Christmas Bloody Christmas (2022) Poster

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I'm for Santa
ExiledRoyal22 December 2022
What a deeply unpleasant bunch of people inhabit this town. Pretty much every single character can't complete a single sentence without punctuating it with the f-bomb several times a syllable. Their interaction with each of their companions gives the word 'shallow' new depths of meaning. And when the Robot Santa begins his reign of axe-fuelled mayhem, you find yourself hoping that every one of the cast are gathered in one room so the slaughter will be quick and thorough, and we can present Robot Santa with a well-earned cup of tea and a medal for rescuing us from such a vacuous bunch of idiots.
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Stop talking
destiny_west10 December 2022
I really did go into this film wanting to love it. However, I found it quite tedious. Too much dialogue, I was at the point when I was thinking 'stop talking' Could I keep going on and last the distance.

I know it is important to lay down the foundation of a story/plot, but at what point do you just get on with business.

I am not a big fan of horror Christmas movies. There has only been a select few that can even be called really good.

Unfortunately Christmas Bloody Christmas is not one of them.

It is a shame, because I was really liking the idea of the plot, it just fell way short in delivery.

Others might love it, and good on them for making a film.
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I mean - you saw the preview, right?
gunn-wrights13 December 2022
If you are expecting what the trailer shows - a cheezy, blood, guts and gore movie about a military Santa running around killing people. Then, you'll like the movie. It's not pretending to be anything other than what it is.

I thought it was fun and campy, and of course a bit cliche, but that's what I was looking for.

It's the best Xmas movie I've seen in years!

If you're looking for some deeply intellectual entertainment - this is not for you.

RECOMMENDATION: grab a few beers, put the kiddies to bed, and enjoy some senseless Terminator style violence = just with more blood, and a worse story line!
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Bad Santa
billcr1210 December 2022
Riley Dandy(Tori) is the star in a Jamie Lee Curtis type of role. She owns a record store where it is Christmas Eve and Tori and a male employee have a discussion about their plans for the holiday as they share a bottle of whiskey. The dialogue is filled with f-bombs and the young lady's wish to get laid on that special night.

I do not know which is worse, the acting or the lame script.

An AI robot Santa slaughters everyone in his sights as he goes on a rampage and eventually turns into the Terminator, without and of Arnold's charm.

Even at a running time of under an hour and a half, I could not wait for this atrocity to end.
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If you like the F word this is for you
mikaelmadsen198110 December 2022
If you like extremely bad written dialogue, actors that are so bad at acting out that horrible dialogue, annoying 1st person perspective views and no character progression this movie is for you.

I'm having a hard time watching this for constant F bombs alone. But the dialogue is just cringe, conversations that sounds like they are written by someone who never had an adult conversation, ever.

The actors are clearly in this project for a quick cash grab, that are boring, generic and lack emotions. There's no character progression what so ever and every character from beginning to end is forgettable after 5 minutes.

Tldr; Boring, forgettable, bad.
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Jingle balls to this!
johnnybegoode10 December 2022
Don't believe the hype or glowing reviews this is terrible. It feels like a cheap Rob Zombie clone. The effects are cheap, the writing is bad and now of the cast likeable. Plus the lead is beyond annoying and highly unlikable. The music doesn't fit either. This is just cheap nasty and dirty.

From what I understand this was originally supposed to be a Silent night deadly night remake but the writers changed it so much the studio rejected the script so it was sold to Shudder.

Look just avoid this piece of trash unless you like the Rob Zombie look and feel but done on a budget of a buck ten sticky back plastic hopes and dreams.
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Ho Ho Ho Christmas Came Early On This One
damianphelps5 December 2023
This is a true entertainer.

All the elements for a great B-horror movie are here.

Plus if you read some of my previous reviews (and I'm sure you haven't lol) you will know I often bang on about films needing to build the characters so you care if they live or die. CBC does a great job of this. They give you time to invest before the choppy choppy chop chop begins.

Some of the kills in the movie are great! Nicely over the top, fun and bloody.

This film knows what its trying to deliver and goes straight for it.

Its funny, punchy and entertaining from go to whoa.

Highly recommend for slasher fans :)
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Stupid characters, an insufferable protagonist, and f-bombs every 2 seconds do not a good movie make.
NightlySun11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't really know what to expect going into this movie. My introduction to Joe Begos was when I watched Bliss a couple years ago, which I loved. A wonderful blend of both arthouse and grindhouse with great characters and an interesting take on the age-old myth of the vampire with characters who aren't just one-dimensional and disposable, and some beautiful neon lighting that clashes with the grimy, filthy set pieces.

