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Made the best out of its budget and plot.
Patient4446 April 2014
Even ideas that were used and used can still make a small impact if executed correctly. Exactly the case with "Savaged" where you'll see some bad effects sometimes, or better say cheap ones, a plot that was used before a few number of times, but you will also see heart, a director that wanted to make a good movie, actors that were happy to play their role, all of these resulting into a good B horror.

It has some elements from "Contracted", some from "Freakdog" or maybe "The crow", anyway it was a fun ride, especially that they decided to limit the torture screen of the girl and show more of her vengeance. Maybe it lasted a tad bit more than it should have, but probably wanted to offer some deepness to it all.

So all in all, "Savaged" is an OK movie for many horror fans out there, not limited to one exact category, which is a good thing. So whoever you are and whatever your tastes are, you should give this one a try. Especially for those looking for a nice indie movie!
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Under-promises, Over-Delivers..
A_Different_Drummer6 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Holy Grail of B-Class horror films is, was, and always will be to duplicate the success of productions like Living Dead, Texas Chainsaw, or Last House. That is to say, to walk into the production with only the minimum production budget (in some cases not even that); "volunteer" actors whose day jobs usually doesn't even include contact with other human beings, yet alone complicated dialog; and a stageset which is temporarily borrowed from existing buildings or Mother Nature, to avoid having to hire carpenters and designers. If, from these humble beginnings, you can produce something entertaining, engaging, and (Duh) profitable, you will have succeeded where many before you have failed. I have seen a lot of these, more than I like to talk about, and, I have to say, SAVAGED, written and directed by Michael Ojeda, tries hard and, although wildly uneven, succeeds much more often than it fails. The first 20 minutes or so is actually the weakest. The script initially shoots itself in the foot by making the heroine very unsympathetic to the audience. A slim and pretty young lady, deaf and mute, grabs her late father's GTO and, entirely on her own, begins a road trip into the US south-west, her only protection being her utter naiveté. If that is not cloying enough, she chances upon a Native American being beaten by some local yokels and actually tries to intervene. Within minutes (a series of fast cuts tells the tale) she is captured, tortured, raped, killed, and left to rot in a half-open grave. To that point, the film is hardly at its best. However, from then on it gets very interesting. Her more-dead-than-alive body is found by a local Apache "witch doctor" and he tries to bring her back, only to find, at the last minute, that the spirit of a vengeful Apache warrior has hitch-hiked back, too. Equally clever (this is told via backstory at the half-way point) is that, it turns out, the re-animation would have failed without the piggybacking spirit, so while the girl is animated and ready to party, her physical body is decaying and her time is limited. Overall, pretty clever. The story gets to play simultaneously with elements of I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE; a lot of neat zombie-like themes, and also a riff on the iconic Graham Masterton "Manitou" story. And the best part of all?? From the half-way point onwards, the film actually gets better and picks up momentum right to the final scene. Boy is that rare. Most of these productions run out of money, creativity and SFX budget at that point, but SAVAGED turns it all around. Nice job. Rating 7.5 but IMDb doesn't do halfsies.
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Turned out to be a nice surprise of a movie...
paul_haakonsen18 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
While "Savaged" came off as a movie with a ludicrous storyline, if you read the synopsis prior to watching the movie, then appearance do deceive. Although while the storyline was sort of too far out there, then the movie actually turned out to be entertaining.

And what made the movie entertaining, was how macabre and graphically brutal and visually detailed the movie was. The make-up and special effects team really made this movie what it was. And it is for that alone that the movie is well worth watching.

The story does bear some resemblance to revenge movies such as "I Spit On Your Grave" and the like. But add an extra ingredient to the mix, that being the spirit of a long dead Indian (native American, that is) taking up residency in the body of a dead and abused young woman to seek vengeance for his own sake and the sake of the woman. Right, I told you that the storyline wasn't all that great. The spirit of a dead Indian was just a little bit too far fetched.

