The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM (2022) Poster

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Much Needed Balance
AmorLucis13 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While I don't agree with everything in the documentary and I do not agree with much of Owens' political views, we all owe her a debt for exposing the biggest danger to freedom in America from George Floyd's tragic death--bully mob mentality, media manipulation, normalizing violence, justifying criminality, institutional corruption and epic grifting. These tools in the hands of any group, whether privileged or marginalized, lead to heinous human rights violations and degrade our social fabric. Facts don't lie. Owens followed the money to where it leads and it's not pretty. George Floyd was not a saint. Derek Chauvin is not the devil. Owens humanizes both of them fairly, noting their strengths and weaknesses. Too bad so many others made a rush to judgment, which this documentary is a long time in correcting.
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Very informative and eye opening
CoolG9124 October 2022
Very informative and eye opening. I'm not giving a 10 only because I think it could have been done a little better, but it was still pretty good and does a great job at exposing the BLM organization and how they spent/wasted their money and how the whole George Floyd situation was just a way for them to make more money. I suggest the Daily wire make a documentary on abortion and planned parenthood in a similar style.

I think the documentary could have spent more time on the organzations that BLM has given lot of their money to. These organizations don't have anything to do with race issues or police brutality.
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unbiased opinion
palynko1 November 2022
For the record, I am a white male living in Europe, very disconnected from the reality of American life, so I can merely comment on this from my own hearth, take it as you want.

From the social media, I would get a lot of footage of various acts of police brutality in America, but i always knew that would be very rare incidents that get viral. Not a fan of police, emotionally, I would always find myself feeling sympathy to the victims.

Couldn't feel the same about this one though. It didn't pop up on my feed, It was being showed down my throat continuously. What a massive marketing propaganda that was/is...

I expected right wing bias, i got objective commentary. Not a fan of Candace, but this felt like a proper journalism. Not much of a stuff these days feel like it.

WORTH a watch, make your own mind after note: some people are saying nothing new is revealed here, well, they are BLM experts apparently, if you are not (as I am not) educate yourself on the matter from the other side. What harm is in that?
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Evidence for the skeptic mind!
s_sahar9923 October 2022
Thank you Candace for a riveting and well-needed documentary on the truth of the BLM movement. My jaw dropped, my head spinned, and my heart moved while watching this. The evidence is self-explantory. I recommend everyone to watch this to get a better understanding and actually realize the lies the media and these so-called organizations are acrually telling people about their endeavors. I watched Ye's interview on piers Morgan show and I didn't realize what he was talking about but now I do. Anyone with half-a-brain will know what I mean. The democrats and the current government have been involved in instigating this from the very start. Just wow. I couldn't believe it. Thank you so much for making this.
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Don't be ashamed to abandon BLM.
tautuatribe13 October 2022
Candace Owens answers the question that skeptics have never stopped asking, a question which donors are too ashamed to ask out loud: What has BLM done with all the money?

Other questions also feature: Is Derek Chauvin truly guilty?

Is the true story of George Floyd being told?

How has BLM impacted black communities?

Why do celebrities support looters?

Why do Democrats seem to love racial turmoil?

And why is there such a strong tie between BLM and transgender ideologues?

We don't get all the answers. We don't even get to see where most of the money went. But the portion we do see is alarming. The answers we do get are game-changing. And Candace Owens proves again to be best suited to pose the questions that linger.

Candace has produced a full picture of the rise of BLM, and as communities awaken to the scam, as donors demand answers - such a picture will aid in its ultimate fall. Poignant, straightforward, well-paced, and witty, Greatest Lie is the documentary that no one else was willing to make, but that all of us needed - some passionately, some secretly, and others who will only realize it when they see it.
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geotech-2750723 October 2022
I give this 10 stars not necessarily because the production is anything fantastic, but because this was very informative. Candace Owens covers the stories that the mass media does not want to. BLM stole millions of dollars from supporters by spending lavishly on themselves (yes be wary of anything called a "non-profit", they show no profit but they pay their staff ridiculous salaries or embezzle most of the money, this is why i do not give to many "non-profit" organizations that enrich their staff instead of demanding volunteerism of their own ownership). But BLM is not even a charity, it was a scam, as revealed in this film. Look at where the BLM owners live today, in houses and properties worth millions. Anyone who gave money and time to BLM just enriched people underserving of their charity. Companies that give to BLM should be ashamed.

