"The Walking Dead" Killer Within (TV Episode 2012) Poster

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Heart-Wrenching Episode!
g-bodyl20 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is the fourth episode of the third season of the Walking Dead and this episode was so unexpected, as it has not one, but two character deaths which surprised me because we are so early in the season. That being said, I practically cried my eyes out and I never cry watching TV or movies. It was a painful episode to watch, but the episode was well-done. There is lot of action, lots of grief, and the acting is fantastic. The final confrontation between Lori and Carl gave me the chills.

In this episode, "Killer Within," Michonne wants to leave Woodbury, but Andrea is not too sure. Back at the prison, Herschel is learning how to walk on crutches. But a major walker attack happens which separates the group. Rick, Darryl, and Glen are trying to suppress the walkers as Carol and T-Dog get caught up in their own walker battle. Lori starts to break water, so it's up to Maggie and Carl to save the baby before it's too late.

Overall, this is one emotional roller-coaster of an episode. It's well-done and features fantastic acting. I am very sad at the deaths of Lori and T-Dog, whom both died a hero's death. Finally, Rick's reaction to the passing of his wife really broke my heart. An old life has been lost, but a new life has been born. I rate this episode 10/10.
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Coming of Age in the Cruelest and Saddest Way
claudio_carvalho6 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Someone is opening the prison gates and attracting walkers inside. Rick and his group prepare a crutch for Hershel while the two inmates try to negotiate with Rick, Daryl and T-Dog to join their group, but Rick does not accept the offer and they decide to leave the facilities. When Rick, Daryl, and Glenn are outside the prison to burn corpses and clean the place, the rest of the group is attacked by a crowd of walkers and Maggie, Carl and Lori split and head to the interior of the C-Block, while T-Dog is bitten by a walker.

Meanwhile Michonne sees the holes of bullets in the National Guard vehicles and she decides to leave the place with Andrea. However, the blonde is reluctant to leave Woodbury, since she believes that the governor is a good man.

Back to prison, Lori can not run anymore and Maggie and Carl locks with her in the boiler room. Now is time to the delivery and Lori needs a cesarean, but Maggie does not have skill or medical supplies. A decision has to be made: if Lori has the baby, she dies and will certainly turns into a walker, unless someone helps her.

"Killer Within" is so far the best episode of this excellent Third season and sadder than "Pretty Much Dead Already", when the fans learn that Sophie had turned into a walker and was locked in Hershel's barn. Carl's coming of age is in the cruelest (and saddest) way and will be certainly affected by his necessary action.

The renewal (Governor, Michonne, the baby, the two inmates) and the return (Merle, Andrea) of characters, locations and situations are refreshing but the losses are emotional and sad farewells. My vote is ten.

Title (Brazil): "Killer Within"

Note: On 11 April 2016, I saw this show again.
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Hated Lori, but this made me cry!!
unrivaledraj6 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched TWD completely half a dozen times, always hated Lori, because she acted selfish everytime. Even her death here doesn't effect me, but the pain suffered by others, especially Carl, Rick, is just on another level. That's all one can say.
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I cried honest tears.
nomis9412 October 2015
I'll never forget this intense and well-executed episode. It really grabbed me and cut my heart into pieces. The acting is superb, the things going on are riveting, the ending is shocking and so SO sad. It's a roller-coaster of emotions... And not only Rick and his group go through so much in this gut-wrenching episode - I was just ... speechless. Unable to do anything. I just cried honest tears. There is so much going on in this episode, I can't even assimilate it. The director did a great job by writing this emotional piece. Wow... It's also a very brave step from the producers to put in such a controversial scene. What an episode! This show is really captivating, emotional and well-made. I really do enjoy it!
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My favorite episode in all of Walking Dead.
g-bella-546-4823044 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Rick and the crew are barricading the prisons fences with cars. Then it cuts Laurie and Herschels daughter help the now one legged Herschel walk outside in the prison yard. You finally see Rick and Laurie share a smile. Of course, in Walking Dead you can't have happy moments. So, the next instance, Walkers start to come into the prison and the Prison Alarms start to blare attracting all the nearby walkers. Chaos breaks lose.

