Star Wars: Threads of Destiny (2014) Poster

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The fan film that took forever
tomellingsen4 March 2014
There's a lot of bad reviews and ratings for Threads of Destiny here, and I believe they're all mistaken and/or out of line. But allow me to explain what Threads of Destiny is;

Threads of Destiny, is a Star Wars fan film set 96 years after the Return Of The Jedi. The Skenvi Empire, a smaller group of bad guys set out to secure their resources and parts of the galaxy for their own, in order to ensure a lucrative future. The New Republic can't have that, and sends out two Jedi ambassadors to make a better deal for the planet of Coreign. Sound familiar? That's because it is. Threads of Destiny remembers what was good about Star Wars back in the day, but also knows what the prequels did right, by making a compelling story about good vs evil, but also has smugglers, aliens, women and robots.

If you've ever watched the original trilogy, you'd know that the visual effects are quite dated. Such is, regrettably the case with Threads also, but that's to be expected. The film was shot in 2005 on DV-camcorders, and put together by an ensemble of visual effects artists over 8 years.

What people tend to forget when watching this film, is just that. They pick on the Swenglish(Which could really just be a foreign space-accent, to be fair), and the sub-par compositing. Again, the film was shot on DV on poorly lit green screens, and we have to give them credit for doing what they did.

This is a FAN FILM, it's not Episode VII. The amount of work put into this film over nearly a decade is astonishing. The music is great, the sound mixing is awesome, and the story is good. The fact that the VFX look dated, is because, frankly, they are. They're also made by dozens of people around the planet, all being coordinated by Rasmus Tirzitis - the director. Not some fancy VFX house, or even a visual effects supervisor; the director.

So please, when you're rating this film, please take the story into consideration. Not the acting, not the visual effects.

After all, if we rated the original Star Wars films based on their visual effects, we wouldn't give them 10/10 today.
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Worth a watch. Its not Lucasfilms but a good first attempt.
fullerdave3 March 2014
First the bad news. The acting was below average, most of the graphics were done sub-par, and the story was predictable. Having said that I think overall this movie was ambitious and it tried to tell a new story. I liked it and look forward to seeing how this production group will make the next installment better. But for the love of god please look into some acting lessons for the main characters. You are on your way to the possibility of an acting career so give it the effort it deserves and make us fans proud. In the mean time have the effects team beaten a little and tell them to step it up, this is Star Wars we are talking about. Don't half-ass it. I did like the asteroid belt scene and wish the entirety of the graphics had seen as much attention. It was obviously green screen a lot of the time and unfortunately you can see the halo around the actors as they walk through the scene. But hey, i can't do any better so keep up the good work and make sure it evolves. Overall I enjoyed it and will show it to my friends to judge for themselves.
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Great SFX for a fan movie but not so great acting.
p-hallbus11 January 2015
The story is not bad at all, even better then some Hollywood counterparts, and the SFX is REALLY good for a fan movie. The acting on the other hand is often painful to watch. I'm Swedish and I still wish the actors did not have that much accent, for me the swenglish kind of ruins it a bit more, so many Swedish people speak really good English but not most of the main actors of this movie. I can tell that a lot of work has gone into making to this movie and if you are a fan it is still well worth a watch. The princess is much prettier the Leia ever was. Read that this movie was shot with ordinary DV cameras, and with that in mind it is not a great HD film but not as bad as you might think.
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If you are not a fan, you may find this movie hard to watch.
beef-638-12143625 February 2014
For a fan film, this is a huge undertaking I bet. I found it not so well executed, as the acting, directing, screenplay, script are mostly amateuristic. The audio was fairly nice and the CGI is jumping out as the classy aspect of this movie. Impressive, really. The blue-key was not properly applied and it shows, badly.

We see a Jedi master, kind of Obi wan, and the prodigy, kind of like Anakin. Throughout the film there are lots of scenes and lines that look very familiar. It seems this film is more like a tribute, re-hashing bits from the originals, stitched together with a story around a truly naive princess.

Also some action scenes were fairly nicely done, where one can see they had to make do with little equipment. Conclusion: not all was that bad. I was slightly entertained, but the big damper is the lack of consistency. I just couldn't just go with it you know. The only way to watch this and properly enjoy it, is to be a true Star Wars fan.

