Miss You Can Do It (2013) Poster

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Little girls with physical and mental challenges having the time of their lives
kylehardy9 July 2015
This is an inspiring tale of young ladies who were born with challenges that many young girls do not have to endure.

It will put into perspective the problems that some people face and take those problems on with a smile.

It made me see that my problems were nothing compared to what these little girls are going through.

Miss you can do it was not all sparkle and happiness, it brought a bit of the reality of their lives which allowed the viewer to relate with the documentary.

My personal opinion on this documentary is that it was well done and inspiring.
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Heart Warming
K-R-Hallagan13 October 2014
In this age of post-empirical popular culture, we tend to dismiss anything to do with stereotypically vain connotations, most obviously beauty pageants, and in the case of shows like 'Toddlers in Tiaras' we immediately denounce the practice as culturally damaging, and the people involved as ungrounded. 'Miss You Can Do It' not only presented me with selfless characters, but it shows us what child pageants should be. An environment for friendly competition, strengthening self esteems, and the realization that our personal problems should never be a limiting factor. These children push through adversity, and you can see them and their families shedding preconceptions of 'can' and 'can't'.

A truly heart-warming story.
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This will touch your heart ...
samabc-3195217 October 2020
Here we are, each with sound brain, intelligent mind, perfect whole body as nothing is missing .. and perhaps impregnated with ego, biases, jealousy... this film is a must watch.. . A story that will touch your heart, will make you cry ... at the end you will be indebted to all around you, grateful to almighty...
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incredible story
ktyson942631 July 2013
This came on while I was doing something, and I too was busy to change the channel. At first glance I thought it was the story about Abby Curren, and didn't realize what the movie was really about. I paid enough attention to follow what was going on, and I'd look up when I heard something that I needed the visual connection to understand, but I was sort of dismissive of it at first.

As the story evolved, it snuck up on me and grabbed my attention without knowing it. By the time the movie reached the interview portion of the pageant I couldn't stop watching... I'm sort of a "guy" and don't get emotional very often, but as I watched the joy of these girls as they went across the stage, I was literally in tears. I felt this movie to become a very powerful and uplifting story. Very glad I watched
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Beauty comes in all forms
jtho1155 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Miss You Can Do It," is and incredibly inspiring film that makes you take the time to really think about the lives of those that are physically or mentally disabled. On a day to day basis when a majority of people walk by a person with a disability we stare, or feel pity for them, while ultimately writing them off. This film shows that these are people with real feelings, desires, and ambitions.

Here we follow Miss Abbey Curran who has Cerebral Palsey, and she had the determination to be her own person and be OK with who she is. She created the Miss You Can Do It pageant to help all these girls with disabilities feel the humanity they know they deserve, and to show that just because they are different, does not mean they are not beautiful.

One of the main elements I took from this film was the personal lives of all the girls we follow throughout the film, and how their families have learned to live with their disabilities and accept them. Each family has struggled and some openly admit it scared them to death at first; however, having a disabled child has opened their eyes to how special their children truly are and how they love them no matter what.

Miss You Can Do It truly helps one understand the lives of those we consider "different," and that just like all of us, they are people that feel just as deeply as we do.
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Feel good film all around
tannergibas17 February 2016
An amazing look into to something that is changing the lives of these little girls and their families. The only conflict that you experience when watching this film is the constant self- reflection of you're own life and the things you take for granted like walking.

It's an amazing thing to watch a feature length documentary that is not dominated by a storyline and can just present an event while still being able to keep your attention. This is done by the careful construction of stories that the families tell about their children and showing the shear joy they get through this unique experience. Well done Abbey Curran!
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My favorite documentary. There's something special about this one.
wiholke20203 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Anybody is welcome to watch this movie, and everyone should.

Miss You Can Do It! Alright. My family was picking what movie to watch for the night, and our Dad suggested this one. I never heard about it, so I wanted to see how this will go.

So in the beginning, we see the same teenage model in fashion shows and pageants. I thought that was going to be the movie. A girl with a disability winning what she always dreamed of winning. But this movie is so much more! So this teenager makes a pageant for girls with disabilities, and let me say, it hits me right in the heart. And hearing about the girls and their stories makes me want to cry.