I will say that the acting in the movie was great, and people did good jobs with their given roles and characters.

But hats off to the special effects department who worked on "Savaged". They really worked their magic here, and it was a nice visual treat - albeit quite brutal and gory - to see how Zoe slowly, but surely, was decomposing and coming apart. That was what really worked for me, because there were so many awesome details and effects here, and they just punch you in the gut and leave you to sit there and just take it all in. Thumbs way, way up for the special effects and make-up people who worked on "Savaged".

The graphic violence in the movie was nicely executed and really came off as being realistic. Although it was brutal, it was nowhere near the levels of extreme as seen in the remake (and the sequel as well) of "I Spit On Your Grave".

One thing that should have been made differently was the ending. Are you kidding me? What a stupid way to end an otherwise great movie. When the fiancée finally get out of captivity and found the remains of his dying (or undead?) fiancée, he just doused her with gasoline and set her ablaze. Wait, what? That was just idiotic on an unfathomable scale. Throughout the entire movie he has been searching for her and trying to come to her rescue, and then as he finally finds her, he just sets her on fire? No, no, no! That was just spitting and slapping the audience in the face.

Despite a questionable supernatural subplot to the storyline and a horrible ending, then "Savaged" is well worth a watch. Just be warned, that the visual violence in this movie is quite graphic and might just not be suitable for everyone.
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(Native) American touch
kosmasp22 July 2014
Story wise you're not going to get anything too exceptional, though the "touch" (or twist if you want to call it that), might be appealing to some. Other than that, you do have a lot of criticism, if you want to look at it that way, about America in general. Which is a bold move, considering that is the market this is supposed to make money in that country.

On the other hand, it's obvious that it tries to leave old thinking behind and is about tolerating. The whole "native" revenge thing is convoluted though, not that you'd expect a movie like this to make much sense anyway. The effects are pretty decent for a movie with a budget limitation as this one had.
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Rabid Racists Get Theirs
view_and_review23 February 2016
I usually try not to compare one movie to another in a review. After having seen so many movies it becomes too easy and every review would be a comparison to one or more other movies. With that said, I have to compare this movie to "I Spit On Your Grave" due to the overwhelming similarity. If you've seen "I Spit On Your Grave" then you've seen a much better version of "Avenged." "Avenged" stars Amanda Adrienne playing Zoe, a deaf young lady crossing the country to live with her fiancée. On the road to her final destination she was brutally attacked by a group of raging racists. They thought she was dead until they were facing her wrath.

Who doesn't love a good tale of revenge? There's little better than seeing an oppressed person having the last laugh. We got to see that here but not without some flaws. Where this movie fell short was with making the antagonists so extremely bigoted and ignorant that they attacked and killed with total disregard and not the least bit of fear of the law. I don't doubt that such people exist, but these inbred yokels actually saved souvenirs of their purging the Earth of "squaws" and "Apaches".

Of course I wanted them dead as much as the next guy, but what message is the movie really sending when their undoing comes at the hands of a wronged white woman? Not one of the many Native Indians assailed by this band of bigots could have exacted revenge? Were their deaths not worthy of a merciless vengeance?

To further emphasize or garner more sympathy for Zoe's plight, she was deaf and she was engaged to a Black man. So, we witnessed a troop of trash viciously assault a pretty, young, white woman that was also handicapped. How evil must you be? And her engagement to a man of color allowed us to hear the visceral hate they had towards Blacks as they maliciously called her beloved the "N" word. As if to convey: if you didn't think they were insanely racist before when they were killing Native Indians, listen to how much they hate Black people.