Key to understanding this movie is not to compare it with big budget studio productions
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A Top Notch Cheesefest of Terrible Acting & Writing
geekfurious27 February 2014
If you want to be impressed by special effects on-the-cheap, then this is the movie for you. Provided you watch less than 10-minutes of it. Otherwise, the writing is pedestrian at best and atrocious at worst. The acting isn't much better.

However, I could have stomached that if the editing had been tight. Unfortunately, the pacing is set to the speed of poured molasses. The creators needed to cut about 40% of the material they presented.

At the end of the day, this is just a hot mess of self-love. I wouldn't be shocked if the creators thought they were making the next great epic Star Wars story. Instead, they've just emphasized that if you were good enough to make a great movie, you wouldn't be making fan-fiction.
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If you ARE a fan you may find this movie hard to watch
recklessron20 August 2016
This is truly awful.

If you have seen all the other Star Wars movies then you have pretty much seen this.

The plot is basically an amalgamation of the other Star Wars movies.

Nothing is new - even the dialogue copies from the original movies.

I have NO idea why a group of fans would make this. An original Star Wars movie, made by fans, would be great even if the special effects aren't as good as Hollywood can pay for. This badly made copy makes me wonder if any of the people involved actually like Star Wars.

I recommend avoiding this, if at all possible, even if you are a die-hard fan - actually avoid it especially if you are a die-hard fan!
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Over-hyped Prior to Release, Doesn't Deliver
SW_Jones18 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Do not waste your time. The now 14-year-old fan film vignette "Knight Quest" is a gem compared to this (youtube it), and even it is far from perfect. I was expecting something along the lines of the quality of the fan-created "Star Trek Phase II". This was no such endeavor.

I do applaud both their efforts and intentions. But being somewhat exposed to both tons of written fan fiction and video fan fiction of the Star Wars genre over the last 11 years (which I daresay the makers of this film would have benefited from reviewing), I have to say this movie comes across like one long Star-Wars self-pat on the back. As if the creators are saying to you, "Hey, it's Star Wars and WE made it, therefore it must be good, and YOU will think it's good too."

The love story is really where this film falls short; weak and predictable. Doctor Who proved in the 1970s you can tell a fantastic story with a minimal set and special effects budget.

The story aside... The changed lightsaber sound effects from SoundFX Master Ben Burrt's original format are absolutely horrid. The overall story arc is slow paced and far from interesting. Characterization...bad...the characters lack any real depth. And the acting is terrible, especially the character Jedi Master Soran Darr (I don't know whether this was bad directing or bad acting, but I've never seen a more wooden performance of a Star Wars character, which makes him the only memorable character to me in the film, and not for good reasons).

Overall the movie almost feels like what would have happened if Star Wars had been made into a bad underfunded made-for-TV-movie in the 80s.

I will say one good thing about it...the video effects were very decent, but poorly integrated anytime they had to be mixed with the live action sequences. But even this would be completely excusable for me if not for what I listed above.

As stated, I applaud both their effort and intent - as this movie was well-hyped among the fan community long before it was released - but that is where my platitudes end. Given that in their efforts the makers of this film could conjure a project of this magnitude – a fan made Star Wars film - it's somewhat perplexing that they also couldn't seem to come up with better writers, directors and actors who would be willing to work for free as a labor of love for Star Wars (and let's be realistic, they HAVE to exist out there in vast numbers -- this is, after all Star Wars). If I had to guess, there was more nepotism involved in the cast and crew more than there was talent consideration, but I could be wrong about that. Perhaps the creators of this film will learn from their mistakes. Or perhaps they will go on listening only to their good reviewers and continue to put out the same product as before.

I remember waiting a long time for Threads of Destiny to come out, I was actually very excited about it. A large disappointment, even for a fan film.
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It's like the producers found light saber FX effects and thought it would be awesome to make a movie with them with no lore whatsoever.
szpeniopl17 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This review will contain some spoilers, but they won't ruin the movie for you (the movie itself does a good job with that). Even though my opinion is very negative, I don't mean to insult or badmouth it in any way, I just write what I think in a pretty straight forward way.

