The 7th Floor (2013) Poster


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Started really good...
foxtografo10 May 2014
To start with, Darín is one of the best Argentinian actors nowadays, and regardless (it is true) most of the times he plays the dodgy Argentinian kind of person, he always delivers an honest and intense performance to get you into the story. I always enjoy him and watch his movies. Santoros part is very good too, makes you think about him, and how's he involved in a very believable way. The story has enough mystery to keep me wondering what was happening to a certain point. Reactions from the characters in general were believable too and the setting was good and natural. But all this until the last third. there's a break point were everything starts to fail, events have no consequences and looses a lot of realism. There's a lot of plot holes and loose ends that are important but left unresolved. I wasn't really convinced by Ruedas performance (maybe her script wasn't good...), neither the kids acting was any good.. To finish with, the resolution was a bit simple and anti-climax. I was expecting something more interesting and in the level of the beginning of the movie, a shame that the ending didn't make justice to the first half. Some good acting, fair story and photography. Writing could be better. Average movie, not the best nor from the best of Argentinian cinema. An almost 6.
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Fantastic idea but bad plot
juani_rc256 September 2013
The idea was pretty good, the trailer was amazing, everyone in Argentina except a lot about this movie, the actors were good, the part made by Ricardo Darin was very well done, like always, but there are plenty of problems, Belén Rueda wasn't the best choice for Delia, the same happens with Jorge D'Elía and the kids, there were plenty of missing things in their play, the movie was too short, the climax and the resolution of the films happens in about 25 minutes, the amount of suspects is very small, there are not plenty of different endings that the viewer can imagine. One good thing about the movie was the photography about Buenos Aires, i believe that that worth seeing the movie. Isn't the best Argentinian film of the year, neither the worst, it's an OK thriller, about the worst thing that could ever happens to a dad with a very "deus ex machina".
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This is a thrilling Argentina/Spain co-production being well paced , suspenseful and skillfully made
ma-cortes23 August 2014
This is a highly suspenseful and cerebral mystery , filled with twists and turns . Mystery , intrigue about bizarre facts happen in a block of luxurious apartments in Buenos Aires . The same team - actor (Ricardo Darin) and producer (Axel Kuschevatzky) , who made ¨Tesis Sobre Un Homicidio¨, ¨ and ¨The secret of you eyes¨ bring us another suspenseful film : ¨Septimo¨ . The picture is interesting and some moment brilliant , and the actors are quite reliable such as Ricardo Darin and Belen Rueda . As a father (Ricardo Darin) gets into a desperate search to find his two children who disappeared while going down stairs from their apartment in the seventh floor . A bit later on , his anxious mother (Belen Rueda) appears upset to find her children .

The film contains tension , thriller , drama , mystery and plot twists , including decent suspense with tense sequences especially in its final part , in a unexpected denouement , near of the end . Hitchcock-style psychological thriller , being surprisingly good and compellingly realized . The original as well as entertaining idea is overspread throughout the movie , but not totally satisfactory , including conventional pitfalls . The main cast is frankly fine , such as Ricardo Darin as a wealthy lawyer working for a dark firm and Belen Rueda as his Spanish wife . Darin is an excellent leading figure of the most important Argentinian movies such as : "El Faro" (1998), "El Mismo Amor La Misma Lluvia" (1999), "Nueve Reinas" (2000), "La Fuga" (2001) and especially known for ¨The secret in your eyes¨ and ¨El Hijo De La Novia¨ . Belen Rueda also starred several hits in Spanish cinema such as ¨El Orfanato¨, ¨Los Ojos De Julia , ¨The Body¨ and many others . The motion picture is pretty well , although sometimes stagy and packs excessive turns ; however is entertaining for continuous suspense . Sinister and mysterious atmosphere including a colorful cinematography , as it is finely photographed by cameraman Lucio Bonelli . Suspenseful and stirring musical score by Roque Baños , a expert on dark environments as proved in Cell 211 , Fragiles, Machinist, Sexy beast, Intruders and Evil dead .

