ThanksKilling 3 (2012) Poster

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Too long.
13Funbags26 February 2019
This movie is much longer than the original but somehow only has half the story. They spent a ton more money this time and the overall product is better but they could have cut out 20 minutes and nothing would have been missing. Since this movie has absolutely no relation to the first, you don't have to have seen the original to watch this.
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Not enough hot dogs!
davidsprettyprincess29 November 2019
I would have given this a higher rating if there were more hot dogs!
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The dialogue in this movie is excellent.
kevin_robbins18 November 2021
Thankskilling 3 (2012) is a followup masterpiece to the Thanksgiving classic Thankskilling and is currently available on Tubi. The storyline follows Thankskilling 2 being so bad it was pulled off the market and all copies destroyed...except one. Our Turkey friend and his son want to track it down and rescue the last remaining copy of Thankskilling 2 before it's destroyed and the movie lost forever.

This movie is directed by Jordan Downey (The Head Hunter) and stars Daniel Usaj (Another Happy Day), Joe Hartzler (Drib), Benjamin Siemon (Freak Dance) and Christina Blevins (Horrible Bosses).

The movie starts both with space boobies and a Mad Max component...both scenes are a success. The Turkey family as a sitcom is excellent. The transition from a sitcom to a Sesame Street theme was also well done and more entertaining than I expected. There's a lot of random hilarious stuff in here, like the mother constantly busting her sons balls. The dialogue in this movie is excellent.

My favorite quote in this, "Have you ever been camelback riding in grandma's canyon?" That line alone should make you want to watch this. I'd score this higher than the last movie and give it a 4/10. I recommend seeing this also. 😉
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Different? No, just plain rubbish
Cyclone_Chyno6 March 2016
Honestly if there was a way to give this film a zero I would

I really enjoyed the first one because of its silly plot and they went all out with the premise.....this film just feels like they went up their own ass and man if I was one of the people who donated to the fundraiser I'd have been POed

They spend most of the film focusing on a stupid puppet who has lost its mind....literally that's all the exposition given at the start on the film. Then there's a space worm who was Turkie's costar in the fake 2nd film and a whole bunch of stupid characters which along with the lame script, lame trippy music videos for some reason and lame jokes makes for the longest 99 mins I've had in a long time

To quote Homer Simpson, "I've seen plays more entertaining than this.....honest to god plays!"

I can't put into words accurately how much I f****** hate this film
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T3: A Neon Turkey
FightOwensFight14 January 2015
If you go into Thankskilling 3 expecting anything like what you got out of the first film you will be incredibly disappointed, maybe even confused. Of course Turkie, the antagonist from the first film, returns to spread as much horror, gore & death as would be expected, but this time the world in which his terror transpires is a much more foreign place. To T3's credit, the world it paints is extremely original... Filled with colorful sets, clever lighting, pulse pounding beats and creative characters and puppets that even Jim Henson would most likely give nod to. Unfortunately those aforementioned pluses are the only things T3 has going for it this time around.

The plot is simple. The blood thirsty, mayhem starved Turkie receives news that the original sequel to his first film, Thankskilling 2, is being pulled and ultimately destroyed. Determined to not let his life's work disappear forever, Turkie grabs his son and sets out to find the last remaining copy. Immediately the film jumps off the rails, introducing character after character, each carefully imagined and constructed but none that add any real substance to the story. Random and potty humor is thrown against the wall like rapid fire and very little of sticks at all. It very quickly becomes extremely exhausting to be the viewer, very similar to keeping up with a toddler. This makes what bright points the film does have almost impossible to truly enjoy.

Director Jordan Downey obviously has some talent... What he needs is an editor. T3 is ultimately a mess. The audience this film will find will certainly be significantly smaller than it's predecessor. I'm also willing to bet that the age of that audience will drop as well
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Gave it a fair chance, made it halfway before we turned it off
mmorey22721 November 2020
Made about half way through the movie hoping it would turn around and it didnt. Had to turn it off. This movie felt like someone baking a cakes. The first cake was decent and tasted not all that bad. But then the second cake they try to make the coolest "different" cake of all time by dumping any and all ingredients in the batter like ketchup + mustard, onions, burned pancakes, raw beef, rotten bananas, sour oranges, ice cream, brown guacamole and hot sauce. The point is Thankskilling 3 was all over the place and as watchable as the second cake was edible.
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PinkPanther19778 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Weirdest movie ever...bad in a very bad way. In other words, a huge crap sandwich with weird puppets. Nothing like the first Thankskilling.

