Hating Breitbart (2012) Poster

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Don't hate the player, hate the crooked, biased, lethal, unrelenting, oppressive, predictable, unfair, and unbecoming game
StevePulaski19 May 2013
If you don't know Andrew Breitbart and why he's so controversial you'll find out why in the first few minutes of Andrew Marcus's Hating Breitbart, a breakneck documentary that profiles the left-wing whistleblower and documents just a few of the number of cases he took on in his career. The film begins by addressing the controversy that surrounded the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) when two conservative activists secretly filmed themselves posing as a prostitute and a pimp and discovering the organization offers advice on how to evade paying taxes and keep their prostitution career discreet. From there on out, we see just how big of an impact Breitbart had on exposing organizational lies and media bias through the use of his own tactics using the "new media," such as cell phones, computers, and video cameras.

Some will call Breitbart blatantly hypocritical for addressing and slandering the apparent media bias in the news and then opening up several websites with larger-than-life names boasting an unmissable conservative bias. I must admit the truth and say this is precisely what I thought going in. But the more time you see Breitbart on screen and the more time you listen to his lectures, it becomes clear that himself, personally, having a bias isn't contradictory to his philosophy at all. He despises the idea that the "left wing" media proclaims to be balanced and objective when they hold a bias that fits their agenda. Breitbart's several websites holding a conservative bias is the main point of the argument; he has a bias and he admits to it.

Hating Breitbart takes a rather questionable look at the title-figure because instead of giving a biographical take on the man, they judge him solely on his methods of activism, his fans and detractors, and his fiery debates held with those he doesn't agree with photographed and observed by a countless slew of people. I would've preferred a focus conducted in a more linear, "rise to fame" style, but unlike most documentaries this one seems to be brewing its own suspense, especially for someone like me who didn't foresee the outcome to many of these cases (I was ignorant to most news until around 2011).

Consider the segment Marcus devotes to Breitbart trying to prove the mainstream media wrong when they claimed that racial epithets were shouted at Congressman John Lewis by Tea Party protesters when he walked through the nation's Capital. Breitbart, who analyzed several videos taken from protesters from several different angles, offered $100,000 to the United Negro College Fund if they could provide that this was true. It never came to fruition and this, if anything, woke people up to the thought that Breitbart was more than a self-proclaimed "biased ***hole,* but a man driven to dig up the real, indispensable truth.

I suppose another reason why he obtained such a large cult following was just the commonality he shared with so many of his followers. He didn't seem like a well-to-do man who put himself on the frontline to make a buck first and expose an institution second. He states in a casually-conducted interview that he has "two car payments and a mortgage he can't pay." It didn't seem to people that he was in it for the fame and wealth but the fact that he believed that a transparent government was what the people needed and deserved. I couldn't agree more.

Hating Breitbart is a good documentary that, while neglecting the critical side of Breitbart like we kind of expected, illustrates terrifically why he was so controversial, loved, adored, hated, and talked about. The film plays like one of the most exciting journalistic crime dramas ever to hit the screen. It shows the fiery and unmistakably brutal routes the first amendment granted the American people with, and the extreme controversy that surrounded whistleblowing journalism. Regardless whether it's a conservative, religious school or a creative-minded, liberal arts institution, I'd call this documentary a must in English courses just for the value in its depictions of bravery and deviance.

I always thought that if the conservatives wanted to put themselves ahead in the game in terms of getting their ideology out in a catchy way, rather than hiring the interchangeable talking head on Fox News, they could find someone like Bill Maher, who can recite talking points with not just a spin but a witty sense of humor. It turns out that, up until 2012, the conservatives had their guy, only he went a lot further. Rather than joking and making sly remarks on his TV show, he went out to try and prove that what he was saying was correct and what we were being fed was categorically wrong. In a way, both men are just trying to show the same country a set of "new rules."

