6 Days to Air: The Making of South Park (2011) Poster

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Good stuff.
13Funbags22 March 2019
As a fan since the beginning I thought I knew everything about South Park but I learned a lot from this documentary. This is a must see for all fans.
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A Look Inside the South Park Studio
gavin69424 September 2012
This documentary is pretty much exactly what it says: a look inside the studio and how a small group of dedicated people are able to bring a cartoon to your home each week with only days to go from scratch to screen.

My biggest disappointment is the length of this thing. Clearly it was designed to fit within an hour of television, but I would think they could have put more for those who did not watch the original run (I saw it on Netflix, for example). There was not much discussion of the movies these guys made, and how films like "Cannibal the Musical" fit into the story of Parker and Stone.

That aside, I think it was a good peak at how these guys work, and it is interesting to see Bill Hader in on the fun, too. I knew some episodes were made last minute, but I was not aware that the show consistently worked that way. It is an amazing feat.
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Little disappointing for what it could have done
webstercharlotte7 May 2022
This picks up Matt & Trey's return to the studios in which they have less than one week to come up, write and have ready the first episode of the fifteenth South Park series following their return from writing and opening the musical "Book of Mormon"

For anyone not already aware, the entire process of writing a live theatre production like that isn't just draining beyond belief it's also entirely different - almost polar opposites of that involved with writing a 22 minute animated comedy. Not only that they came back with no literal clue what to even use for writing so even getting back into that mindset is an achievement in itself let alone putting an entire episode together ready to air in just six days.

The cameras are allowed briefly to record Matt & Trey with the other writers bouncing around ideas which is not a place anyone is or has been allowed to venture before. As Matt says and another writer agrees, it's a very vulnerable place to be throwing out ideas most of which will be rejected and maybe two or three out of every 100 even making it into further conversation but the culture within the studios and especially amongst the team is one that means they feel able to expose themselves and not worry about ridicule and being ripped on for an idea that's dire.

It was interesting to hear amongst the many topics, ideas and suggestions thrown out casually, one that Matt mentioned which was something he read about NCAA / basketball players making others a small fortune for their efforts but whose own Mothers weren't even paid to go see them play at any of the games (which would later be the 5th episode "Crack Baby Athletic Association") . Seeing hidden camera footage of Trey pacing full circles around the writers room like an injured animal trying to think up ideas gives an even greater sense of the stress, anxiety and incredible pressure they're under and have been subjecting to themselves for over 20yrs.

It gives you new found and full respect to the animation and sound / editing team who get extra tense and worried when there's not much noise and laughing from the writers room because the writing and voice recording is done first and then handed over to the animators. The amount of absolute belly laughing inside the sound booth whilst they are recording must be a nightmare for the sound guys to edit and cut out all the sniggering and wheezing from Matt & Trey's mic and al the while, Anne Garafino (God love her) has to take the initial ideas and intentions they have for each episode and run it by the legal standards making sure it's allowed to air.

Anne is such a sweet, gentle natured soul and although obviously not by any stretch easily offended or a prude given how long she has been working with Matt & Trey, it's still funny to hear her talk and make the phone call to run the initial ideas by their legal standards people and include what type of detail will be included i.e. The scenes showing characters with their mouth sewn to someone's arsehole and how much crap will be visible.

For me personally, at just shy of 45mins long it felt like too much time was spent covering older ground and recapping the origins of South Park and generally going back over well trudged ground. I wouldn't have thought this would appeal to many other than existing and well established fans most of whom would know this already.

The other minor gripe is that I got the distinct impression Matt & Trey weren't entirely 100% comfortable or keen to have even filmed this which I know they're fiercely private and guarded about anyway so it seemed an odd thing they would allow the cameras to follow them. I understand that entirely and would have preferred they weren't asked to give interviews on camera or if the cameras had stuck solely to a fly on the wall footage (as seen when Trey is pacing the writers room) or better still, scratched that and focused more on the animation / general creative team and how they work day to day.

I dunno there's just always something really uncomfortable in any interviews with Matt & Trey where you know they've been asked to sit just so, have really crap generic questions put forward or asked to do impressions and they oblige because they're such professionals but you can feel the awkwardness and sympathise.