The George Floyd story is sad but the entire truth needed to come out, which this documentary achieves in doing. This is investigative journalism, something lacking the past 2 decades because of the political control of mass media mostly by the Democrat party. We do not have journalists anymore in the mass media, just political pundits expressing their biases. We need more Candace Owens type investigative journalism, and less political opinionated punditry in those pretending to be journalists.
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If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck...
glencoe-9623716 October 2022
In this era of extreme bias in journalistic reporting, the BLM mess forced me to see pass the thin veneer of truth. There was always something wrong inside my mind with George Floyd, which furthered peoples anger at the way he has been canonized and used as a pawn in the dirty culture war.

Regardless where you sit, we need more of these documentaries made thus to offer another viewpoint regardless, as the traditional media and those with access to them, cannot be trusted with the truth no more.

Leave your biases behind and allow your self to be open minded. If you feel challenged by this doco at the end, then seek out more truths. But sitting in a dark room and just allowing yourself to be conditioned by your cognitive dissonance is what landed us in this mess.

Well done to Candence, its made me think deeper about BLM and what they really stand for.
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agenda agenda
isaacmizrahii21 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Everybody's got an agenda...watching this documentary i thought that some of it was enlightening...for example, that george floyd toxicology report. I am a retired nurse and paramedic. As a paramedic, my branch of the organization i worked for in Phoenix, Arizona was the drug crisis response team. We dealt, mostly, with heroin overdoses and i had to learn a lot about pharmacology and the physiological responses to a number of drugs.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid. The way that people die from opioids is that, first, their breathing stops. I personally administered narcan(when it wasn't available over the counter) many times beCAUSE the person had gone into respiratory the point the rest of the body begins to shut down, as well. It's, many times, followed by cardiac arrest.

Up until seeing this part of the documentary i accepted that the reason that George Floyd died was because of Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck. Not anymore.

As it shows in the documentary, Floyd DID say, 'i can't breathe, i can't breathe', beFORE he was even on the ground. So the judgment against Chauvin becomes questionable.

Aside from that, there's a pastor or priest from that neighborhood that Candace interviews. But we know nothing about who this person is and what might influence his way of thinking, much less the answers he gives to her leading questions. At one point i felt like jumping up and saying, 'your honor, i obJECT! Counselor is leading the witness!' it seemed that, at THAT point, Candace was putting forth HER agenda. It's obviously a complicated situation. Someone who was not an ideal citizen(and i couldn't care LESS about all of the cocaine convictions. Similar drugs are used by your dentists. If he's doing robberies to GET the money for the cocaine, which was before all of those cocaine convictions mentioned, THAT i care about. Please remember that the fentanyl/opioid crisis in america was started by a pharmaceutical company and THEN promoted x doctors HEAVily. How many of THEM were convicted as criminals. No. Only 'sorry...we made a mistake'. And then some large payback from the drug company. As if that will bring back all of those who died from overdoses, much less all of those still living whose lives were ruined) being martyred because, supposedly, he died of police violence.

I have seen AND been the victim of police violence and abuse. Just so that you, the reader, understand. But i would like to see fairness for EVERYone...EVERYone.

And there is definitely reasonable doubt in my mind as to whether or not Chauvin was responsible for Floyd's death, at this point.

