The Blackwell Ghost 7 (2022) Poster

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Superb Continuation
richardtilley-765594 November 2022
Yet another excellent entry in The Blackwell Ghost series of films. As soon as I saw this was out I had to watch it. I started watching these last year and it has been a gripping ride. Very cleverly made on a small budget, with the quality and attention to detail you should really see from much bigger films/studios, but rarely do. Not going to put any spoilers in but if you are a fan of these then make sure you watch Part 7, it really is very good and then start looking forward to Part 8, and if you haven't started watching them yet then go right back to the beginning. You really won't be disappointed!
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The least of the series
killercharm30 December 2022
Much like the sixth Blackwell Ghost movie this has no scares. Not only that but the coincidences are too much, they don't contribute to flow. It's more like they obviously push. This is more of a crime story than a horror story, and only a so-so one at that. Turner Clay is still interesting to watch as a person and as a daddy and widower, but none of the elements in this flick are compelling, they are only interesting, and only a little. Since Turner lost his wife to cancer he still looks for her to try to get in touch because he's a firm believer in ghosts now that he's encountered them in his quest to prove their existence. He goes back down to Florida when he buys the Lightfoot house. The banging and usual ghostly activities feel contrived and do not feel scary. Instead we get a live serial killer human. Turner and his cop friends swallow every note from this killer character without any kind of evidence to back them up.
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Henry_of_Horror11 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've left and them come back to these movies time and time again because they keep popping them out like popcorn. His determination in the first two to force everyone to believe they are real was funny as heck but also made me want to keep watching just to see where they went. Some are good and some are not, but holy heavens was this one silly beyond any suspension of disbelief. In what country/world/planet would police walk some random dude through an interrogation with a serial killer over the phone while he chats with him on some early 2000's looking chat room!?!?!? My wife could not stop laughing out loud. At the end when you see the "killer" was in his house, it's obviously his wife from the previous movies just dressed up a little and walking weird. I can't. Still giving 5 stars for keeping these things coming out. I've seen much much worse.
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A Letdown of the Story
AntonyCrowley6 September 2023
I enjoyed all of the previous titles in this series. In the beginning, it really felt like it could have been a documentary, but as it kept going, the immersive reality of the series has been on the downslope. This is the point in the series at which there is no longer any question that this is scripted and not a real documentary. The natural feel of previous versions is lost, and you're left with the feeling that you're watching a very mediocre and completely scripted horror film. Shots that are supposed to be in an environment look like they're clearly shot on green screen, the police officer enlisting the help of Clay moves from unlikely in the previous titles to completely unbelieveable. The antagonist becomes unbelievable, obviously trying to get caught, stopping a hair's width short of leaving a map of his location with a full confession saying "I did all of the bad stuff, find me where X marks the spot on this map". Clearly he intends to make another movie in this franchaise, and while I really hope that the next installment fixes some of the mistakes made in this one, as things stand, I feel like he's gone from pushing his luck with milking this for sequels to clearly crossing the line. This title lacks the scares of previous installments, but foremost breaks the illusion that he established in previous films that make this believeable as a documentary. He's clearly running out of good ideas for the franchaise, and poorly done green screens in what's supposed to be real life, clunky acting with even clunkier dialog leaves this as the movie that even for fans of the series that he should have stopped before making. I'm undecided on whether he should try and get it back on the rails with the next movie, or whether he should just cut his losses at this point.
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Torn how to feel.
joelstuartsmith17 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So if you're watching this i assume you've seen the previous 6. From the very first film i've disliked how he tries to play it off as real documented footage and not the mockumentary fiction it is but at least the previous instalments maybe 1&2 done well at portraying that. 3 onwards was just so obviously fiction at that point but still enjoyable. There was nothing paranormal about this entry aside from his old toy saying and spelling "danger" at one point, assuming it was his wife who he believes comes through to him now from the other side which we discover in part 6. If this was a fictional thriller then for a low budget it would've been amazing. It had some real creepy moments that if you can place yourself in those would make you shiver but the acting and how cinematic some scenes have now become just ruin this kept up illusion of this all being real documented footage. If that was never insisted upon or he just admitted this is all part of a larger filmmaking project it would be more enjoyable. Like i say i like the entries but it's gone from subtle spooky paranormal behaviours to unbelievable paranormal events that real ghost hunters of 20+ years have never captured and to now finally a murder mystery still unsolved with 98% no paranormal activity involved. This film as a release under a different title and it's own project would've been much more enjoyable than attaching it to his popular "blackwell ghost" series. Still looking forward to part 8 for some story resolution but a return to part 1&2 style paranormal would be welcomed.
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Losing the plot...
bigjump_air10 January 2023
The previous films I really enjoyed. The natural found footage/vlog style really sold the whole story and always kept you wondering... could this be real, well not anymore. Right when this film starts it feels off with random cinematic camera shots that break the found footage immersion and kills that natural wonder the past 6 films had. Some of the original style is still present but the natural feeling is just gone. The story is becoming dumb with the main character living up to stupid horror tropes, at one point in the film he is given a multiple warnings and STILL goes to investigate a noise when in past films he wouldn't have, and also the final payoff is just silly more than scary.