Meanwhile in the town of Woodbury, Michonne doesn't feel right about the governor. Andrea on the other hand, has fallen under the Governers charming persona.

SPOILERS! with the prison under chaos by walkers, Carl, Maggie and Laurie run and hind in the prison boiler room. There, Laurie goes into labor. But when she isn't able to deliver the baby the normal way,So they have to preform an emergency c-section. Which she wont survive. She does die.

The last major thing I want to say is that all the acting in this perfect. The whole cast is at top game.

So a surprisingly spectacular episode for only the fourth of the season. 10 out of 10.
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A killer
TheLittleSongbird17 June 2018
Had heard nothing but great things about 'The Walking Dead' from friends and IMDb reviewers. It took a while to get round to watching, both from being busy and also not being sure whether it would be my cup of tea. Finally getting round to it a few years ago and slowly working my way through it, having had a very long to watch and review list, 'The Walking Dead' turned out to be very much my cup of tea and as good as the hype made it out to be, have found it extremely addictive.

Actually really liked Season 2, where the weakest episode ("Cherokee Rose") was very good still, but do share others' feelings about many episodes being on the talky side and moments of slowness. Season 3 started excellently and keeps going strong with one of the season's best "Killer Within", which was brilliant. And a strong reminder of how Seasons 1-5 of 'The Walking Dead' to me were absolutely brilliant and seeing the show in its full glory days (Season 6 was uneven, Season 7 was a huge disappointment and am still debating whether to watch Season 8). It is as emotional, complex and as tense as one would expect , at the same time it has adrenaline and guts.

It still shocks me at how an intelligent, well-made (so much so that it is easy to mistake it for a film) show about zombies could be made when so many films have tried and failed abysmally to do so.

"Killer Within" is one of the tightest, most exciting, most harrowing, most suspenseful and most emotionally investable episodes of the show in general. One of the season's best and a show high-point.

Like all the episodes of the show, "Killer Within" is incredibly well made in the production values, with gritty and audacious production design, photography of almost cinematic quality, effects that look good, have soul and are not overused or abused and pretty frightening make-up. The music is haunting and affecting, having presence but never being too intrusive.

The writing generally is intelligent and thought-provoking, with lots of tension and emotional resonance and still shows signs of character complexity and multiple layer storytelling. The more eventful scenes, in one of the show's most jam-packed episodes, are thrilling and terrifying as well as uncompromising.

Appreciated the ever strong and still progressing story and character building, with some great development for Lori. The human drama is balanced well with the action, which the episode wastes no time in getting to. Also that the pace is never dull or rushed. There is a lot of tension and the ending is unforgettably harrowing in the most gut-wrenching of senses as well as emotionally devastating.

Everything is tautly paced without rushing through the more important parts and emotionally complex. The world building is stunningly immersive and effective. Direction is smart and atmospheric while the show throughout has been strongly acted. Andrew Lincoln is superb and Sarah Wayne Callies gives her best performance of the show up to this point, she usually didn't do much for me but she brings it here.

Overall, brilliant and a killer episode in the best way. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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My face was smothered in tears by the end!
and_mikkelsen11 January 2024
This episode was CRUEL! My soul just got ripped apart! Most gutwrenching moments since Sophia in the barn!

The episode starts of aa another typical Walking Dead episode but out of nowhere it turns into a brutal fight for survival filled with tension and panic!

This was Television done in such a devestating way that only this show can do! This world is cruel and it does not hold back when it comes to claiming lives!

While I never liked Lori this episode gives us her most memorable moment in the show! Andrew Lincoln breaking down always gives me chills and brings me to tears! Piwerfull raw performance!

Oh and T-dog.. yeah there is no mercy!
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An emotional ride from start to finish
~AleXa~11 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Talk about a whirlwind... This episode feels like experiencing a tornado while on a roller coaster--what a thrill ride!

It fascinates me that the Governor keeps lying to Michonne like she's buying what he's selling. It was nice seeing Merle have a genuine moment when Andrea helps him map out where last she saw Daryl.

