Agenda: Grinding America Down (2010) Poster

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What to make of this.
ericnottelling18 January 2014
First of all if you have managed to make it to this review through all the either left or right leaning political reviews I will be amazed. I fall into neither category. Let me start by saying this doc is very well shot. Regardless of the content, the actual production work of this doc is very well put together. Having said that, there are a lot of claims made in this movie. I would have liked to seen some real links drawn from them. Shown the actual documents that link said person A. with communist party end link. This was done in the case of someone like Van Jones. There are lots of other claims they make but they aren't making those links. I'm not saying they don't exist, I am saying they didn't prove the link. Second, while there are a lot of claims about agenda being accomplished, I'm not sure they prove that it is indeed the communist party being responsible for this agenda being accomplished. It having been mapped out and it being the people who mapped it out being responsible for it's unfolding are two separate things. Lastly the heavy religious tilt of this doc is hard to over look. This link to communism anti Christianity is amazingly baffling. Like communists are the ones who cause the fall of Christianity and the moral decay of culture. In their eyes being non Christian almost equates to being communist or a useful idiot. As someone who is non Christian and rather agnostic. I promise you I'm not out to destroy Christianity (you can believe what ever you want) nor am I a "useful idiot." Never mentioned is the fact that people here things like "virgin" birth and roll their eyes much like if your wife or gf came up to you and told you they had a "virgin" birth of someone of the other race. You'd be like virgin BS. People just look for things that are logical and reasonable and are not finding them in Christianity which is half mysticism. It has nothing to do with communism! The fall of Christianity lays on it's own issues and an ever increasing population who is more educated an unafraid to question things that just don't sound right. While I have no doubt there are people out there who believe in communism, the fact is, it is a very small percentage of people. While socialism is a more accepted practice, I think people in this country are ever more aware of disliking corrupt governments who are all linked together and there are actually more people leaned on the anarchy side of their scale. 7/10 for production value and some of the things they talk about, but it really needs more meat to it.
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Right's View of the Left
merarts12 September 2012
Interesting documentary of the conservative's view of the "progressive democratic party". Just in time for the elections! Idaho legislator, Curtis Bowers, writes, directs, produces and stars in this 93 minute film chronicling the communist agenda in America. Through interviews with various celebrities of the religious and political right, including Stanton Evans, Wendy Wright, Phyllis Schlafly, Ed Messe, Steve King, and Trevor Louden, and several others, the film presents the idea that a plan to destroy the traditional values of the USA, coming from the founding fathers, has been successfully evolving through the values of the political left. It traces the connections of this agenda from Karl Marx to President Obama through such movements as environmentalism, educational reform, freedom of choice and feminism, Valuable to see no matter which side you think you are on.
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Who, When, How and Why America has Changed
samcginty20 July 2013
Baby Boomers know where we came from. We see where we are. This documentary shows how we got here, who is behind it and where we are going. It gives references and facts which can be checked for accuracy.

Why are laws and regulations so complicated now? What happened to the nuclear family? Why is a greater portion of society on public assistance? Why do our schools seem to distort history?

These questions and more are answered. Regardless of where you stand, this clarifies events which may have seemed random. With that clarity, you can begin to see the future.

Be prepared to freeze frame to examine flow charts. Content is a little slow at first but picks up. I watched in 30 minute installments.
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Quaint But Hysterical Unhinged Red Baiting from 1950
nafps30 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Basically anything to the left of Joe McCarthy is "commie." Libs, women who aren't housewives, anyone not white, gays, teachers, even Boy and Girl Scouts are all "commie" to this group of nuts.

You watch this and only think how much everyone involved needs to get back on their medication. And keep them from running with scissors.

ETA: I'm glad of the strong reactions to my review, both the downvotes and the higher than I expected number of up votes. Good to know some others feel the same.
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US right wing doesn't know basic principles of socialism
kamilburgazli27 November 2021
Socialism is about OWNING THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION. It's not about being gay, black, trans etc. Even Bernie is not a socialist. Tax the rich is not the solution. This liberal infighting just gives me headache...
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Most important movie on what is happening in America. Period!
fl-wagner27 August 2013
Children are always the first targets of anybody trying to bring down a system. Lenin founder of Soviet Union said "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." John Dewey, atheist - idolized in public education went to Russia 1928 to study Marxism, did everything in his power to dumb down children believing education should socialize the child to become willing tool of STATE, brought German intellectuals in 1933 dropped at Princeton, Brandeis, Berkley to go after education and media – promote homosexuality to children, excessive drinking, and destruction of religion (THAT WAS A BIG ONE) Groups of intellectuals plotting and planning to make America so corrupt it stinks.