The film was well produced by various producers , such as Julio Ariza , Álvaro Augustín , Blanca Formáriz , Jordi Gasull , Axel Kuschevatzky , Andrés Longares , Nicolás Matji ; all of them have produced a lot of successes in the new Argentina/Spanish cinema . Being professionally written and directed by Patxi Amezcua who formerly realized only ¨25 Kilates¨ and wrote and ¨Bruc , ¨El Desafío¨ and ¨El Viaje De Arian . The movie will appeal to suspense buffs and Ricardo Darin/Belen Rueda fans . Rating : 6,5/10 ; Good , better than average . It's well worth watching and contains some really thrilling scenes and suspenseful images .
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Not the best film for a so amazing actor.
A subject quite intriguing. A father who lost his two children playing a game that her wife had forbidden: who goes down faster from the seventh floor where they lived. Him by the elevator. Them down the stairs. However, when he reach the ground their children are not there. Suddenly commonplaces became unknown, mysterious. The performance of Ricardo Darin, great in films like Nine Queens and The Secret in Their Eyes, this time is not convincing and does not achieve the level of desperation that reaches for example Hugh Jackman, also as a father of a kidnapped girl in Prisoners, which compels him to cross the border of what is political correctness. Nor Belén Rueda reaches the level shown in The Orphanage where she also gives life to a mother whose son disappears in her own home. The end is resolved too quickly and with serious gaps in the plot. Unfortunately, a very forgettable film.
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Too little context to be interesting
paul2001sw-111 April 2014
In Fabien Bielinsky's great film, 'Nine Queens', Roberto Darin brilliantly plays a charming con- man. We never know until the end which side of the con he is on; but somehow, one can't help rooting for him, even though he doesn't deserve it. In 'Septimo', Darin again plays a man potentially caught up in a trick. But the problem with this brief film is that is provides little evidence to judge the man's character: it's clear he's let people down in the past, he seems to be reasonably straight now, but the audience has little choice but to root for him as a conventional hero; I found I didn't really care either way. Darin remains one of my favourite actors; but the material here is too thin to make the best use of his talents.
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Secrets about Mammy
claudio_carvalho24 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Sebastián (Ricardo Darín) is a successful lawyer in Buenos Aires and is in the middle of an important case. He has divorced from Delia (Belén Rueda) and they have two children, Luca (Abel Dolz Doval) and Luna (Charo Dolz Doval). Delia wants to move to Spain to live with her father and wants full custody of the children, but Sebastián is reluctant. Sebastián goes to Delia's apartment on the seventh floor of an old building to take Luca and Luna to school and Delia leaves the place. The siblings ask to go down playing on the stairs while Sebastián takes the elevator. When he arrives on the lobby, he realizes that the children have vanished. Sebastián needs to be in court for an important case but he seeks them out with the janitor and his neighbor Rosales (Osvaldo Santoro), who is a police detective. He calls Delia that returns to the building and suspects of everyone until a woman calls him asking for a one hundred thousand-dollar ransom in two hours. How can the desperate Sebastián raise this amount in a short time and who might have kidnapped his children?

"Séptimo" is a tense and engaging thriller with a great idea but flawed conclusion. Sebastián destroys his professional life but let his wife go with one hundred thousand dollars and no other consequence? Delia should have an accomplice but it seems that her revenge on Sebastián was carried out alone. Did she keep her children on the fourth floor alone? How could she move in and leave the building with lookouts from the police and neighbors everywhere? My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Sétimo" ("Seventh")
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Little suspense, disappointing
svend-hedeager7 September 2013
One more film, made ​​bad casting, child actors with a performance very weak, actually ... one disappointment. Ricardo Darin as in his later papers by a lawyer ... begins with a family (a couple) that is dissolving, Darin a performance very similar to usual, expressionless, does not transfer the tension and the impact it should have a episiode, as that would lose their children, with a performance, again, very poor. On the other hand Belen Rueda, fulfills its role in a more convincing, this movie has a twist ending that should mobilize, but the resolution that gives the character played by Darin, and little and bad acting of the children makes it a movie to see on DVD.
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One of the weakest Argentinian films of recent
estebangonzalez1027 May 2014
"I'm your neighbor from the seventh floor. My children were coming down the stairs, and I can't find them, I don't know where they are."

Septimo is an Argentinean thriller directed by Patxi Amezcua (25 Carat) starring Ricardo Darin and Belen Rueda. Despite the interesting premise and a promising trailer, I was disappointed with the final result. The only reason I'm giving this a passing grade is because of Ricardo Darin's performance. He is one of the greatest actors from Argentina, and if you haven't seen a film from him I highly recommend The Secret in their Eyes. He is a solid performer and in this weak script he does his best to keep the audience engaged with his character. The only reason I cared for the suspense in Septimo was thanks to his character. I was disappointed with the rest of the cast, especially the child actors who are only on screen to look cute. For the first half of the film I was having a decent time and enjoying the thrilling story, but the resolution and twists in the final 20 minutes or so are very unsatisfying and far fetched. It ruined my entire perception of the film, but I'm still going to slightly recommend it thanks to Darin who always delivers. This is just another example of wasted potential and not knowing how to resolve a pretty decent suspense story. The more you think of the film, the more flaws you will find.

