Deadliest Prey (2013) Poster

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Deadliest Prey: Why in the blue hell did this happen?
Platypuschow15 May 2019
It's quite impressive that a movie got a sequel with several of the original cast/director over quarter of a century later. But was it really needed?

Deadly Prey (1987) was a hyper cheesy Rambo ripoff that for some reason many consider to be a bit of a cult classic. I thought it was awful, but it had a certain 80's cheese factor charm at least.

26 years later and the story continues, well that's not entirely true. You see it does follow on from the events of the previous movie, with erm..........the same events of the previous movie. What I mean by that is this may be a sequel but it may as well be a remake as this is alarmingly similar, not only in regards to the plot but multiple scenes throughout.

I have no idea why they would do that, it's senseless. And here we're missing the 80's charm, it tries to replicate it with the same soundtrack and action style but it comes across forced and fails miserably.

I cringed throughout, I'd be surprised if even the most hardcore fan of the original appreciates this.

The Good:

Follows on from the previous movie

The Bad:

Some awful camerawork

"Action" is just awful

Some moments are so dumb it defies belief

Tacky soundtrack

More like a remixed version of the first movie
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True that
MeanYOB6416 July 2015
I only saw the original Deadly Prey a few weeks ago and I enjoyed it so much I went out of my way to get this follow up. The original is really a great Gem of a cheapy, David Prior was well aware of the production limitations and just has an absolute Ball with the hokey material, in some ways it is even more funny than Rambo First Blood Part 2! The Deadliest Prey is more of a rehash than a true sequel, sort of like how Terminator 2 lifts many scenes from the original with slight context alterations, but TDP is a more extreme case. The new slant added to the story is the human hunting is caught on camera and broadcast over the net. Many of the original actors have come back to reprise their roles which bolsters the authenticity of the proceeding for fans, you will be surprised to hear their acting prowess hasn't changed one iota, and we wouldn't have it any other way! In all honesty, TDP isn't quite as entertaining as the original, but with that said there are still some great gags like when Danton is 'recruited' again, and if the Hackers don't at least make you smile, there is something seriously wrong. For all lovers of B films, Deadly Prey & The Deadliest Prey makes a great double- bill...True that!
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Waste of time watching
argyris-9012013 July 2016
Very amateur-like acting. Solders are in a life threatening situation, someone shooting on them and they act like they are just walking in the park! Some actors might be good but the director calling the shots obviously he didn't know what he was doing. The whole movie is filmed in the same location (someone's back yard). The story-line is very of childish too. Funny thing is at the end of the movie, in the last screen, it says: "The beginning". They expect to make another movie like this? Give me a break! So, don't waste your time watching this, we have seen similar movies with about the same story-line but a lot better acting.
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"We're hackers. If we can't do this then no one else can."
rushknight31 January 2016
It's all here. Wooden acting, terrible plot, cheesy special effects, lots of ridiculous and campy choreography.. And killing everyone. Just, killing everyone all over the dang place.

While I haven't watched the original yet (on my to-do list), the sequel is terrible. It's just hammy and hokey all throughout. I knew beforehand that I was about to watch a solid "B" class movie, but wow man. This one is just sub-par.

Mr. Prior (the writer) is apparently behind on the times, as his portrayals of nearly every facet of the world appear to be built entirely on clichés and stereotypes. The actions undertaken by the bad guys are far removed from typical military procedure. The evil villain was so cruel and vicious to his loyal soldiers that a few good facepalms were in order. Why would anyone sign up for that sort of abuse? Because they needed jobs? Ha ha! That's a good one.

The "hackers" seemed to have given Mr. Prior a particularly nasty writer's headache, as every bit of their dialogue was absolutely just hilariously bad and demonstrated a profound lack of technical computer skills. The audience members were also a great laugh, although I was a little confused about how they were watching a live internet feed on the TV at their favorite watering hole, and apparently doing so for nearly 12 hours.

The acting was either wooden and unbelievable or uproariously excessive. There was no middle ground.