Starring: Andrew Breitbart. Directed by: Andrew Marcus.
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Why do they hate him so?
reberscott24 October 2012
Extremely informative. I was fortunate enough to be at the premiere in DC. It was a great event and I got to speak to many people in the film afterwards at the reception. This made it all the more memorable since I was able to ask about their associations with Breitbart.

This film touches on some powerful issues with new media and how Breitbart managed to destroy ACORN, union leaders and Congressman Weiner. He also manages to show the liberal media bias, and it shows how they misrepresent his every word. Keith Oberman's loathing for him surprised me.

There were moments in the film where Breitbart seemed extreme and this compromised his image, but by sticking to straightforward truths and his accomplishments his credibility was preserved. The film shows us that he will leave a legacy, that many will aspire to fill in new media. It's a shame we lost him when we did because someone always needs to stir the pot, and he was quite good at it.
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Super Good Film - A Must See!
jakeberrys1123 May 2013
What a great film.

It is a must see documentary. This doc kept your attention like no other from the first frame to the last second.

Andrew Breitbart was a polarizing figure like few we have ever seen.

Love him or HATE him...he fought vigorously for what he believed in. To rate this film anything less than an 8 would be on a moral par with Al Gore selling currentTV to the Qatar oil tycoons.

I recommend you watch this film and see for yourself...then write a review as I have!

A great watch for any doc fan. Well worth the time.

I hope to see all of the director's next films.

The only let down is that we will not be able to see any of Andrew's other films he undoubtedly would of made.
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A thorn in the mainstream media's side!!!!
flicklover12 March 2014
This documentary will probably not convert anyone who disagreed with Andrew Breitbart before. It is certainly a film that is in favor of what he was doing before he died in 2012. I know that this documentary didn't get any attention in the mainstream press because it clearly is an indict6ment on their absolute disdain for anything that doesn't move their agenda forward. I used to think that the media had a left wing bias, but was generally fair. In the past 20 years I have certainly lost that sentiment. Andrew Breitbart's work was more about getting in the face of the media and challenging them about their bias. Of course they hated him for that, denigrating him as not being a journalist. Why? Because he was championing truth. He certainly knew what he was doing, yes he was brazen, a trouble maker, so what? Again if he were on the left he would be hailed as a HERO!!!! He would be celebrated as a courageous truth seeker, a watchdog for the people. He would be bigger than Michael Moore. Michael Moore has made millions of dollars making opinion pieces calling them documentaries and the media by and large LOVE HIM!!! When Fahrenheit 9/11 came out they championed him to no end, the film is the highest grossing documentary ever. Let's face it, Moore is a talented film maker and knows his audience. Does it matter that most of what he espouses in his films has been dis-proved? Not to the media at large, he gets a pass because his politics are in line with theirs.

The truth is that the media at large has done a disservice to this country for choosing to be very partisan. They have chosen a side for the most part and want the general public to buy the narrative that they are selling. He fully admitted he was a conservative and that he wanted to expose the left's war on the Tea Party. The media at large created the narrative that they were by and large a bunch on racists. The film deals with the incident in Washington DC where there was a protest against Obamacare and some African American congress members were walking and supposedly heard the N word screamed at them 15 times. The allegations were picked up bey the mainstream media and they ran with the story. Breitbart offered a reward for proof that the N word was shouted one time. His argument was that with all of the media that was there, people with their cell phone cameras, why wasn't there any video of the so called people that screamed the racial slur? I would think that if that existed it would have come out. You think MSNBC would have resisted in airing that video? I think not. At one point there was a video that was being run of on major news sources of someone carrying rifle at a Tea Party rally, again the media wanting to portray these rallies as being full of gun touting racists. The problem was that they had not shown the man's face. Turns out it was an African American carrying that rifle at the rally. But of course didn't fit the narrative, so they tweaked the image to fit what they wanted us to see. That should make anyone furious, to be lied to like that. No matter what side of the political spectrum you are. The so called journalists in the mainstream media hated Andrew Breitbart because he was actually doing the job that they were supposed to do, to inform.

