Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor (2013) Poster

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keangrad139 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Here is a brief list of what I found to be some of the main flaws of this film.

1. First of all, I know it's been said in some of the other reviews before me but; the husband, Brice (Lance Gross) should have played the Harley character, the guy who Judith has the affair with and Harley (Robbie Jones) should have played the husband. I just did not find the guy playing Harley to be attractive at all so I could not get into this idea that a woman would go for him that easily. Point is, if you're going to make a movie about someone having an affair, at least make the "temptation" tempting!

2. My next problem with this film was that the characters were well developed but it took most of the film to get this done which ended up leaving about 30 minutes to really get the action going. Basically, Judith gets involved with this guy, starts doing drugs and leaves Brice all in the last minutes of the film. I agree with the development of characters in a story but we already know from the trailer that this is a movie about a woman cheating on her husband; just get to the point!

3. This next reasoning I have was sort of my fault; but I still have to say that I do not want to hear a Sunday morning service when I go to the movies. And I should have known from previous Tyler Perry's films and plays that he does put in a bit of his Christian beliefs into his work but this film was so over the top in that area that is was borderline offensive.

4. Finally, I just have to say that if you think giving someone a sexually transmitted disease at the end of every film you make is the best way to get your audience to connect with your characters/story, then you have so much to learn. This is not only insensitive but shows a lack of creativity and growth as a writer, director and producer.
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A Little Better Than His Others.
freshclean-66-3186087 April 2013
Over the weekend my wife and I decided to see this film because she's a huge Tyler Perry fan and she's been wanting to see it badly. I really wasn't to enthused about seeing this movie because I am not a Tyler Perry fan.

First off, this movie was just as predictable as his others. Just like some other Tyler Perry movies my wife and I saw together, I was commentating some parts of the movie to her before it even happened. Now there was one part towards the end that did take me by surprise.

When ever I get the misfortune of watching a Tyler Perry film, I can sit through the entire movie and not crack one smile, but Vanessa Williams(Janice) and Renee Taylor(Chapman) had a couple of funny parts that did make me chuckle a bit.

With all that being said, this movie was a little better than his others. Now I still wouldn't pay to see it in a theater or buy it on DVD. I would just wait till it got to RedBox and pay $1.31.
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Not Too Tempting
JSplend95431 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Tyler Perry's Temptation stars Lance Gross and Jurnee Smollett-Bell, as they play husband and wife(Brice & Judith). Brice and Judith relocate to Virginia and although both have achieved their educational goals, they have not settled in to their professional careers.

Brice is very realistic with his long term financial plans, and he is satisfied in where he's at in life. Judith appears to be disappointed in herself, and in a way she feels she is overqualified and under-appreciated in her present position. To a degree, Judith also feels this way regarding her marriage.

Along comes billionaire entrepreneur Harley. Now, this is where I think Perry dropped the ball, in the way in which Harley and Judith interacted with each other. Harley arrives at Judith's workplace, and he is interested in investing in the business, which is a High Profile Matchmaking Service. Someone of Harley's stature usually has financial advisor's, accountants, consultants and attorneys doing all of the leg work. Every time Harley goes to the business, he's alone - none of his entourage are with him. If the business was profitable, someone like Harley would either open their own business of a similar nature, or flat out buy that business.

At some point in the movie for this storyline to work - Harley and Judith would have had to come across each other, but it made no sense for all of the initial contact to occur at the business. Prior to this it was revealed they had seen each other in the park on Saturday's while they were jogging. They could have had that initial contact there.

Harley develops a personal interest in Judith, knowing that she is married. That really doesn't matter for Harley, because he was the type of character/person that whatever he wants he will get. Harley represents everything that Judith wants and desires at this particular point in her life. Judith is thinking of the big picture - Money, Power, and Fame, and Harley represents all those qualities. She wants it all, and unfortunately her greed costs her almost everything.

I still can't figure out why Kim Kardashian's character, Ava, was even in the movie. She was a non-factor, and Perry must have known he was going to get shredded for using her.

Brandy Norwood plays Melinda, who also has a past, and her character was not needed as well, as it becomes so predictable.

The ending left you leaving with more questions than answers as you were trying to figure what, where, when did this take place and how did this come about.

I will say this, the movie was approximately 110 or so minutes long, and it did keep my attention.

It was almost like Perry got tired at the conclusion and he just wanted to end it, rather than explain what transpired between the characters.

The concept was decent but the actual movie could have been better.
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Universally panned soaper earns low marks as old fashioned morality tale from a different era
Turfseer13 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
With an extremely low score of '27' on Metacritic, Tyler Perry's Temptation was universally panned by the critics. On Metacritic, Perry managed only 1 positive review, 2 mixed and 11 negatives. Still, the first week the picture came out, it managed a #3 ranking at the box office. Based on his own stage play, Perry has been quoted as saying that the film version is the best thing he's ever written. In reality, Temptation is no different than most of the soap operas out there today. It's a cheap little story, with thin characters and an over-moralizing plot.