The movie starts out with a astronaut in a space suit in space with her breast exposed...then a puppet turkey in a spaceship shoots lasers at her and she is blown in half. From there the movie cuts to a Fraggle Rock reject puppet who has lost her mind, but when you watch her lose her mind it looks like her uterus is floating away.

Lost yet? Well from there the movie cuts to the killer puppet turkey with his wife and son celebrating his birthday. The turkey looses his turkey mind and snaps when it is revealed that "Thankskilling 2 the only film shot in space is shelved" according to the news the turkey is watching. He then kills his turkey wife and flies away with his son in a phallic plane. Then for some odd reason the movie cuts to a white guy in a George Washington wig called Uncle something ( I don't remember his name but he sells turkey slicers via TV infomercials). The uncle talks to the Fraggle Rock puppet about her lost mind and promises her to play the only remaining copy of "Thankskilling 2" to cheer her up. From there the killer turkey shows up because he wants the last copy. It was at this point, one hour in that I shut the movie off.

I typically like campy horror movies, but this was horrible. Don't even waste your time with this one, first movie I had to turn off before finishing. I wasted 10 minutes of my time typing this review so you will not waste an hour of you life like I did on this piece of crap. There are no drugs in the world to make this movie cool.
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So bad it's bad
minifish5123 October 2016
There are many movies out there that are so bad that they're good. The first thankskilling was one such movie. It was terrible, but that terribleness made it very enjoyable. However, this movie does not fit the so bad it's good mold. It tries too hard and everything just falls flat. You'll likely want to turn off the movie when you realize just how much movie is left after you've already had enough. It's not enjoyable at all.

The movie is full of puppets and an out there plot. The main plot point is how turkie, the main antagonist from the first film, is searching for the last remaining copy of the fake thankskilling2. There are many segments that follow that are all painful to sit through.

I watched this movie under the premise that it would be so bad it's good, but instead I was treated to a movie that had no redeeming factor, and transcended so bad it's good to reach so bad it is painful.
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No, thank you. I don't want reheated turkey. You can throw this movie, into the trash!
ironhorse_iv25 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
For an exploitation film, while, the film does somewhat work, since it does have nudity, gore, and drug-use; it just wasn't used anything near as clever as others films, I know that has a similar premise. While, 'ThanksKilling 3' premise isn't the film meant to be taken serious; this intentional bad Thanksgiving LSD trip of a horror movie is one film, you will not be giving thanks for. It's nearly unwatchable. What does scenes of dubstep robots, talking raunchy worms, rapping ugly grandma, and men wearing colonial wigs have to do with Thanksgiving!? It's just a bunch of distorted fast cutting mess of movie of random themes. It doesn't even make any sense. Directed and written by once again, Jordan Downey, 'Thankskilling 3' takes place in a fictional meta-universe where 'ThanksKilling 2' was made, but never released. Deemed the worst film in history by its producers, the studio orders all the products related to the make-up sequel burned in a giant fire heap, except one copy of the DVD that seem to be found, years later. Knowing this, Turkie (Voiced by Jordan Downey) seek the last copy, in an attempt to release the movie to the public, in order to get the audience to die a horrible death. The only thing, stopping him, is a group of disturbing puppets and an inventor named Uncle Donny (Daniel Usaj) who want to kill Turkie, once and for all. Without spoiling the movie, too much, I get the sense that they were going somewhere new, with the adult-version of the meta Muppets-like humor, however, a cast composed primarily of puppets acting like pricks, just doesn't work, if the marionettes look like it was taken out of Jim Henson's garbage. They were so ugly-looking that they were unwatchable. What a waste for the money, they spent for them. Also, what made the first movie, worth seeing was the sheer ridiculousness of a murderous fake-looking turkey killing real-life people. That was the entertaining part. Seeing a bunch of badly made, bogus puppets attack each other, isn't as fun as it should be, because they didn't put any heart into making this film. Since, these producers knew that they were producing crap, they really didn't give two f*** about making anything seem, somewhat real. It's really hard to laugh at, somebody intentionally being lazy and poorly on purpose, compare to somebody who took his work, a little more serious. After all, its ruins the fun in finding unintentional humor in a film's poor dialogue and production. So how in the hell, did they screw up, a silly insane premise about a killer turkey, so much to the point that it's unfunny!? Well, it doesn't help that, the film doesn't have any focus, as it never truly establish any of the recurring and new characters that well. So, it's really hard to laugh at the unknown. Still, I have to say, the characters in this film, were a lot more enjoyable than the ones in the first movie, even if they had inconsistencies character details. Second off, there were way too many continuity errors that was really jarring. None of the scenes really flown rights. I hate how subplots are establish, then casually dismissed and never revisited during the rest of the film. There are several trippy scenes that don't amount up to anything in the "plot". It made the film seem so uncompleted. So, it was a bit more confusing than funny. Third off, the shock value offensive & vulgar humor was not new. Its old recycle jokes, we heard of, a billion times, before. It's really repetitive. Because of this, it made this over the top film, more annoying and tiresome than funny. They really failed to create a satirical spoof of the holiday horror genre like 1984's 'Gremlins'. They even flop in the ill-advised food relation horror films genre, as well. It makes films like 1978's 'Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!' seem like masterpieces. Because of this, I feel sorry, for all those people that contributed money to the Kickstarter campaign for this film to be made, hoping for a better movie. Over $100,000 was wasted here. Overall: The only reason to watch this film, is that the film tries to totally exploits the ridiculous gimmick premise that horror films somewhat employ, just to make a buck. Still, that reason alone, doesn't make the film any good. Even with my rock-bottom expectations; this movie was still pretty bad. Honestly, if you couldn't stomach, the first movie, the first time around, you better believe a second helping will make you want to vomit for sure. I highly can't recommended.
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A Weird Sequel to a Cult Classic!!!
Pumpkin_Man27 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was one of the people who helped finance this movie at Kickstarter because I love the original ThanksKilling. It's a cheesy horror comedy slasher spoof about a killer turkey. It was low budget and simple, that's what was so great about it. I heard they were doing a sequel, so I was stoked and wanted to help. Throughout this year, they've given us hints and clues as to what the sequel would be about. As hinted at the end of the original, it was gonna take place in space. I figured it'd be like Leprechaun 4 or Jason X and have Turkie killing people on a space station. This movie was FAR from that.