Would love to have just seen how the team works from when they get back the recording and start the animation process to match. Would also love to see more of Anne at work if not an entire documentary dedicated to her job being "Oh God no... I have to people call up and try explaining this??"

A definite one South Park fans will love for sure though.
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"they dig poo"
RainDogJr9 September 2012
Why I saw this just now is something I can't explain to myself. I was actually watching some youtube and ended finding little bits of it, dealing with the way Trey Parker does the voice of Cartman – this got my attention as I don't think I've seen him doing that before (aside of that funny bit from BASEketball in which he turns into Cartman). Later, I found the clip of Trey doing some voice work together with Bill Hader. I did know Hader (yes *the* Bill Hader from SUPERBAD) was working for SOUTH PARK but watching the actual thing with him and Trey just laughing hard made me think something like "wait a minute, why I haven't seen this documentary? I even own the damn thing on Blu-Ray!"

What "6 Days to Air" offers is a look at how the first Season 15 episode ("HUMANCENTiPAD") got made. Also, we have stuff dealing with the story of the show. Is worth pointing out that hard-core fans of the show will find some great and unique material even from the bits with well-known stuff like the story behind "The Spirit of Christmas" or the going-to-the- Academy-Awards-with-dresses-and-on-acid anecdote. The rest of it, well, it's clearly priceless material – is seeing with your own eyes everything you have heard or read before; I mean, is seeing how Trey Parker and Matt Stone come up with pretty much everything (6 days before the airing, certainly) and their ability to basically hear an idea and immediately start to think with Cartman or Kyle's mind to create the dialog. Bill Hader has the dream job of being a writer who does basically nothing aside of laughing hysterically thanks to the whole making of a SOUTH PARK show. And you'll laugh hard too!

*Watched it on 09 September, 2012
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Tick tock tick
StevePulaski9 November 2011
I think the main reason why South Park will never be among one of the top ten animated programs of all time is because it's a show that centers around crudeness, vulgarity, and very controversial subject matter. Shows like The Simpsons overshadow South Park because of the fact that a show like that is on network TV and it's more family-orientated. South Park is and always will be in its own world.

The Making of South Park: 6 Days to Air is a special that is definitely overdue and under-stayed. This is a forty minute behind-the-scenes look at the making of the show and how everything is done in six days. During the summer and winter seasons the creators take a much needed break, while in the fall and spring seasons the animators, writers, and directors work hectically to try and put together seven or more episodes.

I always wondered why the creators don't work during the months the show is off the air. Then I figured it out; if they worked during the months the show was off the air and created episodes that centered around pop culture things set in the month of, say, June, then by the time they aired in October they'd be outdated because surely new tabloids have come out by then.

During the spring season many running jokes about actor Charlie Sheen surfaced since he was hogging the public light, and making himself out to be one of the biggest goofballs on Television. But in recent months his popularity has simmered and now no one even references his many catchphrases. Imagine if South Park made an episode about him during the June months and aired it in the months of October. It would be so outdated and old ratings might be hurting.

That's why, I believe, the show has such a strict week schedule. Every episode is created within six days, hence the title. Trey Parker and Matt Stone state that they spend so much time in the writing room before giving the idea to the animators for them to quickly animate and create it. The two also state that if they come up with some cockamamie idea (IE: people bouncing on their over-sized testicles) the animators need to find out how to make that happen. Nonetheless in a six day period.

The stress is sometimes unbearable, and the turnout isn't pleasing all the time. Trey Parker states that more often than not he is disappointed when the episode is finished, but can't hold onto it for a day more. It has to be turned in. He said that if he delayed some episodes he could be working for several more weeks to perfect it to his personal standards. And who's to say that the episode would even please him? 6 Days to Air shows the production of the episode "HUMANCENTiPAD," which was the season premiere for the show's fifteenth season. The episode is one giant joke about the lengthy and repetitive "Terms of Use" policy iTunes makes you agree to every few months. The joke is that everyone reads it except Kyle, and Kyle learns he has agreed to a very disgusting, inhumane project by Apple.

