Jovi & Lou (2023) Poster


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ignore the fake reviews
smoratti2 November 2023
Look it has a decent look and story is OK I guess. The key problem is the acting which is quite amateurish, the sound editing which is adds comic effects poorly, and the direction which is average. But the main problem is the .acting, which is.not up to par. It is an indie production so some slack has to be given, But you would not want to see this..

Ive said all I need to to so the rest is just to make up the imdb word quota which is stupid considering how long I have been contributing. Anyway to summarise, not reccomended so watch on your own recognisence. Substandard movie acting and production.
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Oddball and ok
albumman-13 November 2023
I guess I'll write my first review since there's only one real one for this movie right now. It's ok. It's not a 3 and it's not a 7...somewhere between those limits.

The storyline is decently paced with just a little bit of drag. There are some good chuckles but no huge laughs. That said it wasn't painful to watch either.

It is an indy but looks very good. Yes you can catch the cameraman in the window (maybe that's Terry's homage to Kevin Smith?) but overall the look of the film is excellent.

That said, the acting is very uneven with Jovi and Lou being consistently good, Mary and Joey being mostly good but with a couple of stilted scenes, and Detective Harris...I don't know maybe she's married to the director?

The most annoying thing about the movie is the soundtrack (Director and writer Terry Spears would have been better served if he'd let somebody else do that job).

The ending was telegraphed but overall it was fun. For me that all adds up to a 6.
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What happens when you mash up a raunch-com, a christian film, and Frailty?
RBIves-202-72535227 April 2023
You get this movie.

Our main character is on a mission from God (and/or maybe someone else) to save his dying wife's life by carrying out some unsavory tasks, but that's just the setup, this is a comedy after all. There's a ton of biblical humor with sound effects and musical cues to remind you to lighten up. I was impressed by the amount of unique locations the filmmakers managed to get. There are some fun exchanges between Jovi and Lou which hint at the vast amount of history these two have together, like 6000 years or so. Jesus was a highlight every time he came back. ;-P.

Don't miss out on this one.
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Wacky indie gem
marceldorian26 April 2023
Just like in old Greek mythology, where the gods mess about with us mere mortals in this dark comedy it's God (Jovi) and Lucifer (Lu) who play us. The plot is simple yet emotionally complex. It asks: Could you kill 3 potentially evil strangers to save the one you love? So, morality, love and faith are all put to the test by these 2 eternal puppeteers.

Watching Jovi and Lou was a breath of fresh air because it's original, risky, funny and very well put together. I wish big studios would work on projects like this. Both the direction and the acting are solid and really sell this wacky premise.