So the documentary, at least in this way, was enlightening...i just didn't like what she was doing with that priest...guiding him for the answers that she wanted.
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Ready for part 2!
StrawberryJello578213 October 2022
This documentary was extremely educational. Hilarious what the 7 year old said "So they think the police made a mistake and that's why they are taking things from Target?" LOL Amazing. It's funny what mob mentality makes people do. It's definitely a documentary not just about what BLM did the millions they received (spoiler: nothing to actually help black people), but also human psychology and the effect that the media has on all of us. Patrisse Cullors needs to be investigated for money laundering, at a minimum. I don't know what else to call purchasing a home for 3 million and selling it to the organization that you founded for 6 million. In the end, it seems the money mostly went to herself, her family, and her friends. Oh, and the trans activists too - because nothing says Black Lives Matter more than donating to trans rights organizations - who knew?! LOL 🤦‍♀️
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Decent exposé at times, but with a clear bias.
Apathet1c16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The most interesting part is the financial aspect of it, since that's not something the average viewer would think of or search themselces. This film also reveals parts that anyone who didn't watch the full Chauvin trial or some of the full videos of the arrest (and the arrest the previous year) will have no knowledge of. (Even though these clips were carefully selected)

I'd have preferred a more nuanced approach though, because there's some selective editing here (which is expected, but makes this lose some credibility). Obviously the film has an agenda, but editing out the portion of the footage of the first officer brandishing his gun a few seconds after George Floyd refused to show his hands during their first contact, shows extreme bias. That specific portion of the video could be interpreted differently, depending on what you want to bellieve.

Also missing, is the portion of a video captured by an officer's camera as they're walking George Floyd across the street, in which he said he couldn't breathe in another instance, which seems like something they could have mentioned when that argument was made.

Candace Owens being centre-stage, talking excessively without much reason and making faces or disparaging comments, also detracts from this being a serious documentary/exposé. I understand that it serves as a way to show the viewer what her own opinion was during that period, but ultimately, it doesn't matter, especially if the goal is to actually reveal something about the BLM organisation in general. But also, it'd be probably be disingenuous if they'd tried to present this as being neutral in any way.

Hearing the two roommates get a chance to talk so candidly is a good change of pace from the usual representation of George Floyd being this perfect human being. It's also great that some of their issues were taken care of, even if the ending credits seem like Candace Owens patting herself on the back.

Overall, the film works best when verifiable facts are mentioned and during some of the interviews with people who were affected in some way. Watch this to gain some information you possibly didn't know of, but do not view it as an absoutely unbiased documentary.
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Poorly done, self-reinforcing bias project
mr_westbrook3 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Candace took a previously failed documentary on Floyd and fused it with new "research" on BLM to make a "documentary" here. It's simply a biased rant about her personal beliefs that either don't align with facts (George Floyd part) or don't prove any wrongdoing or illegalities (BLM). One can dislike how BLM has chosen to disperse funds but that doesn't make it "corrupt." One can recognize that Floyd had drugs in his system and also that it was the police who caused his death and not the drugs. Paying someone's rent off for them makes their testimony questionable as well (Floyd's roommates). This is basically just biased, subjective opinions circularly supporting each other. Zero objectivity and not a holistically researched documentary.
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Why can't we just be truthful?
bradencn13 October 2022
This documentary is depressing and enlightening all at the same time. Depressing because you realize the tragedies of the world, how bad consequences come from bad actions, how otherwise well meaning people can get their name twisted and lied to in the media to convert an entire nation to an untruthful narrative. Enlightening because you are shown the truth. It is literally laid in front of you on the screen, without apology. You realize just how much you were lied to, and the effort that went into that lie.

My question after watching this is why... Just... WHY can't the media care about the truth anymore? Why is it about narratives? Why is it about a money grab. Why do we need to rely on small market journalism like the Daily Wire to get truthful information about what is happening in the world?