The protagonist is Judith, a marriage counselor, who provides a cautionary tale of infidelity to a client, pretending that the subject is her sister, but is actually her own life story. During the overlong narration at the beginning of the film, Judith's story is explained in a flashback that serves as most of the film's narrative. Judith married her childhood sweetheart, Brice, who works in a pharmacy. They supposedly have a picture book relationship but it appears Judith is a bit of a social climber, desiring to start her own match making business.

Meanwhile, Judith's actual job is working for Janice (Vanessa Williams), who runs a high-end match making agency, seeking clients of substantial means. I found it difficult to believe that Judith could have lasted more than a few days there, as she constantly makes it clear that she resents working at the tawdry agency. Kim Kardashian, plays her bitchy co-worker, Ava, who criticizes her for dressing too conservatively and the two exchange barbs until Judith's sudden about face at the midpoint, when she embraces a new world of 'depravity'.

For most of the film, Judith is a rigid, unlikeable character, egged on by her mother 'Miss Sarah', an old-fashioned, fire and brimstone Christian, who predicts her daughter's fall from grace. Perry can do little with Brice, a cookie-cutter 'nice guy', who exhibits few personality traits of interest. All Perry seems to know about Brice's involvement in the pharmacy business is that he must constantly toil, taking care of the 'inventory' which makes him tired, and less attentive to Judith when gets home. Note that it's really irrelevant what kind of work Brice does, as it could be any type of business. Perry is not concerned with fleshing out his characters by focusing on the idiosyncratic details of their lives—only the tawdry plot which will be discussed in a moment.

The main plot of Temptation involves Harley, a social media magnate, who is one of Janice's clients at her match making agency, and who she hopes will invest in her company. Harley hardly seems like a Bill Gates type but more like a slick player from the sports world (note again, the characters' professions are irrelevant and interchangeable). He ends up falling for Judith and two thirds of the movie seems more like a story ripped from a Harlequin Romance, with Harley courting Judith at such venues as his private jet, breaking her down and eventually seducing her.

From true romance, Perry shifts gears in the third act, attempting to turn his soap opera into a sordid thriller, a la Brian de Palma. Suddenly Harley has morphed into a drug-addicted monster and sucks Judith into the sleazy club world (not very good for his image as social media magnate but more believable as a superstar pro football player). Harley the monster throws Judith's mother to the ground while she's conducting a prayer service with her friends and then ends up beating Judith up, who Brice saves after his co-worker at the pharmacy reveals that Harley did the same thing to her and gave her HIV.

The worst part of Temptation is of course Mr. Perry's proclivity toward old-fashioned moralizing. An affair in Mr. Perry's mind can only result in the worst type of consequences. The woman ends up with the 'devil' himself (the repulsive Harley) and is then scarred for the rest of her life. As Judith hobbles down the street at film's end, the scene reminds me of the nightmare sequence from 'It's a Wonderful Life', where Mary Bailey ends up a spinster, working at the public library. Here too, Judith will remain a spinster, joining her boring mother, at church services. Perry takes the side of moralizing Christians, promoting the dictum: 'if you cheat, you pay'.

Like most melodramas of this ilk, Tyler Perry doesn't know how to create characters that resemble real people. They are only cheap cardboard cutouts, placed inside a narrative that's been done to death, for years. The fact that this film was financially successful, only goes to show that the tastes of the majority of film goers out there today, are on a very low, aesthetic level.
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Tyler Perry officially jumps the shark
emartin-128 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There are many things to admire about Tyler Perry. His ascent in the entertainment industry is incredible, and he has used his power effectively to give a voice to the African-American experience the same way Woody Allen has for the Jewish experience. He gives opportunities to young African-Americans actors and veterans such as Cicely Tyson who would struggle to find work elsewhere. Perry is a shrewd, powerful businessman. But he's a horrible director and mediocre writer. His latest project "Temptation" is his worst to date. The premise not only straddles the lines of implausibility, it's downright ridiculous. A girl-next-door-type (Jurnee Smollett-Bell) who is married to a man she has known since they were both 6 years old suddenly decides to have an affair with one of her clients. She also starts to snort cocaine and hang out in seedy nightclubs. A subplot involving actress/singer Brandy is also dumb, and the plot twist at the end is the icing on the cake to this mess. When the credits began rolling, the reaction in my theater felt like a collective "Are you kidding me?" Perhaps it only makes sense that Kim Kardashian is in this movie. Remember in algebra class when we learned that a negative and a positive always equal a negative? That's what the scenes between Kardashian and Smollett-Bell produce. One can act, one can't. You do the math. Perry also needs to stop with the pointless close-up shots and phony eye-drop tears. Although with this flop, it's the audience members who paid $10 who should be crying.
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Movie Summary
marcj201220 July 2013
"Warning this posting may contain spoilers"

Well I will admit this isn't the best movie detail-wise but I think a lot of people are giving this movie bad reviews because Tyler Perry is sending a message to be faithful in your marriage and people just can't/wont accept that in today's society.