Even with these exaggerations I enjoyed the movie. Amanda Adrienne did an excellent job. She played a deaf person so well I had to look her up to find out if she really was deaf. Even the method in which she spoke when she tried to speak was that of a deaf person. I can appreciate a movie being bold enough to star a deaf character. It's rare, it's risky and it worked.
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From seeing the trailer of this film I thought it was going to be one of those fun slasher gore films. In a way it was but it could have had more of that stuff in it. To me this film was like a knock off of "The Crow", "I Spit On Your Grave", and a little "Kill Bill". With that being said, it did have it's own little twists that set it apart from others in it's genre. One thing that set it apart from the other films like it was the high drama content written in it. The relationship between Zoe (Amanda Adrienne) and Dane (Marc Anthony Samuel) played a big part in making this film what it was and I liked that. If this film just had a little more action, slashing, and gore in it I think it would have been almost perfect.
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Something wicked at work
begob5 August 2015
Sweet, deaf girl is randomly savaged to death by a bunch of desert yahoos. But the spirit of another victim revives her corpse, and the revenge is unstoppable.

Moral stuff really bores me and I don't much like revengers, but it's a good 'un. This time we get into over-the-top supernatural gore, with good style and sympathetic characters, plus touches of humour.

The story is the usual nonsense of suburban superior to rural (with a dose of US racial prejudice), but I liked almost everything – direction, editing, cinematog, pace & action, with a plot that winds up steadily. Some decent real-effect gore, restrained on the sex, scent of cheese on the CGI.

Acting is good, with the best line: "My, oh my – something dead has been living in here." Dialogue gets heavy in a bloated end sequence with lots of exposition. The only other drawback is the over-use of music – often perfect, but let me figure it out for myself.

Overall, a moral story so not a true horror, but well told.
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Ridiculous wannabe-Grindhouse camp
wellington7527 May 2014
First, I expected a funny mix of 'I Spit on your Grave' and "'Johnny Firecloud' (if anyone's seen this), but after 15 minutes all my hopes were fading away. There's almost nothing to praise about this highly naive revenge tale: Bad acting, no suspense, lame storyline and even the creative killing from other movies of this kind is completely missing: One guys colon's teared out while two others get beheaded, but that's it. The heroine turns from a dumb little innocent into a monstrous freak, the conjuration scene is some of the most ridiculous put on screen during the last few years. Sadly, everything is meant absolutely serious. This could have been a great reference to the Grindhouse movies, but it fails in every sense. Even if you're into extreme horror stuff try to find something better...
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Awesome little low budget film
jcslawyer11 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was surprisingly fun to watch and I recommend to anyone up for an indie revenge flick. Story is pretty simple: deaf girl travels through the southwestern US on the way to move in with her fiancé. On the way, she witnesses local scum murder two native Americans. The Local scum kidnap and rape her. They decide she has to die, so she's killed by one of them when she attempts to escape....at least that's what they thought. She is brought back to life (sort of at least) by a native shaman and is inhabited by an Apache warrior who was killed by local scums' ancestors. She goes on a revenge rampage and it's very satisfying.

This movie was highly effective in what it was trying to achieve. Good action sequences, good characters, good story. Dialogue at times was super cheesy as was some of the acting. But that didn't pull me away too much. You get hooked about 5 minutes or so in. Then it's pretty intense the rest of the film.

Good gore if you're into that in movies. You know it's good gore when a heart is taken out and eaten or someone is disemboweled.

Cinematography was good although really jumpy....almost trying too hard to have those quick cuts and fast movements with the camera to give an unconventional feel to the viewer. But it works. I also didn't love how dark it was a lot of the time. I wanted to see certain things so I needed to rewind.

