The Freedom of Silence (2011) Poster

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As a Bad Moviephile
robot_rollcall1 January 2015
This is exactly the kind of bad film I want to see. The production team clearly had a shoe string budget, as most scenes appear to be shot in the same house or "on location" in public spaces, such as the park. The actors, though inept, try their hardest (and always fail). I must caution that there are many long, boring stretches. There were also times I laughed out loud. Best to watch with friends.

As a religious film, it's about what you would expect. But I have to give the writers some credit; they did TRY to slip in a human element to go alongside the preaching, so it's not completely insufferable. I don't think this is a hateful film. Just very, very ignorant. Going in I thought I would hate it, but found myself charmed by its backyard production values and innocent stupidity.

The people who worked on this film have a ton of heart and it's clear they did the best they could, even when their best wasn't good enough. At least it doesn't star Kirk Cameron.
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So bad it's AMAZING
naomiwashburn20 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I can't adequately describe how BAD this movie is, except to say that it's so bad it becomes AMAZING. You can't fake this level of ineptitude. Every level of this movie is drenched in sincerity and failure. None of the actors are able to convey any emotion, the writers clearly have no idea how the American government functions, the characters fight against ideologies that LITERALLY NO ONE holds, the music is never quite appropriate, it's set in 2030 but looks like 2003, the effects are hilarious, and the major "terrorist attack" was a mass email and magical hacking of ALL OF THE INTERNET.

Get some friends together, get drunk, and watch this movie. This is the Christian equivalent of The Room or Birdemic. Kick back, grab a drink, and enjoy the delicious, delicious fail.
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Moronic, delusional propaganda
jacksflicks3 October 2013
Actually, you can believe how bad this is, when you consider that this piece of garbage was made to pander to self-pitying, paranoid, delusional, right-wing, fundamentalist fruitcakes.

Behold the producers, in their own words: "Robertson 6 Productions is an Christian owned and operated company in Kansas City, MO that is focused on the budgets of our clients instead of our own. We are a completely independent, which allows us to do such budget minded projects. We are very selective on the project we choose also."

Need I say more? Well, suffice it to say that this thing is no more about Christianity than Al Capone was about the olive oil business.
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I loled
solidox19 June 2013
Laughably bad acting, boring and ineffective editing, derpy canned soft-rock muzak, and an awkward all-white cast bring this ridiculous farce of a film to paranoid, whining life. The premise of this film is that Christianity has become outlawed in America, and the straggling hangers-on of poor, persecuted Christians are brutalized at every turn by the government.

The story is supposed to involve a Christian undergoing a sometimes violent interrogation wherein the evil atheist government seeks other Christians, but honestly the film is so dull that I kept falling asleep. Every time I woke up, it was the same thing: poorly scripted dialogues between characters void of personalities, the focus of which were purely "Wah, waaah wah! Christians good, gubmint bad! Christians persecuted!" The film has no real or accurate representation of non-Christians. It also doesn't have any non-whites in its lame storyline. But that's okay, because it also doesn't have any action, interesting characters, or much of a point.

I had to give up watching because nothing was happening and time should not be wasted on garbage.
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More manipulation
hilary_mae-912-8056125 April 2019
I was merely curious when I clicked on this film on a pirate site. Clearly the christians will try anything to further their silliness. All religion needs to be banished if it means keeping rubbish movies like this from being made.

Appalling acting, and really? The all-white cast says a lot right there. Sick

The movie is hanging onto the political and religious manipulation in the US with fear mongering and movies that predict the end of their religion. Demonstrates the current fanaticism building in the US. Scary whilst insidiously dividing the races and elevating the white population as if they are more special. Wall them up.

Didn't complete the movie; couldn't put myself through that horror.
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It's already happening
rancoxcleaner25 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I give this an even 5 out of 10 only because of the B grade acting and choreography. But the storyline is all too real and the idea of a single state church has been a reality in communist China, and China's subjects are not allowed to freely practice their faiths except within the state guidelines. Home churches exist and are unlawful though reports state that the government generally ignore these illegal gatherings.

Christians are already underfoot due to the banning of the bible from schools and public places. "Tolerance", a popular concept to the Liberals has allowed evil to take priority over even common sense. This movie, even with it's substandard acting, predicts what may happen to society if current events continue to develop. God is being stamped out and if Liberal thinking members of society and the government has their way this will become a sad reality.
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Laughably bad
bkoganbing20 June 2020
The grimly ironic thing about The Freedom Of Silence is that after this film came out we elected Donald Trump with the support of evangelicals and we've gotten a look at the kind of society hey would give us. Not something I or a majority of us want,

But this is 2030 and Christianity has been outlawed by a liberal government and they've established a police force to go after professing Christians. they meet in the equivalent of catacombs like they did in the first 2 centuries AD.

A couple of tech savvy believers are working on a way to bring the message to the whole world at once. And the government is looking for them because they know something's afoot.

The acting, the direction and all else about this film is laughably bad. m sure most churches would feel this way.