If you feel like watching a brave and fun indie, give this a go.
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2 Films in 1
catheraneskillen30 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The wife of a young married couple is having qualms of conscience over her job as a public defender, doing her job to the best of her ability even if it means the guilty walk free. Instead, she wants to pursue her dream of opening a Bed and Breakfast but her husband is concerned about finances and wants to wait. This is when things take a turn with unseen forces stepping in. When the wife is in peril, a Faustian bargain is struck between the devil and the husband to save her. What is never addressed is that Lou, the devil, caused the wife's peril. In the meantime God, Jovi, and Lou vy for control. But this God does not feel very God-like in my book. The actors are quite good which is engaging, the cinematography is well done and there's a good use of locations.
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Completely different, completely bonkers
baccaruda129 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've been watching indies for a long time, and this film blew the doors off 99% of them in terms of unpredictability, which these days only indies seem to achieve. There are scenes that the only reaction can be is..."whaaaaaaa???" When Jesus made his first appearance as a very flamboyant, very gay, black man on skates and wearing daisy dukes with a metallic top, it became clear that the film makers have IDEAS. Then add Satan as a skeevy dude-bro, and The Supreme Being as a snarky, busty snark mistress, and you have a film that kinda exists outside most boxes. Like most indies, the acting goes from sublime to not-so-much, and there are the sound EFX and canned music that immediately shout "low budget", but don't let that stop you from checking this one out. The director and the writer have a quirky perspective that comes though on screen, and gotta say, I appreciated how those unique voices were shown visually. Disclaimer: I watched this film after a little bit of innocent imbibing, and I'm glad I did. It made the absurdity of the proceedings even more interesting!
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Caught between heaven and hell
directortim201226 April 2023
I will admit, I've always been a sucker for a kind of Faustian bargain. The immortals in this story, Jovi (God) and Lou (Satan) make their big, macro moves... while we little humans, just like the characters in this story, try to figure out how to move between the two deified poles. Sure, we all think we want to move towards the "good." But as this movie beautifully illustrates, life -- and stories -- are always more interesting when there's pull from both the good and the bad sides of life. The film "Jovi & Lou" has that push-pull tension, which creates some of the drama. But just to be clear, this movie is a lot of fun, too. Funny and fun! I was with the story from start to finish. I won't give away what happens, but if you check this movie out you're in for an interesting and entertaining ride!
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Cute & Edgy!
Extra-Artsy3 May 2023
What a refreshing indie comedy! It's cute and edgy. The idea of God as a woman is not new but a gay black Jesus is not something I have seen before and the actor who plays the character pulls it off wonderfully. I watch a lot of indie movies and I gotta say this one has a lot going for it. The story is original and though provoking yet funny as hell. Several times I was laughing out loud. All the acting is believable, something that is often lacking in indie movies. Overall the production is of high quality. It's not one of those one room movies that seem to be so popular these days. It looks like they went to great lengths to find interesting locations and sceneries. I give it two thumbs up.
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Hip, oddball flick
thejhorton30 April 2023
Jovi and Lou is a hip, oddball flick that pits Satan against God. The plot centers around Satan's offer to cure a man's wounded wife, in exchange for him taking out three random folks.

The movie is a riot, packed with plenty of funny moments that will leave you in stitches. The screenplay is pure gold, seamlessly shifting gears from comedy to more supernatural scenes. It's no easy feat, but the writers hit the nail on the head. The movie dives deep into weighty themes like ethics, faith, and the nature of good versus evil.

The lead actors are dynamite, bringing their A-game to the table. Satan is one hell of a charmer, while God is the model of morality. Both characters leave an indelible impression on the viewer, a testament to the strength of the acting. The man caught in the middle of the infernal duo's game is also convincingly played, eliciting a real emotional connection with the audience.

The production values are top-notch, from the sharp cinematography to the vibrant soundtrack. Every aspect of the movie has been crafted to perfection, resulting in a polished, professional final product.

All in all, Jovi and Lou is an offbeat, sassy gem of a film that showcases the best of supernatural comedy. If you're looking for something that stands out from the pack, then this movie is a must-watch.
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Loved it!
Very entertaining and loved every minute of it. If you like Dogma, you'll love this movie. The beautiful cast was great and did an amazing job. Jesus was especially fabulous and very hilarious. Everyone loves to play games even god and the devil. So be careful what you pray for. You never know who may show up to answer your prayer. I would recommend this film if you want to step away from reality for bit and unwind with a good laugh. So grab some popcorn, kick back and go on this wild ride as this poor dude does what he can to save his loved one caught on the other side between heaven and hell.
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A Fun and Irrevernt Cosmic Comedy
dfranklin-4182116 July 2023
Part The Seventh Seal, part Miracle Workers, and part Book of Jo (but a hell of a lot funnier,) this is a fast and funny indie comedy with a lot of charm and quirk to it. Definitely worth watching if you're looking for something fun and off the beaten path!

Victoria Strange offers a stand-out performance here, and. Trevor Van Uden is clearly having a lot of as her counterpart. The back and forth between God and Satan here adds a refreshing twist to a story we're all familiar with.

