Bigfoot's Wild Weekend (2012) Poster

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Wildly Wonderfully Trashy
crashfire-3141630 December 2020
If you were ever wondering what the cut scenes of the plot of an adult film were, look no further. I'm almost certain that the cast were forced to act here.
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A student film without the film school.
drgreenthumb100115 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This amatuer film seems to be a small towns labor of love. You can tell by the sheer number of characters who pop in and out of this movie, that people were promised small roles if they did such and such. While the story is fresh in the fact instead of Bigfoot being portrayed as a mystery or fantasy, or a character in a horror film tearing people limb from limb, this film asks, what if Bigfoot was a perv?

Thats this film in a nutshell, the first 40 minutes has some of the best young topless nudity America has to offer, and then there is a complete tonal shift from frolicking topless girls in the water running away from Bigfoot, to a search for the answers, as a sheriff, father & son hunters, a news reporter working for a publication of some sort, a TV reporter, and SPOILER ALERT, ANOTHER posse of hunters who eventually find Bigfoot.

After the movie spends time setting up the camping scenes of the wayward topless girls; they introduce these characters by starting from a youth detention center, then go from there, they set-up camp, build a fire, tell stories and go to bed. They share tents and one couple have a lesbian encounter that has some of the worst edited in moaning you will ever hear. They wake-up and go swimming, and except for the prude character, they get topless. Then they have a run in with the leering Bigfoot and run away. It edited where you see them run past the father & son hunter, which is the last you see of those girl and the 2 women watching them. The they throw in an overly long useless side story of a 4-wheeling redneck and his chubby gf who have camp out and also encounter w/ Bigfoot. There are multiple useless side scenes. There is a scene where a fat old woman and old wimpy man who are also camping are scared off by Bigfoot, it sets up a comedic scene of Bigfoot trying to get the cap off the bottle, while hes doing that 2 other random hot girls you never see again in the movie happen by and try to add more to make the scene as they point and wonder at what they are seeing. The scene isnt funny, and its introduces 4 more useless characters you never see again.

The acting is pretty bad through-out, the story meanders and introduces many characters who are not necessary. Take for instance the Father & Son hunting duo, good writing would have them find Bigfoot, instead at the end the earlier drunken posse finds him, in the end the characters had no point. This is repeated throughout the film, useless characters are introduced and then discarded. To much of this film is just a collection of scenes weakly tied together or not at all.

The story isnt the worst of this movies problems, the camera work is terrible, the directing is awful a lot of the acting is terrible as well. Lots of dialogue is cringe.

The movie is lazy too. There is a scene early on where the topless girls are running back to the campground, when they get their prude girl and the 2 other female characters are in the scene, the girls run into the scene, the one girl gets in position but the 2&3 girl dont, the #2 girl ends up stepping back and around girl #3 to get into position. Listen, if this was the 1980s and you were using EXPENSIVE, REAL film, Id understand not re-shooting the scene, but my goodness, its the digital age! How hard would it have been to cut scene, erase it and redo the scene, making sure this time the girls knew their positions?

This movie is the problem with low budget filmmaking in the 2000's, people are lazy and not proud of a good, final product. If IMDB gave half stars Id give it 2.5 for the comedic "twist" of an ending, but even it seems like padding for another character. The movie does take a fun, 80s sex comedy style look at a worn-out genre, and its done with lots of heart and its not completely boring.

However, the story is only one of its problems as its amatuer hour with the acting, the directing, camerawork, the editing, etc. Honestly, if this is the kind of film you're looking for there are worse low budget options to waste an hour and 25 minutes of your time.
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sorry not sorry ????
godinamachine4 January 2022
HEY EVERYBODY ITS ME, (4) and today we review - harry and the hendersons part 2 - the movie !!!!!!