"Aw man, can't we have just one good day?" Talk about foreshadowing. T-Dog did his due diligence protecting the group. Clearly there's a rat among them. The running theme of trust is explored, very eloquently illustrating that the call needs to be based on the behavior of the person and not their past.

T-Dog's sacrifice for Carol was tragic. Maggie and Carl having to go to bat for Lori... That whole scene was beyond words. The turmoil and emotions swirling, especially with Rick's desperation. The scene where Maggie and Carl have to pull together for Lori.. Her words to Carl. I am kind of angry at Maggie for making Carl do that. Rick's speech to Carl, the flashback... Just no words.

I enjoyed that this ep blends both worlds: the prison and Woodbury. The effect is a poignant juxtaposition of the illusion of safety versus the gritty, raw reality of the world they live in. Sometimes real safety lies in knowing exactly where you stand. Lies only beget a vulnerability that leaves you anywhere but safe.

The end. No score... No words
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"Killer Within" is a masterful blend of action, emotion, and character development, solidifying its place as a standout episode that resonates with viewers when credits roll
fernandoschiavi4 March 2024
"Killer Within" stands as one of the most emotionally charged and tragic episodes in the series, delivering a powerful blow to the core of Rick's group. The episode's title is a haunting foreshadowing of the chaos and loss that permeates the narrative, highlighting the ever-present dangers that lurk within the supposed safety of the prison. The sudden attack by walkers, facilitated by an unseen saboteur, is a harrowing reminder of the fragility of life and the constant vigilance required to survive.

The episode is a crucible for the characters, testing their resilience, unity, and individual wills to survive. The tension and desperation are palpable, as the group is scattered and forced to confront the onslaught with heart-stopping urgency. This chaos serves as a backdrop for profound personal tragedies, most notably the deaths of Lori and T-Dog. Lori's final moments, giving birth and sacrificing herself for her newborn, are gut-wrenching, encapsulating the themes of sacrifice, love, and the brutal choices demanded by the new world.

"Killer Within" also explores the consequences of past actions and the invisible threads that connect each character's fate. The revelation of the saboteur's identity and the motivations behind their actions add a layer of complexity to the narrative, challenging the notions of forgiveness and retribution. This episode excels in portraying the emotional and moral turmoil that defines the human experience in the face of apocalyptic adversity.

