Pieces of Talent (2014) Poster

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Extraordinary events told unconvincingly
moviefansme22 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Plot summary: Charlotte is an aspiring actress looking for her big break, and David is a wannabe filmmaker looking for a project. Will their chance encounter evolve into a beneficial collaboration? As Charlotte tries to pique David's interest in casting her for his next project, she won't believe what sort of film he's in the process of making.

Just as Hannibal Lector makes or breaks "Silence of the Lambs," the success of this story hinges on the actions and motivations of the villain, David. You have to suspend your disbelief and accept that David does what he does because he's crazy and crazy is what crazy does. I wasn't convinced. Just as David is a wannabe filmmaker, he's also a wannabe serial killer. While getting the job done, on both counts he's clumsy and unimaginative, amusing himself but not the audience. In the pantheon of movie psychos, David is little league. As he is shocking but uninteresting, so goes the movie.

The standout is Kristi Ray as Charlotte, who she plays convincingly. David Long, playing a character named after himself, may be a convincing actor. He needs to write a more coherent character to showcase his acting abilities.

As horror, this film is mundane. Where the story excels is as an indictment of Hollywood culture--the sleazy producer, the egomaniac actor, the manipulative director. The story is eerily self referential for the actors while making the film, portraying filmmakers who get unwittingly lured into a snuff film and having to wonder if that was happening to them in real life as well.
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Modern Horror with a twist
horrorchambers3 December 2016
This is a well made movie with great sound. I think I was most impressed with the sound on this being a low budget movie. As for the actual film, I am not so sure it was exactly what I was hoping for. Sometimes the camera is moving around hand-held for no reason, like during a dialog scene in a parked car. For no reason, the camera is shaking here and there. I found it distracting. The acting was pretty good. Some of the acting was really bad. The main issue I had with this movie was the lack of any real character you can connect and identify with. Even the girl we are suppose to care about it a jerk. I was kind of disappointed, but again, I could tell the people involved worked hard. I guess I am just tired of modern Horror films being more concerned with disturbing us than telling us a compelling story that really involves us. It is what I call the "Post-SAW" American Horror Film. This is also why films like Fender Bender are doing so well. It was fun, entertaining and creepy. People are not happy with all the "Serbian Film" nonsense. Since when did it become uncool to enjoy a Horror film without feeling sickened by it? It seems more and more these films make me want to take a shower afterward, not entertain me.
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Flat and boring
Keplerb324 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What was good: Camera work is great and atmosphere setup is consistent through all the movie, i suppose teenagers might like it. Main killer did a good job playing the maniac.

What was bad: First of all - there's nothing about talent, and very little about pieces(heads only). The screen on the cover is intake from one-time dream and has no connection to the whole movie. In my opinion it fails to fall in horror category. Lacks of tension, absence of unknown, very simplified and straightforward scenes, - all of this is far from entertaining the viewer. There's very little gore and blood in this movie, scenes of murder are focused on the psychotic side of the killer rather than on the act itself and all are did in the same way. Film doesn't allow you to peek deep inside personalities which are barely shown on a surface. Neither it allows us to see deep human instincts which are often Ending is a big disappointment, you won't get what you hope for, neither you will be shocked by twisted turn of events - scenes are set up like "Scream, then die fast."

Conclusion: This movie can be fine as a background show on some party, or maybe as an entry point for those who want to get into horror movies but are scared to. BUT, if you really enjoy gore, horror, thrill, twisted thought, depravity, etc stay away from this movie, it has none of it. Take a look at other works of authors before watching this.
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Pieces of talent, but only pieces.
Lambysalamby30 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched this, glad its over, it couldn't end faster... I have been severely mislead by reviews from sites and a couple of user reviews here stating it's some kind of masterpiece.. I can assure you it's far from it!

The main actress is decent mostly but every other character was annoying! I didn't care for one of them... Especially the mother.

David long, who wrote the screenplay kept his own name for his character, who may be one of the worst serial killers I have seen, and (as another reviewer here mentioned), seems to be only entertaining himself and not us, the audience... His proceedings weren't even remotely scary.. He was more like some Hillbilly who had some bright idea to kill people and make a movie... Some scenes were actually cringe-worthy.... Also the excessive smoking seemed to be some lame attempt at character development?

I will say that there was some nice shots in it and the main actress was likable but this missed the mark for me...
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How could they have done better?
itrevorallen27 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
To see this title amongst some rather "Extreme" horror films is quite surprising, I feel this movie is the perfect cross of an acceptable Hollywood horror and an extreme horror flick. The plot was essentially "Creep", but taken to a much further extent, appropriately. In addition, it seemed infinitely more accurate. The acting was superb and even more believable when an "average appearance" actor and actress are chosen for the roles, instead of our standard sculpted from stone cast. I had a difficult time choosing between an 8 or 9, until the dog lived. BOOM nothing was done wrong. If your looking for a movie that you can watch with a gf, bf, horror loving spouse this is it. If your looking for a movie to watch with a group of friends or all alone, this is it.

9/10 Will watch again.
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Why do these movies get great reviews?
crdnlsyn1329 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this reviewed in more than a couple 'horror' themed magazines, and also online at a couple 'horror' themed websites, as a "Masterpiece" and as an "Extremely Terrifying Experience" with an original story, and great acting... this movie is not any of these claims.