One thing the special should've included more of was the voice acting by Parker and Stone. Somehow, it's hilarious to see two grown men, one voicing a Chinese guy who is about to have diarrhea and the other voicing a young boy who is about to have a very unpleasant experience. The way they bounce back in forth, voicing almost all the male characters in the show is creative and nothing but sheer enjoyment.

I think it's because we (a) never see Parker and Stone together on camera and (b) we never really get a good look on how South Park is made. 6 Days to Air only scratches the surface on how the show is crafted, and at forty minutes, how much can you truly show and say? This is the first South Park documentary made since Going' Down to South Park in the early nineties. Maybe in another ten years we'll get a near two hour documentary with more extensive scenes of an episode's creation and more scenes involving the animators discuss the stress and frustration of working on such a show.

What we get is very good, and a long overdue project. But the result is it's under-stayed and leaves much more to be desired. There has to be more to the writing and animating process we see. Maybe next time we'll detour a bit and talk to both creators about their reactions on their films BASEketball and Team America: World Police. There is so much more to these creators than we see on this special. It seems they just don't want to show it.

Starring: Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
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Intriguing Look into the Magic of South Park
Reviews_of_the_Dead14 August 2023
This was a documentary that Jaime, my wife, and I watched. We were tired so we wanted something that we could watch without fully paying attention. Seeing a documentary about South Park seemed perfect for that.

Now I've seen almost every episode of the show that they've put out. I own most of the seasons as well. I'm a fan of just how poignant they can be and on the ball with current events. This documentary shows how that happens. They make their episodes in six days. That seems like a lot of time, but considering other animated shows take months. It makes it that much more effective.

Here we get to see Trey Parker, Matt Stone and the rest of the writing room as well as the other teams involved with making the shows happen. This includes Bill Hader who worked in the writer's room at that time. It seems like an inclusive place from what everyone says. Bill also brings up how on Saturday Night Live, they must be careful who they mock. South Park doesn't and both sides are up for attack.

It makes sense why they put out so few episodes per season with how fast paced and stressful this is. We see the inception of HUMANCENTiPAD from beginning to air. This is one that Jaime also saw and we both thought was hilarious. Seeing how they came up with ideas and how they had a member of the team take it to the legal team to see what needs to be changed or what can fly. This is just a fun look at what they do.

This is a short documentary so they also include a bit of the history of the show. They get to know our main duo a bit as well. I thought that this was an interesting little look into the world of South Park that I wouldn't otherwise necessarily know.

My Rating: 7 out of 10.
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Very Good Even If You're Not a Fan of the Series
Michael_Elliott29 July 2012
6 Days to Air: The Making of South Park (2011)

*** 1/2 (out of 4)

Fun documentary with the title referring to how long it takes the South Park group to come up with their ideas, write the dialogue, do the animation and get the finish product on the air. I think it goes without saying but this is mainly going to appeal to South Park fans, although I'm someone who hasn't watched the shows in ages yet it still kept me entertained and reminded me what a funny show it actually is. I really enjoyed seeing all of the behind the scenes stuff that's gone over as it really lets you in to see how tough the job actually is. Some of the best stuff happens in the writer's room where they discuss how for every one great idea they have a hundred bad ones. We see how they come up with the ideas, work them out and how they ultimately decide on whether or not to use them. From here we see the vocal work that has to be done and then of course there's the animation. The episode the guys are working on here is the one where Cartman keeps saying his mother is "screwing" him. Trey Parker and Matt Stone are both interviewed throughout the process and we also get a brief history of how the show started and their trip to the Oscars.
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Great for South Park Lovers!
DanielEdwardStJean16 January 2020
This was a great, insightful film that details the intense personages, and working conditions, regarding the creation of South Park. It was quite illuminating and I found all the interviews and sections as intriguing as the last.