Turner Clay if your reading this please know this comes out of love for your previous work. Please return to your original style, it was very unique and was what got me hooked on the series to begin with.
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Absolutely fire.
psmnmxr13 December 2022
I loved this 7th one. Awesome way to leave us on a cliffhanger. Cannot wait to see the 8th one. Love the idea and the contrast/connection between all the ones you've made so far. I hope you bring more paranormal back into the 8th one, but continue your search for the "?". Or even start looking at new homes and do some more investigating. Keep going with these. My cousin and I love them. I haven't seen like any bad reviews on these, so if you have not watched this 10/10 recommend. It'll be hard to leave after just watching the first one. You're gonna want to watch all the rest of them shortly after.
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Paoqd30 January 2023
I was expecting more and I had high hopes as I was looking for a good horror movie to watch and this movie had a high rating but I ended up very disappointed. I don't know how this one is rated above 6.0 when it's so boring and the story is just mediocre, nothing that you hadn't watched before in a horror movie. It's not interesting, there's no action. It's hard to like this kind of movies when the actor just record themselves and talk to the camera telling the audience what's going because it just kills the plot. The actor was good, he did a good job and him is the only thing that made me watch it until the end.
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kjckb30 October 2022
Well, I absolutely loved it! Bought it on digital today as soon as I heard it was out! Not disappointed at all! Bern buying and watching these movies as they've come out and not disappointed yet. This one goes rightbup there with the first six. I love that he's added a new human enemy element to this one so the stories can continue while yet still giving us that paranormal element we've come to know and love!! Very scary, especially that ending. Almost gave that slasher movie nod while still staying true to it's paranormal roots! I can't wait for the story yet again "to be continued!" I want to see more!
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Becoming Silly
zeuthuk20 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Films 6 and 7 have become outlandish compared to the previous 5 films.

The documentary feel has been spoilt by an increasing confidence by the filmmaker to introduce more Hollywood style effects.

Film 7 now introduces a serial killer who leaves riddles and bloody evidence to taunt the filmmaker and the police.

This concept is more aligned with a Hollywood film and undermines the good work done in the earlier films.

Maybe they felt they had to increase bolder storylines but with low budget films simple works best.

There is one scene were he opens the door in the middle of the night. When the door is shut I noticed only one latch lock for the front door. Who has such limited security especially when a serial killer is pursuing you.

If you watch film 7 first it will certainly ruin any believability in the earlier ones which were quite modest in effect.
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Such a shame
johnemartin26 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Had seen part 1 before but watched again before binging the rest. Remembered all the rooky mistakes which were then discussed and explained away in number 2. We hadn't researched the movies and watched them with an open mind, while picking holes in each episode where the so-called documentary seemed to overstep the believability scale even for paranormal phenomenon. Each installment moving further down the slippery slope, with 7 falling just short of ridiculous, insulting the viewers level of intelligence. We hoped we were wrong and that the series wasn't fake but the tiny amount of said hope went out the window at number 7 numer 8 is a joke.
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What Did I Just Watch?
arfdawg-118 July 2023
This is a really confusing movie. It has nothing to do with a ghost.

It's basically about a (perhaps) killer who is now stalking some dude in FLorida who fims it all.

Oh, yes, there are some ghosty things in the film, but that's not the plot.

And then there's the telephone guy who represents who, I don't know. You cant even understand him and he gets subtitles. Is this the FBI? I dunno. It's never explained.

To add insult to injury, there are some really silly scenes. Like in the beginning the guy says he had to move all his furniture into the kitche because of a leak. Only the kitchen has no furniture.

But the big bit of nonesense is the camera he finds in the woods. If this was placed there by the serial killer, why doesnt he get it checked for fingerprints?

In all this was a waste of my time.
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A fantastic, clever paranormal franchise just gets better
jmarie13496 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The latest installment just gets more compelling. I'm so glad this has continued, I love the guy that's made this, great, subtle paranormal series of films that must be watched in sequence (they must!) with really subtle music score that adds a sentimental element to the film.

It annoyed me a bit that he concluded this one saying "there hadn't been much ghost activity" when clearly there was with the keyboard (terrifyingly!) spelling out 'D.a.n.g.e.r' over and over. That was so scary. The twist about the killer now means I have to re-watch the whole thing. Love it!

His acting is great too. I'm suprised some people think this is a real documentary and moan about it. Its FICTION and all the more clever for it that people believe its real.
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This Just Keeps Giving
kathgillon3 November 2022
So I heard this was out on the day, I rushed to Amazon Prime to Rent it, I was not dissapointed, as usual it was an immaculate presentation, less ghost activity but my godness was it gripping. As always Clay presents this in such a way as to immerse the viewer drawing you in and making you invest. I watched it three times and every time there was something new a little neuance, suggestive and dark. The final scene had me freaking out and dying to see what is to come next Can't wait for 8! Thanks Clay for making a series of films that just keeps giving and never dissapoints. The juxtaposition between Supernatural activity, pathos, loss and serial killing horror is so cleverly done.
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Awesome series!!!
cherrylimeaide16 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Only read this if you've already watched all 7!!!

I do not care if this series was real or fake, all seven were awesome to watch! Edge of your seat, chill bumps, and looking over your shoulder kind of series. I'm very saddened to hear of Terri's passing, didn't see that coming at all. I thought the shows were pretty realistic and believable. I, myself, would never be able to figure out puzzles. I would be the first to die in an escape room! Can't wait to see what number eight has in store for us! I kind of had a feeling it was the serial killers son who turned out to be the serial killer! But only towards the end did I think that.
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I thought this was good!
jaylemieux-2323726 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I read that some people are saying that he's left his realm of having a movie fee l like a FFF by writing it and recording on the side. I get what they are saying, but I honestly don't think I care!

I like his personality, the way he handles himself and the story of his family and such. It's easy to follow from the first one how he gets to this point, even though it has nothing to do with Ruth Blackwell anymore.

I dig the way he sets up scenes like the one with the typing machine saying "Danger". If you couple that with everything else going on it the house, it's creepy!

I don't know...I guess if you think this is some mega production, it's just not, but he's doing fine!
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