The aftermath of the tragedy leaves the group shattered, with Rick's descent into despair marking a pivotal moment in his leadership and personal journey. The episode's powerful depiction of loss, guilt, and the relentless pursuit of survival is a testament to the series' depth and storytelling prowess. "Killer Within" is a masterful blend of action, emotion, and character development, solidifying its place as a standout episode that resonates with viewers long after the credits roll.
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one of the best episodes and one of the saddest and darkest of the entire series
MomentIMDB15 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
La situacion en la prision estaba bastante tranquila y rutinaria. la parte de woodbury fue bastante interesante, merle insiste con ir en busca de su hermano por lo que habla co. andrea y luego con el gobernador y este demuestra su nivel de manipulacion e inteligencia al tomar decisiones. el episodio empieza con una persona a la cual no le vemos el rostro pero que tendra una importancia fundamental para lo que ocurrira en una gran parte del episodio. t dog toma un postura respecto a los prisioneros de dejarlos vivir con ellos pero los demas no quieren arriesgar lo que ganaron. este problema es muy interesante y muestra como funciona el mundo para los protagonistas. rick, daryl y glenn juntando leña, hersherl y los demas tranquilos en el patio, rick mira a lori, la camara se mueve y caminantes aparecen, una decision increible. la direccion de esta escena es increible, rick corriendo desesperado, maggie y los demas tratan de cuidar a lori y t dog en un acto heroico es mordido cerrando la reja para que mas caminantes no entren. rick y los demas llegan y se prenden unas alarmas por lo que los prisioneros los guian. y con todo este lio, lori esta por parir. la muerte de t dog es increible, un acto heroico, salvando a carol, alguien que sigue vivo, por lo que no fue en vano. adios t dog. rick y los demas llegan al lugar y rick pelea con un prisionero que creian muerto. oscar lo mata demostrando respeto por rick. y coronandose como una de las mejores escenas de la serie, carl, maggie y lori deben esconderse de una horda que esta en los pasillos. lori debe parir, por lo que maggie debe ayudarla, pero maggie debe hacerle una cesarea. maggie con lagrimas en los ojos, carl llora por su madre y en una de las escenas mas emotivas, carl se despide de lori, maggie corta la panza de lori y saca al bebe. carl no quiere que su madre se convierta por lo que decide matarla, oh mi dios, un momento increible. rick y los demas encuentran a t dog y creen que carol murio, por lo que van al patio. rick y los demas llegan pero no habia nadie, carl y maggie llegan con judith en brazos. andrew lincoln se lucio y nos trajo un momento destructivo emocionalmente. un final que me dejo llorando The situation in the prison was quite calm and routine. Woodbury's part was quite interesting, Merle insists on going in search of his brother for what he talks about. Andrea and then with the governor and he demonstrates his level of manipulation and intelligence in making decisions. The episode begins with a person whose face we don't see but will be of fundamental importance for what will happen in a large part of the episode. t dog takes a stand on prisoners to let them live with them but others don't want to risk what they earned. This problem is very interesting and shows how the world works for the protagonists. Rick, Daryl and Glenn gathering firewood, hersherl and the rest of them in the courtyard, Rick looks at Lori, the camera moves and walkers appear, an incredible decision. the direction of this scene is incredible, rick running desperate, maggie and the others try to take care of lori and t dog in a heroic act is bitten by closing the fence so that more walkers do not enter. Rick and the others arrive and alarms go off so the prisoners guide them. and with all this mess, lori is about to give birth. The death of t dog is incredible, a heroic act, saving Carol, someone who is still alive, so it was not in vain. Goodbye t dog. Rick and the others arrive at the scene and Rick fights with a prisoner they thought was dead. Oscar kills him by showing respect for Rick. And crowning as one of the best scenes in the series, Carl, Maggie and Lori must hide from a horde that is in the halls. lori must give birth, so maggie must help her, but maggie must give her a caesarean section. Maggie with tears in her eyes, Carl cries for her mother and in one of the most emotional scenes, Carl says goodbye to Lori, Maggie cuts Lori's belly and takes the baby out. Carl does not want his mother to become so he decides to kill her, oh my god, an incredible moment. Rick and the others find t dog and believe that Carol died, so they go to the patio. Rick and the others arrive but there was no one, Carl and Maggie arrive with Judith in their arms. Andrew Lincoln showed off and brought us an emotionally destructive moment. an ending that left me crying
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Back to Form
dj_wang3 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The previous episode was the poorest one in the series so far for me, but this episode was a fine return to form.

I know an episode is well done when it brings me to tears.

In Japanese Anime, the early coming of age of children is a regular theme. It's rare to see in Western media, but Carl, despite the fact he is ostensibly a child, demonstrates that all human beings have the capacity to rise up to any circumstance when they have something they love and need to protect.

Lori delivers the message of the episode when she tells Carl that he needs to do "the right thing", to do "what feels right", a lesson Rick forgot in a previous episode, and brought about the calamity which befell them all.

The easy way may is easy, but, it is never the right way. Shane never learned that lesson and his demons consumed him. It seems that Rick is primed to relearn that lesson in the cruel ways available in the world gone mad.
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So unexpected!
luckyllamaking25 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Dude this episode got some massive balls for actually killing a charecter, not at the beginning not at the end but smack dab in the middle!
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Wow, but wth?
dr-cornelius-119-7438064 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was, or the story was, epic. But the editing? Or, how they had switch story al the time. Not good. Really, not good. We see the prison get overrun, then we are Woodbury, then we are prison again. Keep it straight!
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An emotional and heart-pounding episode of AMC's hit drama
tbmforclasstsar5 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
We knew there was going to be death. We knew going into this season that we were going to see more violence, gore, and sorrow. We knew we would lose members of the group. But damn…did you think four episodes into season three of The Walking Dead would be the last time we saw our female lead?

