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natashabowiepinky24 September 2014
MORNING: Watch paint dry.

AFTERNOON: See Ed Miliband's Labour party Conference Speech.

EVENING: Figure out how long you've been alive for... down to the last millisecond.

Congratulations. Your day has been a thousand times more exciting than anyone who's watched Skyhook.

My goodness. Why can I say? Here's the plot: A girl joins a team trying to win a space project competition, intending to betray them due to the threat of blackmail hanging over her head. And, that's it.

What follows is talk, talk and more talk. Technical talk. Romance talk. Small talk. It saps your soul. You drown in it. None of it connects. You want to scream. But you can't. You're trapped. Stuck between two shades of grey. It's coma inducing stuff. Usually, I can look up the word 'tedious' on my online thesaurus to find an accurate description. No chance in this case. It's just.... AARGH.

The only way to stay sane is to focus on the multiple plot flaws. Such as the introduction, when our female turncoat has the EASIEST entrance ever into a top secret facility to steal valuable information. They may as well have carried her in.

Also, the gang she's joined have known for a while that someone has been going around, sabotaging teams who are entering the contest. They JUST SO HAPPEN to run into a young lady at a bar who knows more about space than the rest of them combined. Do they suspect anything? Of course not. In fact, they let this complete stranger have full access to all their research the very next day!! It's a toss-up between whether they're more stupid or dull...

Oh, who am I kidding? There's no contest. This is a black hole for inspiration, a starless night for creativity and it'll put a lot of sheep who like to be counted out of business, too. Sorry my woolly friends, off to the mutton factory with you... 0/10
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I loved the idea of this film, but it's very poorly done and not worth watching
alistairwest197417 April 2014
I watched this film, hoping that it would be good as the idea is great, but all the actors struggle to portray the characters in the film which resulted in a film that doesn't really grip you.

Don't get me started on the bad guy in the film, he lacked authenticity throughout from the start and was the only part of the film that really annoyed me.

The main actress is gorgeous and is a delight to look at, her performance is adequate, I'm really glad they didn't do any sex scenes as I think it would have made the film even worse

The film does get better near the end, although I'm not too keen on the bad guys body guard though.

Really its not worth watching

The SGI in the film is also pretty bad, and none of the promises from the cover of "visually stunning" is also not held.

I can't emphasize it enough on how bad this film is
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Absolutely awful
patriciasue-986-86092727 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen some bad films in my time but this one took the biscuit by a mile. I bought it on a DVD and on the case it said "visually stunning". I can only imagine that this was written by a bloke who was thinking of one of the actresses. As far as the film goes, it's 99%people standing around talking. There are 3 "space scenes" which consist of a few shiny objects moving around above a fuzzy blue ball(Earth)which last about 10 seconds each. How that can be construed as "visually stunning" I don't know. If I sat here typing this review for a month I could not express how UTTERLY BORING Skyhook is. I've clicked on "spoiler" as the above more or less gives the entire plot away!! Bottom line: Dreadful.
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pointernull7 May 2014
As the other reviews commented this is not a good movie. We only managed to watch the first 30 minutes before giving up.

The sound track is one of the worst I've heard in a long time - it sounds like it was recorded on a cheap camcorder.

The picture quality is not much better.

The actors all appear to be unknowns and seem wooden.

The sets are obviously cheap and are very basic - not "Visually Stunning" by a long way.

The script begins with a very tacky opening scene that would not be out of place in a 19070's B movie.

In a lot of ways it reminds me of a cheap sci-fi serial you'd find on the afternoon telly.
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Sky's full of pies. No hook to be found.
daniel-mannouch19 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The DVD blurb was promising enough. Evil corporate mercenaries, space elevators, material science experts, oh my. So far, so Phillip K Dick. However this film is as far from Total Recall as you could get as there was about nil to crap worth remembering in this below Sci-fi channel effort.

Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. That's all you get from this. No action, no special effects, nothing. Corporate espionage plot. Waste of time. Romance sub-plot. It's all filler because this was a production that decided to put on the shoulders of it's poor cast, the impossible task of bringing credibility and gravitas to a premise that even James Cameron would have issues with simplifying. You cannot make films this high concept on a budget this small and if any L.A mavericks out there care to differ, than at least put some sex and violence into your picture you nerdlingling nimrods. No one wants to listen to shop talk for 100 minutes. No one. They're lying if they're saying otherwise.

This emotionally sparse screenplay is not helped by actors who perform this muted and/or woodenly. Not like cast chemistry could have solved the over ambitiousness of Skyhook, but it sure as hell could have made it go a lot faster. Skyhook has a decent, reality based idea and nothing more. It is an under-budgeted sci-fi espionage thriller that is also poorly executed with flat direction, flat acting and severely underwhelming special effects. This was an egregiously boring film that thought that if it threw money at the last ten minutes, all that occurred before would be forgotten and forgiven. Well, they at least got one of those right.

I hate to sound this harsh against a film that seems like it's trying, but Skyhook had too much investment in it's own science babble to give the audience a reason to care.
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Absolute rubbish! Warning: Spoilers
This is the ultimate low budget movie. The picture on the front of the DVD made out that it was going to be a space movie.

Visually stunning? Was the wrong DVD in the box? Outrageous misrepresentation. A total waste of money. Don't bother wasting your time. The worst film I've ever seen in my life.

The story line could have been good but too many corners were cut, Why did the space scene look like something that was made by a child?

The acting was poor. The ending was abysmal. It was one of those films that you start watching, thinking it was going to get better. It didn't!
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