You may not agree with Breitbarts tactics, but he exposed the media as more than just having a bias. They are actively championing people and causes that fit with their ideology. You may not agree with all of Breitbart's politics and tactics, but it is clear that he shined a light on how the media is aiding in further dividing this country.

Good for him.
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Amazing Movie
loviexox4823 May 2013
This was, by far, one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. It was truly eye-opening to a world that is often so closed off to the majority of Americans. Talk about fascinating. No matter what "side" you stand with, you must watch this movie. I am a big documentary lover, and have seen many, but none have kept me glued to the screen as much as this one did. I highly recommend this to anyone who likes to leave a movie still thinking about it hours, days, and weeks after it's ended. I finished watching it and went straight to my computer to look up more about Andrew, his story, and about the subject matter at hand (journalism in America). Although he is sadly no longer with us, Andrew's words have not fallen on deaf ears. His legacy will clearly continue to inspire and enlighten many. Absolutely amazing story!
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Poorly made documentary about some guy I had never heard of...
bltc7527 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
(this review might contain spoiler information) I've been a fan of documentaries for all of my adult life. And judging it on those merits alone, this one is poorly made. I was shocked to see that this film has a higher IMDb average than some of the best movies that have come out in the last couple of decades. Then I remembered something I saw in another documentary (a much better one by the way) about how there was a speaker at a Tea Party convention who was telling people to go on movie sights and give five-star reviews to all the "conservative" films and one-star reviews to all the "liberal" films. The result is what you see when you look up this terrible documentary on IMDb. Now back to the film. Yes, it is watchable (many bad movies are). And in some ways you could say it's entertaining. But it's entertaining the way watching a train wreck is supposed to be entertaining. The filmmakers were good enough to make a good piece of propaganda(so were the Nazis), but if their intention was to make an objective and informative film that showed various sides of a complicated and interesting individual, they failed miserably. Documentaries are one of the original film genres. They are a branch of journalism and reporting. The best documentaries are the ones that present you with new ways of looking at the world and at complicated issues, people, and cultural phenomenon. I came across this film by accident on Netflix. I was looking to kill some time before going out to dinner. The opening tries to be in-your-face and it got my attention. But the entire time I'm thinking, "Who is this idiot? Where are his facts? He's saying a bunch of emotional rhetoric and seems to be portraying himself as an intellectual, but where are his facts?" If this were a true documentary, and not some propaganda piece, there would have been a lot more information about who this guy was, what shaped his views, and what his contributions to society were. I just saw some fat guy making a living from telling a bunch of people what they want to hear. You want to see some compelling documentaries about complex people, check out Collapse and The Fog of War. I am frightened to think that there might be people out there that truly believe this is a great documentary.
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Remembering a national superhero
take2docs21 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
From reading the thoroughly absorbing book "Righteous Indignation," one learns more about the subject than this documentary provides, which unfortunately skimps on biographical information. The doc is more focused on Andrew Breitbart, post-enlightenment period (i.e. following his years as an aimless nihilistic hedonist), picking up the story with Breitbart already an established independent media personality.

Here was a lovable lug who wore his anti-leftism on his sleeve. He wrote blogs and gave speeches. He was probably most well-known for thumbing his nose at Big Hollywood, refusing to cozy up to and lionize celebrities, and the co-authored book he wrote on the behind-the-scenes goings-on of those who have worked in the movie industry engages the average reader like none other.

HATING BREITBART follows its subject around to speaking events, rallies, and protests with the occasional time-out for getting together with family. We're introduced to his father-in-law, Orson Bean, who I will always associate with the outstanding performance he gave in an episode of the "Twilight Zone."

