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Vampire coming of age
maryhayden25 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has a few problems to be sure but overall it is a good vampire genre movie. The acting is serviceable with the exception of Rory J. Saper. Saper played his vampire coming-of-age with adolescent awkwardness, ferocity and a touching sweetness. He was in almost all of the scenes and frankly saved the movie from 2 star territory. The story's main plot points have been seen in the genre before, but having the movie use a very small cast in a quite narrowly defined setting added some freshness. The dialogue was clunky in places and the pacing seemed a little off at times. Worth watching
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Poor Editing and Script Continuity Made Me Seasick
northbonmot23 May 2022
Pretty good plot and watchable characters and acting. Music was horrible and intrusive.

Nearly every scene was a stand-alone snippet with very little context. It drew attention to the filming process in that you could fully sense the crew setting up the shot, the cast members taking their positions and getting themselves into character, the director saying, "Action", and then the story starts up again. There was no flow between scenes.

Worse, more often than not, the characters displayed wild mood swings between scenes. In one scene, a character might beat another with a pipe and in the next scene they're walking together calmly discussing the situation. Rufus' "adoptive" mother abruptly changes from pleading not to let him stay the night to becoming a nurturing she-bear to protect him. Rufus can sleep in her dead son's room and wear his old clothes but she has a meltdown when she sees him using her son's baseball glove.

Her husband bounces back and forth between wanting to be a father to Rufus to expressing contempt or impatience with him. And I'm not talking about a story arc wherein attitudes change. I'm talking about the attitudes switching back and forth from scene to scene for no apparent reason.

Likewise, the mother of Rufus' cross-street crush who goes from warning Rufus to stay away from her daughter to encouraging her daughter to "go after him", again for no apparent reason for this change of heart. Ditto for the older boy who suddenly switches from being a menacing character in Rufus' life to becoming a heartthrob for him.

In all these examples (and plenty more), the drastic changes are made as a light switch being turned on or off rather than with some sort of revelation leading to the 180 degree turn-about in attitude.

Also, various characters seem to pop up out of nowhere for no logical reason and always just in time to create a dramatic effect.

In short, the script mostly defies reality rather than attempting to support it To be clear, I don't mean the reality of the supernatural elements of the story. I mean the more mundane actions of people within the story behaving in an annoyingly unrealistic way.
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interesting ideas
SnoopyStyle23 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Quiet mysterious teen Rufus (Rory J. Saper) and an old lady get off a bus. She claims everybody they know are already dead. It's as far as she can go and kills herself. With no one to take care of him and no background history, Sheriff Hugh Wade (David James Elliott) and his wife (Kelly Rowan) take him in. Neighbor teen Tracy (Merritt Patterson) takes a liking to the strange new kid. When Tracy's ex Clay (Richard Harmon) comes at them, Rufus attacks him like an animal. Aaron Van Dusen (Kim Coates) is the creepy newcomer arriving in town.

This movie is slightly left of center from the regular monster flick. Tracy initially grabs the audience by the balls. Clay confuses. It would help to give his transformation more explanation and more time. It's rather jarring to have him hetero rape Tracy in one scene and falling in love with Rufus in the next. There is some jaggedness in the storytelling. This has some interesting ideas but it needs to be clarified.
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Great movie!! But what is the correct title of this movie and year it was made??
nicoletierney20 June 2021
Great movie!! But what is the correct title of this movie and year it was made??

On Amazon prime it is called hunted and says it is made in 2015. On this website it is called Rufus and says it is made in 2013. Which is correct?? How does this even happen?? Really enjoyed the movie though definitely worth a watch!
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Vampire Nonsense
skinner_douglas17 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I clicked the spoiler box because, basically nothing happens in this movie and some may consider that in itself to be a spoiler. Nothing happens that is, but the perambulations of a very weird young man who is "sort of" a vampire but most of the time is a downcast boy looking for sympathy. Why? He does commit some murders but we are supposed to see them as justified. Such justification as there is occurs only because a genre of vampire movies has sprung up in which vampires are basically the good guys--oppressed minorities--who are misunderstood. Once seen as purely evil characters who fully justified their flaming ends (they were usually burned up with dawn's early light), I suppose the dilution of moral categories which has been the result of our relativistic, therapeutic culture, has also lead to the "destigmatization" of the vampire archetype--to use academic mumbo jumbo.