Episode four, titled Killer Within, was possibly the most emotional episode in The Walking Dead's history. A son stands over his pregnant mother as she cries and says her goodbye to him. A husband cries on the ground as he is introduced to his new child with the mother noticeably absent. A new life is born as another is taken from this chaotic and terrifying world. And not just one life, but at least two.

That's right, before getting into recap, someone should give the goodbye salute to T-Dog, who can't even has his death be the main storyline of an episode. So long T-Dog. We never really got to know you and the group never respected you as much as it should have. And with that aside, goodbye Lori, a mother who sacrificed her own life for what is right in a world that is so wrong.

Killer Within begins with a series of shots of someone drawing walkers into the main gate of the prison. Someone has been watching our group, and this person is making the moves to have the prison overrun. Inside the prison, Rick and the crew make more plans to make the place their home, but they are once again confronted with the two prisoners that live in the other cell block. They wish not to live there anymore and Rick must decide their fate. He chooses to not let them in the group and goes about getting firewood from outside the gate for the group.

Things start looking up as Herschel finally gets out of bed and takes a walk around the prison to the courtyard. The sight of Herschel brightens the spirit of everyone in the group (even Rick gives Lori a smile), but the excitement is short-lived as a horde of zombies comes storming into the courtyard. The fight against them begins and the group is split up into different parts of the prison. T-Dog is bit and tries to keep moving to get Carol to safety, Hershel and Beth lock themselves into a walkway cage, Rick, Glenn, Daryl and the two prisoners make their way back into the courtyard to take out the horde, and Lori, Maggie, and Carl move to an underground boiler room where Lori is going into labor.

To read the rest of the review (IMDb form too short) visit: http://custodianfilmcritic.com/the- walking-dead-3-4-killer-within/
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Lori's Demise
inefableataraxia21 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Lori's end was sad. They had to give birth to the child with a cesarean section, killing Lori in the road. All of this while Carl was watching and he was the one to kill her brains off. This will surely hit on Carl. T-dog dies saving Carol in the process. Rick is devastated and now he needs to raise Carl and the newborn as a single father. Without settling his differences with Lori.
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Great episode
stefannenezic-1233523 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show can be a very heart breaking sometimes . . . . . T-Dog what a hero
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We should visit Augusta
snoozejonc28 October 2021
Andrea and Michonne have different outlooks on Woodbury, whilst events take a turn for the dramatic in the prison.

This is an incredibly loud and dramatic episode that almost left my girlfriend with PTSD.

The plot is good as it splits time between the slow burning development in Woodbury and the explosive events involving Rick and his survivor group.

I enjoyed the character development involving the Governor and everything it shows with his character seems to have a strong sense of foreboding. The writers are portraying his ability to manipulate people quite well.

There is not much I can say about the prison scenes without major spoilers. It safe to say that it is drama and horror of the highest intensity and makes me wonder what else could be portrayed as going wrong in a single episode. It's not a criticism, all the scenes are incredibly well made, but for me personally there is only so much continual pain and hysteria I can be presented with before it gets so harrowing that I start to laugh. My girlfriend didn't laugh mind. I think she nearly threw up at one point.

It feels to me like a couple of situations involving certain characters are a bit contrived because of how they were written in previous episodes. I cannot elaborate without spoiling.

Fair play to Andrew Lincoln, the range of emotion he has to go through in these episodes must leave him drained after a day's filming. All performances are as strong as ever, particularly Sarah Wayne Callies, IronE Singleton, and Lauren Cohan.

Visually it is brutally realistic in a number of scenes and credit to the effects department for how they keep outdoing themselves every time.
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Back On Form
slightlymad2230 October 2014
Plot In A Paragraph: Michonne tries to convince Andrea to leave Woodbury, someone is trying to lure walkers in to the Prison, whilst Lori goes in to labour.

After a complete absence of Rick, Daryl and co from the last episode, we are back at the prison, where a mysterious figure is trying to put the group in danger, and a member of the group is bit. Andrea and Merle do a bit of bonding at Woodbury. I'm really glad Michael Rooker is back as Merle, as I thought his character had great potential in the first season just to disappear early on.