Many a cynical political commentator, malleable cultural conformist, and radical entertainer loathed what this patriotic and immensely likeable fellow stood for. (The outspoken, snarly and nominal comedienne, Janeane Garofalo appears ever so briefly in this, spouting nonsense and providing some unintended laughs in the process.) Not to mention the mobocratic elements of America. Indeed, the semi-conscious left-wing protesters and placards-toting zombies portrayed in this film come across as mostly loud, ornery, cantankerous, taunting, thick-headed, condescending, and smug incorrigibles, the way vocal and defensive members of mind-controlled cults sometimes take to reacting in hive-mind fashion in the face of a deprogrammer in their midst.

Yet for many others, Breitbart was a charming and semi-dashing role model, a kindred spirit, a well-thought-of easygoing cultural warrior and whistle-blower most undeserving of the constant flak he received on the part of those embodying leftist illiberalism -- the would-be character assassins who often took great delight in tarring and feathering this long-suffering pathfinder in print and in soundbite.

The documentary shows how Breitbart and his supporters were at times falsely portrayed in the mainstream media as hateful bigots, via the latter's running of stories in which an unwanted extremist hanger-on here, or a planted leftist mole there acting the part of a mediagenic villain, were made out to represent the spirit and character of the entire Tea Party movement. Unquestioningly and obediently, the mindless Mockingbird-manipulated marionettes at their news desks mouthing teleprompter messages did their part, as the oblivious vessels of handlers, gatekeepers and fiendishly crafty spin-doctors.

One of the more maddening moments in the film has Breitbart being accosted by an obnoxious, in-your-face, interrupting, self-appointed interrogator, intent on putting Andrew on the spot, on the proverbial hot seat, interested not in hearing the guy out but only in giving him the third degree and to try and embarrass him in front of others. Breitbart calmly walks away, but the buttonholer and the accompanying mob of uptight finger-waggers pursue him, hound him, all the while failing to notice their own reflections. Fantastically, as Breitbart ascends an escalator, the hubristic harasser repeatedly calls out to him, accusing him of being a coward of all things, when in truth Breitbart was anything but that; in fact, the very opposite of a yellowbelly, in his having perseveringly taken on all the big players that he did, which is why he was so despised and marginalized throughout his career in citizen journalism. (Watching this scene of the mob go at Breitbart reminded me of Ann Coulter's excellent book, "Demonic.")

Most commendably and refreshingly, the self-confident, dedicated and passionate Breitbart took on one of the more uglier ills of modern-day society, in standing up to verbal bullies and pathological name-callers who frequently take to tossing around terms like "racist" and "xenophobe" -- loosely, carelessly, at whim -- either as thoughtless, paranoid ignoramuses or as witting slanderers, something which is indisputably the height of contemptible behavior in the far majority of these cases. This, a psychologically lazy and devilish tactic straight out of some radical playbook, these intended slurs have become so overused by the radical left that they've all but lost their original meaning and are nowadays primarily employed and designed to silence the opposition sans reason and intelligent argument.

Andrew Breitbart. He is fondly remembered by his admirers mostly for his commitment to Middle America, his drollery, and his patriotism. What a great and important documentary this is.
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Who hated him, exactly ?
nazztrader21 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm older than Breitbart and was a supporter of Reagan in 1980. Then I saw attacks against unions, the poor, various minorities, women, etc. over the years and you couldn't pay me enough to vote for a Republican now! I have seen right wingers target people like Michael Moore or George Soros yet they either don't explain why or don't provide any sensible explanations. If you believe we should all walk around with an AK-47 on our backs, so be it. I hate that idea but I don't hate you. The same is true if you want to force women to have invasive procedures simply because they want to exercise their rights (decided and upheld by the Supreme Court since 1973). If you don't think "ObamaCare" makes sense, despite it being THE Republican way to deal with the health care issues in the US (and being successful in Massachusetts), then go ahead and make your point, and supply us with an alternative plan that makes sense.

