Katips (2021) Poster


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Katips is worth watching!
raniericasiano5 August 2022
Watched it last night and I liked it. It is an honest depiction of what happened during martial law. There were those who liked Apo but majority disliked the thirst for power, abuses and atrocities committed by those in authority. The musical drama has its shortcomings but it is honest and sincere in making the viewers feel how cruel the times were back then. It is a good movie worth your time and money!
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flop movie for the 2nd time around!
reymarbelano11 August 2022
Typical anti-marcos lies! Non-sense film! The awards they received are all fake! The director and the movie don't deserve it. Mind you this film is just a waste of money!
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This movie is deserve an award
raphaelvalencia3 August 2022
I love how great the plot is and the director really search a great plot for this movie, they really put an effort to produce this kind of movie, the characters really portrait how hard the life during the martial law era and this is even a true to life story the story is really connect to the life of an activist during the bloody era of Marcoses.
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A flick dragged back into theaters out of Trash Hell for political purposes
core028 August 2022
This movie can be compared to a shoddily-baked bread that looks unappetizing, left to rot on the display, then repackaged and returned to the shelf as a freshly-baked product. It is a recycled mess from last year, repurposed as weak rival of the movie "Maid in Malacanang". Not recommended, especially to younger audiences.
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Must watch
cmdonnellynp3 August 2022
A stage musical turned into a full length feature film? Yes please! No big name actors, but superb acting, singing, performing! Deserving of its multiple awards for best picture, directors and actors. Not to be missed. This movie will turn out to be one of the classics.
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Utter Garbage of a Film
aizenhardy9 August 2022
This film promotes nothing but insurgency and rebellion. Politics aside, the movie is just utter garbage. Doesn't have a coherent storyline and can't even get their point across. A total waste of time!
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Worth Watching!
bluetargetx3 August 2022
The movie is magnificent and worth-seeing. People should watch this because it is a masterpiece. The musical scores, acting, cinematography and production are great and it shows a lot of effort for the film. There are acts that I cried and laughed. I love their musical scores; they are catchy; the harmonization of the actors does a good job in the song "Sa Gitna ng Dilim" and the choreography also stands out. Overall, this movie really deserves the awards they received from the FAMAS.
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Garbage as usual
rabat-007839 August 2022
Usual garbage film about martial law and how these pests destroyed Phil society. In terms of techinical aspects, the scenes are dragging, no connections, and flow is miserable. Its a very rude version of les miserables. If only there is 0 star for this film.
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Multi-awarded. Highly-acclaimed
linnor-719914 August 2022
Worth every peso. This movie portrays scenes based on reality during the dark days of Martial Law. A must watch especially for people born after 1986...
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mervdeguzman9 August 2022
This is shown the second time to rival MAID IN MALACANANG which is a much more substantial and truthful.

No dark days for those that followed the law and did not disturb peace and quiet.

I'm not a fan of movies that promote insurgency. The title alone already tells you how bad of a taste the creator has. There is a reason it flopped last year already, so it can't be sweeter the second time around.

With all due respect to the actors, I think it is nonsense and overrated. I'm not sure why this is averaging a rating of 6.
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Worth it, truly a great movie
llarvesaljohn3 August 2022
This movie is great, the actors, the settings, the drama, the comedy, the suspense, not a dull moment.

They are not afraid to tell the stories, portray happenings, there are no holding to telling the truth. Will watch again and again.
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godsavedmeforever10 August 2022
Cheap and non sense movie that's why this movie is flopped. Boring to watch and don't waste your time and money to this kind of movie. Better to watch Made in Malacanang a blockbuster movie.
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Love in the midst of chaos
ccl-542283 August 2022
The film was well made and leaves a good taste about finding love in the midst of uncertainty, love for country, and patriotism that makes you ask yourself how far you would sacrifice for it. The music was fitting and so good. The attrocities that happened during that era was transpired and crafted beautifully and we the viewers felt it. You know that the movie is good when you find yourself laughing, crying and crying as if you were experiencing what the characters are going through. It was one of the best Martial Law film that everyone should watch. It cuts through the heart. I would like to say congratulations to the cast and crew of KATIPS, especially the director Vince Tañada for creating and sharing this awesome film.
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Too confusing and too shallow
angelicthoughts7 August 2022
I don't know why someone created yet another Martial Law movie, but this time with less heart. The premise, the story, the execution is all bad. When we watched this, we expected another same old narrative for a Martial Law movie. We gave this movie a chance because this is a musical but boy, how disappointed we are. This movie won a lot of awards but it didn't live up to its hype.