The original screenplay was co-written by Amezcua and Alejo Flah, centering on Sebastian (Ricardo Darin), a lawyer who is currently working on an important case for his firm. Before heading to the office he stops by his ex-wife's (Belen Rueda) apartment to take his two children to school. Delia mentions that she wants to take the kids to live with her in Spain, but he doesn't want them to be so far away. Since the kids live in the seventh floor they ask their father if they can race him down the stairs while he takes the elevator. This is a game they usually play together, but this time the kids never make it downstairs. At first Sebastian thinks the kids are hiding, but they never show up and the building's doorman (Luis Ziembrowski) says that no one came in or out of the building. Sebastian's worst nightmare comes true when he goes up the stairs and doesn't find any evidence of his children's whereabouts. He begins questioning each one of his neighbors, while the doorman explains the situation to a deputy who lives in the third floor. The deputy (Osvaldo Santoro) tells Sebastian that he should remain calm, that they are probably dealing with a kidnapping, but that the police was already investigating the case. Sebastian finally explains the situation to Delia and as time passes the more desperate they become questioning everyone close to them.

The first half of the film managed to keep me interested in the story despite not much character development. The suspense of what had happened to the children was what kept me engaged, but once we got the resolutions and twists it was hard to feel satisfied. Ricardo Darin has played some great roles in films like 9 Queens, The Secret in Their Eyes, and A Chinese Tale, but in The 7th Floor there isn't much he can do. This will probably be one of his most forgettable roles, but he still gives a convincing dramatic performance of a desperate father trying to figure out what happened to his children. He stops at nothing to discover the truth, but unfortunately the truth about this film is full of flaws. The positives about Septimo are Darin's lead performance and the beautiful cinematography which captures some nice views of the city of Buenos Aires. The rest of the film is forgettable.
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Terrible movie
monarcadesigns6 January 2016
The beginning started great, the story seems to be actually quite good but the directing, the actors and the plot twist seem unfinished, the decisions by the actors on characterization quickly made, there's no depth, no reality.

Ricardo seems great at times, but for a father who lost his children he doesn't perform a convincing role, I understand panic is sometimes withheld and shock is part of the process but we never get that "panic" feel. The mother is even less convincing, perhaps if one had played the "panic" role and the other the "nervous/supporting" role we could feel convinced by these parents going through turmoil.

When the twist happens and then gets resolved there's one huge hole in which the audience can't find no logic for, this totally ruins the movie. We think perhaps the shock of the situation is what leaves the father ignoring this HUGE loophole the audience can see, but the directing, supporting actors or lead don't deliver a convincing way to forget about it.

The ending comes fast, there's no moment to feel for the characters, the acting of the children is generic, as if someone told them "do this, or that" their roles have no depth and do not fit the situation they are in. Finally I can say that this is one of the worst movies I've seen.
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Excellent thriller
clementrossignol21 June 2021
Despite some weak parts (scenes with children especially) where the director cut corner a bit too fast, the rest of the movie is very catching and you can stop watching as soon as it starts.

Very soon you'll start suspecting everyone as Ricardo Darin does, everyone... His acting is -once again- top notch, together with the second roles.

Worth many of Hollywood thrillers.
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Utter non-sense in a hole-festival
sadak759928 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie started very well, with a beginning announcing a good thriller. But too little context and a nonsensical plot ruins the movie. There are too many holes and inexplicable events, in a movie with undeveloped characters, not very good acting, and a fast and disappointing end based in a huge deus-ex-machina.

Spoilers from here:
  • To me, the worst part is the police action. Sorry, compañeros, if the police work this way in abduction cases in Argentina: no investigation, nor during kidnapping neither aftermath, a supposed well seasoned policeman completely clueless, no investigation of possible suspects, action at all.
  • Kids vanished in a building without evidence that actually abandoned the building, and the police didn't secure the entries, didn't look for the kids or clues in the building and apartments,...nothing. Just doing that, they would found the kids really fast.
  • Holes regarding the accomplices of the wife in the abduction.
  • Holes regarding why the hell the mother wanted to do it. It was clear that money was not motivation. Just to take the kids and flee to Spain without opposition of the father? To destroy the career of the father? Maybe she went too far.
  • Your ex wife kidnap your kids and ruin your job, and you just leave her go?.
  • No context that explain why the mother would wanted to plot that. A revenge for what?