The title said it all "Confessions of a marriage counselor" So we was sorta filled in that the counselor was telling the story about herself. But I feel that this story can relate to a lot of people maybe not the HIV as much but a lot of relationships are destroyed daily because of guys like Harley. And they tend to target women like Judith who feeds into his "temptation" Its funny to me that people considered this movie offensive or insulting that is the problem with today's world people feel there shouldn't be any consequences for their actions when it happens. I hate to get religious here but Tyler Perry used marriage as a perfect example in the movie where the grass isn't always greener on the other said and HIV just turned out to be the result of her actions. People said that she cheated because he husband was not paying her enough attention and forgot her birthday twice still that is not a reason to cheat she shouldn't of gotten marriage if that was the case. Marriage use to be "Til death do us part" but its more like "Til boredom do us part" but maybe 20 years ago that made more sense. I think the movie could have been done differently but like I've already stated this message is most important because I've seen marriages and relationships fall apart because people want to share instead of finding and keeping their own. The one message I've gotten from this movie is to never take anyone for granted because your actions can affect each for the rest of your lives.
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I had to see for myself...
Mira86 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
... if this movie was as awful as the reviews stated. It was.

It's just...it's just SO bad. It's so bad it's like a parody of itself. Where to begin? The acting is horrible. The plot is implausible. The dialog...who talks like this? No one I've ever known in my life. From the big parts, like Judith, to small parts, like Crazy White Lady Who Works in the Drug Store - no one acts or speaks like a normal person. And who has a window in the middle of their house that goes from the bedroom to the kitchen? "I need to be able to see into my kitchen. And this will come in handy in case of a dramatic fight scene later." Kim Kardashian is the worst though. Her entire part consists of wearing tight designer dresses, and yelling at the lead character for not doing the same. In a film of shallow characters, she's the shallowest.

In this film, Tyler Perry insults black people, white people, men, women, Christians, Southerners, drugstore employees, and anyone with eyeballs.
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Good movie!
ashleighkillebrew23 July 2013
I actually liked this movie, I don't know why it has such bad reviews. I know a lot of people don't like Tyler perry. But he's not even in this movie. It's not a comedy at all, which is unlike Tyler perry. But I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Kim kardashian isn't as bad of an actress as you think she might be. I was expecting her to be awful, but it wasn't that bad. Obviously she shouldn't quit her day job but it was bearable nonetheless.

The story line was actually interesting, and I love movies with a twist. This movie pulled me in and played with my emotions. It made me ask myself questions and wonder what I would do if I were in the main characters shoes. I would totally watch this movie again!
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Temptation: A Seduction Plot Lacking Requisite Sexual Chemistry
cholmes5830 March 2013
Temptation is a step up from Tyler Perry's previous ho-hum Alex Cross, but it still a far cry from being the kind film one would gush over. The two biggest draws in the film are Jurnee Smollett-Bell and Kim Kardashian. Smollett, who in her last film "The Great Debaters" (2007) gave an outstanding performance in great chemistry with stellar young ensemble, was not as bless with as high of a cast quality. Nevertheless, her acting as the seduced wife Judith was stretched in some new ways in "Temptation" and on the whole she doesn't do badly.

Kardashian, is irritating in her role as Ava, Judith's work colleague, but then again, that is what her character is suppose to be. As such -- many other critics' assessment notwithstanding, Kardashian's acting is neither good nor bad, but simply OK.

As for the plot, Tyler Perry(writer and director) puts forward an interesting treatment of the issues of spousal and professional dissatisfaction, and how that can be used in a seduction passion play. A decent directorial effort, but Perry is still struggling with some filmmaking fundamentals such as pacing, camera angle decisions, and very irritatingly, sound editing. There were points where the critical dialogue of protagonists seducer and seducee was too mumbled to be anything close to erotic.