There were some great moments though. As one reviewer mentioned, the villain at one point claims to have killed more people than cancer. Now THAT is a great line. I loved it.

Overall, the film was pretty boring. Even the action parts were handled slowly and cleanly to be point of being hard to watch.

I wanted to enjoy this, but there just really wasn't much to enjoy.
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"I've killed more people than cancer!"
Sandcooler5 April 2014
Whenever a belated sequel to a "so bad it's good"-classic gets released, I start fearing what I call the "Birdemic"-effect. Directors who have accidentally obtained a cult status by being really terrible often start being really terrible on purpose, completely ruining their magic. I'm glad to say David A. Prior isn't one of those directors. "Deadliest Prey" is 100% serious, 100% genuine and 100% laughable. In many ways it's actually even more entertaining than its original. It definitely looks better, the special effects are upped a notch (not a fan of CGI, but the first one was almost completely bloodless), the dialogues are...slightly better and the fights are...slightly more realistic. Apart from that, this is pretty much the same movie as "Deadly Prey". The plot (so to speak) develops exactly like in the first one, right down to the smallest details. Five minutes in you think oh, almost the same opening scene as the first. That's kinda lazy, bring on the new stuff! Then Danton gets kidnapped while taking out the garbage, and then they tell him to "RUN!", and then he leaves someone alive if he tells him what's going on and then just kills him anyway. Oh what's next, they're going to kidnap his wife and he'll find the female henchman (henchwoman?)in his house? Thornton is ready to kill him but Hogan wants him alive because otherwise the movie's over too soon? Oh, both these things also happen? Well, I'm sure they're not cutting someone's arm off ag...this is a remake, pure and simple. But a nice remake, with a heart and a better pace than the original. It adds nothing, but it's still worth seeing.
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Adrenaline-fueled homage to legendary "Deadly Prey"
HumanoidOfFlesh7 February 2014
Colonel Hogan(David Campbell)is back after 27 years of rotting in prison and he surely is very very angry.He gets released and immediately seeks out his revenge on Mike Danton(Ted Prior),extremely skilled soldier and total killing machine,the star of "Deadly Prey"(1987).But this time Hogan want to broadcast his revenge over the Internet.The cameras in the woods are filming every moment of carnage as Mike Danton kills dozens of armed soldiers via Rambo-like traps and his deadly weapons."Deadliest Prey" is very watchable and vastly entertaining action/survival flick with plenty of mindless violence.Prior still looks as menacing as ever and Campbell is delightfully over-the-top as the main villain.Three hackers are quite annoying,though.Overall,pretty cool homage to "Deadly Prey".8 severed arms out of 10.
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It's like rhymes
vagabondmaestro13 March 2016
The original film was near perfection. Music, direction, script and casting. That brilliant star visited us all too briefly and many have tried to emulate it and while we were blessed with the Samurai Cops and Miami Connection's, we will never truly have another Deadly Prey.

The winner of multiple Dibrini awards and two coveted Danton crowns, the original was splendid and gaudy in its excellence. It had a genuine schlock which the industry of Nostalgia so desperately attempts to emulate. Duplication and imitation is a hard thing, outside of a specific era and place.

Deadliest Prey attempts to recapture past glories and like many sequels it seeks the safe path of rhyming, as the great Lucas would say. This it does well, covering the tried paths of the past while adding contemporary twists. No doubt a fun movie to have worked on, it still manages to entertain.

While it is nothing like the original, it never could be, it is also nothing like Fantastic Four (2015) or other big budget arrogantly made studio monsters. This is a humble production made for both fun and entertainment, what movies in past generations truly aspired for, especially during the straight to video days.

Enjoy it for what it is. Not because you compare it to better polished, though target missing super films.