This film is a comedy ....i guess .... it has the basic elements of a comedy ... a bigfoot , that actually doesnt look terrible .... his mouth never moves BUT the suit actually looks really good over all ... however ... its a comedy ..... i think ? .... i mean its funny-ish at times ...kind of .... like when the guy gets shot in the butt ...but its almost like college kid humor at best ... like .... maybe they sat around drinking , smoking and writting this out just kind of saying "bro bro bro ... what if .... what if say .... there were like titties ....and then ...bigfoot jumps out and they all have to run ...and titties are just like bouncing EVERYWHERE !!!!!!" least once that got said during the writting process i bet anything

ive seen TONS of indie comedies that have that certain magic that just clicks and makes a film work, .... even if the FX are garbage ( its not in this one at all) or even if the acting is trash ( and it is REALLY bad in this one lol) ....but with that magical piece it makes EVERYTHING just ...... well magical you know ..... sadly THIS one is lacking that it seems ....

i mean here we have boobies throughout the film, not sure IF they thought it was NEEDED to compensate for knowing it just didnt have the "oomph" to get over the comedy hill on its own OR if they just love boobies ....and heck who doesnt no complaining here ....they have a solid bigfoot ....and a decent story thats easy to follow , but relying on low brow "poop" humor to fill in the comedy genre requirements seems lazy to me .....

it just seems like this was trying to be funny but maybe was written by someone too high to actually be funny .... you know when THEY think its funny what they are saying but its really just ...... not .... at all ... and everyone around then sits there like "yup, you sure are cool jimmy, ....who invited him again?" ....

despite my review sounding so angry lol,.... i didnt HATE this film i just feel it was a missed opportunity having such a good outfit for bigfoot and not really using it in a solid flick was almost a crime against bigfoots ....though bigfoots face is eerily similar to the troll from troll ... just saying ..... but i mean the biigfoot here i almost thought was going to be some sort of party animal local legend and be the center of the party shizz etc in the film by just the first few scenes ....making it a different kind of bigfoot film BUT in the end is settles into a pretty standard bigfoot film ....people hunting the legend .........

so .. not really funny ... not original .... just kind of filler ......... sorry guys but ....

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Nearly ended my life.
jammin_jam12 May 2017
Words cannot sufficiently describe the physical agony I encountered after surviving this putrid creation. After a 37 hour period of stasis, I finally mustered the strength to move. I went on with my life. Hoping that someday I could find happiness, and forget about this "film". However, I have learned that some wounds never heal. I am lost. I write this review in an attempt to warn potential victims.
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Wow.... I knew it was going to be bad, but not this bad....
bayareamike4 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Amazing......... I was expecting a bad movie, and this outperformed. It is simply HORRIBLE!!! It is a softcore-porn type film featuring several nasty uneducated 'women' covered in ink . The porn set must have been closed that day and they needed work. Anyway, some guy runs around in a gorilla costume in the hills as various women are on a camping trip. There are some hillbillies and a Sheriff mixed in to try to find "Bigfoot", aka, the guy with the Halloween costume. In one scene, Bigfoot is seen drinking the campers beer. Hmmmm... In another scene, 'Bigfoot' was brave enough to jump in the water with the girls, only to risk exposing himself to the potential STD's the women actors were probably carrying. Perhaps the Halloween costume acted as a water-tight condom protecting whoever was inside?!? Or, maybe Bigfoot was drunk because of the beer, and wasn't thinking about the consequences. Hopefully it's just something some antibiotics can fix. Don't get me wrong - there is absolutely nothing wrong with naked girls running around the hills camping! But can they at least be decent looking & not some porno movie rejects??!
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It'll have you cringing...
Leofwine_draca12 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Indie filmmakers seem to churn out one terrible Bigfoot-themed movie after another and here's the latest example. BIGFOOT'S WILD WEEKEND is a supposed spoof comedy in which a bunch of bikini-clad young women are menaced by the lamest-looking Bigfoot ever. The supposed humour comes thick and fast and is resolutely unfunny, while the whole enterprise seems to be a mere excuse to get a bunch of young women to remove their bikini tops and splash around naked. The cringe-making wooden acting is by far the worst thing about all this.
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Pure softcore lesbian porn filth.
wingthwong2 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
On Tubi, this was rated PG-13. From the beginning, there os topless women swimming in a creek drinking beer and frolicking with bigfoot. There is a tent scene where two girls get topless and start fondling, kissing, and making sexual noises. There is a bar scene where bikini clad women are strip style dancing for prize. There is another topless fondling and kissing scene with three girls im the creek. There is a scene where a young man is shot in the buttock with a hogh powered rifle that would have done far more damage in real life, but is only a really bad job with fake blood where he pulls his pants down and shows his rear and another man gently swabs the wound. The acting is bleak. The script is bleak. This movie is advertised to be a teen friendly comedy. This is far from teen friendly and comedic. There is nothing of sci-fi thrill. The costume of bigfoot even looks like a bad gilly suit that even an amatuer hunter wouldn't use. This should be rated r or even NC-17. This does not even have the production value of a trailer trash youtube video. When Bigfoot is scaring the topless girls away, they are supposed to run away in fear, but only slowly job away giggling and forced laugh screaming with their breasts flopping
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Degrades the mind and body.
DustinRahksi1 June 2013
I only watched this so I could feature it in my nudity is bullsh-t list. This is the kind of filth that makes you wonder why women do this to them selves. I just don't understand why stuff like this is made. Only a rotten degenerate could get gratification out of watching this.

