Attack of the Morningside Monster (2014) Poster

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"If you do drugs, you are going to die".
lost-in-limbo22 August 2018
No real surprises here. Very much a substandard, threadbare and generic DTV masked serial killer slasher with a couple of familiar names attached. But don't fear you do get a bit of nudity here and more blood here and there. You just gotta stick it out. In a small rural working class town Morningside, a group of drug runners seemed to be targeted by a ritualistic serial killer.

The progressive drama features heavily, as it's more or less story based, developing a few level-headed plot threads (the sheriff's relationship with a long-time friend / and the friend's struggles to care for his ailing wife), giving certain actions a bit of weight and character motivations (conflict between drug runners) for the first hour. In doing so, it can meander and feel flat, where I found the killer and the mystery around their exploits to be pushed aside early on (so it seems), downsizing the red herrings, even though from the get-go there's only one or two real choices, where it's not too hard to figure it out. Our sheriff seems to trip and fall into a lot of the clues, than any real work, as the viewer is a couple steps ahead and I don't think we are meant to be either. In spite of that I was kept engaged mainly thanks to better-than-expected performances. Robert Pralgo goes about things in a rather relaxed manner as the town sheriff, maybe too so, but it's a likeable performance. Gotta love his; "drugs are bad" speech to a class of school kids. Reliable genre favorite Tiffany Shepis gives proceedings a bit more punch as his deputy and a dreary Nicholas Brendan pines a lot, which is understandable from what his character is facing. Other than the strong core, the rest of the cast are hit or miss.

It does take its time to get where it's going, but in the second act it gathers momentum throwing in some deranged jolts, no real tension, by lingering on cheap gore FX, yet resourceful for its budget, as our killer (wearing a glittering black cloak and ceremony mask), when they're not using a sacrificial mace, messily goes to work on their victims with a grinder removing vital organs in a sort of "DEXTER" style set-up. It looks it, and it's executed quite plainly, outside of some oddly titled camera shots, but it's more than acceptable in its low-rent delivery.
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A Very Pleasant Surprise
smakar17 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a perfect example of a big budget not being necessary in making an entertaining movie.

It wasn't that this story was unique, nor was there a big surprise in who the killer was. But the characters completely won me over! I can't recall a group of actors and actresses that we so charismatic in recent memory, and they were completely natural. Not only the protagonists, but the antagonists also. And special kudos to the actress who played the one dying of cancer - it tore my heart watching her (this was my Spoiler).

For those who care, there was one scene that was somewhat graphic in violence (actually, it was more like watching an autopsy), and there were a few f-bombs (no more than a typical hour of "reality TV" - make that an half hour).

I really had fun watching this movie - I recommend it for what it is - a well done, low-budget entertainment flick!
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For the real indi-horror enthusiast!
TheSchinppenSchnaff21 June 2020
You can tell these guys put everything they had into this movie. This really made up for the obvious budgetary constraints.

The acting was surprisingly good from the primary cast. The supporting actors were less capable, but did far better than your average low-budget horror flick.

The cinematography, set design and editing were professional.

The script was clearly written by someone with talent. The pacing of the story was even an constantly built to the climax.

There were some major plot-holes around the narrative's red haring. And some references to the FBI that made no sense. But they didn't ruin the film.

Makeup was surprisingly good.

Where this movie fell short and broke the viewer's suspense of disbelief constantly was where the clearly did not have the budget for anything better. If you love your indi horror flicks, half the fun is admiring how the film was made, but if that's not why you're watching, it will ruin the movie for you.

For example, it took me a few fight scenes (where the murderer ambushes the victim to be) to workout why they were so poorly choreographed and clumsily cut. The film crew clearly couldn't afford to damage the set. So they had to clumsily pretend there was a struggle while trying their best not to scuff the walls or floor. The murder weapon was clearly made of foam and none of the actors were actually struck with it. Either they couldn't afford to make more than one, or they couldn't afford the liability of actually hitting something with the prop.

In all, a worth while watch if you love your low-budget scary films.