Don't expect hollywood effects, acting, etc. It is definitely on the lower budget side, but that's not an issue if the story is good. I absolutely enjoyed this.
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Good, fun movie
tedsiok2 January 2017
Sometimes a smaller budget puts out a better film. Amanda Adrienne Smith did a splendid job, as did all of the characters involved in the making of this film. Rod Rowland came through the whole thing unscathed...for the most part anyway and kept the character true to form all the way through. The nasty crew that he kept company with performed so well that I loved to see them depart the ways they did. The western setting left me feeling for our star as she was so helpless in the vast expanses. To see the outcome of the movie was both gratifying and a little disappointing... no spoiler alert. MR. ROWLAND, you got what you deserve and I'll be glad to give you chainsaw lessons. LOL!
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Appalling, hilarious attempt at 'supernatural rape revenge'
HorrorQueen1715 April 2014
I saw this at Leeds Night of the Dead horror festival last year. It was atrocious. In a room full of hardened, full-on horror fans it got absolutely laughed off the screen.

I am usually very fair with movies, and if they have tried hard in at least some aspect of their production, I will reflect that with a fair score and review. This movie, however, deserves none of that.

It is full of inconsistencies and logical flaws, but worse than that is the fact that the makers of this thought that they could spice up the rape revenge sub-genre by making it half supernatural. Eh? How in the world do those two types of horror movie fit? The answer is that they don't. At all. The ending shot looks and sounds like a cheap whiskey commercial, and after watching it I wished I could have downed a bottle in order to forget that I'd lost 90 minutes of my life on this movie.

Everyone in the audience was laughing at the unintentionally cheesy or just plain ridiculous plot/characters/script and the sound of derision filled the air as it ended. Save your time and money guys.
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Gruesomely lovely!
GuyDGazit25 October 2013
This low-budget supernatural action horror film is proof that you don't need a billion dollars to make a good, enjoyable, and high-end movie - worth watching on the big screen...

I've watched the movie during the "Screamfest" horror film festival in LA, 2013, and although I had no expectations, I was surprised by the quality of the film...

Director Michael S. Ojeda has done beautiful work - with a wonderful little tale of revenge that turns epic, artistic shots and mise-en- scene, which fit perfectly in the slasher-genre, great actor-directing, fluent and precise editing, and excellent special effects...

In my opinion, having done most of the pre-production and post- production work on his own - definitely entitles Ojeda as being a new generation "Auteur-Director"...

The cast was awesome, each and everyone of them, and the producers have done great work - utilizing whatever budget they managed to scrape into making this slasher a great movie...
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Not Nearly as Good as the Ratings Would Suggest
mr-thousand8 September 2016
Avenged is nothing more than a decent low budget revenge horror film. That's fine. I like this stuff. I don't even care if it's a ripoff of "I Spit on Your Grave," with Native American supernatural forces mixed in. I've always found that stuff to be hokey, but I'll go along for the ride. The story is quite familiar, but who cares, it's cheap horror. The characters are reasonably well developed for this genre, although the acting is spotty enough to knock the movie down a peg. The art direction is mostly good and the lighting is effective. The cinematography is fairly good most of the time, but too often, seriously betrays the film's low budget. The gore effects and CGI are good enough, considering. I could have enjoyed the movie and given it 4 stars for being above average and reasonably entertaining. But I'd bet my right eye that the 5 star reviews (9-10 stars on IMDb) are written by people with some connection to the filmmaker. This movie is just too flawed, in really big, obvious ways for that many people to love it that much. So watch it if you want, but I'd recommend lowering your expectation if you don't want to feel cheated at the end, as I and most of the honest reviewer were.
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dumb blonde tells no tale
bcr4330 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Snap! Snap! Snap! Selfies until they delay a deaf and dumb girl(Zoe) on the verge of a wedlock into stumbling on a group of prejudiced brothers from a similar bloodline.

They christen her angel for her efforts on trying to rescue one of the Indians they are after. West, Jed, Trey and Cody, the four brothers, capture, torture and murder Zoe, half burying her carcass. And suddenly there's the spirit of an old one, an Apache seeking to revenge a century old bloodshed. It's in her dead remains that it finds a medium through which to channel its plan; via a witchdoctor who pieces her back to life. Heat ensues, but not from the desert of the whereabouts.

