"Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi" The Sith Lord (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Into the arms of Evil!
and_mikkelsen27 October 2022
This was an amazing episode!! This might be just what i wanted from this series when I heard of It! It does a great job of building upon the movies and the Clone wars series!

This episode gives us a great insight into Dookus character and we see him from his most human side! He becomes a character with ideals and motives we can understand even if the means to achieve that, are wrong! This is a villain done right!

The animation and visuals were on point! This show looks just as good us the final season of Clone wars! Soundtrack also great! I loved the call backs to all the prequel movies! Some cool references!

The episode is short but not a single frame is wasted!
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This is how you write a villian
poseyfan26 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Utterly fantastic episode. A villian has so much more believability when you can see their morality. This episode demonstrates that very well in the case of Dooku.

That was a dreary ending... but it makes sense. If I recall correctly, Yaddle has no lines in the movies so she is a little more fleshed out here. When Dooku made the final blow I was on edge. There was an amazing build-up throughout the trilogy of episodes. Also, the music in that scene! Kevin Kiner is amazing.

I also want to point out how they did the parallels with The Phantom Menace. They make the events in this episode have more weight.

Tales of the Jedi has been great!
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An 18 Minute Journey to the Prequels!
alexbigaliy26 October 2022
'The Sith Lord' is arguably the best episode of Tales of the Jedi at an 8.5/10. Wow, I thought this episode was, firstly, visually gorgeous as ever, but also emotionally complex. This entry truly digs deeper into Count Dooku's character like never before, and surprisingly acknowledges Qui Gon Jinn's death. Its more dramatic elements are extensive yet perfectly balanced, and the score... oh the score! The score took me right back to the prequels, and I absolutely loved the duel between Dooku and Yaddle.

Overall, this episode truly pleased me, and instantly made me forget how bad episode one was. This one is really for the prequel fans, and what an end to the Count Dooku arc... Great stuff!
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The Count
Trey_Trebuchet7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Pleasantly surprise by this one!

While I wouldn't have minded longer episodes of the Dooku arc, I think the writers made very effective use of this one. Dooku being conflicted even up to the very beginning of his descent to the dark side was done so well.

They didn't have to write in Yaddle in this episode at all, but it's so cool that they did. The way this episode gapped Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones was flawless. In less than twenty minutes, we now know what happened with the deletion of Kamino, the death of Sifo Dyas (in this canon universe anyway), and apparently why Yaddle never has any appearances in the other movies after Episode I. I'm surprise I liked her as much as I did too.

This was a really compelling way to write a villain. I must say that the few times Sidious doubted Dooku's loyalty in the Clone Wars series makes much more sense now. He still grows attached to people.

The best episode in the show so far. I loved it.
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This episode broke my heart
mateo13028 October 2022
I didn't know that a visual novel can tell so much in such a short period of time.

When I saw Dooku as a middle aged person I certainly realized that these episodes will show us what happened to him to become the evil we had met in the movies before. I do not like his character because I did not understand his motives when I met him first.

Now that we realized who deleted Camino and how he became the later person I understand. I understand and it broke my heart the way it happened. It is an absolute master episode with all the music and visuals.

It was a surprise that this series has been released and it ended up a great one!
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jedpb15 November 2022
I'd implore any Star Wars fan to watch this episode. It is simply remarkable what can be done with 15 minutes of screen time. An episode that locks in emotion and conflict, revealing the key points and motives in a man's transition from good to the beginnings of evil.

The musical score for this episode is perfectly set, it conveys so much to the viewer without a word being uttered.