Christmas Bloody Christmas, on the other hand, was just... garbage. I didn't mind the frequent f-bombs at first (I am no prude, in fact, I'm quite profane in my personal life) and I loved the metal references, but half an hour in, I'm pretty sure the constant swearing literally gave me a headache. I wasn't keeping count, but I get the feeling that Begos broke some sort of record within those first thirty minutes. Even Rob Zombie occasionally knows when to draw the line. Hell, even Bliss wasn't as excessive (though if it was, I didn't notice, because it made up for it in plenty other ways), and was at least believable in its frequent profanity usage.

Though really, the overuse of the f-bomb is only a symptom of a larger problem, and that's that the dialogue was almost nonstop. It's really hard to find a place in the movie where you can pause because everyone is CONSTANTLY TALKING, and it's rarely ever about anything that's in any way meaningful to the plot. Just people talking. And talking. And talking. Obviously Begos intended to riff on Quentin Tarantino and Kevin Smith with their dialogue-heavy scripts, but these characters lack the charm and likability of, say, Samuel L. Jackson or Jeff Anderson. Speaking of the people in this cinematic travesty...

The characters were idiots. All of them. Even and ESPECIALLY Tori, our insufferable heroine and purveyor of the majority of the movie's f-bombs. When her and Robbie tried to warn people about the killer robotic Santa, they did the most half-assed job at it that it's no wonder they kept getting ignored. By the time she's the only person of the slightest importance left alive in the movie, she STILL continues to make stupid decisions when she has ample opportunity to finish "Santa" off. Guess Begos just wanted to cram in as many Terminator homages in the climax as he could. Can't say I'm impressed by the effort.

The buildups to the first few death scenes were horribly put together. I'm by no means a filmmaker or an expert myself, but I know that you don't create tension by constantly shifting the focus between the main characters going about their business and the killer stalking the side characters who are meant to serve as an appetizer if anything. Perhaps Begos was trying to be experimental and diverge from typical slasher formulas. If that's the case, he didn't do a good job pulling it off.

A few good things I can say about the movie are the aforementioned metal references (but as a recovering metalhead, overuse of such references can be cringeworthy, i.e. Deathgasm), the gore was decent and the mechanical movements of the actor who played "Santa" were convincing. That's really about all I can say I liked about it. Not even the neon aesthetic that Begos carried over from Bliss really did it for me this time around.

Don't waste your time with this movie. I've seen some bad, BAD stuff that didn't have any levity - accidental or otherwise - or redeeming qualities but I can almost forgive those, especially when it was ultra low or no budget. But not this. This might be a contender for the worst movie I've ever seen, especially knowing that Begos is not the hack that Christmas Bloody Christmas might make him appear to be for a first-time viewer. If you really want to see a movie about a nearly indestructible robot on Christmas Eve (I know that's a very specific superlative), you're better off watching Hardware.
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A cross between Silent Night Deadly Night and The Terminator
kevin_robbins20 December 2022
Christmas Bloody Christmas (2022) is a movie that I recently watched on Shudder. The storyline follows a department store robotic Santa Clause that gets recalled shortly after they arrive in stores. One store decides to keep theirs through the holiday and quickly discover why they were recalled...

This movie is written and directed by Joe Begos (Bliss) and stars Riley Dandy (That's Amore), Sam Delich (Spiderhead), Jonah Ray (Victor Crowley), Jeff Daniel Phillips (3 from Hell) and Dora Madison (Bliss).

This reminded me of a cross between Silent Night Deadly Night and The Terminator. The ax scenes and kills in this are absolutely tremendous. There's some great gore, blood splatter and special effects throughout the movie. The soundtrack is also excellent. The acting and dialogue is solid, even if there are some forehand slapping opinions. The cinematography and use of lighting and colors is also very good. I did feel like they dragged out the ending a bit.

Overall, this is a unique addition to the holiday horror genre that's an absolute must see. I would score this a 6.5-7/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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Badly paced
roses-u2111 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you can make it through the first 30 minutes of meandering improv garbage, you'll find 30 minutes of a movie that's almost worth watching. However, the director/writer/improv genius finds a way to make the slasher part of the movie monotonous.