A seemingly senile granny at the compound of the villain's homestead? I remember that one. A captive torturing themselves to their freedom? I recall that one too. But it's frolicking and never gets old. Though it's way the Apache spirit does get, it's terminated on a designated sacred ground of yore.

You thought hernia was bad-ass until you saw an intestinal tug of war. But hey, duct tape is strong enough for a severed arm with an axe … to grind.
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Racist piece of crap film
realvedmak12 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If somebody made movie portraying any other demographic as badly as this movie portrays white Americans in Mid West it would be called racist right away. If it was just minor group, if they were teens (so technically still mentally developing) ... but in this movie nearly every white person is racist against everything. Its way over the top, and I find it to be offensive portrayal of white people.

Acting overall was atrocious. I guess its what you get when you pay people in beer and not money.

Writing was even worse. I think if they asked 6 year old in any regular school kid could have came up with better composed story.

And this is type of movie where I'd usually just not post a review, but seeing all the fake reviews made me spend my 5 minutes longer than just to give it 1 star to write this.

If stars were given just for effort, even then I could not go above maybe 3. Yeah its low budget, but that can excuse bad special effects, not nonsensical story.

Nobody, and I mean not a single person, with any sense whatsoever, would ever stop to help somebody as portrayed. Nobody that stupid would be allowed to roam free, we have institutions to place people with such bad judgement. So maybe that's supposed to mean that deaf girl is stupid too? Is only non imbecile in the entire movie supposed to be Apache Shaman? Or was it that writer was too lazy, or too incompetent, to develop rest of characters properly?

Sometimes script is where movie idea should end. This is one of those times.

Unless you really hate white people and want to get your rocks off watching them get what is coming to them, pass on this pile of garbage.
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Don't know what a bad movie is!!
rivblue-3224810 May 2021
People rating this movie at a 1-3 have obviously never seen a bad movie. This one is at the very least average. I give a 7 as far as revenge movies go. Could have been better but still very entertaining.
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A Complete Rip Off
dcarsonhagy14 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Avenged" is a movie about possession and revenge. The acting was a step above what is usually found in these types of movies. The art direction was nice and it delivered on the action. You've got your "good;" now it's time for the bad.

"Avenged" is just another rehash of "I Spit on Your Grave." The story is about a deaf woman who is kidnapped, savagely raped (repeatedly), tortured, and defiled in every way possible. Now for those reading this with a "busy" hand, calm down. As was the case in "I Spit on Your Grave," the people involved with that garbage had its audience believe they HAD to see the girl savaged by all, when simple editing and different camera angles would have lessened the sickening voyeuristic trip they instead put on the screen. "Avenged" takes that even further. It was not enough to see its victim savaged, but she had to suffer...and suffer...and suffer. Not even in her death could she rest in peace; no she must SUFFER.

It is mind boggling to me all the positive reviews this has garnered, albeit positive reviews by MEN. I know this movie contains scenes that may titillate some really warped people and fulfill someone's deepest darkest fantasy. Those need help.

I found the movie repulsive, disgusting on a level few movies have ever succeeded, misogynistic, reprehensible, and racist. The "N" word is tossed around as if it's nothing. All involved with this mess should learn one simple lesson: Sometimes LESS is more.

Unrated for gang rape, sadistic non-stop graphic violence, and language.
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What you see is what you get
Leofwine_draca21 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
SAVAGED is nothing more than a supernatural spin on the I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE storyline. A deaf-mute girl is travelling by car through the desert when she accidentally witnesses a murder committed by a gang of thugs. With no intentions of letting her leave alive, they take her back to a house where she is raped and abused, before finally being killed in an escape attempt.

At this stage the story begins properly. The girl is brought back to life by a Native American shaman while the spirit of a long-dead Native American war chief hops on board. From then on it's an orgy of mean-spirited violence as the girl goes on an odyssey of vengeance and gruesome, body-mangling horror. To add to the gore effects, she's a literal shambling corpse, her body gradually breaking down thanks to the effects of the plot events.

