"FBI: Most Wanted" Iron Pipeline (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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y'all are tired of hearing about guns; so are we
Chanel_and_gucci1223 September 2022
Tv reflects society. Period. End of sentence. It always has and it always will. So when society (aka the united states of america) is having constant and dangerous issues with firearms, television (especially COP television) IS GOING TO REFLECT THAT. I am so so sick and tired of going to read reviews these days and everything is a complaint about the "left" or "being woke". Frankly, if your "review" is spouting nonsense like this, it shouldn't even make it through the process to actually be posted. It has NO BEARING on the actual piece of entertainment. Complain about inaccuracies, absolutely. Whine about writing, totally. But stop victimizing yourself. People don't wanna hear a soap box; they wanna know if what they're about to watch is worth watching or not. Grow up. Or, maybe, just don't watch cop shows if you don't wanna hear how we have a law enforcement and gun problem in this country. Or a race problem. Matter of fact, just don't watch tv if you don't want to hear about what's going on in the world. I would say watch Sesame Street but even they are getting political these days so who knows?

Now, so I am not like all the others that I complain about, I am going to include an ACTUAL review:

The episode was actually pretty well put together. We are shown the grief and worry of a new (again) mother. We get Dylan in a tank top (thank you to whoever had that idea). We get a girl power vibe from the team with the three ladies kicking butt (though, it should make some of you happy to know we will be getting another boy on the team. Relax).

I will say, and the only part of me that agrees with my fellow reviews, that my only issue (and it's one i've had for awhile) is the constant turnover on this show. There's turnover on all shows, I get that. But for a show with only 4 seasons (just starting the 4th), we've already dropped so many main characters, mostly men. It's like the opposite problem that One Chicago shows have (constantly losing women). I know that Julian (Jess) started the show by saying he has no plans of staying long; but to lose so many in such a short amount of time is not only heartbreaking but also frustrating for continuity. Let's just hope that this season, most of the episodes will actually have every member of the team present instead of the pattern of "so and so is off helping family for such and such time" or just a randomly missing team member for an episode or two. Again, my only issue.

One last thing, if an ACAB anarchist like me can get enjoyment (and a lot of it) out of cop shows (many, many cop shows) then so can the self-professed fans of law enforcement that the right purports themselves to be. Just enjoy tv. A lot of people spend a lot of time and money to tell stories that they feel are important - the least we can do is actually listen to what they are saying instead of interrupting them or putting words in their mouth. Be blessed. Watch more tv. Or don't and leave your mean reviews to yourself so good shows like this don't get canceled because of your nay-saying.
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Well, we've seen this one coming
Little_C23 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, the ammosexuals are rubbed the wrong way, because this episode points out the crimes that happen because of their extensions.

"But meh guns" is of course the reason why.the 1's and 2's are flying all over the place. You see it every time; when the real world comes too close, they start to whine. The bad guys have to be people with a slight colour, preferably that say things like "As-salamu alaykum". White guys who kill and smuggle guns can't be The Bad Guys! Although it's so very obvious that the USA has got a huge gun problem, legal and illegal. And the Iron Pipeline is a real thing. But no, we don't want to hear about that.

Otherwise; the.episode itself. It's a bit uneven, the problems at home for. Remy Scott are bit easy stepped over, a bit like bookends to the main story. And maybe get an extra guy on the team, even it out a bit. Like someone already said; at the moment it's a bit a Charlie's Angels with a badge and a chip on their shoulder.
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Clogged Pipeline
MrBluenote22 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. This one was a disappointment. First problem the writing in the episode was well below standard. Not the worst I've seen in this series but very, very close.

Looked like everyone was going through the motions here. Could be an uninspired director? Or simply the writing wasn't good enough to overcome.

Amazing how Walker can lift briefcases full of AR-15's like he was lifting a pillow off the ground. I usually don't go overboard on pointing out mistakes but if you're going to sell the story a little realism would be appreciated.

Last but not least it seems the writers have no idea what an assault rifle actually is. Sadly some major propaganda seeped into this episode.