And at only 77 minutes, the film doesn't overstay its welcome, which is a refreshing change of pace in an era of long movies! Definitely worth a watch!
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A super natural thriller
idealityentertainment30 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Jovi and Lou is a timeless portrayal of good vs evil. It is an ultimate battle of God vs Satan and their historical contest to win souls. This modern day twilight zone puts the main characters in a precarious situation of compromise with the Devil, while the Arch Angel of good Jovi must intervene to win back the protagonists and her Husbands trust. The story is dark, and comedic with thought provoking tropes and scenarios. The characters bring life to the Greek mythological past. The dialogue is engaging and transcends the message of hope, God love for humankind, and faith principles. If you love classic Good vs Evil storylines, then this movie is for you.
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God is a woman and she's funny!
scanscapework26 April 2023
Irreverent and sometimes dark, "Jovi & Lou" can be entertaining and thought provoking for those who view it with an open mind. Others may find the concept of God and the Devil as ex-lovers who determine all aspects of our lives by playing party games too offensive. I personally loved the story and think these indie filmmakers created a soon to become Cult Classic Movie. All of the characters are very delightful but I really got a laugh from Chelsea Suh as Lucy and Jared Lucier as Albert. If you're into original and risky but funny content you don't want to miss this indie gem of a film. I give it two thumbs up.
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Interesting quirky script
orchidmama26 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is an interesting concept for the script. It seems to start off as a normal drama between a struggling young couple but expands into a more supernatural story. It is a lighthearted comedy that brought me into the story easily. Two different worlds exist together and affect the character's lives. I love how they created the god characters. Each of them were a very original and unique interpretation, which made them interesting and attractive. The direction is consistent and creates the right mood and atmosphere. The performances were good and the ending was unexpected but was perfect for the story.
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Enjoyable Indie about Amoral Dilemmas
jcairns-468-292284 May 2024
Really enjoyed this indie comedy about navigating difficult moral decisions in a world replete with competing world views. Liked the main actor and actress who played the couple hit with unfair misfortune. In many ways, this seemed like a play put to the screen. Not only was this due to the set designs but also the acting style and dialogue had that stage-play feel to it.

This is the kind of film some will like and some will hate since it's about competing ideologies but also draws no hard and fast conclusions aside from human nature being largely egotistic and trivial.

I enjoyed this film largely because it's a window into the mind of a single creator rather than a commercial machine.
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A unique comedy with hidden messages
julianvhampton4 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Jovi and Lou is a tremendously unique title. It focuses on a man making a deal with the devil to save his wife. While the premise could be a serious one, the writer makes it an enjoyable ride by introducing humor with deities and an everchanging wager with a hidden message underneath. There is a nice chemistry with the Jovi and Lou, with their interesting banter and charisma. The main character, Joey, gets a lot out of expressions and comedic timing, which adds to the story. It reminds me a bit of the film Bedazzled, where the character has to learn valuable lessons. Some interesting name choices add hints to the story, such as the daughter with the middle name Solomon providing wisdom, or Lou for Lucifer. Overall, it was a fun watch and a creative mix of genres.
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One wild and crazy ride.
fredunderland19 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Public Defender Mary Solomon suffers a deep emotional conflict after successfully defending a pedophile. Her subsequent distraction leads her to have a car accident, sending her into a dangerous coma. Her husband Joey, owner of a small landscaping business, is approached by Lou who offers him a deal: if Joey delivers him three truly vile souls, Lou will ensure Mary's full recovery. While Joey strives to fulfill his end of the bargain, Mary's soul wanders the realm of the gods, meeting divinities such as the blonde bombshell Jovi, the raven-haired goddess Buddha, and gay black Jesus. When Joey ultimately falls short of his three souls on a technicality, its anyones guess who will win this divine showdown. A must watch.
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Fun quirky film between the higher ups
kalanipark31 January 2024
I absolutely enjoy these kind of quirky films. The "immortals" in this story, Jovi (God) and Lou (Satan) make their decisions while we humans try to figure this beautiful planet out. They just play games. Just like the characters in this story, try to figure out how to move between good and bad. The lead actors are dynamite, and likable. Satan is a charmer, while God is stricter. Both characters leave an impression on the viewer, I would recommend this film if you want to step away from reality and have a good laugh. It's charming, it's funny, it's a good ol time. We enjoyed it from beginning to end.
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fun movie night movie
mich1elle9 August 2023
Jovi & Lou is one of the funniest dark comedy I've ever watched. All the actors are great and really bring these characters into life. This is a fun and fast movie story that keeps you entertained from start to finish. It was great finding a movie that isn't just like all the other ones.

