"Castle" Cloudy with a Chance of Murder (TV Episode 2012) Poster

Nathan Fillion: Richard Castle



  • [first lines] 

    [trying to get dressed for work] 

    Kate Beckett : Castle, what do you think of this one?

    Richard Castle : Mmm, sexy.

    Kate Beckett : Sexy? What do you mean by sexy?

    Richard Castle : I mean... Well, I, I mean sexy. Yeah, sexy. What's wrong with sexy?

    Kate Beckett : Oh, God, Castle, this is my first day back at work. I'm supposed to look normal.

    [opening her closet, Beckett rummages for another shirt] 

    Richard Castle : No one is going to be able to tell that we're together by how you are dressed.

    Kate Beckett : [taking her shirt off]  Oh, no? I only work with a room full of detectives. It's their job.

    [putting on another shirt] 

    Kate Beckett : What about this one?

    Richard Castle : [feigning difficulty in deciding]  I don't know.

    [Beckett sighs and opens her closet again, then stops] 

    Kate Beckett : [suspiciously]  You just want me to take my shirt off again, don't you?

  • [Esposito is still mad at Ryan for ratting on him and Beckett to Gates] 

    Richard Castle : [noticing Ryan and Esposito aren't in the bullpen]  Shouldn't they be back by now?

    Kate Beckett : Well, maybe they hit traffic.

    Richard Castle : Or each other.

  • Richard Castle : The only reason I went on the date in the first place was because you made a big deal about being single in public.

    Kate Beckett : Castle, I have twelve missed phone calls from Chip the sportscaster because he thinks that I'm single, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna let him mount me in a Speedo just to prove it.

    Richard Castle : You didn't tell me he called.

    Kate Beckett : Really? You're gonna play the jealousy card now?

  • [to keep their relationship a secret, Castle and Beckett arrive at a crime scene separately so as not to raise suspicion] 

    Richard Castle : Good morning, Detective Beckett.

    Kate Beckett : Castle, where's my coffee?

    Richard Castle : You already had some.

    Kate Beckett : You've been bringing me coffee for the past four years. I told you to act normal. This is gonna look suspicious.

    Richard Castle : Don't worry. Relax. You are overthinking this. Really.

    Javier Esposito : [meeting up with the pair]  What, no coffee?

  • Rebecca Fog : Well, if she was up in the chopper, she must've been using the Direct Tox monitor.

    Richard Castle : The Direct Tox monitor, of course.

    Kate Beckett : You have no idea what that is.

    Richard Castle : No, not a clue.

  • Lanie Parish : It wasn't a mugging.

    Kate Beckett : How can you tell?

    Lanie Parish : Blood spatter on her blouse indicates the shirt was ripped after the gunshot.

    Richard Castle : What about the bruising?

    Lanie Parish : Postmortem.

    Kate Beckett : To make it look like a mugging.

    Lanie Parish : Someone's trying to cover their tracks. Speaking of which, I figured out what's different. You're having sex.

    Kate Beckett : Excuse me?

    Lanie Parish : Oh, don't try to deny it. There's a glow. I know that glow.

    [Beckett and Castle exchange nervous glances] 

    Lanie Parish : So, who's the guy?

    Richard Castle : [playing ignorant]  Yeah, Beckett, who's the guy?

  • [thinking he was in trouble, Beckett caught Castle in a compromising position with another woman] 

    Richard Castle : Okay, look, I'll make it up to you, all right? Whatever you want.

    Kate Beckett : What I want is not to have this image of a bikini-clad woman stuffing her boobs in your face. So good luck with that.

    Richard Castle : Don't I even get credit for figuring out who the killer is?

    Kate Beckett : No!

  • Kate Beckett : [studying the murder board]  Do actually buy this whole "just friends" thing?

    Richard Castle : It's possible.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, it's possible, but it's not probable.

    Richard Castle : I don't know. You and I were just friends for four years.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, except you were trying to sleep with me that whole time.

    Richard Castle : [feigning ignorance]  What?

    Kate Beckett : Mmm-hmm.

    Richard Castle : Excuse me, it was you that was trying to sleep with me. Don't tell me you dress like that for Esposito.

    Javier Esposito : [approaching]  What's for me?

    Richard Castle : [simultaneously with Beckett]  Don't worry about it.

    Kate Beckett : Nothing.

  • Kate Beckett : I told you that NYPD has a strict policy about co-workers dating.

    Richard Castle : Yes, but since I'm not getting paid, technically we're not co-workers.

    Kate Beckett : Oh, really? And you think that Captain Gates is gonna see it that way? If anyone finds out, and she gets wind of it...

    Richard Castle : No one is going to find out. I haven't even told my mother or Alexis.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, that's because they're in Europe celebrating her graduation.

    Richard Castle : Yes, true, but I haven't told them long distance.

  • Richard Castle : Look, no one is going to find out.

    [a cell phone beeps] 

    Richard Castle : But just to be safe, you might want to change out of those pants.

    [he pulls her in close] 

    Kate Beckett : [checking phone]  Oh, there's a murder uptown.

    Richard Castle : And it looks like the pants stay on.