The movie starts off as an insufferable slog, with unlikable characters arguing about pointless topics like the correlation between the quality of various bands and their hairstyles. It feels like the creators had a good idea and didnt know how to fill in the rest of the space, so they recruited their imrov friends to make an torturous 30 minutes for anyone unfortunate enough to watch. At that point I would have given anything if the characters stopped talking.

With a promising concept and deceivingly good trailer, its disappointing that this movie doesnt have more to offer. The visuals are impressive and there was a lot of intent behind details like lighting. You never forget this is a christmas slasher film, and thats where its at its best. But the supporting cast dies within 15 minutes, and the rest of the movie is the heroine running from robot santa and not learning from her mistakes. I found myself enjoying the movie, but it quickly gets old. By the climax of the movie, I was just ready for it to be over.
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Fun Modern Slasher
Reviews_of_the_Dead3 January 2023
This is a movie that I was intrigued when I heard about it. It is the newest film from Joe Begos who I'm a fan of. It is a Christmas movie. He also pulled in two actors that I'm a big fan, Graham Skipper and Jeremy Gardner, in cameo roles. I did read the synopsis ahead of watching this, but that was about the extent of what I knew. I'm always down for a Christmas horror movie.

Synopsis: it's Christmas Eve and Tori (Riley Dandy) just wants to get drunk and party, but when a robotic Santa Claus (Abraham Benrubi) at a nearby toy store goes haywire and begins a rampant killing spree through her small town, she's forced to battle for survival.

We start this movie off with fake commercials. What I like here is that we learn about robot soldier that has been used to destabilize areas by the military. They are quite effective. The company then decided to convert them to be Santa Claus for toy stores and malls. They're called RoboSanta+.

The movie then shifts to Tori who runs a record store. She banters with her employee, Robbie Reynolds (Sam Delich). He mocks her because she is set to go on a date with a guy who is a bit suspect. Apparently, he has multiple kids and a deadbeat. She doesn't care as she has needs to be met. Robbie does change her mind though. The two of them head over to the toy store, where they have mutual friends. Lahna (Dora Madison) works there and Jay (Jonah Ray) is her boyfriend. Now that the store is closed, they're going to use it fool around. Tori and Robbie drop off a gift of whiskey and head to the local bar.

The night goes well for this couple, but not so much for Lahna and Jay. We see at the bar there is a news report about these Santa robots are reverting to their war programming. That is when we see Santa in the store wake up. He kills the couple there and then heads out into the night. The couple at the bar head home and the Santa follows them, leaving a trail of death. Can this Santa be stopped before it is too late?

That is where I'm going to leave my recap for this movie as well as introducing the characters. This has a simple story and applaud writer/director Begos for knowing what he's doing. This is a slasher film with a robot Santa. They don't need to make it more complicated than that. It worked for the enjoyment factor and you once again can see Begos' influences on his sleeve which I also appreciate. I heard Mr. Parka say that this is his take on Terminator and that is spot on. The debate is if that is a horror movie or not. He took that and ran with it.

Where I want to start is with a gripe that I could see people having. From my understanding, slasher purists think that you need to have human killer. This one is a robotic Santa Claus. What I will counter with is that it uses mostly stab and slash items. I know he starts with an ax and shifts over to a knife at one point. There is also a good body count. It has elements of a slow burn that I come to expect with a slasher as well. The runtime is short so it didn't waste any time in my opinion there. This also seems to throwback to films in the sub-genre where we have a simple reason for the killings and just having fun from there.

Now with that taken care, I want to stick with the slasher category. The best ones to me either have good and interesting characters or they just lean into the kills. I would counter that this one does a bit of both. I love the back and forth between Tori and Robbie. You can feel that there is chemistry there. He wants to hook up with her at the least. She is his boss so I think she is maintaining a distance for that reason. People in this world can also feel that too. There are others that we only meet briefly, but they also feel real. This could be like Jay, Lahna, Sheriff Monroe (Jeff Daniel Phillips), Officer Smith (Gardner), Mike (Skipper) and Larry (Josh Ethier). Part of that there is we just a solid group of independent actors who bring their characters to life. Regardless, I'll give credit. I should just say here that there isn't a bad performance.

Then on to the other part of what makes a good slasher, the kills. I'm going to also pull in the effects here. Knowing that Begos was behind this, we got brutal kills which I appreciated. Since we have a robot Santa doing the killings, that makes things we see more plausible. There were times that I popped with excitement seeing different ways this villain kills. Things looked to be mostly practical. If there was CGI, I couldn't tell which I appreciate. The blood and gore was good. It helps make this more fun.