Not recommended. Just my two cents.
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Heavy handed On the anti 2nd amendment
qdzbc25 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Who do you think watches your show? Cut the self righteous slant if you want to keep your audience.

"I'm in the business of selling guns" "So, you're ok with dead kids?" Shoot a police officer and shout out "God Bless the 2nd amendment!" As if.

I've watched Dick Wolf shows for many, many years and have enjoyed the balanced viewpoints (shout out to conspiracy theorist Munch!) and straightforward drama. Subtle bias arises from time to time, but this show was so heavy handed and preachy it completely ruined the episode. Please don't turn these shows into yet another Hollywood pulpit, but if this turns into the trend, I'll be checking out as a viewer.
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If you're trying to make a point, don't contradict it
tsk-194496 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was nice to see the story line about Remy's mom advancing and coming to a somewhat sweet place by episode end.

Once again, we lose another male lead, whose absence is explained witha throw away line about transfer.

Then there's the sloppy, agenda driven writing. We get it, you think guns are bad and are the cause of crime. But when your depraved bad guy, who's so sick he murders children, shouts "Thank God for the 2nd amendment" after killing a cop with a STOLEN (ie not acquired by the laws laid out or the 2nd amendment) its clear you are writing only about agenda and not well thought out.

Then there's the trotting out, over and over again, the term "military style assault rifle" that was invented by media members who thought it could be used to scare anyone who was too lazy to look up what the AR of "AR 15" stands for. It stands for Armalite Rifle, by the way, not assault Rifle, and its not used by the military, at all.

But the cream of the lazy writing, contradicting your own point, crop was when the father of a murdered child, who wants to make a point that that those who push for gun rights are responsible for gun crime, goes and buys a STOLEN GUN, illegally, from a black market arms dealer in his trailer. Because having a guy buy a gun illegally, expressly to commit a crime, definitely drives home your point that having legal guns is a problem.

Yes, I don't agree with the narrative, but the lazy writing that contradicts the point its trying to make is even worse.
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Well, that agenda was pretty blatant
setheisenberg22 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was trying to ignore the general anti-gun overtones of this episode because the plot was about illegal gun trafficking. However, I had to stop watching when the local cop gets shot at the gas station by a fully automatic weapon while the perp praises the second amendment. It is almost impossible to obtain a fully automatic weapon from a gun store as they have been strictly regulated for almost 100 years. We are led to believe that this particular gun was one of the ones sold at the gun store. That would be impossible for either of the two women. The second amendment does not guarantee the right to purchase fully automatic firearms.

If this is an example of the writing for the current season, I will no longer be watching.
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What a mess of an episode...
RoverGuy21 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So many things wrong with this, where to begin?

These people sure travel around the south pretty fast. One minute they are on I-95 in SC, next they are in Henderson, NC. Travel from south GA to Philly, Delaware, Pittsburgh, etc. Seems to take only a couple of hours. I know in a few scenes they say take the jet, but most of the time they are seen driving. The magic of TV where everything is really close and you can always find a parking space directly in front of the exact building you need to go to.

The bad guy at the gas station fires an obviously fully automatic AR-15. You need a Class III license and have to pay a $200 tax to get one. I doubt if a south GA waitress has a Class III license to buy one from the local dealer. Creative license by the writers, I guess. Too many anti-gun tropes to list.

So now we are down to three agents (all female! Girl Power!) and the boss man. We have lost Nathaniel Arcand (my favorite), Kellan Lutz, Julian McMahon and now Miguel Gomez. Did they not like working on the show? Is this an indication of the show runner or writers not being good?

This very special PSA episode brought to by the Brady Campaign. Written by Bloomberg's "Everytown for Gun Safety".

