth so I can never get out of the core. This episode made me want to fall down a well and break my back so I can't get out. This episode made me want to snap my arms off and fling myself into a pit full of sharks and alligators.

Pretty okay plot. I liked seeing Bobby.
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If it was aired today (in 2022), the show would get cancelled
nakrugt2 November 2022
I have been meaning to write a review about the show since I started watching it for the firs time three weeks ago. Supernatural has been on my watchlist for a very, very long time, but it always looked too long for me to watch. So I waited until the show did its finale and decided to watch from scratch. Finally I got around to watch it.

My first impression before watching the show was that it was like Xena: The Warrior Princess, you know, but for women. As a man, I loved Xena, or, to be honest, I loved watching the adventures of two extremely attractive women on TV. So I had thought this show is about the adventures of two extremely attractive men through supernatural events.

I was kinda right.

However, character development in the show is quite intriguing. The frame-tale story telling is captivating and you naturally go on watching wondering what is going to happen next.

As for this episode, I will not go into details (because IMDB deletes my reviews when I quote the shows), but if this episode aired today in 2022, there would be no season eight, let alone a finale in season fifteen.
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zombiehigh181 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Okay let me start with venting out my anger first so I can get over with it. WHY THE HELL are the boys that mean to Bobby? Man, I know they are worried about him and all and they can see what will eventually happen to him. But, excuse me this is just plain crap, God knows how much they (and we)have been sorely missing the guy and we are worried too. But please at least give the guy some credit, give him the benefit of doubt. He did save the day eventually, and he for sure believed in the boys when they were hitting their lowest.(Okay,Okay,Breath,Breath!)

I had high expectations watching this episode, Yet I'm left rather a bit disappointed after watching it a couple of times. I know lots of fans loved it, I don't hate it for sure. It had a fresh feeling to it and I could swear while watching it I thought myself viewing Ocean's 11 or something like that rather than my favourite TV show. I loved the directing and the split screens, I enjoyed seeing the boys get creative again and use another disguise rather than doing their usual FBI thing, I loved seeing Sam channel his inner Harry Potter fan boy with Charlie and I caught myself smiling open wide while watching Dean help Charlie flirt her way into the office while Sammy is giggling in the background. I just loved the script.

I'm not familiar with Felicia Day's work but she was a lovable guest star with a geeky attitude and an unusual personality. Dick Roman too was way too snarky with a superior intimidating attitude, However something in the way he spelled the words out annoyed me.

Yet something felt off for me, Something was missing, I don't know why I felt disappointed, Other than the Bobby issue, I didn't like seeing the boys pushed back into the supporting cast for the third episode in the row, The Levithans' master plan came no surprise to me, most fans figured it out after "Out with the old" and I wished the writers had something more surprising in mind.
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darkdementress22 August 2021
Anndd back to the lame cringe! Is it because of the generally very young audience that they feel the need to make these very childish overly goofy ridiculous episodes that the show pretty much just completely ruin the whole series? Because even when I first watched this when I was 17 it was pretty freaking awful back then too.. also why do they always have people in TV shows and movies that are typing and never ever once hit spacebar 🤔
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