I think that all I have left to go over would be the other filmmaking aspects. I'd say that the cinematography was good. I'll also include the lighting here. We get great filtered lights. I know there was red one as well as one that was green that sticks out. I can see Begos' influences on his sleeves with that. How this is shot is great. Other than that, I'd say the soundtrack fit for what was needed as well. This is a well-made movie.

In conclusion, this movie knows what it is doing and has fun with it. We get a simple story. We have this robot Santa that turns into a killing machine. There are likeable characters that have fun banter. The effects are practical and look great. They also go brutal. The cinematography and the lighting on point. Don't come into this one expecting a lot. This is a modern slasher that is throwing back to what made it work. A shut off your brain and just go with the flow type movie.

My Rating: 8 out of 10.
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It's a festive Terminator, T-800 I think?
Stewatson3510 December 2022
This movie has to be taken with much more than a grain of salt, because it doesn't ask to be taken seriously.

So when an Christmas decoration - which was a plastic Santa Clause which mysteriously came to life - you know it's not going to be a serious movie.

There was no magic, no spells, just a very brief news flash talking about those particular decorations are being recalled.

It didn't say why.

What I saw was just a pretty 2 dimensional Santa with a plastic face that just said "HO-HO-HO" as you walked past it.

But then suddenly, and for absolutely no reason whatsoever, it comes to life a starts killing people with a variety of weaponry.

I could easily sit here and talk about how a decoration witch a motion sensor and a few phrases installed become self aware and immediately decide to murder people in the most horrific ways, but I won't.

I've got my handful of sand.

There's no storyline, it's just a horror thrown out in time for Christmas, and it's amusing enough.

But the T-800 Santa ain't playing games. I think he might very well be Cyberdine.

Because thus dude is relentless. He is a killer. He will not stop until he has completed his mission John Connor!

Yeah, so an anamatronic Santa that wasn't anamorphic, maybe in the head.

But basically he's out to kill everyone he sees... I don't know why and probably never will!

I'm not going to put spoilers in, because I don't think there are any.

You could probably read the bits I've written in a synopsis.

I love horrors.

I don't even care if they're dumb like this one.

I just love a horror.

Don't expect too much from this movie, because it does get more and more ridiculous. But I just killed 1:27:01 watching it.

It's definitely no masterpiece. But who cares?

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Original Concept; Cliched, Shallow Characters and Story.
herodotus20079 December 2022
What put me most off from the very start is the dropping of the "F" Bomb in every line by almost every character. I gave up counting them as no ore than three short sentences passed before it was dropped again. Personally, I find the "F" Bomb a useful and impactful device in the right circumstance, but when it is used for adjective, verb, noun and everyone's second name it just becomes tiresome. Lost interest in the film by the ten minute film solely because of this. Talk about loathesome characters on top of that.

Couldn't wait for them all to be killed off as there was zero tension, just a sad attempt at character development through the use of foul language and nothing else.
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Fails to deliver on its promising concept
FilmFanatic202310 December 2022
In "Christmas Bloody Christmas," the military-industrial complex has created a killer robot Santa. The movie begins with a series of fake TV ads for Christmas-themed promotions and events, and it's clear that something is going to go wrong with the RoboSanta+. The story follows disenchanted record store owner Tori Tooms as she fights against the evil robot Santa.

Unfortunately, the movie fails to improve once the deadly elf shows up. The action and kill scenes are muddy-looking and the 16mm cameras used for most of the filming are not effective. The best parts of the movie are the early scenes between Tori and her employee, Robbie, where they have a believable and tedious edge to their conversations.

Overall, the movie struggles to make the characters' seasonal disenchantment seem more real than the high-concept circumstances. The swear words, pop references, and counter-cultural poses that define Tori and Robbie's relationship are perfunctory and do not add to the story. While the writer and director clearly has affection for the characters, it is not enough to save the movie.
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I couldn't take it
robtwells10 December 2022
Any longer. 45 mins I lasted, which I regretting hole heartedly. It's not very often I turn off a movie, I always try and see them through. But this was too hard. The first 30 minutes is literally just a vulgar loud mouth women saying the F-word as many times as she can in a sentence. Disgusting unnecessary dialogue. I saw a few kills but by the time that happens I was already disinterested in all of the it.

Not one likeable character, I hope they all get wiped out

Any longer. 45 mins I lasted, which I regretting hole heartedly. It's not very often I turn off a movie, I always try and see them through. But this was too hard. The first 30 minutes is literally just a vulgar loud mouth women saying the F-word as many times as she can in a sentence. Disgusting unnecessary dialogue. I saw a few kills but by the time that happens I was already disinterested in all of the it.