Recommended for those who enjoy South Park!
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Making of a South Park episode
Horst_In_Translation15 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
And that episode is the first of season 15. I have not yet seen that one, but at some point I certainly will. I think I have watched roughly 150 episodes of the show so far. The episode that these 40 minutes here are about is a spoof of "The Human Centipede", a horror film I quite enjoyed, so one reason more to watch it besides being a great "South Park" fan in general. But this documentary is not only about this episode. It also features scenes from older episodes that were particularly memorable and edgy and also some background stuff on Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the "South Park" creators, such as when they were at the Oscars or their very early short film works before "South Park" started. There's some generic stuff here like comments how the crew is the best they could think of or some pseudo drama about one of the makers being unhappy with the episode every time shortly before it gets aired, but all in all it's a good documentary by Arthur Bradford and nice to see it achieved an Emmy nomination. Certainly worth a watch for fans of the series. Recommended.
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Disappointing: too shallow to be interesting.
JustHavingALook6 January 2024
Not sure what's the point of this 40 min "documentary".

It might appeal to die hard fans. For the rest of us: it might actually push some people away from ever watching any SP episode.

Now: I used to watch South Park (maybe the first 5, 6 seasons) then I guess I grew up and found most of the sexual and poop related "jokes" as being lame and fillers to carry on an otherwise empty episode.

But anyway.

The topic of the human centipede is just unwatchable stuff for anyone not familiar with SP; the unnecessary punishment to push through an episode in 6 days is not entertaining and definitely not meaningful at all (ok, it can help to work under pressure, but there are limits and they are not presented on screen). The pressure the animators, editors, etc are subjected seems like mobbing.

This is a sort of reality show that has been obviously heavily edited (even though the several black frames here and there tell us whoever reviewed it did a sloppy job). It seems the goal is to place the couple of Matt and Trey on the pedestal and see how they operate, rather than the process of making an episode. Again: cool stuff for a long time fan, useless for someone who doesn't knoew much.

The parts about the book of mormon, the oscars awards and how they started are cool yes, but totally unrelated to the premise of the documentary.

There is not much that made me say: "hey now I see how collaboration between different people can help trigger the creative process".
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Great, fascinating documentary!
jellyneckr31 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Since its debut in 1997, "South Park" has somehow managed to remain the sharpest and most consistently hilarious show on television. This is quite impressive given not only how long the show has been on the air at this point, but also justhow quickly each episode gets produced. It had often been said that episodes of "South Park" are made in a week or less. I'd heard this a long time ago and thought it was simply a rumor, as it seemed completely insane to think that anyone could put together such great television in such a limited time span. 6 Days to Air: The Making of South Park shows how "South Park" creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone manage to do just that. The focus here is The Human Centipad episode, perhaps the most disgusting episode the duo has ever come up with. The writing process, animation process, voice-recording process, and editing process are all covered here. Due to the short running time of the documentary, the coverage of each of these processes is not extensive, but long enough for the viewer to get a good sense of what it takes to create a typical "South Park" episode.

The best part of 6 Days to Air is that, unlike most behind-the-scenes documentaries that try to sell that every production is a blast to work on, here there is emphasis on the enormous pressure and anxiety everyone is under to get the episode done on time. Parker and Stone make no attempt to hide the anxiousness, making this feel like a real honest look at the creative process, not just a "South Park" fluff piece. Parker, in particular, is seen to be quite on edge when it seems the episode may not be done by the scheduled airdate. Although Stone gets his fair share of camera time, Parker seems to be the main figure in the documentary as head writer and director of the episode being produced. Parker is a fascinating figure to watch, alternating between hilarious, stressed out, and just happy to get the work done. This isn't one of those documentaries where the audience is left with the impression that the filmmaker is delusional, pretentious, or a jerk. Parker just seems like a normal, everyday guy with a very tough but rewarding job in the television industry. If anything, 6 Days to Air makes one admire Stone and Parker even more for the hard work put into their television show.

6 Days to Air isn't perfect as its aforementioned short running time is a bit of a bummer, but it's certainly one of the more entertaining and informative documentaries about television. I've seen it several times now, and still find it to be just as intriguing as I did the first time that I watched it. It would be great to see another longer documentary about "South Park" in the future, although for now 6 Days to Air remains the definitive documentary on the legendary series. Definitely recommended. 9/10
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