Writing this review is a hard thing to do without "profanities or spiteful remarks" as the guidelines say. I mean ... fencing? Really? As in rapiers, not light sabers or lore friendly vibroblades. When it comes to the lore, as my review summary already stated: I was disappointed. I'm not the biggest star wars geek in the world, but the screenplay completely disregards rules that Jedi have. For example "don't fall in love", which the Padawan's Master completely ignored (and seemingly embraced) as the princess flirted with his apprentice.

Something really annoying that also broke the immersion for me was the atrocious acting. Okay. I'll cut them some slag, as this is a fan movie, but oh my, I haven't even seen such bad acting in any Sandler movie. The accents aren't that bad either, but come on, they should at least know how to say "Jedi" correctly.

The screenplay was simply bad. Cut away the occasional philosophy that's meant to add depth to the conversations and everything the actors say becomes completely uninteresting. Scenes that should take a second were dragged on for 15-20 seconds to make the movie look longer, effectively just making it more boring.

What really killed the movie for me though was the way it was recorded. Blurry backgrounds in nearly every scene, terrible CGI with cut scenes being completely blurry, ships behaving differently than they would in the original Saga. Scenes where faces, the background or objects were completely black. Oh and the costumes. The costumes were something unexpected. Obviously not in a good way. I have seen pornographic star wars movies with better costumes. Similar and probably even better acting too. I honestly thought that some scenes were cliché intros to porn. (I did "research").


This movie is bad. From the screenplay, to the immersion, over the acting, the CGI effects. Everything was just bad, to the point where it motivated me to write a review, after seeing how many "This movie is AWESOME" reviews there are. I recommend it if you're drunk with friends and want to have a laugh or have troubles falling asleep.
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Exceptional work from Fans for Fans
imdb-1780028 February 2014
I've just stumbled over this film here on IMDb, downloaded it and gave it a go, despite the rather bad reviews. And I sat there, totally awed by what I saw. This has got to be one of the most ambitious fan projects ever done and, in my opinion, they pulled it off.

From the opening score to the end credits this film was full of great ideas,great scenes and great effects. The music was excellent, the actors mostly good or sometimes even great and the story entertaining.

For those of you, who think you know better or you could do this better: You are wrong. But let me put all that into perspective: The making of this film cost EUR 6000,- !!

If you complain about flaws in acting, story or continuity, let me tell you there are hundreds if not thousands of movies out there, that had a budget of 100k or more, that had professional writers, directors and actors and that are worse. Not to mention the really bad movies that cost many millions. Sure, the production quality is that of a fan film - but there it is top notch and as such a masterpiece.

Everybody who has ever tried to make just one costume or to build a 3D model or to write, act or shoot a dialog knows how much work and time, and what's even more, how much love was put into making this movie.

More than 100 people spend their time working on this, the whole production took 9 years,there are more than 1500 FX shots and the overall outcome is simply awesome, with the 3D and FX being the real stars of the movie (as it always was in Star Wars).

Don't get me wrong. Don't expect a polished,commercial movie. This is a no-budget fan made film, but it is the best I have ever seen.
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It's good enough to watch and enjoy
grafxman6 March 2015
First the good news. The storyline is excellent. The music is excellent. The outer space shots are excellent. The chicks are gorgeous Swedes. Unfortunately there is only one good actor in the flick. That's the guy who plays the Sith Lord. I suppose playing a bad guy does a give an actor more meat to chew on.

The guys playing Jedi both had the most annoying habit I have ever seen in a film. They walk about in nearly every scene with their hands clasp together in front of them. They appear as if they're covering or supporting their dangly bits. Someone should have yelled HANDS at them every time they did it. I can't think of habit I've seen an actor have in a film that was more irritating. These folks are stoic Swedes acting in this film so they have little energy or charisma. It's not their fault. That's just the way they are. If another movie gets made by the same crew I would recommend requiring the male actors to shave daily. Having a few days of beard on the face of every male that's old enough to grow a beard is not becoming. If you ever use that king again, get him a crown. He might clean up nicely with a shave and a crown.