The film's biggest failing is the sexual chemistry between Judith and Harley(played by Robbie Jones). It just doesn't seem like a credible attraction. Whether the actors, casting or direction is to blame, who knows? But any Perry movie these days has to be considered high profile -- if for no other reason than his large audience drawing -- and as such, anything short of smoking sexual chemistry represents a critical movie failure. I keep rooting for Perry, but this is typical of his best films -- mixed quality, mixed results.
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Makes you wonder...
jerome15722 July 2013
This movie stuck to the point and felt a bit predictable at times. However, I sense a neat trick of Tyler Perry's : To stir up emotions among viewers and let THEM be the surprise factor. In other words, the marvelous part of the movie experience is essentially witnessing the variety of debate points raised.

Some major debate items:

1. what makes a happy marriage? 2. who is really at fault when one's spouse cheats? 3. how hard should one try to be faithful? 4. why did people expect hot steamy sex in the movie?

The answers to these questions say more about viewers than we might care to admit. Makes you wonder....
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A sermon effective to those who demanded it
StevePulaski30 March 2013
"Overwrought" is the word to describe Tyler Perry's Temptation. Between the simple conflicts, cardboard characters, and stiflingly slow dialog almost entirely erected off of carbon-copy dramas, it shows its agonizingly long roots by taking every possible scenario and stretching it to a length beyond maddening tedium. There's almost no need to even write a review on this picture, because if you're not turned off by the name "Tyler Perry," you're likely turned off by the amateur cast the film boasts, the dopey plot(s), or the presence of the always wooden, never charismatic Kim Kardashian.

Tyler Perry's films have been a roller-coaster for a non-fan like myself. I believe his pictures almost demand the audience to have ability to relate too its characters on screen, and if you don't, then you've demolished one of the crucial ways of being able to like the film as a whole. But if you even if you do have the relatable factor down, there are still a number of other characteristics of his pictures that will do the job of turning you off. The abundance of clichés, stereotypes, senseless slapstick, religious motives, and ridiculous characters is enough to warrant a walk-out.

The film stars Jurnee Smollett-Bell and Lance Gross as Judith and Brice, childhood sweethearts that are married in an upper-class area. She is a matchmaker, working to become a full-time marriage counselor, while he is a pharmacist and a successful one at that. After six years of marriage, Judith becomes greatly unsatisfied by the drab life she is living, and in due-time because she meets Harley (Robbie Jones), an immensely successful, social-networking pioneer who is in dire need of a woman. From first sight, Judith is mesmerized by his confidence, money, and ability to talk a woman up as big as the house he lives in. We see where this is going, but Judith, who appears very bright and focused - with a mind similar to Kimberly Elise's character in Diary of a Mad Black Woman - doesn't. Soon, they are sneaking around, having sexual fun together, while she is being showered with gifts, all while trying to remain indiscreet to Brice.

This is the immediate problem of Tyler Perry's Temptation; there are no likable characters (except Brice), no characters with any intelligent judgment, and no characters that extend themselves past formulaic and dull. Take Judith for example, who we are allegedly supposed to sympathize with, even during the instances when she is cheating. We're just supposed to think, "well, it's justifiable since she's upset and Brice doesn't stand up for her as a man should." There's no justification for cheating, but the film makes it out to be up until things go really, really wrong.

It's, too, relevant that the film loves making ordeals out of petty non-issues such as Brice not standing up for Judith when she is cat-called by a group of thugs on their night out. Judith proceeds to go to bed angry and embarrassed by her husband's lack of gall to defend her or even initiate something. A scene not long after shows Harley almost beating a cyclist to a pulp after running into Judith when she was clearly at fault. Is he how men should behave? The film tries to show us that, even though his actions are grossly immature compared to Brice's, he's better because he at least tries.

Tyler Perry's Temptation fails in large part, however, because of its writing. It is an early candidate for the worst written film of the year. It runs on the fuel of inane dialog, corny lines, and senseless drama. Take for example the scene when Harley and Judith are on his private plane, and Harley questions what Judith "dreams about." When she responds, she ricochets the question off of him, to which he replies, "of you?" in a delivery that is akin to primetime soap operas. I can't remember cringing harder to a line of dialog. Then there's a scene where Judith is found battered in a bathtub. When Brice asks her, "where does it hurt?" she replies, "here," while placing her hand on his heart. To see the audience eat scenes up like this makes me deeply, deeply scared to think they have romantic expectations probably not alien to the kind in this film.

The leads aren't dreadful here, as Smollett-Bell and Gross are the kind of actors you crave to watch in better material, but the presence of reality-TV star Kim Kardashian in a film is about as off-putting and as tasteless as the persona she gives on that godforsaken program of her's. Why must Kardashian inhabit a secondary role in this film, let alone a role at all? Why not find a bodacious woman with huge breasts, a huge buttocks, and wildly unrealistic curves with no celebrity appeal for half the price? Perry's name alone is big enough to sell the most lurid screenplay/movie, so why work a role for her? It doesn't matter, though; I'm wasting words. She's about as unappealing and cloying as a secondary character played by an unnecessary celebrity can get. It will take a performance of a true despicable nature to dethrone her from a "Worst New Actress" award at the forthcoming Razzies.