I suppose you could say he is kind of a symbol for his generation: epicene, scrawny, scruffy, hangdog with no point or purpose in life, doing nothing except having a little dull sex in a small town. His mystery or supernatural nature is not enough to hold one's attention. I kept waiting for some action and some reason to be interested in Rufus but he lets you down; including an ending to the movie that is both improbable and corny.
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On Hulu, it's listed as Hunted"
Tahnie123 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie surprised me! I really liked it and really felt for Rufus. I loved the mystery surrounding his origins and was so happy with the ending. Honestly, I really wanted this movie to keep going. It would have made a good series! If you like Vampires and enjoy dramas, then you will like this! It was way better than I expected!
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It might've been watchable...
captain_astronaut19 January 2021
...without the emo songs. It sounded like they were trying to sell a soundtrack. They were too distracting and took me right out of the movie.
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This movie is called Hunted on Amazon Prime.
noodlespidermonkey5401 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Our family just watched this little vampire flick and we loved it. It's a unique take on the vampire lore. It's not a huge action flick, but more of a vampire drama. The acting was tight and the story was interesting if you aren't just looking for a violent gorefest vampire movie like most of them are. My heart broke for lonely Rufus, and loved him finally finding a home.
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Twilight Light
JoeB13110 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Remember when vampires were scary, and not some Young Adult palp?

Okay, so the main character is found by a friendly cop after his long-term companion gets tired of living. Not that I can blame her, after an hour of this movie, I was bored with it, I could imagine what 80 years with this character would have been like.

This movie does have David James Elliot (JAG) as a police chief of a small Midwestern town, and he's pretty engaging. But most of it is the teenage angst with a vampire who has lived for 100 years and apparently never learned how to read. He in turn is being hunted by an agent of a pharmaceutical company.

Not sure what the point of this film is. It's seems less "Supernatural terror" and more "Midwestern Angst." Everyone pours out their souls to the Vampire Kid.
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A Mixed Bag - "Rufus"
alexclass18 August 2023
"Rufus" left me with a sense of conflicted emotions. On one hand, there were elements that I found intriguing and engaging. Yet, on the other, the film seemed to fall short in fully delivering a satisfying narrative. The storyline, while promising, felt rushed and left me craving more depth.

The dichotomy of my feelings towards the movie mirrors the conflicting themes within it. The potential for a captivating story was evident, but it felt like essential aspects were hurriedly glossed over. There were moments that caught my attention and piqued my curiosity, yet they often fizzled out before reaching their full potential.

While "Rufus" did manage to capture a part of my interest, I couldn't shake the sensation that crucial components were missing. The pacing seemed to struggle, hindering the characters' development and the overall plot progression. As a viewer, I yearned for a more immersive experience, a deeper dive into the intricacies of the story.

In the end, "Rufus" is a film that leaves me conflicted. It's as if the creators had a promising canvas but lacked the time or commitment to paint a complete masterpiece. Despite its flaws, there's a part of me that recognizes the effort and potential, hoping that perhaps future endeavors will bring this untapped potential to fruition.
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Original and Well Done
AntBar196814 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a very unique take on the vampire genre. Rufus is sort of a vampire but very much human, and I would say more human than vampire. Every one of his kills was justified and the world was better off for them. All he really wanted was to be normal, love and be loved, and live a normal lifespan. Only the thing in the middle was possible though.

The acting was good and I really liked the music.

If there is any complaint I have about the movie, it would be that I wish I could have learned more about Rufus' character. Where he was born. How old he was. How he came into existence. However, I suspect that his not answering questions like where he was from might have been based on some type of memory loss. If so, Rufus was probably a hell of a lot older than 100.