Congratulations to all the cast and crew on a job well done. The cinematography was great. I love all the locations they really added to the story. I also love how this movie pays attention to details. It really adds to the story.

If you are looking for a funny, entertaining movie, you will not want to miss.
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Mythology of the absurd mixed with the striving of people living their lives
Kadushin27 May 2023
An overall charming comedy-drama that uses moral parody to poke fun equally at the old myths and traditions and the new, taking a look at slice of life efforts for good and for evil... with most people being somewhere in the middle.

Character design and actors' performances help to tell the story, and the sound design is a little experimental with some scenes with room-tone only, some with musical commentary verging on not trusting the script, performance and the images; and some with music that fits the scene and doesn't editorialize it.

While the movie doesn't seem to be a back-door pilot for a television series in the traditional sense, the character development and background of the supernatural characters presented are interesting enough that it could be possible for other feature-length Jovi and Lou stories.

It reminds me of some of my favorite memories of mature comic books, with nods to the George Burns "Oh, God" movie series, the first "Bedazzled" movie, world mythology, and even the long running "Supernatural" television series where they just made up stuff that resonated with mythology and religion as we know it.
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Very engaging story...
undergroundprods5 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A compelling story that kept me engaged from the beginning until the end. I wanted to see what happened to these characters. A unique idea that debates morals, ethics and the conflict between good and evil. The protagonist is stuck making an impossible choice... the production value is high and it is fun and entertaining while being thought provoking.

Particularly interesting was the existential crisis and internal debate of the public defender who felt guilty in getting criminals off for horrendous crimes. In order to the even the playing field a requirement is made for her survival... worth watching.
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The humor and drama mesh nicely!
HSaid12 November 2023
In a haunting tale of love and sacrifice, 'Jovi and Lou' delves into the depths of the supernatural. Joey, devastated by his wife Mary's coma after a tragic car crash, takes a desperate plunge into a macabre bargain with the mysterious Lou. What ensues is a gripping journey into the otherworldly, where immortals Jovi and Lou manipulate human destinies as if playing an elaborate game. The film intricately weaves a narrative that blurs the lines between mortality and the supernatural, creating an eerie and captivating atmosphere. As Joey navigates this ethereal realm in pursuit of Mary's salvation, 'Jovi and Lou' unfolds a tale that explores the profound intricacies of love, fate, and the unsettling powers that govern our existence. Prepare for a cinematic experience that lingers, leaving you spellbound by its supernatural mystique. It's funny. It's entertaining. Watch it!
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Did I mention Victoria Strange plays God!
joecurry-6148128 May 2023
O. K. so to be fair I must say I only watched this movie because it stars the indie actor Victoria Strange as Jovi, AKA God. Seriously just the idea of Victoria playing God is enough for me and she is great in the role. What I was pleasantly surprised by was the actor who plays Lou, AKA the devil. Trevor Van Uden is very charismatic in the role of Lou and plays it beautifully. Honestly all the acting is great. The movie was great all around for an indie flick. Something that doesn't always ring true with a lot of indie movies. So if you like indie films you gotta watch Jovi & Lou. It does not disappoint.
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An oddball comedy drama.
hildaarani28 May 2023
Jovi & Lou is an oddball comedy drama that has God and Satan playing games and manipulating the lives of ordinary humans in the most funny of ways. It's an indie film but doesn't have an indie look to it. The camera work and color correction are top notch giving a very cinematic look to the film. The writing is funny lending itself to laughs on many different levels and yet the story is also laced with drama. Jovi and Lou is funny, thought provoking and so worth the short one hour and 16 minute runtime. They really packed a lot into this movie. I give it two thumbs up, check it out for yourself.
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funny and thought provoking
ath062915 May 2023
This is funny, thought provoking and quirky. It's also hilarious. The acting solid and well written. The Cinemaotgraphy is al done well. What does God and Satan do to humanity? What kind of control do they have over us? The pace is great. It's a beat off-beat comedy, but well done. It's one of those movie you don't know what to expect but when you are finishing watch, you are glad there is movie like this available. Special effects are also well done too. There are some supernatural scenes but movie is about evil vs good, one's faith, god vs satan. But the movie does not push their faith on you. Overall, very fun movie.
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