So now, I'm rethinking all these magazines and websites that I've been reading for years, might no longer be worthy of my time, money, or effort.

There are a couple of small moments throughout the movie, that are interesting, but over all it's boring, boring, boring. As a horror movie, I wish I could give it a big fat 0 out of 10. Not scary, not gory, not thrilling, not good.

WHAT this movie really is, is a commercial for smoking. It seems Everyone is a chain smoker in this movie. Even the very pretty Kristi Ray, who plays Charlotte, turned me off with all the cigarettes hanging out of her mouth. I guess I will never understand the need or fascination with smoking, but if THAT was the horror of this movie, the potential of the actors getting Cancer, then... I guess they win?
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Pieces of Talent...yes, please!
Slytherclaw9026 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Pieces of Talent has been a magnificent surprise for me that almost didn't happen! I was attending a horror con on the Gulf Coast for the weekend and the Pieces of Talent poster and trailer kept catching my eye. I did a little research and decided to pick it up on the last day of the con...can I say, "Best. Decision. Ever." The independent horror scene is where I keep finding my favorite movies this year. This one did not disappoint! It is a perfect balance of horror, love, horror, art, horror, gore, and a little bit more horror. Add two great leads (Kristi Ray and David Long...who happens to play himself in this movie, kind of scary!) plus a perfect pace and you've got an excellent movie! This movie will evoke many different emotions from you. I felt tense the entire movie, but at the same time I felt happy during some scenes, sad during others, and disgusted during a few...the gore was great! :-D The direction and look of this movie is absolutely beautiful, also. Overall, I would recommend it to anyone. Can't wait to see what the future holds for these guys! Wonderful movie!
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big fat nope
nakrenn16 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If you like movies about fat hairy men walking around in their underwear most of the movie with a video camera this is for you. Very disappointed, I bought this movie at Scare-A-Con after watching a very promising trailer. They raved about all the great reviews they received but saw no evidence of anything I wanted to watch again. This movie was very boring, not scary at all. I read some other review on here about all the smoking going on in the movie which I probably would never have noticed on my own but now that I have wow, nearly every character during the entire movie is smoking cigarettes. I'm sure if you were an artist hippie you would love this movie.
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Worst waste of time...
robbciav18 August 2017
This was such Shiite, I watched the whole thing, I doubt anyone else has. Another idiot with a camera and 20 bucks. All reviews are "unpaid" involved... includes IMDb. Try to watch it... you won't last, it sucks so bad it's painful. Oh the mess that made this will add tons of codoos to erase mine.... I hope I saved some of you time..........

Shame on you... SHAME....

BE EMBRRASSED for your involvement in this......
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you will get into the two characters
trashgang9 September 2014
Another perfect example that independent flicks aren't that bad at all. This is a pure horror with all elements in tact. It's beautifully shot and it do has an arty feeling sometimes but don't let that be in the way of seeing this beauty.

I was surprised by 2 things, the acting that is excellent coming from Kristi Ray (Charlotte) and David Long (as himself). The other thing is the gore added in some scene's. The effects for such kind of flick are amazing.

We follow Charlotte who is working at a strip club and hates every minute of it. By taking a break outsite she comes across David who just been smashed together. David introduces himself and Charlotte believes every minute what he says resolving in a friendship. But David has a dark side.

The flick starts off with excellent gore and from there we do get to know both main leads. Sometimes it do move a bit slow but the way it was edited and filmed kept me watching. The gore and horror comes in slowly, first you have the hammer smashing that moves into the harder stuff.

There's also a bit of nudity at the strip club and just watch one girl what she can do with her juggs. But the nudity isn't gratuitous, it do adds towards the depravity.

Charlotte seeing some future with David and David seeing Charlotte as the perfect item for his film you can see what is coming.

And did I mention the score that moves from weird sounds to the typical country style. Yes, it all fits in perfectly with the way of shooting.

Don't expect a slasher or a cruel horror, this is more about the desperate meeting the sicky, and a sicky it is.

Gore 2/5 Nudity 1,5/5 Effects 3/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
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Q - Who is David Long?
fnord3331 March 2015
A- Possibly the most likable psychopath in the history of cinema.

I don't watch horror movies to see people survive. I like a good killer that I can root for. Usually that means a unique killing style or good one liners. Sometimes a killer can be impressively devious or have so much personality you have to like him. It's very rare in horror to see a performance that makes you genuinely like the character as a person. David Long is a psychopath you could go bowling with. He seems like a fun guy. I mean, yeah, he kills people, but it's okay. That's just David.

Kristi Ray is the perfect compliment. She's a little damaged by circumstance, but still a pure sparkling soul that would be irresistible to any goodhearted homicidal maniac.

Joe Stauffer is definitely a director to look out for. This movie isn't just good for an indie film. It's a masterpiece. The performances, cinematography, writing, every aspect is top notch. It hits every note that a movie should hit. It's twisted, but also sweetly romantic. It's an art film. It's funny. I mean, if all you want is 'splosions this isn't for you, but if you want to see a well-executed original film that will stick with you, this is it.
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