I really do now recommend this movie as it is poorly executed. These people who are praising this movie, I don't know if you support this movie because of its quality or just a plain opposition to the current administration, but I hope you can be more honest. This movie is not worth your money. I thought Thor Love and Thunder is the worst movie of the year that I have watched, but Katips doesn't even kiss the foot of Thor Love and Thunder.

This is straight up trash. It is musical, I love musical. But this movie is meh.
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Starts messy, then explodes gloriously!
herosummoner4 August 2022
An educational film about what the Marcos Regime is really like. The emotional roller coaster is really good. Starts comedic, then drops an intense scene, then romantic-comedic again, then angers you with the next scene. Each transition of emotion increases the intensity.

Really worth watching either as a form of art, or as a form of edutainment.
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roselledflores5 August 2022
FYI. It's a 2021 film. It had it's 2 screening last year but both a flop. Lol. I don't tolerate activism. Mga salot sa lipunan. I'm really not sure what is their main goal sa pagscreen nanaman ng movie na ito. :D.
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Neatly done
jonathanbmartinezz4 August 2022
Nice transitions, cast is good, very well presented. I like how they gave justice to the characters in the movie. I can see how the story was neatly written. I hope we produce more films of this caliber.
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PURE GARBAGE - Trying too hard.
dansenodocmore7 August 2022
Need I say more? This is a disgrace to the world of cinematograph. Not to mention that this kind of movies are what leftist groups create to promote anti-government movements, but if that was their goal they should have tried at least put an effort into creating one. NOT THIS KIND OF GARBAGE! If only I could rate lower than 1 star, I would.
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Worth every penny!
catrinauytiepo3 August 2022
From the onset, you will know that this is a low budget film. Camera angles will tell you that they're only using a maximum of 3-4 cameras. There was also an obvious scarcity of crowd in some scenes. But these becomes irrelevant as the movie progresses. The timing of it's injection of humor is simply perfect. The build up of emotions as the plot thickens is superb. The actors broke the fourth wall. The emotions were real, you feel their pain, their joy, their fear.

Overall, I'd say, this is a true depiction of what really happened during the Martial Law era. The younger generation should watch this. Not because it will spark the rebellious spirit in them but to educate them of what truly happend. This is one part of our past that has been kept from the young. One that has not been taught in school, one that they tried to erase from history. A must watch!
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money wasted
lmayer-758405 August 2022
Another wasted money on another wasted Filipino film. I did not expect what i wanted to see and was not satisfied about the ending.

I was hoping atleast the acting will be above average but it's like watching a 70s drama film would have been better if it's a comedy film because I can not really stop my self from laughing my ass out.
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A jolly love letter to the spirit of the EDSA Revolution, despite its snags
pamelafaithmusni4 August 2022
I'll go with the improvements first-as a stage play turned movie, some things do not translate as well on the film. Some creative choices made on the screen seemed a little disjointed and disorienting, but imagining this on the stage helps contextualize this. Some camera angles were quite jarring, going from tight shaky cam to steady wide shots. Despite the subject matter, a lot of the times the film felt like it deviated too much by focusing on the characters' love lives (but then again, we Pinoys are quite the romantics), and often there were tonal shifts that can really take you aback.

