"Castle" Murder He Wrote (TV Episode 2012) Poster

(TV Series)


Stana Katic: Kate Beckett



  • [about Ryan and Esposito's interest in their relationship] 

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, well, I don't understand why they even care.

    Richard Castle : Ah, why do people care about Brangelina?

    Kate Beckett : Oh, so we're Brangelina now?

    Richard Castle : No. No, no. We're... Rickate.


    Richard Castle : No, we're Kate-ick.

    Kate Beckett : Hmm...

    Richard Castle : Cas-kett. Ooh, that's good! 'Cause of the whole murder thing? Caskett?

  • [showing Beckett his house in the Hamptons] 

    Richard Castle : Everything okay?

    Kate Beckett : [uneasy]  Yeah, it's, um... Spectacular, Castle.

    Richard Castle : And is that a problem?

    Kate Beckett : It's just, I can't help wondering how many other girls have gotten this tour.

    Richard Castle : Right... Well, I'm not gonna deny that I've brought other women up here. But, um...

    [takes Beckett's hand] 

    Richard Castle : ... None of them were you.

  • [leading Beckett to his pool] 

    Richard Castle : I am sure you will find the temperature suitable, but if you would like it any warmer, I can change the temperature, or I...

    [Beckett takes off her robe] 

    Richard Castle : could... just... stop... talking.


    Richard Castle : You forgot your suit.

    Kate Beckett : [chuckles]  I know.

  • [last lines] 

    Richard Castle : You know, it's funny. My cover was that I was coming out here to write, and I actually got an idea for a book.

    Kate Beckett : [lighting romantic candles]  Oh, "Hamptons Heat"? So you're serious about that, huh?

    Richard Castle : Well, I already have the story. That's the hardest part.

    Kate Beckett : So, do you have an ending yet?

    Richard Castle : Oh, well... I had some ideas, but, uh, I'm open to... suggestions.

    Kate Beckett : How about this? "The weekend hadn't turned out exactly as Detective Heat had imagined, but now nothing..."

    [Beckett seductively climbs into bed and mounts him] 

    Richard Castle : Ooh!

    Kate Beckett : "... not even another murder on the beach, could stop her from getting exactly what she desired most."

    [she and Castle kiss] 

    Richard Castle : Hmm. That's good.

    Kate Beckett : Can I get a writer's credit?

    Richard Castle : We'll talk.

    Kate Beckett : Okay.

  • Kate Beckett : n the meantime, we should interrogate Natalia Roosevelt.

    Chief Brady : Oh, I already spoke to her. She has no motive for killing Franklin.

    Kate Beckett : And did you ask her about being his mistress?

    Chief Brady : [stunned]  No... She didn't mention that.

    Richard Castle : Yeah... suspects tend to hold back on stuff like that.

  • Kate Beckett : Dead bodies, meth-heads, mobsters. Is that what you meant by a romantic weekend?

    Richard Castle : Need I remind you that it was murder that brought us together in the first place?

  • Richard Castle : The guy died in my backyard.

    Kate Beckett : It's not our case.

    Richard Castle : But still, you have admit, as cases go, it's pretty weak.

    Kate Beckett : It's still not our case. And if you keep obsessing over this, it's gonna ruin the weekend.

    Richard Castle : [pause]  So what do we do?

    Kate Beckett : Maybe we just try putting it out of our minds, hmm?

    [she tries to kiss him] 

    Richard Castle : Yeah, but what about the gun? They would've found the gun on him.

    Kate Beckett : Castle, that's not putting it out of your mind.

    [she kisses him] 

    Richard Castle : You're right. I'm sorry. I'm obsessing.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah.

    Richard Castle : I won't obsess.

    Kate Beckett : It's okay.

    Richard Castle : Except you said it yourself about not hearing the shots. What kind of meth-head, who obviously doesn't know what planet he's on, carries a gun with a silencer? Which, by the way, indicates premeditation.

    Kate Beckett : We're not gonna get on with our weekend until you've gotten some answers, are we?

    Richard Castle : I'll get the coffee.

  • [seeing Castle's house in the Hamptons] 

    Kate Beckett : Oh, my goodness, Castle. Wow!... So, um, are you rich or something?

    Richard Castle : Well, not James *Patterson* rich, but I do okay.

  • Richard Castle : T-minus one minute and counting.

    Kate Beckett : [whispering]  Castle, what are you doing here? We're supposed to wait around the corner so that nobody would see us.

    Richard Castle : I know, but I thought it would be fun to be here with you when the clock strikes 5:00. You know, just like New Year's Eve, except... without the kissing, for obvious reasons. But there will be plenty of that this weekend.

    Kate Beckett : Can you just shush?

    Richard Castle : No one is going to hear me. Look around you. You are in a room full of detectives,


    Richard Castle : and not one of them has a clue.

    Kate Beckett : [sighs]  Wow, Castle, thank you for reminding me that I'm lying to a bunch of people that I really care about so I don't get fired on an ethics violation 'cause I'm dating you.