Some of the girls made me laugh too. This movie is like taking something sad and putting some good into it and it makes a light that follows every girl. Like there lives will never be the same anymore. It's now something grand to cherish, instead of something horrible that terrifies you.

This movie easily became my favorite documentary. Though, I haven't seen a lot of them. Everyone should watch this film. It might change your life, too.

8 Stars!
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A Refreshing Look at Pageantry
stephunspoken14 February 2016
After watching far too many episodes of "Toddlers and Tiaras" this documentary brought a welcome change and a refreshing view on beauty pageants. It was nice to see parents entering their daughters in a pageant out of a place of love rather than exploitation. This inspiring story told through the eyes of an amazing woman, Abbey Curran, brought a smile to my face for the entire 74 minutes.

I enjoyed the looks into these children's lives – not only how they prepared for the pageant, but a look at their lives at home and the stories surrounding their conditions. This documentary was able to raise awareness about so many different conditions while also promoting inclusion of people with special needs.
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A movie that really brings you outside your own perspective
cschenkemeyer11 November 2015
This documentary will be awe-spiring to all those who watch it. The subject matter is one, that really, for me, strikes an emotional nerve in you as you hear the story of Abby Curran, a woman who really overcame and defied odds by being A Miss USA pageant contestant despite her physical disability of Cerebal Palsy.

The doc follows her story on how she starts her own beauty pageant; the "Miss You Can Do it" beauty pageant, a pageant inspired by kids of all ages with mental and physical disabilities.

We continue our journey by getting more involved with the pageant contests as the date gets closer. My heart goes out to these kids, and for me personally, I found it very difficult at times to watch some of them with their symptoms. However, it was because of this reason that I was hit by such a powerful message that the documentary delivers.

Everyone can contrive their own message from the movie, but for me that message was delivered by a little girl named Ali. She was born with Spina Bifida, yet despite all odds, is the happiest little girl in the world. She just about loves everything, very social, and more importantly excited about the contest. Who the hell am I to complain about such trivial things when I see this young girl inspire those around her, including myself, through her constant joy and happiness?

Pretty soon you come to find out this isn't just Abby's story anymore, this becomes everybody's story who is affected or involved in the pageant, and the tradition they set in place for future generations to come.

I give this 7/10 because I felt is spacing was a little off. However, I am more impacted by the story that anything else, and for that reason alone you should watch it. Thanks for listening!
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An inspiring story!
nickpetruzzi22 March 2016
Miss You Can Do It is an amazing and inspiring film. The film gives you insight into not only who the contestants are, but also the challenges they have to face and overcome everyday. Each story is unique and really each girl brings you in and it got a little emotional at times. You really feel inspired after watching this film. Through this amazing story telling and how each shot kept you in the moment this film is just simply amazing. Our society has put in us that if you see someone who is mentally or physically disabled we feel bad for them, but this film shows that these girls face this these challenges everyday and its how they overcome them. This film in my opinion is just truly inspirational!
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Miss You Can Do It
bobby-8269924 May 2016
Honestly I didn't want to watch this documentary at first. I didn't want to have 'survival guilt' and have my heartstrings artificially pulled. I've seen many of these kinds of documentaries before but this one is different. Hope is the central character that floats on top of every scene, like an invisible shield in a Saturday superhero cartoon show. This film doesn't gloss over the truth but shed light on everyone else that is affected by a child's disability or two or three. "Miss You Can Do It" focuses on eight contestants preparing for a beauty pageant created by Abbey Curran, Miss Iowa USA 2008 and the first woman with a disability to compete at the Miss USA Pageant. My heart sinks when a parent say that they don't know how long their child will live and that this pageant celebrates her life and gives everyone HOPE.
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Truly Inspiring
brookecolor15 March 2016
Miss You Can Do It is the epitome of why Abby won Miss Iowa in the first place. Creating such a genuine program truly demonstrates the heart she has for these girls, and this documentary shares that heart with the viewers. The film gives insight to not only who the contestants are, but what challenges they are facing as well. You become sucked into each girl's story and you can't help but smile at their unadulterated joy at being on that stage. Through compelling story telling and phenomenal structure, we really get a feel for why this pageant was created; to make sure special girls realize how special they truly are.
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Endearing stories, brimming with positivity
luongaly4 December 2015
I've never really paid much attention to beauty pageants. When my co-worker dropped the DVD on my desk and told me that I HAD to watch the movie this weekend, I wasn't opposed, but I wasn't too excited. It was easy for me to assume an "I know where this is going" mentality, that the film would obviously be an inspiration piece about inclusiveness. And it was. But that didn't keep it from being worth watching.

