Sloppy the Psychotic (2012) Poster

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nogodnomasters2 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Mike (Mike O'Mahony) is one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet who hears voices inside his head. Eventually he get triggered into a beserker mode. The DVD box claims it includes "rape, murder, cannibalism, mass slaughter, alcoholism and balloon animals." Unfortunately none of it was done too well, with effects being worse than Troma, almost on the order of "Birdemic."

While the movie hails great cheesy effects, the downfall is the lack of decent dialogue.The killing was rather disjointed withe Sloppy killing for a revenge factor, but then at random too. They should have spent more time building up the revenge factor and drop the random stupidity.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, ugly nudity, fake severed male organs.
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Looks at least two decades older than it is
Leofwine_draca25 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
SLOPPY THE PSYCHOTIC is another load of shot-on-video nonsense in the Troma mould. This one was made in 2012 but looks like something from the 1990s. As usual, the creative video artwork is better than the film itself. The story is about an average Joe who works as a clown. One day he gets driven over the edge, at which point his homicidal instincts take over. This film features very bad overacting from the lead, some topless nudity, and one of those gruesome severed penis gags so beloved of shot-on-video gore films.
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The Title Is Sloppy, The Movie Is Not
Bonanza08757 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This review contains spoilers. I have to say that I truly enjoyed this sophomore effort by Mike O'Mahony and his Maniac Films. While O'Mahony's first movie, Deadly Detour, was shot primarily in the woods during one time of day with a cast of only 20-something's (or at least people playing 20-something's), Sloppy The Psychotic was much more diversified in that it was shot at several different locations during various times of day and night, as well as featuring a cast that ranged from children to 20-something's to middle-aged and beyond. It shows, to me anyway, that O'Mahony is growing regarding his skills and choices as a director. I thought that it was solidly written by O'Mahony and Erich Ficke, who also starred as a handicapped person in one of the classic scenes of the movie. I also thought that the sound and editing were much improved this time around. While Sloppy is going for in your face violence and gore, which was achieved, it is also genuinely funny in it's attempts at humor. Fred Ficke steals the show once again as a bum who doesn't find Sloppy to be very funny and Tom Carchidi is hilarious as an excitable special person. I guess Tropic Thunder was wrong, apparently you CAN go full retard. What's also impressive is that O'Mahony steps out from behind the camera to portray Sloppy the Clown and turns in a believable performance as a recovering alcoholic who snaps after taking crap from one too many people. Once he gets started no one is safe, from children to adults, nice or mean, special or not, prostitute to bum. While the school bus for the blind ending of Deadly Detour was more of a punch in the face, the children's birthday party ending of Sloppy The Psychotic is more of a punch in the gut. It's truly disturbing, especially if you're a parent. While it wasn't without it's flaws, it was overall an enjoyable and well made movie. Once again, I look forward to the next movie by Maniac Films.
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Upping Their Game
gamskee29 April 2012
Having watched (and reviewed) Deadly Detour last year, I was pleasantly surprised by Sloppy the Clown, Maniac Films latest offering.

Magnitudes better than their first film, Sloppy is pretty good stuff, engaging the audiences on several levels. Initial portrayals of Mike's humanity, his struggles against both alcoholism and unemployment giving the character a depth unseen in many films. Like Popeye takes his spinach, people need to watch out when Sloppy gets his drink on- a bottle of booze and a bad day are all it takes to turn Sloppy into a rampaging killing machine, his maniacal nature matched by a certain vindictive creative streak in the many ways he finishes off his victims.

Good sound, good dialog, good acting, good fun, Sloppy slows down from time to time with car scenes and some prolonged sequences, but overall, Sloppy blew away my expectations for the film. This is one psycho clown that knows how to party.
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Scared of clowns? Get ready to be mortified by one!
tina-khaladze2 April 2012
Creative killing at its pick! I have to say without the slightest exaggeration, that I have not yet watched a movie that has caused me to display such huge range of intense human emotions as Sloppy the Psychotic did! I laughed, was disgusted, astonished, held my breath, pitied, felt compassion, love, rage, anger... and surprisingly, this comical, horror flick was very thought provoking! Mike O'Mahony and Ehrich Ficke challenged the boundaries of being politically correct and depicted unfathomable and unimaginable, bad, worse and the worst behaviors. Crazy part is, that they did this bloody job with laughter, the most powerful tool, to get across any massage! The movie has a number of very strong subliminal massages. It is questioning human priorities, brings to surface sexuality at its pick and irony of life at its worst! Sloppy the Psychotic is darker than dark comedy pretty much anyone would enjoy! The movie was impressive technically as well. Special affects are at least as good as in Deadly Detour! Mike did a wonderful job of cinematography, points of view, lighting etc. Loved the music by James Costa. Acting was great! I was especially taken by Sir O'Mahony's acting skills on top of his rapidly developing directing genius! All I have to say, THANK YOU!
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Lowbudget to impress
Hitmanofnorway9 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I got to say I was lucky getting a copy of this film shipped to Norway from Mike O'Mahony himself, it was gory, brutal and simply psychotic fun!

The film is about Mike "Sloppy" (Mike O'Mahony) getting fired from his job as a clown, and simply getting crazy from all the sh*t society has to offer, mixing alcohol and rage he takes his revenge as he finds it both s***ally and mentally pleasing. And i got to say this film made me both laugh and a little disgusted (in a good way). *SPOILER* It actually got me laughing at child murder, that whole scene was shot and acted excellent!!

Mike did a good job directing and acting the lead in this film, and the script was awesome. Dialog,Pace,Acting,Lighting and camera work are factors that usually can be a problem with independent films like this one, but Sloopy is an exception this was all good. (8 out of 10).
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This movie ISN'T clowning around LOL (there is a clown)
johnpickles2516 September 2022
Johnh Pickles here,

today I made a cup of joe and popped on my dvr to some sloppy the psychotic. (I will never have anything but 2 milk and a splenda.)

the movie starred a guy who happens a clown

he got fired from his job ( I was fired from Wendy's for reasons I cannot legally disclose, but we have all been there I am sure)

Sometimes getting fired makes you feel like a clown yourself.

I found it scary that he started to kill

he did a lot of killing (there was a lot)

I noticed that he killed some "simple folk" too. Together they ate natures chocolate (dookie). I hope they are okay.

If I had to improve the movie I would try and incorporate my favorite color ( which coincidentally happens to be blue.)

It peeved me off that there was so much red.. especially the nose (sorry for losing my composure.)

I think taht slappy would be a lot more better if he was played by gabriel iglasies (because clowns are quite funny and he is funny. Especially in the show mr iglasies. I really enjoy watching with my grand kids.)

John Pickles out.
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