I hope that one day a sequel to this movie is made or it is turned into a series. It would be interesting to see Rufus develop as a person or whatever he is, learning how to read and such.
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I enjoyed this
coflorida8 July 2020
I was expecting some B-rated cheesy flick but this was a soild movie. The acting was pretty good.
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Not a dog
kosmasp2 November 2014
I guess some people would call their dog Rufus. But in this case we get something different (what? You have to watch to find out). Rufus has a really stellar cast with an interesting spin on a sort of known story. There is violence and there are relationships built that lead to an inevitable conclusion. A conclusion or a way the story goes, that is very predictable.

Still the movie is about the ride and about finding out and seeing those relationships evolve or develop. It's not easy to avoid the cliché trap, but the movie does so in some occasions. A person is not only one thing (the thing he/she appears to be), it's more complex than that ... and we get to see some of those sides here. A difficult task that the movie almost completely masters
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something different .
johnhempel16 October 2018
If you enjoy vampire type movies this is worth your time . The story, acting and music are all good . Several people who are not vampire fans enjoyed this film . It's not for those who like mindless blood splatter movies , Give it a try . You might get a pleasant surprise .
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Good Horror Mystery
peterDM-3038026 April 2021
This movie does borrow from other movies including "Twilight" and "Let the Right One In," and even the stage musical, "Bat Boy," but it stands on its own feet well enough because of its strong direction and acting. It does move slowly, but it's not boring at all. The characters all have secrets which are slowly revealed as the mystery of who and what Rufus is slowly unfolds. The actor who plays Rufus is talented and makes interesting choices, so he really is the glue that holds this film together.
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Great new take on an old film genre, very well done.
Skeauxsha20 June 2021
From the first scene until the last Rufus 'aka' Hunted is actually a really good movie. I wasn't sure what to expect as the Vampire genre has literally been bled to death, however this film does a great job of keeping your attention all the way through. The acting was spot on, and so was the story line. The music score wasn't too shabby either. The end of the movie was awesome as well. Just when you think it's going to move one way, it turns out to go in a direction you wouldn't expect.

Don't take my word for it though. Do yourself a favor, watch it for yourself. I'm glad I did, and it would be great to see more movies like this one from these very talented creators in the future. They nailed it with this one.
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Unexpected Masterpiece
rreinhart-5107215 May 2021
If you are looking for something unusual, this is a fabulous find! Although there is the tempting horrific pic on the "cover" promising blood, this movie is more about heart. I absolutely am THRILLED that this story is more than a 'monster' movie or thriller or horror, it is a mystery and a PROFOUND story of belonging. All the main characters are longing to belong, all of them are human and wrestling with their own secrets and hurts. This is an incredibly wonderful story of healing through accepting others, instead of isolating out of fear of vulnerability and more potential wounds. MASTERPIECE.
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Not what you expected
desperado_here22 October 2022
I almost didn't watch this, but I'm glad I did. It's like LET THE RIGHT ONE IN, but a good way. I think the story picked up really fast and there was little to no build-up which was good. I think it is one of the most underrated films in the horror genre. I highly recommend you to watch it and if you liked LET THE RIGHT ONE IN, you will like this movie. The story line works, and the acting suits it well. If you're looking for a vampire movie that has a decent story that isn't too cliche or overdone, then check this movie out. It lasts two hours, but it seemed like it was 90 minutes or less which means it's a very suspenseful. Give it a GO!!
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An interesting and offbeat story with characters I liked and an ending that made me feel good
rooster_davis26 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to check the box indicating that this review contains spoilers, just to be safe, though I am not by any means spilling all the beans here.

This movie surprised me. I decided to give it a look based on the one-sentence description it has, "Mysterious teenager arrives in small town, attracts sheriff's interest, violence surrounds him." That is about as compact of a description as you could give it - and it doesn't begin to touch on the real story.