But overall? There is no doubt that the film has a lot of heart, especially told through the eyes of those who made it possible. In the current political climate, there has been countless attempts by apologists to turn the story of Martial Law into a petty rivalry between two families. But the truth lies much deeper-Martial Law, instead, was a battle between the people of the country versus an oppressive regime. And through its various numbers and unique discography, Katips showed this spirit well.

One of the main draws of the film lie in its ability to translate the horrors into something others can see in clear view. When it isn't fumbling with the translation into a different medium, there are scenes that really hit the mark. One in particular is the gruesome torture montage of those forcibly detained. Vince Tañada's turn during /that/ scene, in particular, was heart-wrenching and shows why he deserved the win during the FAMAS awards. And while certain creative and technical choices may not make it my go-to movie about this terrible time in Philippine history, I do recommend watching it with friends who feel strongly about the matter. It makes the experience all the more fun, even profound, when experiencing the spirit of that moment in time.

Overall, a warm congratulations to the cast and crew who made the film!
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Garbage this one!
michaelpauljava5 August 2022
What a waste! The heck for them to make a re run and to what point? They want to incite rebellion? To agitate the youth to go to the mountains because their spoiled brat minds cannot take the really of things? Crazy people!!! When you make movies and the whole movie is only about hate... Do you think you would easily turn your viewers like you? Get their sympathy like so? To go to the mountains and then what? It's not easy living there! It's hard fight for a cause that the goal it self is impossible to achieve! It's a different time with different people, with different perspectives in life. Communism is just an ideology that was once strong... But for me, I now considered it, I don't know... useless.
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A very entertaining depiction of the struggle for democracy
lesteranthonyjose5 August 2022
The film was very entertaining and was able to show a good depiction of the struggle of activists during the martial law era in the Philippines.

Despite being a dark period in history, the movie tried to portray the lighter and more relatable side of the lives of the activists injecting humor in the story from time to time.

The human rights abuses depicted in the movie is an eye opener for people unaware of the what really happened during this period.

The casting is also commendable. Despite being a low budget film, the actors did a very good portrayal of their roles.
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Flop for the second time around?? 🤣😅
purijonjon5 August 2022
10 stars for Nicole Laurel because she's a great singer minus 9 stars for the rest cast .Poor directory. Poor quality. Poor cinematography. Poor settings. Not emotionally satisfying. Not an impactful story. It seems like a boring parody not a movie😅. Artists were not given a chance to shine/standout. They were not given a chance to showcase their full potential as an artist. This must be lively and interesting since it's a musical film but it's the other way around- 'boring'😑. I'd rather play capcom street fighters than watching this movie - Hadoukennnnnnnn-
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A Musical Film: No Bias
kyuuyukari3 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am taking this review seriously.

Contrary to what others say, the film shows the side of the people, it is the story of the people who are struggling under the regime of the well-known Dictator, Marcos.

You may find the cinematography of the film different from usual films, but it is bec you have to look at it as a stage play. I personally find it endearing as it easily catches your attention and shows the mood due to the editing and shots. But then again, knowing how most Filipinos are not really appreciative of musicals I don't expect them to enjoy the transitions that much.

The musical score is amazing, all the songs were catchy and pleasant to listen, although the mixing of the voices could've been better.

The actors are very talented from singing to dancing. I now understand why they got awarded. They know when to be funny, all jokes landed and everyone in the theater were having a great time. And the chemistry between the actors felt as if it were real. But what was really perfect was the point where they had to pour out their emotions, it was perfectly executed, and it made the climax of the story make such impact.

The last scene, is indeed the best. A physical mark of history. History that the characters were part of.

I think overall the story was well-written, and deserves the credit.

+ I have noticed other reviews saying that why is a historical film a musical.. I'm guessing they've never watched or heard of Hamilton or atleast Lean.

I've also seen reviews that its not good for kids.. its rated PG not G, and no there is no sex scene just the usual kiss on the lips, please use your heads (and dont comment on the film if you haven't watched it yet). At the same time calling activists as t terrorists? So the Philippines does have an education crisis.
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