"Castle" After the Storm (TV Episode 2012) Poster

(TV Series)


Stana Katic: Kate Beckett



  • Kate Beckett : So, you here to apologize for hiding me in your closet?

    Richard Castle : Look, let me explain. When I heard her voice, I reacted by instinct.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, like the instinct of a sophomore in high school.

    Richard Castle : Right.

    [gets a glare] 

    Richard Castle : No. Look. I...

    Kate Beckett : Wait a minute. You're embarrassed about being seen with me.

    Richard Castle : Now that is not true. Look, I, This, I, Okay. This is all just still very new to me, and call me selfish, but I wanna keep what we have together... to ourselves a bit longer.

    Kate Beckett : Still, it wasn't your finest hour.

    Richard Castle : No.

    [moves toward her] 

    Richard Castle : But maybe I could... make it up to you... Somehow.

    Kate Beckett : I suppose since we know your mom's not gonna be barging in, we could go for round two.

    Richard Castle : Well, technically it would be round four, but...

    [there's a knock at the door] 

    Richard Castle : She's stalking us. She knows.

  • Kate Beckett : But, I, um, did just quit my job. And... I do have the day off.

    Richard Castle : I-I do... too.

    Kate Beckett : Really?

    Richard Castle : Yes. So what would you, um... like to do today?

    Kate Beckett : Um... I don't know, we could read.

    Richard Castle : We could watch TV.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, we could get something to eat.

    Richard Castle : We could do that, yeah.

    [they lean in to kiss and a door closes] 

    Martha Rodgers : [offscreen]  Richard! I'm home!

    Richard Castle : Oh, my God.

    [hurls them off the bed] 

    Kate Beckett : Ah!

    Richard Castle : [starts to whisper]  Oh, God.

    Kate Beckett : [also whispering]  You said she was at the Hamptons.

    Richard Castle : She was in the Hamptons. She's not supposed to be here.

    Martha Rodgers : [offscreen]  Darling, we need to talk.

    Richard Castle : Hide.

    Kate Beckett : What?

    Richard Castle : Hide.

    Kate Beckett : Are you serious?

    Richard Castle : Get in the closet.

    Kate Beckett : No, I'm not going in the closet!

    Richard Castle : Get in the closet!

  • [at Beckett's apartment, she and Castle hear a knock on the door] 

    Kate Beckett : Who is it?

    Kevin Ryan : Beckett, it's Ryan.

    Richard Castle : [relieved]  Oh.

    Kate Beckett : Hide. Quick, in the closet over there.

    Richard Castle : Yeah, I'm not getting in there.

    Kate Beckett : Why? I hid in your closet, why can't you hide in mine?

    Richard Castle : Why should I?

    Kate Beckett : Because...

    Kevin Ryan : Beckett, is everything okay?

    Kate Beckett : Fine!

    [to Castle] 

    Kate Beckett : Okay, maybe I'm not ready for anyone to know yet. Right now.

    Richard Castle : Come on, how's he gonna know?

    Kate Beckett : You're here, just like I was there.

    Richard Castle : Yes. Yes, the difference being I have my pants on. Or... Or are you embarrassed to be seen with me?

    Kate Beckett : Okay, fine. Just act normal. If that's even possible for you.

    Richard Castle : It's me.

  • Richard Castle : So... you're on... on board with this, right? It's not some, "Oh, I quit my job, I almost died, I'm in crisis" thing.

    Kate Beckett : Uh... no. Not for me.

    Richard Castle : Okay, me neither.

    Kate Beckett : Okay... good.

    Richard Castle : Good.

  • [Beckett and Castle have been captured by Maddox and Castle is trying to remove their restraints with a drywall screw] 

    Richard Castle : I am barely making a dent in this thing.

    Kate Beckett : Castle, I hear footsteps. He's coming... Hurry.

    Richard Castle : Man, if we got murdered right now, I'd feel *so* ripped off.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, me, too.

    Richard Castle : At least... At least we had last night. We should've done that four years ago.

    [the door opens, revealing Esposito] 

    Javier Esposito : Done what four years ago?

  • Richard Castle : Well, you were right. I had no idea.

    Kate Beckett : So you liked it?