Not one likeable character, I hope they all get wiped out.
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Worst possible
rehmankhilji11 December 2022
Once again movie based on fake reviews and created hype, gladly reviews are coming back to senses and i believe in few days. It's like when a kid has a camera decide to make a movie and putting it up. Asking friends to write review so people can have some interest.

These types of movie be place for free on some social media platform, there it has higher probability that with number of views the makers can get some pennies out of it.

Completely meaningless from the word start to the very end. You will yourself pulling your hair out on this one. Still cant figure out who and why one would make something like this.

Completely ignore this one, it is complete waste of time and if you have nothing in the entire world to do, still would be better then watching this.
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Beware the fake reviews. This is unwatchable
antony-6910 December 2022
The premise sounded worth a watch on a Saturday night. It was never going to be vintage Spielberg but nor should it have been this bad. It should have been fun and at the very least it should have been passable entertainment.

Stopped watching after half an hour as it quickly became unwatchable. It made no sense whatsoever, the acting is embarrassingly bad, the script is puerile and unimaginative. Someone should be banned from movie making for this.

All of that is a broadly polite way of saying that the positive reviews on here are fake. No one is watching this and thinking it's good or in any way redeemable. They're simply posting to convince you it's worth parting with your cash for. Don't fall for it.
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I want to thank the director - This movie prevented me from having a relapse
petarilic3231 January 2023
I watched a couple of absolutely horrible horror movies back to back to back and finally got something good from this one.

Cinematography - Had no idea Joe Begos was the director, from the director of Bliss and VFW comes another visually stunning flick. If I was rating this purely based on the visuals it would've easily been a 9.5/10. Very beautiful aesthetics, angles, colors, nailed it once again. I recognized a familiar pattern while watching the movie.

Plot - It's pretty straightforward, the only complaint I have is about cutting one character short too early in the movie(in my opinion). I'm keeping it spoiler free but that's about it. Easy to digest and without major holes.

Acting - Riley Dandy killed it. No clue who she is, just checked her IMDb page but she was superb here. Very convincing and carried the entire movie by herself.

I'm going to go with 6/10 simply because it dragged a little towards the end and was a pretty simple film. Intense but not in a way VFW or Bliss were. Enjoyable simple film nonetheless for the horror lovers <3.
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I'm 25 minutes in...
kintsukana10 December 2022
It's not good. Amature actors. Bad effects. Terrible dialouge. Annoying sounds. Not a single likable character to be found.

We're "treated" with 50 f-bombs by the 10 minute mark in place of actual conversations since no actual person talks like these people.

Santa is supposed to be a robot but it's clearly a man in a suit and beard, then they do this annoying first person perspective with awful "mecanical" sounds as he's moving and walking around. Because of the first person shots the first two kills are barely able to be seen nor will you really understand what is happening because you can barely see anything.

There's no reason why this "santa robot" came alive and for god's sake why are people getting it on in a children's toy store?

In the 5 minutes it took to write this I am now 30 minutes in and am going to shut it off. It's not even a decent horror movie to waste time because listening to the characters scream and swear at each other makes it completely unbearable.

Shame there are so many crew members giving this a 7 or 8 it doesn't deserve a 1 but you can't give movies a 0 on here.

Also to whoever "wrote" the dialogue in this movie.... Please stop immediately.
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Oxymoron: a high quality B-movie
FeastMode9 December 2022
Christmas Bloody Christmas is a fun and awesome B-movie. It won't be for everyone, but for horror fans, gore hounds and movie fiends, it's yummy. If you don't know what a B-movie is, then this may not be for you.

There are two aspects that made it stand out to me amongst other B-movies. It's filled with really long one-take shots that suck you into the scene and give it a sense of professionalism. And the dialogue is really good. It's witty and charming, vulgar and crass like I like.

I recently watched Violent Night, which is similar in many ways but also very different (it's not a B-movie). I thought it was okay and was left wanting in a lot of areas. Christmas Bloody Christmas is much more of what I was hoping Violent Night would be. And even as a B-movie, I think it's way better.

I had a great time with this movie and found myself smiling frequently. (1 viewing, opening Thursday 12/8/2022)
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It was what it was...
paul_haakonsen11 December 2022
I didn't really know what to expect when I sat down to watch the 2022 horror movie "Christmas Bloody Christmas", but I must admit that I was somewhat intrigued by the movie's cover/poster. And there is just something oddly enjoyable about Christmas-based horror movies, isn't there.