A simply amazing piece of work by all involved and wonderfully artistic in execution. Truly and honestly, for me, one of the greatest pieces of Star Wars media in existence. To say this borders on perfection is no understatement. Do not skip over this series, and especially, this episode.
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Yaddle Knew!
obiwisepevensie26 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode has got to be one of the best short style star wars episodes I have ever seen, it takes place during the events of the Phantom Menace just prior and right after Qui-Gon's death and Focuses on Dooku, who we find out is still a part of the Jedi order at this time. As Well as a Yaddle who we have known very little about up until this point, it turns out she was several steps ahead of the rest of the Jedi with finding out about this sith, without spoiler too much let's just say that we know she doesn't make it to the events of Attack of the Clones, the story here is expertly told, the visuals are top notch, and the score and emotion of this episodes is breathtaking. Wonderful episode!
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Best Episode of the Series
orlandovm26 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode beautifully ties to The Phantom Menace and really my only complaint was Yaddle's death felt early but Yaddle got the spotlight he truly deserves. Dooku's fall to the dark side was more tragic than the sequels no lie. I want to see other Jedi stories like Obi Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu. Definitely watch this series its great but not perfection at most. Clone Wars still tops this but Tales of the Jedi is better than Andor right now. I can't imagine how fans truly appreciate these episodes and truly appreciates what George Lucas made Star Wars to be. I hope a Season 2 of the show comes out. Thank you Dave.
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Dooku story of turning to the dark side
griniov29 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Really liked this episode, it is great how they have managed to tell dooku story in just 3 episodes with this making so much sense, very similar to anakin story, he lost faith in the jedi council and started quietening their ways of doing, and thought that he is doing a good thing and is going to build order with sidious. And to see how sidious uses the same method to get dooku and then anakin to the dark side is great.

One question i have about this episode is why does yaddle doesn't speak like yoda? She speaks normal english which is another mystery about the yoda species, maybe she wasn't raised on their homeland so she doesn't have "accent", which got me wondering how will baby yoda will speak?
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Peak Star Wars
jasonfein28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yaddle and Dooku are so fleshed out in this episode it's amazing! Visuals, music, voice acting, plot! Everything is almost perfect (including Yaddle's death). This short episode already made her a great Jedi and one of my favorites. Bryce Dallas Howard is so talented and does a great job voice acting. Also I'm happy this episode confirmed that Dooku was in fact still a Jedi during the events of The Phantom Menace! Seeing him and an adult Qui Gon talk one last time was great. And all of this is in just 15 minutes! Hoping for a season two because all of the episodes (specifically this one) were great!!
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M depressed like m literally crying rn.
suvechhabose27 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't rated the previous episodes . I just got overwhelmed so as a writers burning sensation m writing this .

There are certain changes in Yaddle's death from legends . Ignoring that , this episode really felt like a trip down a memory lane . This episode with its Qui gons funeral , ominous music of Sidious & Yaddle's death made me sobbing like a 7 yr old. The build up to this event was well executed without harming original source of Dooku , making him just another example of a survivor of jedi council's dogmatic regime .

But doing this all within 3 shorts are extraordinary.

It depends totally on viewing standard rather than easy explanation. What a treat for the OG fans. Together brothers!

Dave filoni, Cant wait to see Bad batch & Ahsoka.
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For anyone who has a sense for predictability this isn't for you
cwwesthoff0131 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The episode was ok. However from the second Yaddle leaves the Jedi temple, you know exactly what is going to happen. Which is the biggest determent for this episode. This entire series seems like it's trying to tell a story that would be cool to see over a span of an actual series. However they couldn't get it off the ground enough to actual do it so they just said "let's add Ahsoka in here because that'll sell it"

I have just been underwhelmed by the entire series, and the moments they try to make feel that something come from a mile away because you know how these characters end up. So Yaddle disappearing was because Dooku killed her? Which was all because she just followed Dooku home from work? All of it just felt so contrived and just there to say "here's 15 minutes to resolve a question we've had about the Star Wars universe that absolutely adds nothing to the story" which with Yaddles demise adds nothing to the story.

If the writers actually had balls they would've added something that would impacted future stories like show or mentions of Grogu. Which the fact that we haven't seen anything related to him, is just a waste of a good story. As that would add something to a character who's fate we already don't know yet.