    Richard Castle : Yeah.

    Kate Beckett : Even the part where...

    Richard Castle : Especially that part. I loved that.

    Kate Beckett : Good. Me, too.

  • Javier Esposito : Maddox's real name is Cedric Marks. Once he finished his tour, he got a job at a place called Arantus Solutions, a kind of black ops military contractor.

    Richard Castle : How'd all that lead you here?

    Javier Esposito : Well, once I got his name, I put a BOLO out on his car. A uniform spotted it outside this building. When I came to check on it, that's when I saw your car.

    Kate Beckett : Wait, wait, Espo. 523's around the corner. You got an extra piece?

    Javier Esposito : Yeah.

    [Esposito hands her his backup weapon] 

    Richard Castle : Nice. What about for me?

    Javier Esposito : Oh, you mean an extra extra piece?

  • Senator William H. Bracken : It's not who has the gun. It's who has the power. Do you really think that's you?

    [turns to leave] 

    Kate Beckett : I have the file... Smith had another copy. 0-8-6-7-2-2-4-1, that's the number of the bank account where you deposited the money orders. So you're right. It is about who holds the power. Now, I could release that file and destroy you. But what would that mean for my life expectancy? So here's how it is. The deal that you had with Smith, that's our deal now. And if anything happens to me or anyone that I care about, that file goes public. Am I clear?

    [Bracken doesn't respond] 

    Kate Beckett : That's a yes or no question.

    Senator William H. Bracken : Yes.

    Kate Beckett : And one more thing. Whoever it is you think I am, whatever it is you think you know about me, you have no idea what I'm capable of, or how far I will go. I am *done* being afraid. It's your turn now.

    [Beckett pistol whips Bracken] 

    Kate Beckett : That's gonna leave a nasty scar. Every time you see it, think of me.

  • [first lines] 

    [the morning after her first night with Castle] 

    Kate Beckett : Made you a coffee.

    Richard Castle : So it wasn't a dream?

    Kate Beckett : No, you definitely


    Kate Beckett : weren't dreaming.

  • Senator William H. Bracken : When I was fourteen, I got to be friends with this boy in the neighborhood, Lamar Dokes. Sweet kid. I used to help him with his homework after school. Well, one day, he doesn't come to school. So I went by his apartment, and the door was open. I walked in. And... I found Lamar lying on his mattress, dead. His little sister, the same way. His mother was in the bedroom, she had hanged herself. Now, she left a note. She'd lost her job, she was being evicted. And I thought, how could a woman be so desperate, so without hope that she could crush up pills, put them in hot chocolate and give them to her kids? And that was the moment... the moment I knew I wanted to help make people's lives better. And I have. I strengthened the safety net to protect kids like Lamar. I created jobs in those neighborhoods, I've done great things. Just as you've done great things.

    Kate Beckett : [pauses in disbelief]  Who do you think you're talking to? How can you justify yourself to me? My mother was stabbed in an alley because of you. She bled to death, *alone*, in a pile of garbage! So save me your campaign speeches about the "great things."

    Senator William H. Bracken : You sound a bit delusional, you know? But then again, who are you? You're a disgraced cop obsessed with her mother's murder. And who am I? I'm a decent man looking out for the little guy. That's who the public sees. And every time they elect me, I'm humbled. I strive harder to live up to that ideal. I wanna be that man... And I won't let you, or anyone else, get in my way.

  • Kevin Ryan : I know... what this case has done to you. I'm not asking you to jump back in. I just want to show you something, that's all.

    [Ryan places a photograph from the Montgomerys' wedding on the table] 

    Kevin Ryan : I found a copy of the photo Maddox took from the wedding album. You're familiar with the guys that Roy ran with back in the day. Is he one of them?

    Kate Beckett : I've never seen him before.

    Richard Castle : I have. This is the man I told you about, the one who's been keeping you safe.

    Kate Beckett : Are you sure?

    Richard Castle : He's older now but it's definitely him.

    Kevin Ryan : Wh-What are we talking about here?

    Richard Castle : Whatever information Montgomery gave to him, he's been using it to protect you. But now they've sent Maddox to hunt him down and get it back. If we don't get to him before Maddox does, you'll never be safe again.