So writer and director Joe Begos had every available chance to bedazzle and entertain me with this 2022 horror movie. And while the movie definitely was watchable, the movie was just somewhat lacking in the script department. It wasn't the most elaborate of storytelling that was going on here. Sure, it made for an okay enough viewing experience, but you're not in for a grand cinematic experience.

The acting performances in "Christmas Bloody Christmas" were fair enough. But again, it was pretty straight forward stuff going on, as the script didn't really call for the most elaborate and intricate of performances here really. I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, which is something I enjoy when watching movies.

Visually then "Christmas Bloody Christmas" was actually quite good. There was enough mayhem and mutilations in the movie to keep a veteran gorehound such as myself adequately entertained, and it almost made up for the lack of profound writing.

This is the type of horror movie that you watch once and most likely never will return to watch a second time. "Christmas Bloody Christmas" is definitely not going to be a reoccurring movie that I will be watching during the Christmas holidays. The one time I sat through the 81 minutes was sufficient.

My rating of "Christmas Bloody Christmas" lands on a five out of ten stars.
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A blood soaked, insane slasher thrill ride
adotson-9823310 December 2022
Christmas Bloody Christmas was a huge surprise as it not only some how made the concept of a robot Santa fun, but also gave some truly likable characters, bloody kills, and an insane third act.

The good in this movie starting off with the cinematography. This is a very well shot and well lit movie. The neon Christmas lights give the film such a nice vibe and I was impressed with the tone they were able to pull off. Performances were actually pretty good, particularly the lead of the film. She was great and actually had some great chemistry with the other lead character. The film has a fun tone to it that doesn't take itself seriously which was nice. The kills are very bloody and the effects for the most part were really good. And the final 40 minutes of the movie was just an insane thrill ride that never slowed down that I had a fun time watching.

There's only a few things I think could've been better. The first act, while good defiantly did drag a bit as it does take about 30 minutes for the film to get going. Some of the performances did get a little over the top. Finally I think the pacing could've been a little better.

Over all Christmas Bloody Christmas is a very fun movie with some really good performances, good cinematography, and bloody kills. This is a definite holiday horror treat.
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Throwback to 1984
ykjdh9 December 2022
In 1984 the forbidden killer Santa Claus movie Silent Night Deadly Night opened and was pulled like a week later. Not before my uncle took me and my cousins to see it playing at the theater down the street. Moms were picketing theaters for its depiction of an axe wielding Santa. That movie was awesome for its time and became a cult classic. Well guess what moms who tried to ruin adolescent fun?? Those kids grew up and made this! Think 1984, the year of Terminator and Silent Night.

Except all the fun is missing and a lot more dialog than normal for what's supposed to be a throwback horror flick. The Santa is cross between the terminator and the killer Santa in Silent Night Deadly Night. At about 90minutes, you're gonna get some pretty clever make up effects for a low budget movie and a cheesy ending. Still, it's not bad, but for those of us who remember the 80s cheese, this could have been a lot better.

Still, there's sleaze and plenty of cheese with this malfunctioning killer robot.
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Boring, forgettable, bad, hate the actrice, only F words!
80sHorror10 December 2022
If you like the F word this is for you mikaelmadsen198110 December 2022 If you like extremely bad written dialogue, actors that are so bad at acting out that horrible dialogue, annoying 1st person perspective views and no character progression this movie is for you.

I'm having a hard time watching this for constant F bombs alone. But the dialogue is just cringe, conversations that sounds like they are written by someone who never had an adult conversation, ever.

The actors are clearly in this project for a quick cash grab, that are boring, generic and lack emotions. There's no character progression what so ever and every character from beginning to end is forgettable after 5 minutes.
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This is the reboot of High Fidelity we never asked for.
sweetemotion210 December 2022
I'm not sure what it is this year, but I'm absolutely sure whoever wrote this watched High Fidelity and thought... you know what's missing? An evil robotic Santa and even more absolutely annoying pedantic dialogue.

The protagonist is so annoying I couldn't even be bothered to watch if the Santa offs them or not. I turned it off 20 minutes in. However, if you enjoy listening to two arrogant, silly people debate about the most random and inconsequential things before a monster goes on a rampage, then this film will be right up your alley.

As for me, I say don't waste your time or money. It's garbage.
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