From there I'm afraid things get a little worse. As a photographer I was constantly annoyed by the lighting and cinematography. For some reason the light was constantly spilling over into the scene around the edges. Nearly every scene had haze and smoke and fog for no apparent purpose. That constant light spilling in from the edges coupled with the particles of fog and smoke or whatever it was made many scenes blurry which is to say pretty awful. Many scenes appeared to have been shot through glass that had reflections on it's surface.

Still, when all is said and done, I enjoyed the movie. It was apparently the herculean efforts of one guy and a few other people. They are to be commended for the efforts. I hope they make another film and get better acting, lighting and cinematography.
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Their efforts must be applauded, it is just really hard to watch.
face-819-93372625 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I could not believe what I was watching for the first few minutes, as I kept expecting that this was going to be Lego, or that badly cell-shaded animation. Then bop like that you see that this is a real live human acted movie, and it is a full hour, and forty plus minutes long. They have taken the time to film each separate character in the background and place them into the movie like one of those old stencil rub-on cereal box prizes. There is a very deep, and fleshed out story, that the actors all seem very intent on presenting, and there is no shortage of completely copied Star Wars images, and backgrounds. However this is just so hard to watch. The entire thing feels like a video game from the 90's cutscene, and there is a weakness to the acting that bogs every scene down while you wait for the actors to remember their lines. I did not Enjoy this movie at all, but I am more of a Star Trek kind of person so I would recommend this to die hard ubber-fans of Star Wars, and no one else. It is just too hard, and painful to watch for me, and I'm certain that most people will feel the same. Such a shame though as they really do try.

Jesse of
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Excellently constructed Fan Film.
Umbru27 February 2014
For an amateur Fan Film this is top notch. The special effects are well done, though the same problem most fan films have shine through in the story and acting. It hits upon the clichés, and by the numbers, and the actors come across more than a little stunted, sounding a bit more like Live Action Roleplayers (LARPers).

For all that I stayed with it through the whole thing, which is actually pretty impressive. The acting, as it was, and story were at least if not better than Episodes 1 and 2. I'd really enjoy seeing something like this done by some passionate people willing to push new boundaries instead of the normal Star Wars tropes.
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A fairly made fan movie, worth a watch if you're a fan of the original series!
sweetboyy_992 March 2014
First off, you have to realize that this is a fan movie made of a very low budget and for what it is, it is an outstanding project!

As a major Star Wars fan I am very skeptical about fan films like these - but they pulled it off pretty nicely. Even though the obvious Swedish accents, bad acting, and failed green screen is a problem with this movie, it still executes and plays out quite nicely. And hey - It's a free movie too!

The story is kind of similar to the three first Star Wars movies, but in a completely different way. And as a major Star Wats fan I can say that i was mildly entertained and my interest in the story was pretty high. The script was very well written - even though it sometimes make you cringe because it's obvious it was written by Swedish people. I am not giving away any plot details or spoilers - go check it out for yourself.

As for the music, I think the soundtrack is quite nice and fits the moments pretty good. The CGI is awesome considering it's a low budget movie, just don't get any high expectations since it really isn't comparable to todays Hollywood movies. This movie took an amazing 9 years to make (!!!) since the movie has been post-poned and canceled multiple times. But the final result is pretty darn impressive.

However, there is a lot of things wrong with this movie that I can't skip complaining about. For example, the terrible accent and the god awful Green Screen / Chroma key effects. The acting is very mediocre, and you can hear the Swedish accents on most of the actors, and the words are not pronounced correctly. This, for me, is very annoying and really destroys a part of the movie that could have been much better. I must say some of them did a fairly good job on the English accents though. I just wish every actor had taken a course on how to speak proper English and pronounce the words the right way. Maybe a few acting classes too. About the green screen thing, it is understandable that they can't do as well as recent Hollywood movies, but the green screen is really, really, awful. It keeps on bugging me and I just can't stop thinking of the badly done chroma key. I think they should have taken more time to fix this as it becomes a very irritating part of the movie.

It was a fairly made movie and I did find it mildly amusing to watch. If you are a serious fan of the Star Wars movie you should not miss this. Hopefully, when the next Star Wars movie comes out 2015, Disney will not screw it up.