  • Kate Beckett : I finally figured out who he is, the guy that killed my mom, and there's nothing I can do about it... Did Ryan talk to you? Did he check those security cameras around Smith's room?

    Richard Castle : Yes.

    Kate Beckett : And?

    Richard Castle : The cameras were disabled.

    Kate Beckett : Okay. So they're coming for me.

    Richard Castle : Ryan's got two teams stationed outside.

    Kate Beckett : And what about tomorrow? And the day after that?

    Richard Castle : Let me take you someplace, Kate. Someplace you'll be safe.

    Kate Beckett : [holding him for comfort]  I'll never be safe.

  • [Beckett approaches with her gun in her hand] 

    Richard Castle : Kate, tell me you didn't...

    [Bracken appears behind Beckett, holding a handkerchief to where Beckett pistol whipped him; he turns and leaves] 

    Kate Beckett : We reached an understanding.

    Javier Esposito : Well, what about your mom?

    Kate Beckett : I'll get justice for her, just not today. Till then, I'll get it for others.

  • Captain Victoria Gates : So let me see if I understand. As luck would have it, you three were in the neighborhood taking a walk.

    Richard Castle : Well, many people consider that the best form of exercise. It's low-impact, it has...

    [seeing Gates' expression he trails off] 

    Captain Victoria Gates : Then you heard an explosion, and as concerned *private* citizens, you rushed inside to check it out.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, that's right.

    Captain Victoria Gates : Is that how you remember it?

    Javier Esposito : Yes, sir.

    Richard Castle : Captain Gates, I can personally vouch...

    Captain Victoria Gates : I am not interested, Mr. Castle, as you specialize in *fiction*. Let's say you happened to be in the area. How do you explain the fact that Maddox, the killer we're searching for, and the man who shot you last year, is the one lying there dead?

    Richard Castle : Bad karma.

    [Esposito nudges him to shut up] 

    Captain Victoria Gates : Detective Ryan... do you know anything about this?

    Kevin Ryan : Just that it appears the safe was rigged to blow when Maddox opened it.

    Captain Victoria Gates : And what was in that safe?

    Kevin Ryan : Hard to say. Papers of some kind.

    [he shares a covert look with Beckett, who smiles back] 

    Captain Victoria Gates : And I don't supposed you know what was in those papers and why Maddox was here?

    Kate Beckett : Like I said, we were just walking by.

  • [last lines] 

    Captain Victoria Gates : I'm told we put a Michael Smith under guard at the hospital. What was his role in this?

    Kate Beckett : I, I don't know.

    Captain Victoria Gates : I don't believe you. You're covering for someone and I know who it is... But I don't intend to dig up the past and tarnish Roy Montgomery's reputation. The fact is I... I admire your loyalty. I hope you feel that for me some day.

    Kate Beckett : Does that mean I can show up for duty tomorrow?

    [cut to Beckett and Castle leaving the precinct] 

    Richard Castle : "No"? What does she mean "No"?

    Kate Beckett : Well, I have to serve out my suspension, same as Esposito.

    Richard Castle : What are you gonna do in the meantime?

    Kate Beckett : Oh, I'm pretty sure I'll think of something.

    [as the elevator doors close, he jumps as she grabs his crotch] 

  • Kate Beckett : [searching Smith's files for a clue]  We need to go.

    Richard Castle : Well, the answer's got to be here. It's somewhere here.

    Kate Beckett : Castle, there's nothing left to find. 86 could mean anything. You're just grasping at straws.

    Richard Castle : Yes, I'm grasping at straws! Because if that file is gone, that means they're coming after you and there's absolutely nothing I can do. So yes, if there is a straw, I'm... I'm grasping.

  • Senator William H. Bracken : [answering a phone call]  Hello?

    Kate Beckett : [on phone]  This is Kate Beckett.

    [Bracken reacts] 

    Kate Beckett : I can see you know the name. That's right, I'm watching.

    Senator William H. Bracken : I don't know what this is about but I am not interested in playing games.

    Kate Beckett : Well, you'd better get interested. I have information that will destroy your career, and I will use it unless you do exactly as I say.