All of the cast do a good job, but Andrew Lincoln is superb in this episode.

As for Sarah Wayne Callies, I have criticised her heavily throughout the show, I normally say she has had a good episode if she does not annoy me as much, but in this episode she was actually quite good.
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Best episode ever!!!
aniel994 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
In a episode before one of the bad prisoners escaped, but you think he's been killed by a herd of walkers. But you didn't really see it. Now in this episode there's a person that apparently is angry with the group and cuts open a fence. And so a herd of walkers enter the prison and without Rick, Daryl and Glenn there the group cant really defend themselves. So they try to hide. But to make matters worse Lori seems to get her baby...

This is definitely the best episode. I still keep wondering how the story writers could have made such a thrilling scenario. Its thrilling, full of suspense, dramatic, sad, etc...
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Goodbye, Lori. 😭
XueHuaBingYu17 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Season 3 Episode 4 is one of the saddest episode of the entire walking dead TV series. As we know it, mostly, there weren't two or three people died in a single episode. But in this episode, there are three people died in the same episode. First Lori, second T-Dog and lastly, Carol. Although there isn't any solid proof that shows Carol's died. So, I still hope that she's still alive. She's a great woman and wanted to help people no matter what. She doesn't deserve to be dead.

It's so sad to see Lori's death indeed. But what saddest is that Carl had to kill his own mother. I know that before he killed her, she's already dead. So, in Carl's defense, she's not his mother and he didn't kill her.

Of all people, why did Lori need to die? Even though I kind of don't like her because she had an affair, I wish she didn't die at all for the sake of Carl. But it's so sad that she had to die. 😭

As for T-Dog, I kind of like him for saving Carol. That's one of the reasons why I want her to be still alive.

What I like of this episode is Lori sacrificed for the baby. She said she's not a good mother. But the way I see it, she makes a good mother although she had affair with Shane. Yet, I don't think she's terrible mother.

From this episode, I think I'm going to hate Andrea. She thinks she knows all. Pity that she doesn't even know a thing. As for me, her sister Amy was better.

I really want to know what governor aka Philips is up to. Killing innocent people and take their stuffs? That's a very bad action. For now, I think that's the most interesting thing. I can't wait to find out the answer. All in all, the walking dead TV show is really good and I'm loving it.
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R.I.P Lori
sukron_hidayatullah4 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
One of the saddest episode. Goodbye Lori 😢 I am excited watch this series until end.
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pjgs20028 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Killer Within is one of the best Walking Dead episodes so far. Aside from the shock value of Lori dying, every aspect of the episode was impressive. The directing was very good and it helped this episode be scary and very intense. The script did justice to T-Dog, who wasn't a very developed character, but had an amazing exit. He died fighting for his friends, and kept his faith strong. I could not think of a better way to send him off. It was also emotional, like Pretty Much Dead Already from last season. All the acting was great, and I liked the flashbacks to earlier episodes when Carl was going to shoot Lori. I don't have too much to say other than that I was very impressed with this episode.
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Killer Within
bradleysands10 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, let's get this over with. In this episode: Rick dies, Merle dies, Glenn dies.

Wait…sorry. I made a mistake. Sometimes it's so hard to keep track of these things since I've read every issue of the comic, even the ones that haven't been published yet. None of these characters die in this episode, but they will in future episodes.

Every single character will die in future episodes. Also, you're going to die. I don't know that because I've read all the comics. I know that because it's common sense. Everyone dies. You will also come back to life as a zombie—more common sense.

Do you know who also came back as a zombie? The black guy. I forgot his name. He died in this episode. It really happened. It was very sad. He was a compelling character and we will miss him. But he needed to die. Because it allowed his character to develop even more. And it finished out his character arc.

His death was also essential. Because his place in the group of survivors was taken by another black guy: the prisoner who earned Rick's trust by shooting another prisoner who attacked Rick (and also happened to be black) in the face instead of shooting Rick in the face. Because according to the rules, there can only be one black guy in the group. It's like Highlander, but with black guys rather than immortal Europeans.