Tyler Perry's Temptation is a sermon that will effectively preach to the choir that has graciously accepted every film he has released since Diary of a Mad Black Woman back in 2005. However, it has become clear now that public success is all that matters to Perry. He no longer seems to have ambition to make films that cater to a denominator other than the lowest or the most demanding. He attempts to get by on melodramatic clichés, laughable dialog, moral preachiness, inclusions of a sappy Christian agenda, and frustratingly inert plotpoints. I wish him well, and hope one day I can recommend a movie by him. I respect him as a self-made filmmaker, but that's about it, I'm afraid.
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I loved it !
dummysign9 April 2013
I really enjoyed this movie and was happy to see African American actors acting through a 'normal script' dealing with the reality of what can happen in the life of a couple...rather refreshing that it was not an over the top outrageous loud comedy (and I am black by the way). Kim K. was surprisingly OK in this movie. I expected her to suck but she did a decent job. Although it wasn't as though she was playing a really complicated role like the Iron Lady role or the lead role on The Help. Still, she was fine. Overall, I couldn't keep my eyes off the movie Vanessa Williams. It was evident that Vanessa Williams and Brandy were more experienced as actors among the cast but still, I was not disappointed in the performance of the other cast members. Well done Tyler Perry.
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Some helpful spoilers.. Very good. Congrats Tyler perry
Cincibabe009812329 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Wow.. I don't understand how people could think so poorly about this movie. It was heart wrenching. Yes I agree the acting was bad. Kim was horrible and killed the scenes she was in. The wife , Judith could've been better. Her husband Bryce was phenomenal. There wasn't one boring part of this movie. There was a few parts where it was predictable but not necessarily in a bad way. Some scenes were taken to the extreme and very traumatic.

The only awful part of the movie were the actors. Other than that this movie sends a great message. It made me want to slap Judith for doing what she did to her husband. She was so up and down and sloppy. Harley was okay In the beginning. It seemed like he tried raping Judith then he was sweet to her. Judith to me was too sloppy and too up and down. Her poor husband made me want to cry every scene.

I thought the ending was bad, but in an okay way? She deserved what she got but it was too extreme. First they were married and happy then he remarries and Judith lives with having hiv and becomes old and lonely. It's. extremely sad to watch but it's something that people really go through. Maybe not as extreme but still relatable.

Overall this movie was worth it and I can't fall asleep because its so heart breaking. People who bashed on this movie suck, and don't know good movies. Congratulations Tyler perry .
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Not At All Tempting
ikeybabe14 March 2014
Simple. Stupid. Seriously flawed. "This yo plane?" Really? This is how a college-educated woman speaks? I had a really difficult time getting through this movie. It was that awful and there was so much to overlook to keep watching. The first being the role awarded to Kim Kardashian. This woman CAN NOT ACT! She was horrible. But, Jurnee, who actually is a good actress wasn't much better. The script was absurd. And for a woman that was supposed to be smart, boy was she stupid. First, walking down the street she is horrified that her husband doesn't step to three thugs who call her a name. Really? Then, some sort of smooth-talking guy (seriously debatable) makes it obvious he wants to screw her and only then is there a problem with her marriage. And who would ask advice from an office-mate whose every word is debasing and demoralizing. And, it was more than apparent that Brandy's character's ex *SPOILER ALERT* would be the demonized Harley, who also just happens to have HIV. Really? The moral to the story, cheat on your husband and get HIV. Turn away from God and get HIV. Disrespect your mother and get HIV. I give Tyler Perry two stars for at least changing it up a bit with the characters. For once all the dark-skinned people weren't villains and all the light-skinned folks angels.
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troykiick7831 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am fond of Tyler Perry, I like his work. But this one misses the mark. In fact, it's no where close. I clicked on the "contains spoiler" box only because I really hope someone will read this and just avoid wasting 90 minutes of their life. The spoiler is this movie is a joke. Really. I found myself laughing, not because of the comedy (which is absent from the movie), but laughing because of how bad it was.