Today Hard LEFT has control of teachers unions and teachers colleges and dictates ALL educational policy. The bomb throwing, cop killing America hating, God-hating radicals of the 60's are now tenured professors – writing text books – teaching teachers. Self-perpetuating. Discovered they could remake America by going into the schools then throwing bombs!

Those that take exception to this are the very ones who as Bertrand Russell bragged could be made to believe that snow is black. There is nothing that is happening in America that can not be understood by examining the 100 year effort to destroy us from within detaching us from any moral anchors whatsoever! Agenda: Grinding America Down is an epic presentation of the facts that make this case.

Its not for nothing that Karl Marx tied destroying capitalism to removing God. And that butcher Stalin knew "America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."

Agenda: Grinding America Down needs to be seen by every decent, moral and ethical person in this country. Especially parents and grandparents. I would urge them to watch it along with their children and/or school-age grandchildren and discuss afterward. This movie is an excellent teaching tool. Eyeopener. I urge "home-schoolers" also to watch and share this movie with everyone in your sphere of influence.

Unlike so many productions there is no foul language, there is no sex, no nudity and the violence is historical images of the aftermath of Communism which is identified as the greatest killing machine of all time given more people died under Communist regimes in the 20th century then all the wars combined!

I am passionate about this movie because I was one of the "useful idiots" Lenin spoke of in the 60's and 70's. I had no idea till I saw this movie how I had been cynically manipulated along with my whole generation by a bunch of intellectuals whose goal was not "peace and love" but destruction of America. Specifically "Make love not war" came from Herbert Marcussa of the Frankfurt School. Changing the entire world view of Americans by what they call "Political Correctness" is actually Cultural Marxism first step toward Traditional Marxism. Willi Munzenberg Founder of Frankfurt School (outpost of European socialism) bragged of plan to stand American educational system on its head: make America so corrupt it stinks: started social rot. I also learned that the darling of the left Saul Alinksy dedicated his book "Rules for Radicals" to Lucifer - Satan. Very powerful movie and it backs up everything it presents. It will no doubt challenge the world view of those who have never been exposed to these facts. It did me at first. Then I got angry at those who have benefited from this country's freedoms and use our tolerance of the intolerant to try to destroy us from within!
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Pathetic, alarmist drivel.
jchampany26 November 2021
Here we have yet another case of blatant misinformation and outright propaganda masquerading as fact. The filmmakers clearly come from the school of Joseph McCarthy. No rational human would ever believe the insane claims made in this film.
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Revealing the background to the present struggle in US
lowijol18 February 2018
US was once the hope and inspiration for those who sought freedom from oppression. Today in 2018 in US in a civil war were even democracy and freedom of speech is under threat. This movie brings up the underlying ideological issues and demonstrate that communism is still a threat to democracy. But today on a political level is not Russia but USA which have embodied it. To understand this one needs to understand how ideologies affect us. Ideological is the soft power who defines who we are - so to be aware citizen one need s to be are about the ideologies which affects us.
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Unfounded hyperbole
cerebralnet30 November 2021
The production value is high and well done but the content itself is unfounded and virtually unsupported throughout. A little bit of research begins to unseat the underpinnings and the rest falls flat from there. "Documentary" doesn't seem to apply as there is ample hearsay and inference with no real fact or data to support it. Unfortunate waste of production.
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An Open Mind
ktmoran-6713112 December 2021
All I can ask, is that if you choose to watch this documentary, is that you have an open mind. Listen to each claim individually then think about said claim with an open mind and for a moment see if you can make a connection.
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Excellent Documentary
sweepsme29 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I am fascinated when people put documentaries together with so much facts and information. I purchased the book he spoke of in the movie "The Naked Communist" which was written by an ex-FBI agent in regards to the information our government collected on the agenda of those pushing communism. He even referenced the goals of communism and what is going on in our country right in front of our eyes.

Fascinating with facts, quotes, interviews, flow charts, and more. I also recommend watching the follow-up documentary Agenda 2 Masters of Deceit and another documentary called Enemies Within by Trevor Loudon. After watching these it is unquestionable what is happening in our country.
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Documentary that exposed communist's infiltration in America
Great documentary that exposed and explained communist's infiltration in America, I am from communist China and I have experienced these myself
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