Don't gripe about being "locked out of the process" when in fact you locked yourself out by not coming to the table when negotiations were occurring and suggesting reasonable things to include. Instead, you whine about being excluded because you didn't want there to be any health care law at all. You wanted people to continue to use the emergency room as their originating point, when in fact that is much more expensive and the taxpayer (probably you) eventually pays this much higher price because the patients go bankrupt or don't have enough to be worth pursing by collection agencies. Get you head out the right wing "bubble" and look at the reality of the situation; stop making everything a personal insult to your fine character (do you really think Mr. Breitbart was that nice of a guy in any case?). And what about all the obnoxious theatrics against the President? Why aren't supporters of Breitbart outraged about those things? Is it that they are most likely the ones involved, such as those waving Confederate flags around?

And why was he so against Operation Wall Street? They made their point, which was verified by statements made by Romney himself (when he didn't think anyone outside the room would hear) . They have a right to demonstrate. They are gone now, whereas the "Tea Party" is still in existence, with their leaders saying all kinds of crazy things, such as a medical doctor saying he no longer believes in embryology. Does he now believe that storks bring children into the world? I don't hate him, but I do fear such people obtaining political power. Would you like to be led by an insane person? Do you not know anything about the history of nations that were led by such people? Instead, we hear all kinds of things from people like Breitbart about Obama that are clearly false: he's a Muslim, he's an atheist, he's a community organizing thug, he's a haughty Ivy Leaguer who looks down on little people, he's a socialist, he's in the pocket of the big banks, he's a friend of all the bad guys in the world, etc.

Lastly, why not study some history? In many ways, Obama is mostly to the right of Reagan! I was in college at the time and the joke being told back then was that Reagan seemed to want to destroy socialist ideas by being the greatest socialist President in US history (while saying he was against it and talking the talk of the right wing crazies). Go back and see what Reagan actually did as President. Don't listen to what people like Breitbart tell you simply because they are good at "playing the victim" whenever they can't actually articulate a reasonable policy position on whatever they happen to be acting outraged about on a given day. Tell those of us who are independent-minded how you plan on solving major problems (many if not most of which were caused by Republican administrations, especially the budget deficit). Remember that the original "Tea Party" was against taxation without representation and think about whether trying to stop people from voting is the opposite of what those Founding Fathers held so dear! However, if you do things like denounce the CBO as part of "commie conspiracy" because their calculations conflict with your ideology, all I can do is suggest a brand of tin foil for you to use when you create your protective hats.

In politics, you hardly ever get everything you want. Negotiations and compromise are necessary. It is the "art of the possible." By gerrymandering Congressional districts in the most crude ways imaginable, Tea Party types have assured that history is not going to proceed in directions they think they prefer. Why not give the Republican idea, now called ObamaCare, a chance? If it fails, you can then run a Presidential candidate against it. If so, perhaps this candidate will actually have an alternative plan that makes some amount of sense. Whining, playing the victim, retreating to your "bubble" for some reason (an inability to deal with diverse opinions?), advancing conspiracy theories, grossly mischaracterizing the ideas of those with whom you disagree, etc. is just not sensible. Perhaps this is best characterized as the art of the impossible. Is that really where you want to be? Can you even entertain the thought that this is all about keeping people like Limbaugh and Hannity rich, and little if anything else?
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Breitbart's message is a step above his supporters' conception of him
SilverTone6219 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this documentary a ten out of ten because it is as good as any documentary I've seen.

Hating Breitbart is not a documentary out to prove a political point, but paints a picture of the high caliber scrutiny Andrew Breitbart's eye had for media bias. Breitbart is seen demonstrating several instances of the pot calling the kettle black, and seemed to push for fair discussion of political ideas despite ideological disagreements. It seems that his supporters shown in this documentary often see him as a hero for conservatives when he looks more like a guy fed up with talking about things other than political issues. He definitely was a conservative in a general sense, but that doesn't hold much bearing on who Breitbart was in the grand scheme, or, as Breitbart might say, for the political narrative.

