"Castle" After the Storm (TV Episode 2012) Poster

(TV Series)


Jon Huertas: Javier Esposito



  • [Beckett and Castle have been captured by Maddox and Castle is trying to remove their restraints with a drywall screw] 

    Richard Castle : I am barely making a dent in this thing.

    Kate Beckett : Castle, I hear footsteps. He's coming... Hurry.

    Richard Castle : Man, if we got murdered right now, I'd feel *so* ripped off.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, me, too.

    Richard Castle : At least... At least we had last night. We should've done that four years ago.

    [the door opens, revealing Esposito] 

    Javier Esposito : Done what four years ago?

  • Javier Esposito : Maddox's real name is Cedric Marks. Once he finished his tour, he got a job at a place called Arantus Solutions, a kind of black ops military contractor.

    Richard Castle : How'd all that lead you here?

    Javier Esposito : Well, once I got his name, I put a BOLO out on his car. A uniform spotted it outside this building. When I came to check on it, that's when I saw your car.

    Kate Beckett : Wait, wait, Espo. 523's around the corner. You got an extra piece?

    Javier Esposito : Yeah.

    [Esposito hands her his backup weapon] 

    Richard Castle : Nice. What about for me?

    Javier Esposito : Oh, you mean an extra extra piece?

  • [Beckett approaches with her gun in her hand] 

    Richard Castle : Kate, tell me you didn't...

    [Bracken appears behind Beckett, holding a handkerchief to where Beckett pistol whipped him; he turns and leaves] 

    Kate Beckett : We reached an understanding.

    Javier Esposito : Well, what about your mom?

    Kate Beckett : I'll get justice for her, just not today. Till then, I'll get it for others.

  • Captain Victoria Gates : So let me see if I understand. As luck would have it, you three were in the neighborhood taking a walk.

    Richard Castle : Well, many people consider that the best form of exercise. It's low-impact, it has...

    [seeing Gates' expression he trails off] 

    Captain Victoria Gates : Then you heard an explosion, and as concerned *private* citizens, you rushed inside to check it out.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, that's right.

    Captain Victoria Gates : Is that how you remember it?

    Javier Esposito : Yes, sir.

    Richard Castle : Captain Gates, I can personally vouch...

    Captain Victoria Gates : I am not interested, Mr. Castle, as you specialize in *fiction*. Let's say you happened to be in the area. How do you explain the fact that Maddox, the killer we're searching for, and the man who shot you last year, is the one lying there dead?

    Richard Castle : Bad karma.

    [Esposito nudges him to shut up] 

    Captain Victoria Gates : Detective Ryan... do you know anything about this?

    Kevin Ryan : Just that it appears the safe was rigged to blow when Maddox opened it.

    Captain Victoria Gates : And what was in that safe?

    Kevin Ryan : Hard to say. Papers of some kind.

    [he shares a covert look with Beckett, who smiles back] 

    Captain Victoria Gates : And I don't supposed you know what was in those papers and why Maddox was here?

    Kate Beckett : Like I said, we were just walking by.

  • [fearing she's going to do something drastic, Castle, Ryan, and Esposito have followed Beckett to Senator Bracken's fundraiser] 

    Javier Esposito : Who you calling? Gates?

    Kevin Ryan : Um...

    Javier Esposito : Put that phone away or I'm gonna break your frigging arm.

    Kevin Ryan : Javi, we can't let her throw her life away.

    Richard Castle : We don't know she's doing that.

    Kevin Ryan : What do you mean? You're the one who said she was gonna kill the guy!

    Richard Castle : Hey, I know. Okay, yes, that's right, but... But she hasn't done that yet, right? Look, you make that call, you're labeling her an assassin. That's a bell you can't unring. So, let's not make that call, not yet.

  • Staff Sgt. Cass : Javi, I can't do what you're asking.

    Javier Esposito : I took a bullet for you, Cass. You forget that?

    Staff Sgt. Cass : I can't tap into the DOD database without authorization. I'll lose everything, man.

    Javier Esposito : Only if you get caught. And you won't.

    [handing him a clean laptop] 

    Javier Esposito : I bought this from a liquidator. Cash. As soon as we're done, I'll wipe the drive. Ditch the box. It'll never come back to you. He's former Army. Special Forces, Delta, I don't know.

    [handing over a picture of Maddox] 

    Javier Esposito : This guy shot a friend of mine, almost killed her. He's gonna keep coming unless he's stopped. I need to ID him. You need to help me.

  • Kevin Ryan : Do you remember when we were checking banking accounts for the dirty bomb investigation? We used the federal banking database.

    Javier Esposito : And I still remember the password.

    [a few moments later] 

    Javier Esposito : I'm not sure they even track accounts going back this far.

    Kate Beckett : Whoever owns that account is the person that killed my mom. Run it.

    Javier Esposito : [reading the result]  The account was closed nineteen years ago. It belonged to a guy named William H. Bracken.

    Kate Beckett : [recognizing the name, picking up a re-election flier from the table]  You mean Senator William Bracken?

  • Kate Beckett : We were so close. That file would have told us who's at the center of this and who killed my mom.

    Javier Esposito : Well, at least Maddox won't be coming after you.

    Kate Beckett : They'll just send somebody else.

    Richard Castle : Unless whoever's behind all this doesn't know the file's been destroyed. Maybe he thinks it's still in play.

    Kate Beckett : I wouldn't bet on that. Would you?

    Javier Esposito : [hearing the creak of a floorboard in the hallway]  Shh.

    [he and Beckett approach the front door with their guns drawn] 

    Kevin Ryan : [as the door opens, he reaches for his own gun]  Whoa! You want to put that thing away?

    Javier Esposito : Well, if it isn't Judas.

    Kevin Ryan : Yeah, okay, pal. Want to give it a break?

    Kate Beckett : Guys, come on.

    Javier Esposito : What are you doing here?

    Kevin Ryan : [entering the apartment, he shows Beckett an evidence baggie]  I came to bring you this.

    Kate Beckett : Paper from the safe?

See also

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