6 out of 10.
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Really bad
vmalast9 December 2018
Wow, this was just a really bad script. The acting was okay for the most part but the camera work was definitely high school level. The close ups with the blurred background foretelling something ominous then, quick zoom to the "ominous area " laughable. I have no idea how this could be compared to anything John Carpenter has put out. Even his worst films are Oscar worthy compared to this. This is what I'd expect on the Syfi channel.
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Story is so lacking
epiceffectss29 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This film has a good budget and good actors,sorry this was story was just so poor and the bad guy killer was a joke , not scary in the least. As I said the actors are all good solid performances , filming is good , soundtrack etc is fine. But for gods sake when you make a horror film please make the bad guy scary otherwise what is the point . The story is basic and nothing you will remember , it's gonna be a straight to TV film for me. Whats sad in my eyes is the director and actors did a good job , they got it right , except for the key character , the bad guy. He shouldn't have been wearing such a silly mask and should have had a sinister presence . He was dressed in a silly batman cape or something . Just silly. If they had just altered that one part where the man had a silly costume and acted just way to pantomime bad guy then the film would've been OK. Sorry but this could have been fixed and surely if there was honesty on the films set dozens of people would've said "that outfit looks camp , it's just not even vaguely scary" and then they could have fixed it. A black cape and a camp sparkly mask does not frighten someone , it looks comical.
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What the hell ????
reyad-khoury29 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Where actor Nicholas Brendon is a Monster how attack himself in school? How running behind himself?

As Nicholas Brendon prepares to leave heard a voice in the school and when he go to see the source of the sound surprised attacking monster..Nicholas run and the monster run behind him and Nicholas enters the office and closes the door and the monster behind the door trying to break into?!

How this happens, as long as the monster is the same Nicholas in the film?

How to be Nicholas sitting in a closed office door, and at the same time attacking the policeman and kill him as a monster ?

The film was initially progressing well, feel while watching everyone suspected to be a monster, then the writer sabotaging the story in that non-logical scene!

Mark Mtahos character in the movie was very bad and failed.

The film transforms from good to bad in the end!
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Very enjoyable indie horror/thriller flick
alliedrealtyinc12 April 2017
I just saw this film at a local screening in Atlanta and really enjoyed it. I met the director and some of the actors, and the spoke about all the trials and tribulations they had when making the film. Considering the budget, etc., I was highly entertained. And it had a really great twist ending that I really did not see coming at all. The fact that some people don't get what actually happens in the film is laughable. The main actor was really good, like well above the acting of most indie flicks I watch. I guess there's one born every day.
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Thought it was a suspense filled thrill ride.
Tvorik21 November 2014
When I saw it in the theater, I about jumped out of my seat. There were some flaws, but every movie has them, the jump scares and the suspense were what really made the film great. The fact that this was a totally independent and local film really solidified my love for it, as well as the actors that were in it. They really kept me involved in the story and made me want to purchase it on Blu-Ray so I can watch it again at home with my family and friends. My only problem with the film, and this isn't a big issue, is that there weren't more killings in it, I like a good gore fest. But truly, the writer wrote a great story that was easy to follow and kept you interested. The director really had an eye for good shots and shot placement. The set locations were spot on and really brought the creepy vibe to the times it needed to be there. I really have nothing bad to say about this film. Good job fellas! Can't wait to see what's next.
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Great Horror movie w/ some hilarious moments
wooldridgelaw21 November 2014
Buffy fans will love seeing Xander (AKA Nicholas Brendon) on the big screen in a mystery that could have easily been a season finale episode of Buffy! This is a monster mystery cop drama that pulls at the heart strings (thank you Amber Chaney)and provides some scary moments.

I don't expect the movie will be Oscar worthy, but it is a great time and a very entertaining film! Robert Pralgo gave a spirited performance. The pace of the movie was wonderful and there was never a dull moment. I enjoyed the movie very much.

All the film is missing is a supernatural Slayer to come and save the day!
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An engaging movie made for fans of the goose-bumps, titillation, and fun of horror movies
bhendry15-167-98491023 November 2014
"The Attack of the Morningside Monster" is the pleasing product of an independent film crew with a healthy mixture of professionals and working people who love this genre and movies in general, so any fair and astute reviewer needs to keep this in mind. The producers make the most of a small budget, and a lot of preparation and intelligence went into planning and production.

The story has several layers and is a mystery/horror combination which forces you to pay attention if you want to solve it, otherwise the 'fake outs' will 'getcha,' Several of the leads are appealing and charismatic and fit in nicely here. It seems a must that this genre contain some flesh and gore, but neither is too much especially in comparison to what is seen today. The homages, intentional or merely suggested, to various films like I believe "Pulp Fiction" and "Silence of the Lambs," among others, are funny.

This movie is refreshing in several ways, starting with the fact that it's not a $200 million production and is therefore not too slick. Overall this is an engaging movie made by people who enjoy the goose-bumps, titillation, and fun of campy horror movies and have made their own nice contribution to this type of movie. See it with some mature friends and have some laughs and get a little scared at the same time.
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