Excellent documentary. I felt enlightened about Breitbart, the man behind the reputation.
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Just the Tea Party sucking itself off again
Terastas4 November 2014
It hardly needs to be said that this "documentary" is just the right-wing infotainment industry giving itself another propaganda hand job.

It does its best to ignore the fact that Breitbart was guilty of the very thing he claimed to be trying to root out: extreme media bias; says nothing about his penchant for ridiculous conspiracy theories or the many times he and his stooge James O'Keefe were caught lying or falsifying evidence against the left, much less how the very last moments of his life were were spent trying to fabricate evidence that the Occupy Wall Street protesters were all rapists.

Instead, the thesis is all about how Andrew Breitbart did not deserve to be hated. Which is about as accurate as their decision to call the Sarah Palin documentary "Undefeated." Don't indulge your curiosity by watching this movie. Look at what he actually said, did, and stood for on Wikipedia instead, and you'll be incredibly glad Andrew Breitbart is dead too.
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Every American should see "Hating Breitbart"
j_sturtz23 May 2013
Superbly done on a superb human being. It captured the heroism and spirit and joy of Breitbart who died too young. The filming is well done, as are the transitions.

Inspiring to Americans to be aware, carry on and fight the good fight.

Andrew was so brave and so passionate and loved this country well. He never hesitated to tell the truth and often this cost him dearly.

The joy and passion he inspired in others is captured in the film as you will see when you have the opportunity to see this.

His wife and children must be very proud of him, even as they mourn his loss and carry on his work.
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Very insightful and super entertaining
zachary-leeman23 May 2013
Very insightful and entertaining documentary by Andrew Marcus. Gives a first hand look at Andrew Breitbart and his fight against the media for one thing: the truth. It would be pretty hard to discount the man and his work after watching this, but it's entertaining no matter who you agree with. Definitely worth the time. Marcus wisely chooses not use the typical narrative that most documentaries use and he instead chooses to show Andrew when he was at his most energetic and jocular. He examines three major fights Andrew had with the media and pretty much tells them with more objectivity than any major network has. But, above all, this is just an incredibly entertaining and energetic film. Great filmmaking. Everyone should see this movie.
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He irritated the institutional left
psa18823 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Although it's coming out over a year after Andrew Breitbart died, this movie just became topical again because Anthony Wiener just announced his campaign for Mayor of the City of New York. Breitbart, you'll recall, (ahem) *exposed* Wiener's bizarre Twitter habits to the world and ended up hijacking Wiener's press conference in Manhattan. It's too bad that this reviewer never met Andrew Breitbart but this movie allows us to know him and appreciate what he did. He left a popular series of web sites behind. In addition to Wienergate, Breitbart along with James O'Keefe also broke the ACORN scandal a few years back. After seeing "Hating Breitbart" this reviewer recommends his book "Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World!"
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Trite ideas that are typical of this mindset
neutralorthodox22 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Title Hating Breitbart could just as easily read "I'm Breitbart, Please Hate me, It's how I make money." The film is a Tale of a person who divides our nation to make money. He tries to divide the USA by stating, that the Liberals all hate him and his Tea Party people and the evil liberals are out to get him and it's war on them from now on.

Some Liberals may dislike him but that doesn't mean it's because he holds different views than they do. They simply dislike him because he tries to pit people against each other.

This film could actually be about Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Mike Savage, Bill Oriely, Sean Hannity, Michael Medvid, Ann Coultier, Jim Bohanan and I could go on an on with more right wing types who cash in on their ability to bring about division in the people who listen to them. They all receive their kickback from several sources. This is the only thing real that this film inadvertently shows.

Breitbart and his film, is merely another approach that these low brow, media talk show types, use on their following of listeners who tune in for their daily dose of anger against the ever-present-evil-people. The radios and TV stations, let them yammer and sell the ad space.