An extremely predictable plot laced with laughable acting make this movie a complete waste of time...and money! Of course, any movie that casts Kim Kar-Trashian with more than 30 seconds of script is sure to be as garbage as one may expect. Not that she ruined the movie, but it was definitely an extra kick in the teeth to an already straight-to-DVD B-movie at best. This is a movie you get payback on one of your friends with; but watch out, after watching this movie they may not be your friends anymore!
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Tyler Perry's Conceit
imdb-4531 March 2013
I guess it's official - if the name "Tyler Perry" is on a product, it's as spoiled as old milk. I won't bore you with too many details. Kim Kardashian stars in this movie as an actress. If that doesn't say it all, nothing else will. Vanessa Williams can't do a French accent if her life depended on it. And the story line... a preachy sermon that lets us all know about how black people should act... or get punished for their haughty misdeeds. Wow. Tyler Perry should be punished for charging money for this conceit of his. Pumping out garbage regularly, if his name is anywhere in the vicinity, get ready for made for TV nonsense and raunch if it doesn't have to confine itself to the rules of the airwaves. Don't say you weren't warned - I just saved you $10-15.
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Resist the Temptation to see this
htolivermd29 March 2013
"Tyler Perry's Temptation"- Once again, an example of a non-Madea Tyler Perry flick where he believes that a handsome face and a stellar smile can make the film work! In this case, he couldn't be more wrong! Temptation delivers very little more than a ridiculously simple and predictable plot, horrible acting, and as anti-climactic an ending as I've ever seen. I mean, honestly, there are two types of people in this world; Those that will think this movie is 'genius' JUST because Tyler Perry wrote it and those who will actually use their brains to finally realize that the garbage he puts on not just the big screen, but cable television as well is nothing more than stereotypical, melodramatic bullshit that characterizes Black people as oversexed animals with no moral core and who love to participate in the drama that each of his literary pieces is based on. PLEASE, if you are one of those who actually use their brains as mentioned above, RESIST THE "TEMPTATION" TO SEE THIS GARBAGE! 4.5/10
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Voice of Reason.
cstewart-737-18597414 July 2013
I saw the film. I won't say that it is the best film ever written, but it was a decent film. In this complicated world, logic and reason don't always prevail in matters of love and lust. That is what Tyler Perry attempts to show. We are all human, and susceptible to fall into Temptation, whether that temptation is an addiction to sex, alcohol, drugs, work, dangerous activities, etc. Finding a happy medium is hard to achieve, and that was what was missing in this movie for me. The main character never found that or herself. She became broken, and remained that way. Also, why couldn't her and husband stay together (since he loved her so much) even though she was HIV+. There are women who have HIV, and there partners remain HIV-. Heck they even have babies. I applaud Perry for continually introducing the subject matter of HIV (which is perhaps the reason why so many people (black and white) hate his movies), but he is in need of education himself. I did take away a lot from this storyline, and it appeals to women who find themselves intrigued by men who they know or have reason to know that a particular guy is no good, but they still date or marry them. It is a powerful lesson about what love really is. That is what I took away from this film. For those women who were smart enough to marry the average joe/nerd who loves them and only them, kudos to you! But, there are women who struggle in finding love, and for those women please take heed to this story (not the story itself, but the message!)
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Seriously...what is going on in this movie?
lauramichlew0430 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely assumed that after releasing The Family that Preys and Mr. Deeds (two of my favorite movies from Tyler Perry) that Temptation would have been phenomenal. However, slap me twice because I must have been having a nightmare; this movie was remarkably horrible and a major disappointment. Even if one could forgive Tyler for the underdeveloped storyline, the lack of continuity and bad acting (from some characters) it is hard to forgive the amateur directing and production choices such as: stretching out obvious parts of the storyline, but leaving us to assume and fill in the gaps to very important parts. I was left with a plethora of wonders about this movie. Some I will elaborate on, but others I will put it out on the table, because I am sure many others are wondering the same thing.

Question : How did Harley find out it was Judith's birthday to send the flowers? And why wasn't it evident that they were sent from him upfront? OK, I get it. Harley is a predator sociopath who had Judith on his radar from the moment he stepped into the practice, but really are we supposed to assume "this guy" forgot to place a card in the flowers he so obviously wanted Judith to know came from him? Come on…DUMB

Question: Why was the blame only put on Judith and not on Brice or Harley? Seems like the men got a free pass in this movie; both Judith and Karen suffered the consequences from Harley's seedy ways but he was able to live and play as usual (not a good moral for the players and STD spreaders out in the world). Oh and Brice, as innocent as they tried to portray him had a huge role in Judith straying. Why wasn't this addressed? There wasn't counseling to fix him or them, just the destruction of Judith. However, Brice was able to live happily ever after with a younger wife. Huh? Let's get real, whatever problems that are prevalent and brought on by you in a first marriage, if not fixed, will exist in the next marriage. Sorry I didn't buy that happy ending.

Question: What was the point of Brandy's character, Melinda…Karen…What's her name? Although this character was new to the area it was obvious she was uncomfortably spooked. However when you dive into her story, it appears this girl was running from a ghost that wasn't chasing her. Yes, Harley was an abusive obsessive prick, but it didn't seem he was fazed by Melinda in the slightest. He wasn't stalking her, calling her, nothing to prove that he was obsessing over her to the point she couldn't move on. In the end Harley literally appeared surprised by her existence. Melinda/Karen seemed to be a useless additive to the movie.