The plot was probably written by some douche bag, the characters were.....just awful. All that happens is some rednecks go to a strip bar, and women in bathing suits take their clothes off. Seriously, every woman in this film gets naked. They through in some big foot impersonator and random lesbian sex. It just kills your morality, I feel like filth right now while I am writing this.

This movie sucks, if you watch it and enjoy it, then you have problems.
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This Movie Gets An A For Awful
ShadowsBeneathTheLight30 January 2024
You know it's bad when the women displayed on the promo image don't appear in the movie. I saw this on Amazon prime and wish I hadn't. The redhead on the promo card looked cute. Well there's no redhead in this movie...

This movie is one of the worst things I've seen. The acting is bad amateur soft core porn level. Everyone is reading off of cue cards or struggling to remember simple lines with zero emotion. I almost want to say this is a soft core porno, but there are very few nude scenes. The girls are not attractive either. They aren't ugly but don't expect any big T's. One really comical scene is there's a girl on girl scene and nothing is really shown, but one girl moans like there's no tomorrow because her calf is being rubbed. Not her lady bits, not even her thigh, but her calf and ankle...

Truly an awful, awful movie.
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They tried I guess.
twonebody5 May 2021
Not a bad movie about bigfoot with cheap laughs, some nudity and oddball hillbilly characters but the reform girls story seems incomplete.
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Probably the best movie of the millennia.
sillyllamas-4911324 August 2016
On a beautiful day of hanging with friends, we stumbled across the movie on Netflix. With a vote of 2-1, we managed to watch it, and boy was it a trip! With character name's such as Sheriff Bubba and Billy Bo Bob, you may have expected this to come, and boy did it deliver! With absolutely amazing settings, such as a Chinese-Italian restaurant, and a horribly written plot line that makes no sense, it reaches the pinnacle of cinema on that turn around point where it's so bad it's good. However, from just how bad it is, it's so bad it's FANTASTIC! I recommend this movie to anyone with a sense of humour or with the movie selection for movie night with the entire family to embarrass anyone.
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A dumb movie - but hilarious!
thahirkhan-1924113 March 2021
Honestly. Please give this movie a chance. If you are looking for some action, thriller, drama, or any acting, then this movie is not for you.

If however, you enjoy just having an originap movie, with sexy wackiness, and not have to use your brain, then this is brilliant. I actually really enjoyed watching it.
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Yes a 5!
oldsvolvo5 April 2024
No spoilers...just 600 charectors. Yikes!