Breitbart's message is no different. We've heard these attack dogs with the same old message day after day, year in year out. "We're the good guys and anyone who disagrees with us is on the evil side." Breitbart brings nothing new to the table with this film or his personality.

Regarding the part in the film about people accusing Breitbart of hate and he states he has never said he hated anyone.. da da da da. He's clever and purposely goes on the attack because he knows that his message, like the show hosts I mentioned above, is in essence, a message that appeals to those who love to hate others, since they've been told that the others are their enemies and are taking advantage of them.

His other points in the movie are trite. For instance the whole ACORN issue. He wants us to think that because two or three people in ACORN were lying and cheating at ACORN then the whole organization must be lying and cheating.

This is very small and shallow thinking. For example: A person goes to a certain church and hears a minister in that church make a racist remark, then every church of that denomination should be condemned as being racist. Only a light-weight thinker can fall for this stuff but the film is loaded with them in the backgrounds.

Breitbart knows all of this and cashes in on ACORN because the Tea Party goes nuclear on things like this. If he can get his fingers on one remote incident and blow it all out of proportion, it gets him big bucks being the main speaker at the Tea Party rallies shown in the film.

To pump it up the way he did and have Congress act on it shows how slick Breitbart is when taking folks to the cleaners. It also shows how easily the Tea Bag Party and our leaders are suckered into this game of Good on one side and Evil on the other.

Then there is the hugely boring incident where a Black leader accuses people in the crowd of using the N-word toward him and Breitbart quickly appears on the scene eager to make a buck. He puts up a reward if anyone can really prove that the N-word was used.

He states that in a culture where people have cell phones equipped with cameras, that certainly someone would have recorded it. This was so obviously out of touch and inept that I couldn't believe how the Tea Party people would fall for it.

If there were people who saw this film and think I am only trying to make Breitbart look bad, I'm not.

I'm merely stating a fact and can prove it by issuing a challenge to Breitbart; I'll give him 100,000 dollars if I fail.

Here is the challenge: He assembles a few hundred of his followers and tells them that if anyone in the crowd yells a bad thing at him to please get a picture of that person. They can even have their cameras out and turned on, then Breitbart walks down the street in front of them and I will be in the crowd somewhere and yell out "Horse's Ass" and no one will be able to photo me in time on camera yelling this.

I will even give Breitbart a few chances. I'll shift to a different area of the crowd and yell it again, then one more time for good measure. I can guarantee that no one will be able to turn around in time to catch it on camera and hopefully I will have proved my point.

Nice try Breitbart but this film is a waste of time for anyone.
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Amazing! Inspiring! Truth!
jenncaston19 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Hating Breitbart is an amazing story of man that refused to let the left spread lies to the American people. This film shows you the behind the scenes footage of how one man became hated by the left.Andrew was not afraid to speak his mind and he stood for one thing - TRUTH! Hating Breitbart sheds light on the politically biased mainstream media and he challenged the lies they were continually spreading about the Tea Party. He even offered up to $100,000.00 to anyone that could prove lies being told about people at a Tea Party rally. You will get to see how the left tried to spin the story about ACORN and Rep. Weiner. This film is especially important now due to the current state of our nation. Andrew believed in the people that shared his views and he wanting the only the best for America. Go see it - you will not regret it! Truth! WAR!
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i wish i had followed Andrew
dannygreenee22 May 2013
He had a lot of courage to take on these hypocrites.

Excellent movie and I for one will carry on his message and try to muster have the courage he showed! He fights the bullying tactics He slams the hypocrites He had no fear! Those lying pieces of crap black legislators that made the claims that tea-party members shouted racial slurs were called out and could not provide one piece of evidence. How dare they?? The Acorn members came out looking pretty innocent too! Right! Jesse Jackson Jr and the rest of the Chicago liars should be in jail. I hope Andrew's legacy lives on for years to come. It's high-time in this country that the left wing media is called out on their bullying
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