Question: Was Judith on drugs? When did she use? And why the heck didn't I see her use? It is not a wise move to have the audience guess or assume a character is on drugs…it is better to know. For all I know, Judith could have been a really intolerant drinker or the sex could have really just made her that week in the knees….who knows? I don't. Was Judith addicted to that stuff? Show me next time. I don't pay to see a move to fill in pot holes of assumptions. (STUPID)

Lastly, what was the point of casting two actresses to play Judith to emphasize age if none of the other characters were going to have new characters? I get trying to attain mystery in the story by casting another character to play an older Judith, but really? I was hip to that game when I realized Judith didn't grow up with a sister (like, immediately). You can't pass mystery then completely destroy it by creating a story where the main character is the only child. So, that brings me back to my original question, what was the need for the older Judith? With advancement in makeup techniques Tyler could have easily allowed Jurnee to play her older character. Besides, leaving the original character to play Brice and leaving the young brandy to play the same character without any indication of age (not even a weave change) were amateur mistakes. It all made no sense. It would have been better if Judith had a younger sister, died, and let her younger sister retell her story. That story line would have been thicker than the thin shallow story we were handed. (Shame on you Tyler.)

Other questions I refuse to delve into: Why were Judith and her husband living as if they were below the poverty line? She had an advanced degree working at a top firm and he was a pharmacist. So why the "we're barely making it" air? What happened after Judith quit her job and obviously did not start the practice? Did Judith ever mend her relationship with her mom? Hell, what happened to her mom after being thrown to the ground? What happened to Harley...did they really not turn him into the authorities for knowingly spreading HIV? Why the heck was Judith limping at the end?

All in all, this movie was lacking; lacking sustenance, connections, solutions, it lacked everything. There were big big holes that continued to get bigger. Tyler next time please fill them in, while filling me in, and don't keep me guessing.
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A Family That Preys type plot...I loved this movie!!!!!
Topaz192225 July 2013
I was surprised to see so many low scores and negative reviews of this movie! Sure, it was like a lifetime movie and sure the plot was predictable, but if you like movies that you can relate to then this is a great one because temptation and the ability to stay away from it is something that we all deal with at one point or another.

I can admit that I began losing interest in Tyler Perry films due to them all seeming to recycle the same actors who seem to be caricature-like. However, if you loved "The Family That Preys" and its plot and message, then you will definitely love this movie. I mean, throughout the movie, I was constantly told to be quiet because I couldn't help but be mad at the actions of the lead actress! I just couldn't keep quiet. Some people feel that the plot of a woman who cheats on her soul mate of 19 years is impossible but it does happen! I don't know about anyone else but I loved it!
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I liked it a lot
unglobetrotteur8 July 2013
This was my first Tyler Perry movie. I was curious. a lot of bad rating but the topic was intriguing. I remembered Harley when he was in 90210 :) The movie did not have bad language as far as I can remember. It demonstrated on how a good relationship can be destroyed by lust and money. I mostly like the moral of the movie more than the acting. I agree on how the devil can destroy marriages but you have a choice. Vanessa Williams told Judith but she did not listen.

It does change from the usual movie with F words all the time or killing. The other kind of movie I appreciate are animation movies.

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*SPOILER ALERT* When are we as Black people going to get MORE??! *Spoiler Alert*
lanik73 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First off, as soon as I saw the Jurnee Smollett look-alike, I knew exactly where Tyler Perry was going with this so called "narrator/sister." The movie is so predictable its ridiculous. A 'good girl" that grows up and wonders what she's missing? Wow, sounds like a lifetime movie to me! However, I was hoping for a big chair clenching twist, but I was severely let down. If the twist was supposed to be that Brandy (have no idea what her name is in the film) contracted HIV from Harley and that of course, Judith does also....then Mr. Perry failed horribly. It was so ridiculous to me how Brice went in and started beating the hell out of Harley and Harley never retaliated. Sure, he was supposedly drugged up (even though this is never shown in the film) but the fact that the most climatic scene of the movie was only one-sided was a major disappointment for me. Also, Tyler Perry seems to be recycling lines, the infamous "Well i'll enjoy the ride on the way" from Sanaa Lathan's character in "A Family that Preys" (his best film yet) was used in this film in basically the exact same mother/daughter scene. All I did throughout the movie was roll my eyes at the mediocrity of it all. THE ENDING, is what really took me for a loop! How in the world did it seem like the main characters Brice and Judith aged about 15 years while Brandy looked the exact same or maybe even better than before. Brice's new wife looked as young as Judith was the majority of the movie. Also, when Brice turned around and revealed the horrible Bill Cosby gray hair piece on his head, I couldn't control the giggles that escaped me. BOTTOM LINE IS, IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN IT YET, WAIT FOR THE LIFETIME PREMIERE!
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Perry knows how to write relationships
baumer2 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Tyler Perry is like the John Hughes of relationship movies. He has an ear for dialogue and he allows you to become immersed into the world you are watching. Temptation is a pretty simple movie. It's really about a woman who is unhappy with her marriage and then gets seduced by a rich man and his lifestyle. That's the pitch. Now if you or I pitched this to some studio, they'd throw us out and maybe even have us beaten up badly by security for wasting their time. But because it's Perry and he pretty much owns the studio that makes it (Lionsgate distributed) then he is free to make what he wants.