If anything, this documentary reveals the greed of the media and political activist organizations, and it shows the lives of people they ruin to feed their greed.
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No justice
radhrh22 October 2022
Candice Owen's latest documentary for the daily wire, The Greatest Lie Ever Sold examins the events leading to the death of George Floyd, the riots which followed and the financial misfeasance of the BLM organization. That's a lot to cover in just 78 minutes and inevitably the film feels a little rushed as a result. I understand that no one wants to sit through a 3 hour documentary but 78 minutes doesn't do the subject justice. There is also an element of preaching to the choir. Those who don't want to know the truth will not watch and those who will watch already know the truth so I don't see this documentary being a significant work. However I understand that some rapper has made comments about the case quoting Candice Owen's documentary and has stured up the usual controversy so maybe the film has done some good after all.
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Insomnia cure and emetic rolled into one
jonyen18 December 2022
There is a spate of right wing 'documentaries' being released since the American public decided they did not want a slow witted con artist and his rapacious family stealing all that wasnt concreted into the White House foundations. Inexpicable as this short lived climate of common sense was, it appears to have had the understandable outcome of a spate of MAGA tears that have been channelled into rasing money for dross like this.

Have you ever wanted to vomit because you were convinced it would make you feel better? Well, I turn to Candace Owens in these situations and in this case, she did not disappoint. Within seconds of hearing her unmistakable tones I was throwing my voice until I was all out, then dry heaving like I was having some sort of abdominal epileptic fit. She is without peer both execrable and mind numbingly tedious, as she tellls us how misguided and dangerous the BLM movement is. And while i may not agree with anything she has ever said ever, I found myself nodding in disagreement here.

There is little to say about this except it is compulsory viewing for the proud boy in all of us. So if you feel like a barf and a lie down, this is for you. It is thinly disguised racism (but how could it be, because Candace?? Trust me on this), on big ad for the neo right hate groups that are struggling for members and relevance and a almost 2 hour of pure MAGA lacrimal fluid. 3 stars.
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Absolutely amazing film by Candace Owens.
jscottpearsonjr13 October 2022
Just finished watching this. All I can say is wow. This was an excellent documentary by Candace Owens and the Daily Wire team. It definitely exposes the lies that were told and pushed by the media to create a false narrative of what actually happened. Highly recommend to everyone to watch it.

The trailer got me extremely intrigued and ever since I've been anticipating the release of the documentary. It did not disappoint by any regard and will be recommending to family and friends to watch it as well.

The one star review left here is nothing short of an "activist" trying to run a smear campaign on Candace and the movie. Nothing about the movie is "conspiratorial". Everything that Candace reports and films is pure 100% factual.
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Previous post deleted- Seems fishy
Wikineon26 October 2022
I never thought I would see the day that one of my comments would be removed. I posted before about how much I liked this documentary, but mysteriously my last review was deleted without any notification about when or why it was taken down.

So I guess I will just say what I said before. This documentary is very simple. All Candace does is ask questions and the hostile reactions she is getting is telling. This documentary does not spread any hate it only seeks to find answers. Judge for yourself whether this is worth something. And if this post gets taken down again I guess we know that someone truly is trying to censor certain reviews. And in that case I will just write another review.
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Candace Owens Exposing the Truth
TheHollyandIvy14 October 2022
This documentary was shocking. Candace Owens uncovered many truths surrounding BLM. The mainstream media does not share anything outside their agenda so a big thank you to Candace and the Daily Wire for doing ACTUAL journalism. Many people in the US have been fed an agenda of lies. These types of documentaries are essential to the citizens of this country. "The media is your enemy." This quote from Candace is absolutely true and very scary. We need both sides to every story. Unfortunately, the fraud surrounding BLM has led to lost lives, damaged property and a dangerous and false narrative. Thank you Candace.
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This was all over the place
richardrc-1859631 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think Candace and Walsh are the two best things the DW has going. Candace's deep dive in the child shots (which is eye opening) should be award winning and mainstream knowledge. But it isn't. Wonder why? Yeah we know why (big pharma).