The main reason for the review is I stayed at the motel in the movie. It was a nice stay. I did some water utility work down the road and could park my big rig and have a meal or two. I know this is a movie review. I do not remember a gentlemans club near by. Anyway not really a bad movie. They filmed/taped enough for decent contunuity and very good outdoor and blocking wise. Another note of trivia the motel was near one on the Yosemite entrances. The fun of this type of movie is how the cast really puts effort in the roles they play...not just a walk through. Not a disapointment.
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Pales in comparison to Bigfoot or Bust
barrettfurchner16 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This film bit off more then it could chew when it came to a plot line as it brought in far to many character that's where all shown maybe twice with no correlation to each other. There was an untasteful amount of nudity spaced out by boring and disconnected clips with horrendous acting. Characters were brought in to just show off their breasts without dialog. Not a single subplot came to completion at the end of the film. The only redeeming quality was billy bob boe the son of a Bigfoot hunter who had a hilarious 5 minute scene where he mimed passively in the back as a story was told. I wouldn't waste your time with this film and would just watch Bigfoot or Bust instead.
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Wanted to give 1/10 rating but...
rickmacnamara17 September 2023
I'd like to think that everyone involved in the making of this turkey had a nice time outside in the woods, with all the fresh air and sunshine. This is a truly terrible movie, the sort of movie that could end the art form. To extrapolate from the late great George S. Kaufman, "In outer space, the Hubble telescope was until recently the most powerful device for viewing far away objects, capable of magnifying these objects hundreds if not thousands of times; recently, the James Webb Telescope was launched and far exceeded the Hubble's performance. Now, if you were to somehow install the Hubble into the James Webb Telescope and point the whole thing at this movie, you would still be incapable of perceiving any possible reason for this movie to have been made." Those persons who gave a rating to this artifact of cinematic offal any higher than 2/10 I suspect are the sort of generous and decent souls who are the true salt of this Earth, early risers who begin each day optimistically and with a song or a whistle upon their lips as they heartily encourage the rest of us to follow their lead in living lives filled with service and faith and meticulous recycling and trash composting. They would never give this steaming pile of celluloid scheiße the rating it deserves because they are oh so better than the rest of us playful, indolent rabble and would never want the film makers to feel bad about foisting this pointless brain dead movie on an unsuspecting public. Good and decent people like that sicken me and I hope they all fall prey to letters from Nigerian princes.

The only reason I gave it more than 1 star is because it was filled with a number of very attractive young ladies of college age who spent nearly all their screen time frolicking in their original suite of clothing given them at birth by a generous and merciful Creator.

If you also appreciate cinema depictions of attractive sky clad women in the peak of youthful health, I heartily recommend this movie. But if even these transient charms are not enough to sustain you over the running time of this movie, then please do yourself the great service of running from this movie as you would run from certain painful death.
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For fans of bad acting
dlarsonfl8 June 2022
Five stars for the badness of the actors. Ten stars for nudity, one star for what passes for a script. If you enjoy bad acting this is for you. Try to come up with how many people have acted before. I think two.
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ridleykd24 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ho-ly GOD. I just wanted something to have on in the background while I worked my crossword puzzle, and boy howdy, this was so much more amazing. I ended up only using my puzzle book to hide my face. Wow. I don't even know where to start. Well, from the description on the TV, I was already howling, but I assumed the fun would end there. Man, was I wrong. This went from bad to worse to sweet Jesus dump acid in my eyes. Within the first minute or so, two women just in a river and go skinny dipping, Bigfoot steals a fisherman's beer cooler, downs a couple brewskies, and jumps in with the ladies WHEN THEY INVITE HIM (???????). It spirals from there and does a nose-dive when it turns out one hunter (the stereotyped (but a very bad job of it) out-in-the-boonies, overall-wearing, bearded hillbilly) is seeking revenge because his brother was RAPED BY SOME BIGFOOTS (bigfeet?) YEARS AGO. Every single frame of this movie insults me to my core, and I LOVE it. The premise of the film is basically this: People search for Bigfoot, Bigfoot steals undies, Bigfoot poses as a spouse and slips into a tent and engages in intercourse with the other spouse (who is never the wiser), Bigfoot steals the beer and runs, more topless porno rejects, grainy film, tabloid writer gets a heart and saves Bigfoot while landing the cast-off news lady is a really short dress. I am still in shock, and trying to figure out if this actually fits into the category of film, or if it's really an incognito softcore porn film I fast-forwarded through parts of. With multiple complete storylines dropped in the middle of the movie, characters who don't even deserve to be called that, stellar dialogue AND a dialogue delivery, this is an A++++. I am showing this to everyone I know as soon as possible.
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brian_telik19 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I had to come back for a second go around of how bad this movie is. After watching Night Claws, I came back to watch Wild Weekend for the bad acting, overused tropes and to laugh, a lot.

Wild Weekend is a delve into how many times can you facepalm over the characters, plot and how far Bigfoot will go to cop a feel and drink lots of beer.
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Best movie I've seen
hunting-2104423 July 2021
Highly recommend for the family and gatherings. Maybe even a good movie night idea for the Christian camp.
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