Seduction is somewhat over the top. I have read the reviews on IMDb from all the people who hate it and the problem they have with it is that the character arc seems to extreme. I disagree. Judith and Brice have known each other since they were kids. They married and they are the only people they have been with. Brice isn't a bad guy but he is just starting out in life. He is pragmatic (to a fault) as he feels that they won't be ready to take any financial risks until they are in their forties. Judith has a degree in something, forget what it is, and she wants to open a marriage counselling business. But all she can get right now is work at an on line dating company. Here she creates questionnaires for her potential clients. This on line dating site is for the rich and more rich and soon, there is a potential investor who comes into the picture. His name is Harley and he catches Judith's interest right away. After many times turning him down, she finally gives into seduction and the rest is a path to hell.

The thing about the characters, at least Brice and Judith, is that they are not bad people. You hate what happens to them, but you can understand how it happens. It's human nature to want more, maybe not everyone, but most people want more than they have. And it's as old as the Adam and Eve story. You have plenty but there is that temptation. The shiny red apple. In this case that shiny red apple is Harley. Tall, impossibly good looking, loaded, perfect body and charming as hell. The temptation is there and Judith has two choices. One, stay where she is at or two take the plunge and go for the home run. But once you swing for the fences, you enter into a world you know nothing about.

Besides the script being well written, the performances by our three leads is what carries the film. Tyler Perry seems to find beautiful black people and plucks them from obscurity and into his films. Jurnee Smolett Bell is beautiful and she is fantastic in here. She goes from sweet and innocent to a vixen and a cold hearted diva. Robbie Jones plays Harley and he has the task of being charming and evil all in one film and he pulls it off beautifully. But my fave performance was that of Lance Gross, who played Brice. Strong, insecure, hurt and damaged. His arc in the film is the best of the three. I have never seen him in anything before but my buddy (who has seen a lot more "urban" films than me) has and said he is good in everything. I think you could see a lot more from Lance Gross in the future. He has leading man good looks and he has leading man range.

I love Tyler Perry movies. That's no secret. Maybe it's why I seem to like this a lot more than many others. This was a great movie and one that surprised me.

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Ratings are so negative...
Vdaniels258631 March 2013
I thought Tyler Perry- Temptation was a great movie that spoke truth. Yes, there were moments which were predictable and perhaps Brandy did have poor acting skills, but the movie had a good storyline and Tyler always brings the unspoken reality to the big screens. I believe regardless of how this movie was , folks are always going to be so negative towards Tyler. He damned if he do or don't. I say keep making $$$ and myself and many others will continue to give support. Good movie. Loved seeing Lance on screen, he is so sexy! Aside from Ms.Brandy, all played roles very well, even Kim K. Really don't have anymore to say, just stop hating people.
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Don't waste your time, it makes no sense
natalie-mestevller12 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably one of the stupidest movies I have ever seen. Not only because it preaches pseudo-morals but because it makes absolutely no sense. OK, so you want to tell the world that if you don't stay with your boring husband who forgets your birthday two years in a row, you will burn in hell. Fine, if that's what you think. But do you have to throw in all the bad stuff just because? Seriously, who believes that?

So we have this rich guy, who's supposed to be the next Mark Zuckerberg and who states himself that he is a workaholic. Now, imagine Zuckerberg would beat all his girlfriends, sleep around in parties and take drugs all day long: Wouldn't we all know that, because he's famous? Wouldn't we all know that ZUckerberg, Bill Gates, whoever on Forbes hits his wife? Come on! And how can it be that he is a workaholic, but then turns out he's taking drugs and partying all the time and actually never works? His ex girlfriend is super scared, we see how she walks into her apartment and takes a bat, just in case he's there, she wants to move away cause he came in where she works, she changed her name and yet, she is still living in the same city! Maker perfect sense, Tyler Perry.

I don't want to bother you with more details, just don't watch this crap from someone who obviously doesn't have a very high opinion about women or sex.
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