They purposely skipped that sequel, and went right to this. I've watched this three times so far, and still can't tell what I think of it. There is so much going on. The first time I watched it, I was very disappointed. Filled with random jokes, new puppets, crazy acid trip music videos, and a little bit of Turkie. Turkie needed a lot more screen-time, but it's mostly about Yomi, a yellow puppet who has lost her mind, and Uncle Donny, a human that invents the PluckMaster 3000. When all the copies of 'ThanksKilling 2' are destroyed, Turkie sets out to find the last copy and kill any puppet that gets in his way. There are a few funny jokes. The sets are cool, like Turkey Hell. The music is pretty awesome, but other than that, nowhere near as awesome as the original. If you love the original, you might like THANKSKILLING 3!!!
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"...your fingers are too big to close my eyelids for no reason"
brianmimdb21 January 2013
Puppets, violence, gags, and of course our beloved crass Turkie. Everything in this film is much bigger. The sets, the lighting, the special effects, the songs and score.

Decidedly less human actors, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Almost every style of animation is present, save for claymation.

I'd recommend going into Thankskilling 3 with an open mind, and not expecting to see an exact clone of the original. It has HILARIOUS parody songs, sight gags, and lots of hidden little nuggets to be discovered.

All in all it was a very enjoyable film. It is definitely a proud addition to the collection. It took a little bit of a deviation from the first, but thats why its the 3rd installment right?

The only drawback was there could have been more violence. If the entire reason you loved the original was the violence, you may be left wanting more.