SAVAGED is a pretty typical but well made example of this revenge-horror genre. The gore effects are plentiful and only tempered by some less-than-impressive low budget CGI which could have been done without. The script is lean and pared down, focusing on the action which is always a plus, and Amanda Adrienne gives a heartbreaking performance as the put-upon girl. Not exactly an enjoyable movie, this, but an entertaining experience all the same.
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rafahmohamad28 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
On the other hand, it's obvious that it tries to leave old thinking behind and is about tolerating. The whole "native" revenge thing is convoluted though, not that you'd expect a movie like this to make much sense anyway. The effects are pretty decent for a movie with a budget limitation as this one had.
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LOVED IT! (and no this isn't a "fake" review
daggersineyes17 October 2014
Most of the reviews for this movie were positive so I thought why not give it a chance and was thrilled to discover it lived up to the promise. I don't have much to add to the reviews you'll find here already, they cover most of what I thought. It was engaging, familiar but unique, had me gasping at moments, groaning with disgust at others, laughing at times & shocked at others. There isn't much to dislike - other than the occasional bad CGI but there is also so much to love about the production, acting, cinematography, special FX, makeup (particularly brilliant on makeup) and overall pacing/building of tension etc. I loved every moment. I had to laugh at the 2 or 3 bad reviews. I suspect they are written by sensitive sallies who took exception to the portrayal of those nice white American rapists/killers as racist, sexist, misogynistic morons LOL Suck it up guys. :D Highly recommended indy flick for any genuine fan of the horror genre, especially those of the Spit on Your Grave, Last House on the Left etc variety. That pub scene tho..... *ouch* LOL
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pieterjanspiessens24 January 2019
This one gets more and more ridiculous by the minute. They should have just sticked with the rape and revenge genre they were going for and had better let the spiritual CGI junk out of it. Very bad movie, i was glad when it was over. (Hahah)
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Amazing indie horror!
JayhawkJames15 October 2013
I had the pleasure of seeing this film at Screamfest 2013 and was blown away. I went in knowing absolutely nothing about the movie and with fairly low expectations due to a lot of the films I've seen at other horror festivals.

I came out of it with a renewed hope and optimism for the entire film industry. I'm rarely impressed with movies anymore and when I am, they're original indie gems that go against the Hollywood/studio status quo- 'Savaged' is one of those, but it's also more than that. It's perhaps the best indie horror film I've seen since 'Evil Dead', seriously.

The movie has an indie feel but the filmmakers achieved a very high production value all around with great picture quality, color grading, solid cinematography, wonderful practical and digital effects, perfect editing, solid performances all around with interesting characters, and most importantly- an original, entertaining, and fun story.

I highly recommend horror fans get their hands on this movie the second it is released!
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If you like low budget revenge movies,go for it
diogotarantino226 June 2016
Even though it's low budget,the visual effects are impressive. Actually it is the coolest thing in the movie. The story you might have seen it a few times.This subject,revenge movies,always come back because for some of us that's the only way we can see some justice in this apparently random life.

The actors,the locations,the atmosphere,the action make it worth watching. The director Michael S. Ojeda did a god job.I am definitely curious to see more of his work which i already checked on IMDb and realized that all of them are small movies.He should be given a opportunity to do something big.And the main actress impresses with her versatility.Her facial expressions are very convincing!
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Terrible cinematography
matthew-558192 December 2021
I watched this film given a lot of the reviews were positive; albeit dubious.

The general story wasn't too bad as a concept.

However, the cinematography was dire. The camera work was making me feel sick and the film felt a bit low budget as a result. The film also seemed ridiculous in places and almost cartoon like.
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jamespwf216 December 2021
What was used to film this? A Nokia 3310? Very poor quality filming. I understand not all films have a big budget but honestly my phone camera is better than this rubbish!
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