Yes you can argue all you want that "we didn't know the Fate of Yaddle" yet her fate is about as satisfying as a modern day M. Night Shamalyn twist. Especially with the setup of the episode you know instantly what is going to happen. I just wish that they actually spent more time with these characters to make the predictable ending actually have some feeling to them. Also this being the last Dooku story and the time jump between 3/4 where we don't see him finally making the choice to turn to the dark side makes him choosing to fight Yaddle that much more obvious. We don't see any conflict in him, just that "wow the Jedi aren't perfect let's side with Sith" which If anything makes his turn that much more aggravating and if anything undermines his turn. I don't understand why this episode is rated so high, maybe fanboys cam when they saw a lightsaber fight again. However I was not amused, and the ending was just so annoying.
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Had potential, but shockingly inconsistent
sevskirita29 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode should have been good/great. It had a lot of potential exploring the inner tension of Dooku as he's almost across the threshold of committing completely to the Dark Side. It does do this a little well, and obviously the episode explores Dooku's and Qui Gob's relationship as well as Dooku and the Council's relationship perfectly.

That being said, this episode falls completely flat in an extremely important facet of Dooku's turn.

His motivations.

Since the only part in Dooku's story we've been shown before this was "Justice" and "Choices" in this same shorts series, I believe those episodes act to establish an event that starts and shapes Dooku's motivation to overthrow the Republic.

But this episode throws that away.

Dooku does the generic mumbling about peace and order, but since when was that ever his motivation? What does that have to do with Senator Dagonet's planet from "Justice" and the revolutionaries on Raxus?

The problem with the Republic before The Clone Wars wasn't that it didn't have "peace and order", it was that the peace and order was corrupt, the so-called peace was merely subjugation of the people into poverty at the expense of the interests of the wealthy. Yes, Senator Dagonet did cause a fight, and the revolutionaries as well, but remember that the problem Dooku had wasn't that Dagonet fought some kidnappers or that the kidnappers kidnapped or that the revolutionaries killed the Jedi, it was that Dagonet and the other senator drove their planets into the ground through non-violent and legal means.

It's mind boggling how they made Dooku's motivation almost entirely contradictory within the span of just three shorts.

I anticipate some might disagree with this criticism, saying they will explain it in other material besides this series, but I think that's absurd. If you're telling a story, you don't start with an event that shaped a character's key motivation, then immediately make his motivation completely antithetical to what it was before, saying that you'll tell the rest of the story later in some book or comic. Since these are shorts, it's necessary to condense the story obviously, but what's left out of a simplified story is something that would flesh it out further, not something needed to fix massive contradictions in central parts of a character arc.

It also doesn't help that Dooku kinda repeats Anakin's initial reasons for not turning back as "I've gone too far already". Something as simple as "Ive gone too far and seen too much" would have helped differentiate Dooku more from Anakin as not turning back partially because he simply can't go back to the corrupt normal. Dooku is more proactive than Anakin as an idealist, not as reactive.

It's hard to rate this. Ordinarily I would rate this an 8/10. The dialogue is a bit iffy at many points, but Dooku's analogy for Qui-Gon's life is expertly crafted, the animation is gorgeous, and the plotline is good enough. However, Dooku's motivations and how he compromised his morales to achieve them is half of the story, and it's foundationally nonsensical. So I have to give a 4/10.
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Vital and Excellent Star Warw Content!
atkinsonlouise-7387323 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The last two episodes built up well to this moment and boy did it deliver. Seeing Dooku's fall to the dark side was something I always wanted to see, but it was shown so effectively in this episode. Seeing him lay the foundations of the clone army and his last conversation with Qui-Gon and the heartbreak he feels for his loss, it was so well done. The fact this mirrored Anakin's fall to the dark side was interesting to see, as Dooku felt conflicted before being sure of what he had done by the end. Yaddel played by Bruce Dallas Howard was great here and her death was used well to show Dooku's fall to the dark. This was not only great story wise, but visually was superbly done as well. I loved this episode, and I hope the next arc can end things as well.
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SW Animations better than the movies!!!
hammerhead-dk26 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This epi- Sith Lord was true by title- Links Ep I/II together beautifully! Kamino/Clones/Sifo Dyas. Dooku back story as Master/Trainer and Sword's man is EPIC.... The final fight was awesome- Palpatine crackel was CLASSIC- These episodes need to be focused on SW favorites- More of Dooku- Windu- Qui-Gon.

Yaddle was just awesome, she empathized with Dooku and understand the WHY! In some senses agreed with him, so classic. Please Filoni, please get at least 6 or 7 seasons of Tales, just like Clone Wars.