  • Kevin Ryan : Do you remember when we were checking banking accounts for the dirty bomb investigation? We used the federal banking database.

    Javier Esposito : And I still remember the password.

    [a few moments later] 

    Javier Esposito : I'm not sure they even track accounts going back this far.

    Kate Beckett : Whoever owns that account is the person that killed my mom. Run it.

    Javier Esposito : [reading the result]  The account was closed nineteen years ago. It belonged to a guy named William H. Bracken.

    Kate Beckett : [recognizing the name, picking up a re-election flier from the table]  You mean Senator William Bracken?

  • Kate Beckett : This was supposed to be over. I can't go back again. Not now.

    Richard Castle : Well, now we don't have a choice. If Maddox gets to him before we do...

    Kate Beckett : But I don't know how to do this. I'm not even a cop anymore.

    Richard Castle : I'll tell you exactly what we do.

    [Castle holds up the photograph of Smith] 

    Richard Castle : We figure out who this is. We've done it before, and with less to go on. And when we do, we lay all of this to rest and we go back to where we were. This is what you're great at. And I'm not so bad myself. So, what do we know? We know this guy is about 60. He's a longtime New Yorker, uh... friends with Montgomery, so he may have connections to law enforcement.

    Kate Beckett : He, um... he seems prominent. Wealthy.

    Richard Castle : [realizing something]  That's right. And he has been that way ever since this photo was taken.

    Kate Beckett : How do you know that?

    Richard Castle : Look at his wrist. That's a Nautilus 3800. It was 10 grand when it came out in 1981.

    [realizing something else] 

    Richard Castle : That's the year Montgomery was married, May of 1981. How many of these watches could possibly have been sold in five months?

  • Kate Beckett : Hey... Thanks.

    Richard Castle : [wry laugh]  For what? We haven't found it yet.

    Kate Beckett : It's just I, I know I never would have gotten this far if it wasn't for you.

  • Mr. Michael Smith : You're alive.

    Richard Castle : Join the club.

    Mr. Michael Smith : What about the other file?

    Richard Castle : Maddox opened the safe.

    Kate Beckett : We put enough of it together to know that Bracken took dirty money.

    Mr. Michael Smith : Close the door.

    [Castle goes to close the door] 

    Mr. Michael Smith : The irony is he used that money to finance his first Congressional campaign.

    Kate Beckett : Well, we need proof of that, along with anything else that he did.

    Mr. Michael Smith : There is no proof.

    Kate Beckett : Well, there's you. You can testify.

    Mr. Michael Smith : That will never happen. You see, Roy Montgomery once did me a favor. So I kept that file and I protected you at great personal cost. Because I owed Roy. But I don't owe you.

    Kate Beckett : So you're just gonna let him get away with murder?

    Mr. Michael Smith : You don't understand, Detective. He's protected. Untouchable. You're just gonna end up dead. And so am I... No, as it is, my best bet is to just... disappear. I suggest you do the same.

  • Kate Beckett : That's far enough.

    Senator William H. Bracken : [Beckett approaches with her gun drawn]  What do you want, Ms. Beckett?

    Kate Beckett : The truth.

    Senator William H. Bracken : [smirks]  Never expect that from a politician.

  • Kate Beckett : We were so close. That file would have told us who's at the center of this and who killed my mom.

    Javier Esposito : Well, at least Maddox won't be coming after you.

    Kate Beckett : They'll just send somebody else.

    Richard Castle : Unless whoever's behind all this doesn't know the file's been destroyed. Maybe he thinks it's still in play.

    Kate Beckett : I wouldn't bet on that. Would you?

    Javier Esposito : [hearing the creak of a floorboard in the hallway]  Shh.

    [he and Beckett approach the front door with their guns drawn] 

    Kevin Ryan : [as the door opens, he reaches for his own gun]  Whoa! You want to put that thing away?

    Javier Esposito : Well, if it isn't Judas.

    Kevin Ryan : Yeah, okay, pal. Want to give it a break?

    Kate Beckett : Guys, come on.

    Javier Esposito : What are you doing here?

    Kevin Ryan : [entering the apartment, he shows Beckett an evidence baggie]  I came to bring you this.

    Kate Beckett : Paper from the safe?

See also

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