I personally would have a better time selling this film to regular movie watchers, and maybe a harder time of those who's normal viewing experience to be the scenes of torture and extreme that occupy todays horror cinema.
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Deserves a ZERO
thobilly15 November 2020
On the plus side, they managed to make the first one look good, but there's nothing redeemable about this sequel. I suspect the creators let every kickstarter donator contribute an idea then shoehorned it into this overstuffed travesty. T3 is not even entertaining in a so-bad-it's good quality. Unless your cup of tea is a rapping grandma that Adam Sandler retired as a joke years before this movie was made. The comedy "riffs" are low rent open mic night jokes that are sometimes repeated twice to miss the landing again. Within minutes my friends and I were yawning and checking our watches. . AVOID THIS HALF BAKED MESS!
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Why did I do this to myself?
johwhi27 November 2020
This movie was either made in Japan or by a druggy burnout.
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This movie sucks
landoncardwell23 August 2022
This movie has ten times the budget of the original but it seems the spent all that money on puppets the 1st one had a bunch of charm to it but this is just so garbage I can't describe it it dose like a few screens that would make me laugh if I didn't want to blow my brains out every other minute of this long god damn movie.
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Entirely different from the original
Floated214 August 2022
Having watched the original ThanksKilling film and almost immediately watched its sequel right after, can tell they are both entirely different. Watched this on Tubi (free streaming service), thankfully, not worth paying for. ThanksKilling 3 isn't like the original in any way as it tries far more in being funny yet ends up being disturbing, cringe, awkward and completely forced.

This film is about 30 minutes longer than the original with only half the story. Nothing about this film was funny. The puppets were creepy (mainly the grandma puppet), overly annoying and just plain bad. Also these puppets seem to have a lot more screen time than Turkie which is a major downgrade.

The director obviously tried doing something different with this sequel instead of sticking to the formula as the original which made people like it, and it ended up being a mess. Perhaps the original was a fluke and only meant to be a one time thing?

Overall this film is boring and doesn't fall in that "so bad it's good" category. It is just plain bad.
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Almost Too Original for its Own Good
gavin694222 November 2015
Fowl-mouthed villain Turkie carves through the likes of a rapping grandma, a mindless puppet, a wig-wearing inventor, a bisexual space worm, and their equally ridiculous friends on his quest to recover the last copy of "ThanksKilling 2".

I had seen "ThanksKilling" a number of times and consider it a minor cult classic in its own right. So it was time to give the sequel a spin. And, wow, what a strange one. There is a much improved budget, better acting, and far more strangeness. This is more like "Wonder Showzen" or "Meet the Feebles" than it was a sequel.

Which is its blessing and its curse. I think it is an incredibly original and talented film, but it may turn off people who expected more of the first film. Also, as others have noted, the plot is rather convoluted, with the first 15 or 20 minutes (maybe more) introducing us to a variety of characters who seem to have nothing in common.
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Lame-o Meet the Feebles wannabe
Leofwine_draca2 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
THANKSKILLING 3 is actually the second film in the franchise, a direct follow-on to THANKSKILLING. The second film is referenced but was never actually made. I haven't seen the original, nor have I any wish to having watched this. It's a lame puppet comedy that openly copies Peter Jackson's MEET THE FEEBLES but isn't anywhere near as interesting.

The story is about an evil turkey creature hunting for a lost video tape. There are lots of weird alien characters all the way through, along with tons of bad taste humour that just isn't appealing at all. The special effects are amateurish to say the lead but you get the impression that the guys shooting this thought it was hilarious. They were wrong. It isn't.
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Potentially the worst movie I have ever seen
tugmyrugplz14 June 2024
Every other negative reviewer has no doubt expressed what needed to be said about this lousy movie. I just felt that It was necessary to add one more rating of 1 to counterbalance one of the brain-dead 10s. Goes nowhere is a slight stretch. It goes up and down and up and down and up and down repeatedly and for no reason, just like a manic depressive director. Do you want to know the the real surprising shocker regarding this movie? It simply this. The movie is SO forgettable, that I actually forgot that I watched it once before, about 2 years ago. There is absolutely not one good thing about it. The script is as predictable as a deck of 52 jokers. Flip over any random card from any location. Gee! I wonder what it will be? Oh! It's a joker, that's right.

Now I remember. The story has no point except to subject the viewer to an hour and 39 minutes of torture. It's troubling when 21st century Hollywood generates SO much crap compared to the 20th century. I literally spend 2-3 hours some nights just looking for something new to watch, only to be bogged down by thousands of downers like this one. Or should I say upanddowners?

Oh sure, they had their fair share of schlock and B-movies, back in the day, but crap was a lot more scarce than it is now. The actors in this movie will hopefully look back on this career-ending garbage and realize that they should have taken that dishwasher, waitress or TSA job. No. This review can't possibly contain spoilers. How do you spoil rancid meat? Nuff said.
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What? How? Huh?
BandSAboutMovies25 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Somehow, this movie has nearly no humans and the wildest plot possible. In a world where ThanksKilling 2 was actually released, a movie that took Turkie into space, as you'd expect. Yet it failed to a level that anyone watching the movie died viewing it, so the studio destroyed it, all except for one copy that Turkie - now forced to be a normal family-having bird - wants to find, duplicate and destroy the world unless a series of puppets - Flowis the rapping granny, WiseTurkey, Muff, Yomi and Rhonda the bisexual space worm - created by Uncle Donny (Daniel Usaj) can stop him.