In a world dominated by conventional beauty standards, a pageant might seem an unreasonable idea for girls with disabilities. Pageants are superficial contests, right? But in the case of the Miss You Can Do It, Abbey Curran's pageant does more than merely include these girls; the entire event is planned as a fun spa getaway and hangout. I was touched by the judges, who were sensitive and encouraging to the girls, even when one contestant, Alina, insisted on grabbing the boom mic. I quickly understood how the pageant is a great safe space for girls with disabilities to feel confident in showcasing their talents and personalities.

Miss You Can Do It is wonderful in its treatment of the subjects. The documentary is not a pity piece for the different nor a condescending inspiration piece to which sympathizers can stroke their egos. The film does a great job at presenting all the girls' stories from their unique challenges to their goals and to their upbringings. It's sincere and honest -- parents discuss their frustrations and points of pride while their daughters play sports, ride horses, and give the filmmakers a tour of the house (I found the little moments in which the crew behind the camera spoke to the girls very endearing). It was incredibly positive and seeing all the happy girls was heartwarming. I admire Abbey Curran for creating such a meaningful experience.
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A Little Goes A Long Way
hollaatyogurl10 October 2016
So often it's easy to say we care about others but it's another thing to actually show it. Abbey Curran was the first contestant to ever participate in the Miss USA pageant with a disability. Upon her journey Abbey soon felt the need to pass on her inspiration to others and created the "Miss You Can Do It" pageant. The pageant allows young women of all shapes, ages, and sizes the opportunity to feel beautiful and apart of something. It's a refreshing glimpse of how our world should be and allows a new perspective on how easy it is to take life for granted.

This documentary follows the journey of 8 contestants entered in the pageant and connects the audience to their individually unique stories. To see the excitement these girls have alone to just be a part of the pageant is inspiring and you easily fall in love with each contestant. This documentary is a great watch for all.
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Heart warming look at children with disabilities and one woman's special way of helping them
hansoa5 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Miss You can do it is a heart warming look at children with disabilities and Abby Curan's pageant making these unfortunate girls feel special. At first look it seems like it is going to be a story about Abby and her life over coming her disability and winning the Miss Iowa pageant, but Abby is a small blip in a larger much more focus look on these little girls and the disabilities they suffer. It shows you what they over come everyday to just try and live normal lives. This pageant Abby created really helps them feel that way. You find that each story is different and touching in it own special way and at the end it brought a tear to my eye. I recommend watching this movie, because it really puts life in perspective. I give it a 10/10 because it is simply beautiful documentary and very touching.
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Miss You Can Do It--exactly what pageants should be
thwillisss137 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I wouldn't say I'm a fan of beauty pageants, they're shallow. Throw young girls in the mix and suddenly you have a reality TV show—definitely not a fan. The Miss You Can Do It pageant is exactly what every pageant should be. This pageant uplifts girls with disabilities and makes them shine and this documentary beautifully and whimsically captures this.

The film begins with Abbey Curran, a young woman with cerebral palsy who fell in love with pageants and through her determination became the first woman with a disability to compete in the Miss USA Pageant. After, she was compelled to pass along what she gained from her success and created the Miss You Can Do It pageant. Throughout the film the viewer gets an intimate snapshot into the lives of eight contestants learning of their struggles and excitement for the pageant whether it be their first or ninth time competing.

Their stories are incredibly inspiring and heartwarming, and truly helps to shift the perception of disabilities and educate the viewer. The pageant allows each individual girl to be little girl and not disabled. She is allowed to feel beautiful and normal and meet friends who relate and the documentary enables their personalities to radiate on screen.

Although there seems to be the perception that having a child with a disability is a burden, the personal interviews with the parents of the contestants gives the audience a new understanding. Each parent loves their child like any other parent and would do anything to make them happy and live a healthy life; they regret nothing besides not wanting their child to suffer.

Each contestant's unique story and personality really makes it easy to fall in love with these girls and this film. If you are looking for a film that can inspire a new outlook on life and warm your heart I recommend taking 70 minutes out of your day to watch this wonderful documentary.
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