Anyways, this movie was meh. It was too short and tried to tackle 3 huge things at once. She should have just picked one and stuck with that. But, I did learn some new stuff.

George lived with roomies. And they seem like pretty good people. And none of his family had ever communicated with them. Or even gotten his stuff. The grift is real.

And how BLM had donated tons to certain LGB slush fund companies. To further that agenda we are dealing with now. Interesting no? Hollywood and the corporations donate tons of money to these organizations, specifically BLM, and then that money goes to fringe groups. Not even the people they claim to represent. Pyramid scheme 101. Sigh.
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Eye Opening!
amandaper-5835513 October 2022
Just finished watching the film, and it is incredible! Definitely a must watch for anyone who cares about truth and integrity. The film proves what many of us were suspecting - corruption. The signs were all there, and things just weren't adding up. Sadly, many have been blinded to the truth either willingly or out of ignorance. This film reveals it. Truth-seekers will love it. Those who care more about pushing their narrative and agenda than actual facts and morality will cringe and feel uncomfortable by this documentary. These people claim they are for justice and humanity, yet their actions tell a different story... and we all know that actions speak louder than words. It's time we as a nation wake up, stop being afraid, and stand up for what's right! We're on a slippery slope America, and we need to course correct before it's too late.
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Made for 2022 as a political piece, feels pointless today
JurijFedorov5 January 2024
The George Floyd case was a giant emotional event that media played up in fake ways to make the story easier to sell to the masses. Of course the case has more aspects to it. There are a lot of factors that the big media overlooked that actually paint a totally different picture of what happened and who was to blame for what. Candace Owens takes us through a few of the step. Floyd had actually consumed a ton of dangerous drugs before the arrest, he seemingly lied or paniched for no reason and asked to be put on the ground. And the lead cop was putting his knee on his shoulder for at least one moment during the event.

It's not clear what killed George Floyd. The drugs or the pressure on his neck. Something else. A mix of both. Unfortunately Candace Owens creates an extremely shallow overview here. When we see Derek Chauvin keep his knee on his shoulder it's just a single photo from the trial. Keep in mind he kept his knee in that area for like 8 min. So did he keep his knee on his shoulder for all these minutes? Actually, why not show what happened and THEN explain it away? Instead we see these small points about some stuff that puts the blame on Floyd. But we know Floyd was a criminal, we know he was a liar, we know he lied about not being able to breathe before he was even put on the ground or maybe had issues breathing already which caused his death. Of course this stuff is not even talked about. We only hear a few tidbits.

Frankly, this is not a good documentary. Half of it is not even about Floyd it's about Owens investigating BLM that profited billions from this case and unfortunately burned down stores and cars worth billions. Which again is a good investigation, but when you skip over the Floyd stuff without explaining the full case why should viewers believe you did good work on the BLM investigation? It just seems lazy. Like it was rushed into release. She's obviously extremely charming and well-spoken. But she is also known for some extremely unscientific claims. Stuff that both sides should consider true yet she dismisses it.

I get what she tried to do. It's another side of the George Floyd case. And it's presented well. But 2 years later this is utterly pointless. I want a full summary of the case with everything clearly explained not a few points supporting the cops. I don't know what killed George Floyd. No one does. It may have been a drug overdose and nothing else. But you still need to explain why he was held to the ground for nearly 9 minutes when he didn't try to attack cops for even a second. Maybe this is normal, maybe not. But seemingly the prosecutors, who usually support cops, though it was way over the line and may have been murder. Which then Owens should have disputed instead of fully ignoring this point. Besides being conservative she adds nothing to this case. She's just conservative and thinks that's enough. It's not.