Hopefully the rest of the seasons episodes are not as out right leftist political as this one.
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smoon-3778919 October 2022
I used to watch this show because it was a fun cat and mouse chase episode every time - a differing show than the original FBI - but man has this show got me laughing (and not because its a comedy). Lets point out a few things first: 1.) why is everyone leaving the show? Only Sheryll and Hana are original characters and both of them wen on hiatus a time or two - it appears these actors/actresses have something against the writers/producers 2.) the wokeness never ends - we get it .. guns are bad (unless you're a cop) - the one liners such as "so much for a good guy with a gun" OR "God Bless the 2nd amendment" - its lazy and hypocritical in the contexts they are used - I'm not sure what is worse the constant political push by the writers to the audience (no one watching this is anti gun) or the fact they cannot write believable characters (i.e.: how does a gun dealer not be armed 24/7 or have extra security around the stash) 3.) The new guy - i didn't have to even second guess for a second that he would be black - it was a given - nothing wrong with it at all but everyone and their mother knew the skin color of the new character before even being introduced because thats how bad these shows are produced - if you have a white guy, white girl, black girl, lesbian girl.. there has to be a black guy since Ortiz is out now (probably why - they needed him to be black and not hispanic)
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Hire Better Writers
spikeluvr28 September 2022
Their episodes are more and more heavy on message and light on good writing. If you want Ripped From the Headlines stories, this story's whole gun message isn't rooted in facts. Families mowed down by strangers almost never happens. And the idea of Scott going undercover and immediately convincing someone to trust him enough to show him his weapons cache is ludicrous. Maybe they've been losing cast members because of the quality of the storylines and writing. They don't seem to care about compelling stories or good writing anymore. They should take a page from the Chicago series and hire better writers.
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Anti-gun propaganda telling lies
skyking-146 November 2022
Once again, Hollywood falsely portrays the AR-15 as a fully automatic weapon, which it is NOT. You simply cannot "spray" multiple rounds with a single trigger press like they portrayed here. The reason that is important is that the AR-15 operates exactly like any semi-automatic weapon, one trigger, one round. It is NOT a machine gun. Attacks on the AR-15 are backdoor efforts to attack ALL semi-automatic weapons, including pistols and shot guns. It's a backdoor effort to undermine the Constitution like attacks on ammunition, pressuring banks to not make business loans to gun and ammunition manufacturers etc. It's an effort to disarm a public that they know won't accept their long-term goals. Every tyrannical and Socialist government has started with disarming the population. Look it up.
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Horrible Writing
dudewholikesthepits1 June 2023
Fully automatic weapon purchased from a gun store where it would be illegal to sell a fully automatic weapon. McOlddude as an undercover biker with no patch being told that the only reason he wasn't killed while being robbed is because he's a biker? Really? That was the best they could come up with? He's not patched. He has no affiliation. He's just a 61 year old on a motorcycle. Then to prove that legal guns are bad their plot twist is another illegal gun purchase used in a multiple crime situation. Guy was clean why didn't he purchase it legally? This was so poorly written that it makes me think about the monkeys in a room with typewriters?
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ok storyline
Lythas_853 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So ortiz just left because his dad got worse or something LOL.. after the Russian villain just ignored him in the season finale, he transferred to Chicago I guess..

barnes is finally back and already having problems with Remy.. she was already annoyed at him throught the episode for no reason.. and the Jess comparison.. sorry, it would have made sense had she been back in episode 15 and not 8 episodes afterwards

hannah had been on the team from the begining and she has already moved on..

anyway, so the case made no sense.. 2 dudes followed 2 girls that were buying guns and then it is just a manhunt to find the guy that got the guns... ok then

I think the problem people have with the show is regular guys being able to fool an entire FBI task force that have millions at its disposal and even jets.. that is what sounds so far fetched at times..
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Dylan's Angels Annoy Ammosexuals
jackdog1-122 September 2022
First I wonder what's going on with production that they managed to lose three male leads in such a short time that we're left with what is essentially Dylan's Angels as the FBI's go to team for hunting down the most wanted criminals in America. Points for embracing diversity with a black woman, a white woman and a Maori woman in major roles but the white guy is still in charge so a mixed result.

The plot about guns really has the ammosexual set triggered though with multiple 1 star "There's no such thing as an assault rifle." screeds when the AR15 is the most commonly used assault rifle in mass and school shootings across the country. Of course the FBI should be concerned about illegal gun trafficking.
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