  • Richard Castle : There she is, our lady in the white dress. Only now she's looking dazzling in blood red. So what's our play?

    Kate Beckett : Just keep it light, Castle. Find a natural way of bringing up the murder, see how she reacts.

    Richard Castle : I know just what to do.

    [Castle and Beckett approach Natalie] 

    Richard Castle : Hey, I recognize you. You were at Douglas Shapiro's party last night.

    Natalia Roosevelt : [wry laugh]  Ah, who wasn't?

    Richard Castle : [chuckles]  Right? But I saw you on the beach. Weren't you arguing with Randall Franklin?

    [Beckett chokes on her drink] 

    Kate Beckett : [whispering]  Light, Castle. I said light.

  • Richard Castle : [seeing a bleeding man stumble into his pool]  Call 911.

    Kate Beckett : [sarcastic]  You think?

  • [Chief Brady is taking Castle's statement] 

    Chief Brady : Were you here as well, ma'am?

    Kate Beckett : Yeah.

    Chief Brady : Name, please?

    Kate Beckett : Um, Katherine Beckett. But do you think we could keep that out of the public record?

    Chief Brady : Of course.

    Kate Beckett : Not that we're doing anything wrong. I just...

    Chief Brady : Right.

    Kate Beckett : What's that supposed to mean?

    Chief Brady : Don't worry, it's the Hamptons. We'll be discreet. We're-We're not interested in your arrangement.

    Kate Beckett : "Arrangement"?

    Richard Castle : Chief! Chief! Uh... I'm, I'm not, I don't, She's not a...

    Kate Beckett : I'm not a prostitute.

    Chief Brady : Oh, I'm sure.

  • Richard Castle : What kind of cold-blooded killer takes a nap on the beach after shooting someone?

    Kate Beckett : Castle, I'm on vacation. If I wanted to investigate a murder, I would've stayed in the city.

  • Javier Esposito : Hey, did you hear about Beckett's weekend?

    Richard Castle : [feigning ignorance]  No. Big plans?

    Kevin Ryan : She's going away with her *boyfriend*.

    Richard Castle : A boyfriend? Beckett! Really? Who is the lucky guy?

    Javier Esposito : For some reason, she's not telling.

    Kate Beckett : Okay, seriously, guys?

    Richard Castle : Actually, I, for one am offended that you're not sharing with us.

    Kevin Ryan : Hmm. After all we've been through.

    Javier Esposito : Yeah, I think we deserve better than that.

    Kate Beckett : You know, I have a couple of ideas about what you guys deserve.

  • Richard Castle : That's why no one heard the shots... He was shot off a boat, "Godfather" style.

    Kate Beckett : And the salt water slowed down his bleeding, giving him enough time to make it to shore.

    Chief Brady : So, what, we should try and figure out which boats were in the vicinity at that time?

    Kate Beckett : Yeah. So, do we have a witness who we know was on the beach last night?

    Richard Castle : You mean someone like... our favorite meth addict, *McMurry*!

    [in his cell, McMurray jerks awake] 

    Chief Brady : Seriously? The guy was whacked out on meth.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't remember what he saw.

  • Kevin Ryan : [on phone]  You were right, Castle. Franklin was using his helicopter to move meth to the Hamptons. Looks like you blew this case wide open. Guess you can get back to your writing now, huh?

    Richard Castle : Well, there's still the matter of finding out who the killer is.

    Kevin Ryan : Yeah, well, I think Brady knows what he has to do. I already told him to look for a local drug dealer who had been feeling squeezed by Franklin's expanding operation.

    Richard Castle : Well, that's a great theory. Nice work.

    Kevin Ryan : Oh, thanks, but, uh, it's not my theory. Aaron Lerner gave it up when I interrogated him this morning.

    [Beckett hurries into the room, a look of horror on her face] 

    Richard Castle : Aaron Lerner? Aar, uh, So you interrogated Aaron Lerner, too.

    Kevin Ryan : Yeah, he's back in the city. Turns out he was Franklin's partner in crime.

    Richard Castle : Wow. What do you know?

    Kate Beckett : [quietly]  Castle, not good!

    Richard Castle : [to Beckett quitely]  Relax! Relax!

    Kate Beckett : [quietly]  Relax? I'm not gonna relax!

    Kevin Ryan : You still there, Castle?

    Richard Castle : Yeah, still here. Uh, what else did Aaron Lerner say? Did he say anything else about... anything else?

    Kevin Ryan : Oh, you know, usual. "I didn't do it," "you got the wrong guy." I'm pretty sure he told me everything he knows.

    Kate Beckett : [horrified, quietly]  Everything?

    Richard Castle : Everything, huh?... That's good.

    Kevin Ryan : Yeah. Good luck with the writing.

  • Richard Castle : So, Chief Brady's first time pulling his gun.

    Kate Beckett : Uh, Castle, maybe I should go in there.

    Richard Castle : You don't have a gun.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, but that never stops you.

See also

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