Where Thankskilling was a slasher with a puppet demonic turkey as its villain, this movie just decides to throw everything inside the bird and drop it into a deep fryer to see what happens. Directed by Jordan Downey, who wrote this along with Mike Will Downey and Kevin Stewart, this has moments where everyone is turned into a video game, as well as Turkie saying, "Gravy" when he gets a chainsaw wing. If that makes you laugh, then you'll love this. If you thought that was stupid, well, this movie has about 89 minutes more to attack you with.

I mean, this movie is quite obviously drugs and has a puppet's anus being used to open a gateway to space. I love that I got to write that sentence.
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Different but still a lot of fun!
marie-30211 December 2012
ThanksKilling 3 is very different than the first movie, but I still found it incredibly enjoyable and very funny. It's completely ridiculous and comes across as a feature length Wonder Showzen but there's an undeniable charm that makes it a lot of fun. Don't expect a lot of killing as this one is more about spoofing fantasy films like Dark Crystal and Labyrinth than it is a slasher spoof like the original. The puppeteering is actually quite good in places and the synth soundtrack is one of the films highlights. This is going to be a movie you either absolutely love or absolutely hate but I commend the filmmakers for doing something completely different and off the wall. If you're into weird stuff and keep an open mind, I highly recommend this!
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Utterly irredeemable.
brueggemankade6 October 2023
Me and my buddy were doing a horror comedy night and watched this one. The first Thankskilling was terrible, but we were both drunk and got a chuckle out of it. This movie was so bad we actually skipped whole sections of it and didn't feel like we had missed anything. Absolutely godawful. Even totally drunk it wasn't funny at all.

Most of the movie is just crappy finger puppets talking dirty. That's it. That's the whole movie. As for the plot, there really wasn't one; something about losing the second film and going through portals, I really couldn't have cared less.

If me and my buddy had made a drinking game out of how many times we'd audibly groan, we would've died. Instead of the electric chair, executioners should play this movie on a loop and let the death row prisoners kill themselves.
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It's not very good
axshirl28 November 2019
They almost tried, and I really would've preferred if they didn't. It's not good and it doesn't manage to be so bad it's funny.
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oh dear
mally-245-9533981 March 2015
Loved Thankskilling 1 and was so looking forward to the sequel. I'm sure some people would have loved it but all i am going to say is stay with the first one and don't bother with the second. Nice to see the crazy turkey is back causing mayhem but i'm afraid that's where the fun ends. Never got round to making the best of the drinking game that you can have with this film but between myself & my mate who watched it we both agreed that being drunk may well be the best way to view it. I must point out that you do get some boobs in the first minute which was a bit of a bonus. On the whole it's a shame that the makers couldn't continue the fine work that was laid down in part 1 as the Thankskilling series of films could well have achieved a bigger cult status
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Loved the first, but this is trash
shackett00725 November 2023
I don't even understand what was happening here. I loved the first one. It was the perfect blend of trope and absurdity. But this? This was horrible from the beginning. I had no idea what was happening. I wanted to like it, but it just made no sense. I couldn't figure out how to put the random scenes together or make them make sense. It felt like it was trying too hard. And to reuse the same joke from the first one in the very beginning? Just lazy. It also seemed like it was trying to be a musical? I don't know. I wanted so much to like it, but it jumped the shark almost immediately. I turned it off after 20 minutes. I'm so disappointed.
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Freebirda10 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was a fan of the first thankskilling but this....this was just barely unwatchable crap. Coning off as an even more messed up wondershowzen on super crack, I barely made it thru the first half of this sequel, wondering why I had waited so long to see this, or why I even wanted to see it so badly. turkey barely makes an appearance in the first half, instead focusing on a family full of idiots, and a puppet who is literally searching for her mind. The second half, where turkey makes his appearance and massacre people who truly deserve it, barely makes up for the first half. This movie should have been like the fictional second thankskilling, and every copy destroyed, leaving only the first thankskilling. Get the first movie, and don't waste ur time or money on this. Im glad I watched this for free on my tablet.
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