Rufus, a teenager, had been traveling with an old lady who died in an accident just outside a remote small town. It's not mentioned much but the town is Conrad and I believe it's in Iowa. (More on that shortly.) He won't answer questions about himself at the scene of the accident, and with him having no place to go, the sheriff takes him home to give him a place to stay. Originally he was going to stay for one night but that turns into an ongoing situation. This really upsets the sheriff's wife because they had had a son about the same age who died; having Rufus around, staying in their son's room, wearing his clothes and such seems to her as a violation of her own late son's memory, space and things. (Rufus is wearing the son's jacket which has a patch from the Conrad Coyotes, 74-75.) Before long though, Rufus's quiet and unassuming personality first draws her curiosity, then her tolerance and finally her affection. Also, the high school girl Tracy who lives across the street from the sheriff's house falls for him, again because his quiet and reserved personality makes him so different from the other boys she's known. The girl's current boyfriend Clay at first attacks Rufus but as with the others, eventually becomes his friend. Unfortunately, a young local boy and a visiting stranger sees them together and accuse Clay of being attracted to Rufus. Clay unhappily admits to Rufus that the kid is right. Apparently unable to handle his own feelings, the next day he tries to kill Rufus. I was afraid at that point that this would turn into some sort of gay love story (nothing wrong with gays, I just didn't expect or want that) but it was just another of the subplots surrounding Rufus. It was IN the story but it was certainly not THE story.

Rufus is emotionally very subdued. His basic attitude is to be cautious and quiet, likely because despite his age (more on that later) he has lived his life in a sort of institution and has no experience in the real world. Hence he's illiterate... he's just never been taught to read or write. Other than the instances where he gets angry and becomes his violent character, I only noted two times when there was real emotion, and one of them was almost impossible to catch. In one scene, he's on top of a building in the downtown of the little town where he lives, and he's taking chunks of snow and tossing them down on top of a man by the street. The man hollers for him to stop and he keeps it up, and at that moment we see the only great big smile he ever shows in the movie. The other instance is when he's in the room where the old lady's body is, the one who was accompanying him on the trip til she was killed from being hit by a truck. Rufus is there with Tracy, the girl from across the street, and she asks him if he cried for her. He asks, 'Should I have?' and she says that it depends what she meant to him. He pulls the sheet up over the old lady's face, then just as the scene fades we hear the sharp double inhale of someone who is on the verge of crying. Maybe he cried, we don't get to see it.

Other minor subplots happen through the movie, but a larger one comes along in the person of another stranger who arrives in town. He knows all about Rufus, and plans to take him away, back to where he came from... but the people surrounding Rufus, while they still don't know his whole story, have grown attached to him and they don't want the stranger to take him. Rufus knows the stranger, and he also doesn't want to go with him. The sheriff's wife tells the stranger 'You're not taking MY boy!' and that sets off the last big turning point. The stranger is dealt with, and the sheriff and his wife now know a lot more about Rufus - and it doesn't matter to either of them. Rufus has shown he's as fond of them as they've become of him. The sheriff disposes of any indication the stranger has ever been in town. The presence of that stranger does prompt a couple of instances when the normally stoic Rufus cries - once, when the stranger is convincing him to come along with him - and he doesn't want to go - and after he's attacked the stranger for hurting his new 'mom'.

I will make one more comment which could be considered a spoiler. Some other reviewers and even the story itself make a case that Rufus is a sort of vampire, but in actuality, he's much more like a werewolf. He does have aspects of both, which makes him a somewhat unique character in the movies. And he's ageless - even the stranger who had come for him has no idea how old Rufus really is, but he presents as a teenage boy and will remain that way forever despite the fact that he's known to actually be over 100 years old. His behavior and attitudes, as his physical appearance, will remain as those of a teenager. Think of Samantha Stephens on "Bewitched", she's a witch and has been around for untold years yet she still remains a young woman in appearance and attitude. Rufus has a very interesting combination of characteristics.

This movie was released in 2012; Rory Saper, who plays the role of Rufus, was born in 1996. He was no more than 16 years old during filming and may have been 15 for at least part of it. He did an excellent and sensitive portrayal of Rufus. It is a pet peeve of mine that movies almost always find someone a different age to play a role. Normally I'd have expected a 16 year old Rufus to be played by someone 20 to 24 years old but here we have an actual teenager playing the role of a teenager, and to me it adds a lot of credibility to the character. And Saper, who was born in England, has a definite English accent to his speech, but they make it work fine in the movie. In different scenes his complexion goes from rather clear to much more noticeable acne, and I guess that comes with the territory of having a teenage actor.

I'm sure I will watch this movie again.
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