There was also another black prisoner for a little while. He was nice. Zombies scratched him up a little. The Hispanic guy killed him with a pickaxe, hitting him enough times to make sure his corpse looked so unappealing that the zombies would lose their appetites. Then Rick split the Hispanic guy's head down the middle with a machete.

So anyway, do you ever wonder if there are zombies who used to be celebrities lurching around?

I wonder if in the next episode, Laurie will meet Brad Pitt. And she'll get all starstruck and ask, "Hey, didn't you used to be Brad Pitt?" And Brad Pitt will respond by eating her face off.

------------TV Snorted My Brain
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The Killer Within (Spoiler Alert)
james_zombie1237 November 2012
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Not only is this one of the best Walking Dead episodes, it's one of the best episodes of any television show out there. It starts off with a mysterious man in a prison uniform laying a dead deer out and breaking the prison gates. It cuts back to Carol, Rick, Daryl, T-Dog, Glenn, and Maggie moving cars. Lori and Beth get crutches for Hershel and help him walk out into the prison yard. There's a nice moment of quietness and joy that is all ruined when walkers pour through the gate. Hershel and Beth get in a gate and Maggie leads Lori and Carl into C Block, ending up in a boiler room. T-Dog is bit and sacrifices himself to save Carol. Lori goes into labor and has an intense moment with Carl before Maggie does an emergency C-Section on Lori, killing her, to save the baby. Maggie and Carl walk out into the prison yard and when Rick notices Lori's not with them he starts bawling and screaming. This episode's excitement and intensity blows me away. The acting by Chandler Riggs, Lauren Cohan, and Sarah Wayne Callies is some of the best I've ever seen and the plot is magnificent. 10/10
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TWD S3E4. Oh man.
TheMelancholySpirit30 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was full of twists, turns, thrills, shocks and surprises. Gruesome, gripping, very bittersweet at times then transforms completely into a heartbreaking myriad of unreal moments that are hard to watch. I will have to watch this one again, for a third (?) maybe fourth time (?) - I think this was my third viewing since 2013. Okay, anyway, this episode is probably the best of the third season alongside episodes 10, 12 and 15.

Ok, so what's with this one? Well it's the last of T-Dog who dies pretty much sacrificing himself so Carol can escape the horde quicker. Daryl and the others believe she, too, is dead. Daryl finds her headwear thingy. In their encounter we see that one of the inmates, remember the one who was left to die by Rick, he was on the run and then was desperate to get back in? He'd been letting the walkers in, and was trying to get them killed, but he gets shot by one of the others who is now sort of with the group? We'll see. Anyway, this inadvertently but I guess not too inadvertently (as he was trying to get them killed as a group, not just Rick in particular) causes what we see happen, happen, which also leads to Lori having to die at the hands of her childbirth. It's a gripping, very cold and sad scene. The cold part being that Carl is the one to shoot her before she turns. And he walks out not so much remorseless, but it's like he's taken that one step further to adulthood, living on the message in which his father said "I'm gonna die, your moms gonna die.." it's a sad moment.

We see more of Andrea, Michonne, and The Governor, Merle too. If you're still not convinced in this part of the story, like I wasn't as engrossed on my initial viewing back in 2013, don't worry- it gets better. Plus, the Governor might still be the most cold blooded sadistic antagonist yet. It's a back to back weird transition editing wise, one minute the prison the next minute you're back with the Governor. But it doesn't ruin what I believe is one of the strongest episodes thus far, and of the series altogether. It's been a fun ride up until now. And it actually does get better, even better as a whole, not just the Governor storyline, but all of it. Hershel has survived as we know, now has one leg. And Lori having died, an unbeknownst Rick is about to search when he hears the baby cry aloud, being brought over by a distraught Maggie and Carl who... well, he looks kind of sorry but as if "what's done is done/it had to be done, dad." Rick breaks into tears on the ground, painfully aching over his now dead wife. It's very sad.

Andrew Lincoln's acting was absolutely phenomenal in this scene. Some of the best acting I've seen in any TV drama, horror, or thriller series. Excellent work. Super convincing and very well done. As a whole, seriously one of the best episodes. Despite its couple flaws, it's a very close if not full 10/10.
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