I do think media lied about George Floyd. Anyone who followed the story knows this as it was revealed along the way. But then look into each lie and who said what.
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a bit messy, and very biased
yerk2020202023 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In the first quarter of the documentary, Candace Owens begins to go over George Floyd's criminal history and negative things about the situation that people overlook, however this doesn't lead to any conclusion. George Floyd still was wrongfully murdered, and Candace does not provide concrete evidence of the claim that he died from drug overdose. She provides some evidence that may suggest a drug overdose (no sign of bodily injury and a heavy heart, but at the end there is no conclusive evidence like toxicology that shows he had taken a lethal dose. Overall, her belief that he died from drug overdose seems to be a result of her bias, rather than clear cut evidence. She is contrarian and wants to go against the main narrative, which is valuable, however again she fails to present compelling overwhelming proof.

The documentary is a bit messy because the topic switches to BLM's corrupt use of donation money, which has nothing to do with George Floyd's situation, ultimately. The former and latter topics did not seem to be well connected, and I felt like the documentary didn't flow well from one part to the second part. However, the best part of the documentary is the expose of the donation money corruption by BLM. Still, all of this material could have been compressed into one 20 minute Youtube video.
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Just Validating What Most Reasonable People Know
nicksmith-9460413 October 2022
From the beginning of the BLM "movement" (Of money) , I figured it was all a scam. The movie brings to lights many facts I didn't know. Would recommend to anyone, even those.on the left who are willling to take the wool offf their eyes and see that the organization is a fraud.

I appreciate the interviews with the rooommates, I had never even heard of them when all the news coverage was going on. I think she did give a very fair assessment of Floyd before turning the focus on the crux of the situation. I wish there was even more details and in depth look at the BLM organization. I found it very telling that they much of the donations went to Trans organizations.
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Some very misleading information.
wildonbeast26 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to start off with saying I consider myself liberal, but have come into watching this with an open mind. I think Candace Owens hits some very interesting points on BLM and their mismanagement of donations, however her take on George Floyd's death is extremely misleading. She mentions in a section that George Floyd was not murdered, but died from a drug overdose. This is extremely false. Every medical examiner's reports on examining George Floyd's body has concluded that his death was from cardiopulmonary arrest and not drug overdose. This information is not new, and was shown during the trial. Records of Floyd's opioid addiction were also present during the trial. The amount of fentanyl found in Floyd's body was not lethal for his body type.

At first, I thought this would only take people a quick Google search to disprove. Since then, I've gone on to watch Kanye West talk about George Floyd's murder as if it was not a murder. He has taken Owen's completely false opinion on Floyd's death as a fact. I do not think he is the only one to do so. The framing of certain information in this documentary has lead people into believing Owens' lies.
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It seems some can't cure their cognitive bias.
alwayssmile9364 November 2022
It will never be ok that a man died this way. It's a lot of unpack, no matter the reason of his death. But it's equally not ok that the death was used for personal gain. It's quite despicable really.

People have been lied to and I get that people have their political bias, I get that no one wants to admit they backed a lie but it's there is enough proof here to show the corruption behind it.... Just let go of your pride.

Too many left vs right BS. The truth shouldn't matter whether you're left leaning or right. Maybe that's the moderate in me speaking. Lol.

Rather than get defensive, how about we demand that money go back into the black community like they said it would!!!
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David7891520 October 2022
There is a reason there is a massive divide between 1 stars and 10 stars - which is sad.

Candace done perfect in remaining factual despite there being an obvious opinion on the subject matter. The documentry is nicely paced, it doesn't feel to long yet still provides all needed to know to form an educated opinion on the organisation.

Those who are fans of The Daily Wire will immediately recognize the informative yet humerous to filmaking they have mastered.

There is obviously going to be an attempt to silence the documentary which makes it more important to watch but it is nice to see a refreshing change of narrative.

I think the best takeaway of the documentary would be ....

Looks for facts not and innocent until proven guilty and Always doubt the intentions of those who benefit the most from suffering - or just in general.

Finally the whole Blm Organisation gave me Hunger Games vibes.
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