Threads of Fate is a far from perfect movie, but still delivers an amusing plot and some fairly good CGI and acting, even though most of them make you cringe. Considering this is a fan movie and a low budget one, this is done very well and I would say this is an amazing attempt even though the dialog and the actors are a bit so-so at times.

I admire that the creators of this movie made this movie and released it entirely for free making no profit of the movie at all, since they spent quite a lot of money for a fan film. This shows that there are passionate people out there that just want to please the fans and express their fandom.

7/10 stars.
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Much better than the other reviews indicate
maineocto14 December 2015
First of all, although the acting wasn't great, it certainly was adequate. I found the sceneries of the the different planets extremely beautiful. Admittedly I watched this film on a laptop computer, but I was never aware of any flaws in either the cities, the wooded garden, the landing strips nor, of course, the asteroid belt. However, though there were a few, I did miss the various robots from the original Star Wars movies. And the Yetis (though they were very much there in the much-different Star Wars Christmas movie). All in all, I very much look forward to the next film by this director. maineocto, a.k.a. Art Since, alas, my review didn't contain enough lines, I add that my home is the mid-coastal Maine Bunny Foo-foo for President Headquarters. "Bop most politicians on the head!"
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Well Done For a Fan Film
Altureus27 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This has been in production for a long time, around 8 years or so, it was finally finished in 2014 for the world to see with the collaboration of many talented people across the globe. Rasmus Tirzitis, gets some props for being able to keep everyone together to finally finish this fan film.

However, this is exactly just that, another Star Wars fan film. If you are not a fan of Star Wars, this film will be difficult to watch. That's not to say there aren't great scenes implemented throughout the film. It will just be much harder for a non fan to take this film more seriously or even enjoy it altogether. Some of the highlights include the asteroid chase scene which was surprisingly very well done and left me wanting more, .......SPOILER........the death of the queen was memorable as well,.....END SPOILER..... also Andreas Rylander's acting as Lord Siege definitely takes the lead as the most immersive as well as best actor in the film. The rest of the cast performs admirably, but with the Swedish accents makes it a little more difficult to believe or hear.

I'm glad that this was finally able to be completed. I've always been a fan of what other fans of the Star Wars universe can create. This film definitely pushes the boundaries for what a dedicated group of fans can make. There are just some flaws that keep it from being a masterpiece, something that only a full on high budget production team could pull off.
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The special effects are BETTER than Part I and II, worse than Part IV
The_Melancholic_Alcoholic18 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Sure, sure, the accents, the acting, dialog, at times and the direction. All sub-par. Who cares? The special effects are really, really, great. There are so many good, and breathtaking aerial shots. Sure, perhaps the resolution could have been higher, it's not as 'sharp' as a Hollywood movie, but then, they probably didn't have the bloated and overpriced software that Hollywood uses. And there are so many, especially towards the end of the film. Especially the asteroid belt sequence was pretty awesome. There are so many space scenes, and city scapes, it's just very cool to watch. I hate CGI, which why the special effect of A new Hope are far superior, but somehow here, it didn't bother me.

Also great were the fight scenes.

In general, this film looked as if it had very high production value. In an expensive country like Sweden, with the highest living standard in the world, that is pretty impressive to achieve that for a budget of 6000 euros.

One way to make this film 'better' would be to re-dub it with English or American actors. But I wouldn't. One, it would be unfair to the actors, especially the two actors that are ALLEREDE have been dubbed. Two, that would be just giving in to the stupidest demographic in America. Europeans don't really care about Swedish accents. Because they know it's not the accents that matter.

The only ones who complain about the script being slow, are ADHD kids with a multiplex addiction.

It was a bit weird to see a SW movie with no black people in it, and yes Sweden DOES TOO have black people.

Lord Siege and Raven Darkholm were the best actors, Siege was VERY convincing, I hated that guy! The king and queen were decent, the pilot and the mentor Jedi were pretty bad, as well as the princess.