Besides the government doesn't have to outlaw Christianity, just start taxing the churches, most of all these colossal mega-church empires. They would blow' away like dust.
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Suspenseful Thriller
mandyvs-872146 July 2021
This was a suspenseful thriller that had me guessing throughout.
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A bit over the top but not bad
JeffDeWitt22 June 2013
The premise is that by the year 2030 the government has outlawed Christianity (and presumably other religions) in the name of tolerance and has established an official church. The main character, Zach Thompson is running a small Christian church out of his home and with the help of his friend Aaron, a Navy Seal taught advanced networking security by the government attempts to get the word out to the country about just what the government is doing.

The idea behind the movie is an interesting one, and probably not as outlandish as we would like to believe. The acting is OK and the story has a couple of nice twists.

One thing that jumps out is that this movie is supposed to take place in 2030 but the cars and technology is distinctly 2010.
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Realistic Premise, for the most part.
alaskanate20 July 2013
This is a B+ movie. likely due to limited budget reasons. If you are able to look past the somewhat poor sound and at times monotone dialog, there is a good story here, and a thought provoking suggestion of where we are heading in this country.

The premise that we in America are heading toward the day where to speak ones views regarding sin, righteousness, and judgment - all Biblical themes well understood,taught,and largely believed for the greater part of American history - will be forbidden is not too great of a leap. Our rapidly shifting "cultural values" today seem to be ever more at odds with Biblical teachings regarding who God is and what is considered right conduct by Him (righteousness). So much so nearly everyone today seems to think that God especially favors their views of morality, etc., without giving too much consideration of what he has already said on these topics.

I find it funny that two previous posters gave good evidence of this and reinforced the point the movie is making by accusing this film of being a "Whining" movie by the "poor persecuted Christians", and in another case implying that the movie makers were some whacked out group presenting a "North Korean" version of Christianity. Implying that homosexuality is not considered a sin to God is a great example of how, as the Bible said would happen, the day is already at hand where "good will be called evil, and evil will be called good".

I recommend the movie if you already know that there is a God, and who He is. The movie presents a very real possible outcome that Christians may face as our society get further and further separated from the knowledge of God and what He expects from us. Christ warned us Himself that the day will come that people will even kill Christians, believing they are doing a service to "God".

If you don't know God already, you will have the opportunity to see how "real" Christians submit to being wronged, and you will hear a very nice summary of what God would like you to hear - from that "hate filled Book". Hint: He loves you too much to leave you alone, and He has prepared the way ahead of you - if you're willing to deny yourself and follow.
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Low Budget Frightening Premise
jnicholsonjn14 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The acting was a fair attempt.. it was not the box office blockbuster obviously, (although all of the typical blockbuster thespians would love to see this sort of story come true) and the cinematography was poor.. the story idea however is not far off. Honestly, a private business must by law, now make a cake if it goes against their beliefs, be sued if the refer to a PROPER pronoun vs a delusional one, and the ecumenical atmosphere in the "Christian " churches of today is already leaning towards a godless, bible rejecting lump of damnation..

The idea of this movie is not far away - even though those watching with a cynical eye will merely lump all those who claim the Christian title together, not all of us condone the mega churches, the televangelists, or the Laodicean falsity engulfing the church of today.

The movie was well done on a extremely low budget, and the rest is up to the viewer to decide.
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Interesting premise, flawed delivery
trailersam30 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I can forgive the cars that are ten years old today, and the flea market laptops and the less than believable acting. Recent revelations about the Government spy networks have made some plot devices laughable (they can't track people by their cell phone locations in 2030). Snide remarks about Christianity being outlawed because it is a Hate Group leads directly to the current struggle for Gay equality, and ignores the growing number of Christian churches that accept Homosexuals under the umbrella of Jesus's love, much like He healed the Centurion's lover. Here's some news, the Westboro church, the Watchmen On The Walls, and Focus On the Family really ARE hate groups and should be outlawed for spreading manure without a license. Here's some more news. Jesus loves me and I am Gay as a box of birds. He loves you too. This is not Left Behind, it is more like North Korean propaganda.
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Would be better as a socio/psycho drama
daniel-61130 March 2014
This not-very-well-produced movie covers societal ills of which perhaps many are unaware. It addresses what's passed off as moral progress and "tolerance" by demonstrating the hypocrisy of its purveyors. The thing is you don't need a Sci-Fi premise to expound and dramatize that. I would have made it a socio/psycho-drama to deal with present day hypocrisy (the social psychosis of political GroupThink and cognitive dissonance). Modern day PC is so constraining and brutish that there are surely hundreds of contexts to dramatize the negative impact in a compelling motion picture. Of course that would cast off the entertainment field's PC too -- that thing that disallows anything so real and gritty from entering people's "PC entertainment consciousness" by dealing with a subject of religion unless it's either a biblical account or a dystopian fantasy. This story should be told again, but next time with a serious grain of realism and drama rather than as a fantasy. I gave it a rating of 6 (out of 10) for broaching a taboo subject.
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