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Wow,This is what a sequel is supposed to be,You hear us Stallone !
guestar5717 September 2013
Stars: Ted Prior,David Campbell,Fritz Matthews. What would you do if the director of a film offered a pre-release showing of his long awaited sequel ? WATCH IT !!! Do not wanna give away any spoilers at all,But David Campbell,The Villain,Has some catch phrases and a half to enjoy. Ted Prior revisits one of his favorite roles,Danton from Deadly Prey,Ted as we interviewed recently wasn't sure he could still be 'The Prey',But letting his fans make their own opins about results, You Go Dude ! Bringing Fritz Matthews back was a screenwriters nightmare ( NO SPOILERS,REMEMBER) and a gift to David Prior fans. Did we mention David Campbell steals the film scene after scene, And Ted Prior seems to be okay with considering their last filmic dance. Lots of knife work,bullets shot and traps galore. There is ironic comedy too. Would wish DEADLY PREY was promoted as 25th anniversary edition sometime.
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"Is he the guy they based Rambo on, or something?"
hwg1957-102-2657046 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A long awaited (by some) sequel to 'Deadly Prey'. The film mainly consists of people walking or running through a forest and for some reason I found the film entertaining. Perhaps it was the glorious over the top performance by David Campbell as newly released prisoner Hogan back on the rampage. Or the perpetually puzzled look on the face of Ted Prior as Mike Danton as if to say, I'm still in this? Or the comic ease in which Danton slaughters everyone. Or the po-faced dialogue spoken as if it was Shakespeare. Or the hilariously bad performance by producer Tara Kleinpeter. Or the wonderful much looked-for moment when the three irritating computer hackers are gunned down. It's not a great movie but if you like a dumb action movie it does have its felicities.
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Worthy belated sequel
Woodyanders30 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The ruthless Colonel Hogan (fiercely played with growly gusto by David Campbell) gets released from prison after serving a lengthy sentence and immediately plots to get revenge on rugged one man killing machine Vietnam veteran Mike Danton (ripped Ted Prior bringing the mighty macho like nobody's business). So, once again Danton gets abducted and dumped in the woods to be hunted down like an animal by a band of bloodthirsty mercenaries.

Fortunately, writer/director David A. Prior doesn't go the obvious deliberately camp route with this long in coming follow-up to the immortal 80's cheese classic "Deadly Prey;" instead Prior brings a lean'n'lean unpretentious sensibility that gets right down to brass tacks with a winning dearth of pretense while managing to recapture the gloriously gonzo go-for-broke spirit of the original complete with a handful of nice nods to same (yep, there's another severed arm gag). Moreover, the violence is much gorier this time and Danton even cracks several priceless one liners. Fritz Matthews cuts an imposing and intimidating figure as Thornton's brutish twin brother, Art James makes a brief, but welcome appearance as Danton's helpful buddy Kaplan, and Tara Kleinpeter looks mighty foxy, but can't act for spit as Hogan's eager assistant Sophia. Both Eric A. Wahl's sharp cinematography and the pulsating score by Tim James are up to par.
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Just As Great As The Original
jasonisageek24 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so let me just say. If you know anything about writer/director David A. Prior, then you know exactly what you're getting into when you sit down to watch one of his films. He is one of those filmmakers that seems to deliver ultra-low-budget trash, but in such a charming and entertaining way that most of the ones I've seen from him ultimately become So Bad, It's Good cult classics, with Killer Workout and the original Deadly Prey being his crowning achievements. I love Deadly Prey. It's one of those films that just gets everything right in an entertainingly bad movie, and though it's been 27 years, his follow- up sequel does not disappoint.

First off, not only does original writer/director Prior return, but most of the original cast does as well, which surprised the hell out of me. Not only that, it seems that decades experience has not helped Prior become a better filmmaker, and thank the heavens for that! This sequel, which "kind of" plays out like a near identical remake of the original, but also as it's own thing entirely in a weird way, delivers the goods just as well as the first one did. I honestly didn't think that was possible, but let me tell you, it does. It just hits all the right notes for a So Bad, It's Good low- budget action flick. There is so much to laugh at, and so many WTF? moments that you will no doubt be highly entertained from beginning to end.
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