The Melancholic Alcoholic.
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A mixed review of the movie and the reviews...
mychoice62314 August 2014
This is going to be a mixture of pros and cons; no spoilers. I came across it by accident while searching something else on YouTube, came here and read the reviews (love to hate). I was 20 in 1977 so I saw the 1st (a.k.a. 4th) Lucas Star Wars movie when it debuted and many times after.

Is this anywhere near the insight and writing skill of George Is it the best fan film (and I've probably seen about 50- 60), yes. The "Summary" line says I want to look at 2 things; movie and reviews.

The script is a combination of concepts of scenes from all 6 films (the 7th hadn't come out at the time I wrote this). While the dialog wasn't taken from the original movies, the themes for most of the movie were. I won't say which ones. Just see the movie. However there have been multiple reviews that make it seem like the writer is stealing from the original. Now the counterpoint: this is a movie about an ancient order (think got it, the Jedi Knights, steeped in custom and tradition). While the writer uses concepts from the original films, why shouldn't he? If this is an ancient order than changing the rules would be bad script writing. Yes the dialog could have been snappier in MANY places but the writer did, as Lucas did in the 2nd 3 installments, keep the rules of the Jedi order constant. They WOULDN'T change over time. So while he should take a writing class to learn to give a script a better flow, he stayed loyal to the ideas of Star Wars.

Something that I couldn't believe as I read this were a comments about the fact that the actors had accents. It leads me to believe that these reviewers might never have seen the original movies; perhaps books on tape. LOL Does anyone recall one or two scenes from ANY of the Star Wars movies? How about the admiral on Vader's command ship? Anyone remember him (before Vader used the force and killed him) he had a few lines as did his subordinates (one of whom was later promoted). And then there was Tarkin (Commander of the death star, etc. played by Peter Cushing), of course let's not forget a couple other minor characters. They would be Alec Guinness and Anthony Daniels. I think they played Obi-Wan and 3P0. Guess what they all had in common? ACCENTS! Why this was even mentioned I can't imagine. And to suggest they take diction lessons. Talk about absurd.

Back to the film. Let's address special effects which people seem again to like or find endless criticism of. I've done computer animation for several large advertising campaigns; concept to sitting at a computer and creating. Was the green screen perfect? I agree with many of you and the answer is no. But would I criticize it to the degree I've seen guess the answer to this one. Just to do a still shot of something against a green screen is an art in just lighting the screen correctly let alone putting moving characters in front of it (and I mean even the slightest move). The fact that this was started in 2005 and is complete is amazing! Having done this work I saw every imperfection there was and probably more than most because it was my business so I know what to look for. BUT, it's a fan film with relatively no budget. Even with the software that was available in 2005 for home or small commercial use they pushed it to its absolute limits so for that alone it should be appreciated. And for the people who commented that this was really a special effects movie, ever seen the behind-the-scenes documentaries of the original Star Wars. Lucas did the same thing only he had a movie studio budget behind him. He wasn't creating his animations on a variety of PCs/Macs/small commercial workstations or whatever they used for this film. And if you think the original Star Wars CGI was amazing I could point out about 100 artifacts (computer image glitches) in Lucas' 1st film alone and it's my personal favorite because it started the whole thing. When people write reviews criticizing an art form, they really should do a little research before "opening mouth and inserting foot". I agree this movie was far from perfect but at least know what you are writing about before making a comment.

Will they make another movie? I actually hope so. Did it have faults? Plenty. Was it an amazing effort? Absolutely. And to all the "arm- chair" critics: a well thought out critique is a pleasure to read. Good or bad in regards to what is being reviewed they can be valuable and might help people from wasting their time. But, there's the key. Know what you're talking about. And regarding the fact that a Swedish person might have a Swedish accent (sorry, you still get a DUH on that one) you neglected to point out which version of English, you as an expert, feel they should be speaking. Did you wish a proper English accent (as in, from England), an American dialect? Just using those 2 countries alone, how many dialectic variations are there? Either country, you have recognizable and very different dialects: north, south, east, west, central region of either country. Who decides?