    Kate Beckett : Castle... remember, act normal. And when we're in public, you're single and I'm single. Got it?

    Richard Castle : Got it.

    Kate Beckett : Thanks.

    [they kiss] 

    Kate Beckett : Wow.

    Richard Castle : [as Beckett leaves]  So that's a no to carpooling, then?

  • Kate Beckett : Castle, what about the other stuff that they said, about how secret romances are impossible to keep hidden? I mean, you heard Miles. I don't want to drown in a sea of lies.

    Richard Castle : Well, if it's any comfort to you, I do know mouth-to-mouth.

  • Javier Esposito : Wait a minute. Castle, don't you have a date with Kristina Cottera tonight?

    Richard Castle : Yes, I do... And...

    [checks watch] 

    Richard Castle : ... oh, crap, I'm late!

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, well, don't let us keep ya.

    Richard Castle : Uh... Are you sure you're okay? Are you, okay with this?

    Javier Esposito : Okay? Are you kidding? It's Kristina Cottera.

    Kevin Ryan : Yeah, besides, since when have you let cop work get in the way of your busy social life?

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, I mean, go. Enjoy your date.

    Richard Castle : Right. Okay... I'll call you later.

    Kate Beckett : Hmm.

    [he leaves, then sticks his head back in] 

    Richard Castle : To check on the case.

  • Kate Beckett : Well, I just got off the phone with Mandy's parents. They said that she spent most of her time at work. There was no boyfriend, and they have no idea why she was in the park.

    Kevin Ryan : [approaching]  Hey, guys, check this out. I was going through Mandy's purse and I found this folded up in her wallet.

    [he hands Castle an evidence baggie with a handwritten note inside] 

    Richard Castle : "If any of this gets out, I'll kill you"? I'm gonna go ahead and say she was being threatened.

  • Harvey Milton : Everyone here is devastated. We're like a family.

    Richard Castle : Well, what kind of family? Happy or dysfunctional?

    Harvey Milton : What do you mean?

    Kate Beckett : Meaning as the station manager, you would know your personnel. Did she have any conflicts with anyone?

    Harvey Milton : Sure, but I, I can't imagine that has anything to do with what happened.

    Kate Beckett : Well, who was it?

    Harvey Milton : The other weather girl, Rebecca Fog.

    Richard Castle : Is Fog her real name?

  • Kate Beckett : So, who's our vic?

    Javier Esposito : Local celeb. Groundskeeper found her tucked behind this... fountain early this morning. She's actually the weather girl for WHNY, Mandy Michaels.

    Richard Castle : Mandy Michaels?

    Javier Esposito : Yeah.

    Richard Castle : Really?

    Javier Esposito : Yeah.

    Richard Castle : Oh, man! I watched her every night. She had the best...

    [glances at Beckett] 

    Richard Castle : ... forecasts.

    [Beckett just looks at him] 

    Richard Castle : What? Look, listen, as a single man, I appreciated her assets. You can't tell me people watched her for the weather.

  • Richard Castle : Oh, that's just their entertainment reporter. She's... My agent has been haranguing me to promote "Frozen Heat", so...

    Kate Beckett : Isn't she the reporter that shows up to cover stories in her bikini?

    Richard Castle : Yeah, I don't, It's, I didn't... notice that.

    Kate Beckett : You wanna... try it again? Make it sound a little more convincing?

    Richard Castle : No, I'm good.

  • [last lines] 

    Richard Castle : [at Beckett's apartment]  I'm sorry.

    [rolling her eyes, Beckett moves to shut the door, but he stops her and enters] 

    Richard Castle : I'm sorry. I should not have gone on that date. I... I should've said no.

    Kate Beckett : Then why didn't you?

    Richard Castle : Well, I... I'm no good at this. Pretending to be single.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, but Castle, neither am I. And the last thing I want to do is have to worry about you with other women.

    Richard Castle : Well, uh, for the record, I, I wasn't gonna sleep with her.

    Kate Beckett : I know... Look, that's not even the point. The point is, is... I don't even know how to do this... Do you remember when Miles said that it's inevitable that this will fall apart, that it's destined to implode?

    Richard Castle : Just, a reminder, Miles is a lying killer. But... okay, maybe people find out, and maybe we won't get to work together, and maybe we'll implode. Or *maybe* we'll *continue* to be amazing... Point is we don't have the answers. We just have to live with the questions and... find our way.

    Kate Beckett : Okay, can... Well, can we just start here, then? Can we say that we will talk about dating other people, but we won't actually date other people?

    Richard Castle : Yeah, I ca- No, I can do that.

    Kate Beckett : Okay, good. 'Cause I have a gun, and you don't really have a choice.

    Richard Castle : Clearly, I don't have a choice.

    Kate Beckett : No.


    Kate Beckett : [she moves to kiss him, then stops] 

    Kate Beckett : Mmm. I'm sorry. I can't. It-It's too soon. I just, I keep seeing her boobs in your face.

  • Richard Castle : She's like the Terminator of sexpots.

    Kate Beckett : What is that even supposed mean? She just keeps on *coming*?

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