Let's be real Star War animination are TOP SHELVE- let's do roll-call- Clone Wars...Rebels...Bad Batch... I would put Tales at the Top behind Rebels.

1. Rebels 2. Tales of the Jedi 3. Clone Wars 4. Bad Batch 5. Visions 6. Clone Wars (G. Tartakovsky)
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A better offering from Disney
jedimstr197114 August 2023
This anthology of short tales from the prequel era is worth the watch. Episode 4 in particular has great story. And the ever deliciously evil voice of Ian McDiarmid providing the voice of Darth Sidius is a real treat. Also Liam Neeson also provides the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn. I am happy that Disney asked someone else to provide the voice of Count Dooku, rather than bring the dead back to life. This series is the best of Disney's animation! In fact this series is the best reason for any fan of Disney's version of Star wars to subscribe to their streamer. I see there is a season 2 in the future. Can't wait to see that!!
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TheFirst017 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is everything this show could have asked for. Every scene involving a different setting is great, seeing Count Dooku know about Qui Gon's death, and a great fight scene at the end with a darth sidious appearance made this worth it. It was surprising to see them fight at the end as both weren't sure about killing one another first. I can also say that the trilogy of Count Dooku so far in Tales of the Jedi has been great. You can see his growth into transforming into Sith Lord as each episode escalates how much more he turns into the dark side and you can notice that his last straw into turning is when Qui Gon's death is announced.
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jacobayala-1363028 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was by far the best episode of Tales of the Jedi yet. There were so many things great about it!

The execution was pretty much perfect, with the music being a standout from Kevin Kiner (some of his best with Season 7 of the Clone Wars).

The imagery in this episode is extensive to the point of it being poetic, a poem written about the fall of the once great Jedi Dooku. The tree near the beginning which Dooku looks over seeming to represent his faith in the order slowly crumbling, as the tree sheds it's leaves reader for a long winter. It also represents Qui-Gon, who is implied to have been Dooku's last tie to the order and his old beliefs, as he fades away in Dooku's heart. The door at the end as well, with the light shining through representing one final hope as Yaddle opens the door, Sidious being blinded by it, and the list goes on.

I also loved the tie-ins to Phantom Menace, similarly used in the way the Clone Wars Season 7 Siege of Mandalore tied into Revenge of the Sith. It's this kind of interconnected storytelling which Filoni does so well, where it both enhancing the previous material and itself by taking place at the same time as the other story.

Overall, a near perfect ending to Dooku's character arc which manages to both mirror and differentiate itself from Anakin's, and a thoroughly entertaining episod!
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I was blown away by this episode
HanksFan023 May 2024
This episode had music like nothing I have come across in Star Wars before. I was blown away by this episode, the IMDb tag "Top-Rated" hardly does this justice, it's absolutely incredible what they managed to pull off here in such a short space of time.

Dave Filoni is a genius, a worthy successor to George Lucas.

The cast's voices were just perfect. Though I would expect nothing less from Ian McDiarmid, Liam Neeson, and Corey Burton. Bryce Dallas Howard who voiced Yaddle was equally good though I know not if she has played this role before, or even if Yaddle has had a speaking role in any previous Star Wars content.
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A perfect episode.
jwmonical26 June 2024
As fine of an episode as you'll find in the Disney era.

An absolutely haunting end.

You could watch this episode on mute and still have an amazing time because the animation is gorgeous.

Likewise if you closed your eyes and just listened to the episode it is still is equally as great.

The voice actors are incredible and the score is downright chilling.

As fine of an episode as you'll find in the Disney era.

An absolutely haunting end.

You could watch this episode on mute and still have an amazing time because the animation is gorgeous.

Likewise if you closed your eyes and just listened to the episode it is still is equally as great.

The voice actors are incredible and the score is downright chilling.

As fine of an episode as you'll find in the Disney era.

An absolutely haunting end.

You could watch this episode on mute and still have an amazing time because the animation is gorgeous.

Likewise if you closed your eyes and just listened to the episode it is still is equally as great.

The voice actors are incredible and the score is downright chilling.
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