To people reading this, by now you have probably guessed that about 1/3 of this review is about the fan film. If you are a true Star Wars fan you will probably enjoy it once (you may not want to watch it 1,000 times like the Lucas films but you'll probably enjoy it). The summary of the film here on IMDb is accurate (again, not giving any spoilers). Read what the critics/reviewers have to say with a "grain of salt" and form your own opinions. Enjoy.
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Blown away!
alfcovey29 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It is obvious the people who gave this flick low reviews have never watched a fan film before. It's not The Force Awakens, which is apparently what the naysayers were looking for, but you won't believe what these people were able to accomplish with fans doing all the acting, production, and absolutely no budget. I found this gem after a soul- crushing run of fan flicks that only reaffirm that the negative reviewers have never watched a fan flick... ever. I was so jaded that the trailer had me convinced they had cherry picked a couple of nice shots out of a bunch of crap, but I watched on and I'm so glad I did. If anything, the trailer showed the mediocre and saved the breathtaking for the film, and yes, some stuff does approach breathtaking.

Yes, there is some chromakey artifacting which I bet wouldn't have been there if they had a RED Epic and a soundstage with tons of expensive lighting, and yes, some of the CGI was a bit simple in places and that could have been fixed with a multi-million dollar render farm. Still, in other places it was rich and vibrant and looked extremely professional and absolutely gorgeous. Some of the sound effects were changed; I don't know if that was for a copyright reason or if they wanted to make a point that it was nearly a century after the fall of the Empire, but who cares - they weren't out of place and were mixed very organically. As a project, it was damn near TV ready in quality, and past that point in several places. If you've ever seen Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning, I'd put it on par with it, and those guys went on to produce actual feature films based on that work. It exceeded any fan film I have seen to date by a large margin.

The acting was wooden at times, but these guys weren't actors... they were fans, and you could see their passion showing through. Truthfully, Raven Darkham, Lord Siege and Karus Kahn carried the film quite capably on their own. Lord Siege was deliciously evil... he made Darth Vader's military discipline seem like a motivational speaker who handed out gold stars.

As for the story... it's a young knight, a cocky pilot, an evil guy and a princess... light versus dark in a battle for the galaxy... it doesn't get more core Star Wars than that! The love story was way better than Anakin and Amidala. It was rushed but had that feel of the classic cinematic love story set in the swashbuckling era... which is exactly what it was supposed to be. And there were so many nods to the original, right down to the Wilhelm Scream. I had no problem with the pacing. It established, sped up, let you catch your breath, action, caught your breath... then the finale actually started with something that made my jaw drop and elicited an audible gasp and kicked my tail till the end of the movie. The battle was EPIC and I would put it up against several of the actual movies. The final saber battle was awesome.

My only three complaints are there could have been more humor thrown in, and the space station sequence went from cinematic to hand-held for some reason... but it wasn't enough to detract from my enjoyment.

You do yourself a disservice if you miss this because a bunch of people who don't know what a fan film is would have rather gone to a movie and took it out on this absolute gem of a fan flick. I watched it twice on my own, again with my kids, have it set as a date movie and shared it on Facebook. This flick is frigging amazing and gave me faith in the "fan flick" when it had all but been extinguished. This is a fun ride and I really hope they do a sequel.
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Most interesting and well executed, but sometimes hard to watch...
arthurkoutsaenko12 October 2015
This film has got to be one of the best fan films I have ever seen.

It is directed and scripted cleanly and most of the time things flow. The dialogue is good and not too stiff(most of the time). The visual effects are usually good but sometimes do flop a bit, especially when done with the green/blue screen(But this isn't a constant problem).

Well executed light saber fights and CGI space ships is where the film excels and will please any Star wars fan.

I myself, a huge star wars fan boy, loved the ending and all light saber involved scenes. The film cost 6000 Euro and was 9 years in the making! JUST SAYING!


CGI-12/20. Dialogue-14/20. Cast/Characters-14/20. Plot-12/20. Things relating to Star Wars-20/20

Total score= 7.2/10 Recommend to anyone who loves Star Wars! Don't watch if you don't know Star Wars!
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Screaming for sequel!
novica8317 July 2018
Now this is a Fanmade movie! It has excellent story and magical FX. Screenplay, director and actors are amateurs, but this is a Fanmade. A budget of 6000 $ only!!!! Are you kidding me!? Disregards reviews and ratings! if you are a true SW fan, you must watch this film. If I was a producer in Disney this story I would use for next trilogy. Film has it's shortcomings, but when you consider that it has been made by fans, it is awesome. Add another million $ in the budget and you will have a blockbuster! Just another proof that big producing companies don't takes fans too serious.
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A sort of 'masterpiece'
seabandtism6 September 2023
In a galaxy far, far away, where the Force flows through every being and the eternal struggle between the light and the dark continues, "Star Wars: Threads of Destiny" emerges as a cinematic masterpiece that rekindles the magic of George Lucas's iconic universe. Directed by Rasmus Tirzitis, this fan-made production stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Star Wars while introducing a fresh and captivating storyline that expands the galaxy's horizons.

From the opening crawl to the final credits, "Threads of Destiny" takes viewers on a thrilling and emotional journey that encapsulates the essence of what makes Star Wars so beloved. The film is a labor of love from fans, for fans, and it resonates with a genuine passion for the source material.

One of the most commendable aspects of "Threads of Destiny" is its visually stunning cinematography. The film captures the grandeur and beauty of the Star Wars universe with breathtaking space battles, exotic planets, and meticulously crafted sets and costumes. Every frame is a work of art, paying homage to the original films while pushing the boundaries of what fan-made productions can achieve.

The heart and soul of "Threads of Destiny" lie in its rich and well-developed characters. New and familiar faces are brought to life by a talented cast who deliver performances that rival those of the official Star Wars films. As we follow Jedi Knight Alaric (played by Patrik Hont) on his quest to save the galaxy from the looming darkness, we become emotionally invested in his journey and those of his companions. Each character carries a unique charisma and depth, drawing the audience into their personal struggles and triumphs.

The film's plot is a captivating tapestry that weaves together multiple storylines, creating a sense of intrigue and anticipation. It introduces new mysteries and reveals hidden secrets within the Star Wars lore, leaving fans with a profound sense of wonder and awe. The narrative is filled with unexpected twists and turns, demonstrating a true understanding of the franchise's core themes.

Moreover, "Threads of Destiny" doesn't just rely on nostalgia; it contributes significantly to the overarching Star Wars mythos. The film explores the delicate balance between the light and dark sides of the Force, delving deep into the moral complexities that define the Jedi and Sith. It challenges preconceived notions and adds layers of complexity to the galaxy's moral landscape.

The visual effects, choreography, and lightsaber battles are nothing short of spectacular. The action sequences are masterfully executed, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats. These elements, combined with an evocative musical score, create an immersive experience that transports viewers to a galaxy where anything is possible.

"Star Wars: Threads of Destiny" is a labor of love that exemplifies the power of fan-driven creativity. It not only pays homage to the original trilogy but also breathes new life into the Star Wars universe. With its outstanding production values, captivating characters, and thought-provoking storytelling, this film deserves a special place in the hearts of all Star Wars fans.

In conclusion, "Star Wars: Threads of Destiny" is an extraordinary achievement in the realm of fan-made cinema. It stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of Star Wars and its ability to inspire generations of storytellers. If you're a Star Wars aficionado or simply a lover of epic adventures in a galaxy far, far away, this film is an absolute must-watch. May the Force be with "Threads of Destiny" as it takes its rightful place among the stars of the Star Wars galaxy.
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Thread of Destiny
michaelqing827 March 2016
The only external sources relevant to how we understand the Star Wars fiction are the view of George Lucas and Lucasfilm. Creators of Star Wars have almost total control over how fans should interpreted the works of fiction. Fans of Star Wars have very little control over how the fiction should be interpreted. This works of the film is how people should understand the new Star Wars gospel and gossip of all sorts to be considering. Almost all of the fan fictional films are considered as G- canon (meaning George Lucas canon) with anything created, at least terms of overall story, by Lucas himself, including six (soon to be more) films, scripts and unpublished notes.

Though it was generally considered an excellent fan film, it could not be entered into The Official Star Wars Fan Film Awards because it was much longer than the contest's upper time limit. However this film are still considered the best stories of Star Wars expanded universe.
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