Ricardo Darin, as usual, performed a solid interpretation (that's why I rated 5 out of 10). The others, specially the kids and Belen Rueda, were just ok. Maybe the fact that they all were undeveloped, plain characters, without clear explanations or motivations harmed their interpretation.

Overall is a bad movie with a good beginning ruined by a nonsensical plot evidencing very little thought by the writers.
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Why so many bad reviews?
niolem16 December 2019
We thought it was a pretty good movie. I would watch it again better than whatever superhero movie they are constantly putting out now. At least this is an original idea with true plot twists and suspense, great actors overall and satisfying ending... great entertainment!
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Very good thriller/drama from Argentina
CelluloidDog18 March 2015
I'm very puzzled by the mediocre and harsh reviews of this movie. Séptimo is a very good thriller. Definitely better than the 5.8 rating given on IMDb. Plenty of reviewers are being quite harsh saying Belén Rueda was unconvincing as the mother or the plot was weak or the kids acting was poor. But in the end, there are far worst movies with high ratings.

Lead acting is very good with Ricardo Darín playing Sebastián and Belén Rueda playing Delia. Nothing spectacular but fairly strong and convincing. Supporting roles were rather mediocre and kids are rarely good actors especially if there are no drama scenes so there's nothing there. Cinematography was probably the weakest link here and it showed along with the modest budget.

Aside from that, it is an enjoyable ride. Think about that literally, being take for a ride. Sebastián isn't the nicest guy, a slimy lawyer who puts his career and defending criminals above all. Except when his kids go missing and possibly kidnapped. Why? Shouldn't he have plenty of enemies? Probably the weak point in the script. But this film is a bit about what makes us human and realize what's important. The suspense is secondary, rather the traumas of life make us cling to what we appreciate, and even so more. If you are looking for a suspense movie, although some say it is Hitchcockian, it isn't in another sense. It's about life, separation and love. What we do to get what we want most.

Real rating? 6.9 out of 10.0
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boring expectable and easy to guess movie
xAllchx1 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
the story is good, the idea is great, but either the lawyer is too stupid, that we even watches could expect what is going to happen, or something else. anyhow, the movie is kind of boring since it is expectable, the ending is good, sure, but mostly expectable, the rest of the movie is boring. my advice, watch maybe the first 20 minutes and the last. the rest is very annoying.
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Indeed disappointing
carmendeolle28 May 2014
A subject quite intriguing. A father who lost his two children playing a game that her wife had forbidden: who goes down faster from the seventh floor where they lived. Him by the elevator. Them down the stairs. However, when he reach the ground their children are not there. Suddenly commonplaces became unknown, mysterious. The performance of Ricardo Darin, great in films like Nine Queens and The Secret in Their Eyes, this time is not convincing and does not achieve the level of desperation that reaches for example Hugh Jackman, also as a father of a kidnapped girl in Prisoners, which compels him to cross the border of what is political correctness. Nor Belén Rueda reaches the level shown in The Orphanage where she also gives life to a mother whose son disappears in her own home. The end is resolved too quickly and with serious gaps in the plot (for example, how did her wife know exactly when will they play that game? It meant that someone had to be perennially waiting behind the door to catch the children? ). Anyway, absolutely forgettable film.
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Suspenseful thriller with a good twist but with a let down finish!
BhagavathyPadmanabhan13 October 2014
Here is a good movie. In fact very good movie. This is my 4th movie of Ricardo Darín. A good thrilling plot. A father "Sebastián"(Ricardo Darín) taking his children out along the lift. They enter into a playful agreement. Sebastián to let his kids take the stairs - all the way down while he himself take the lift. They bet that they will win the race. Well , here is the plot. The race starts all right but the children doesn't seem to have come down. It becomes more mysterious from here. A known environment suddenly becomes unknown. Performance of Ricardo is as usual of the highest level. To be honest , sequence following his awareness of his missing kids and this event coinciding with his client hearing - with the judge , his law firm team all waiting endlessly for him to come is all very neatly done. A nail biting - what next or now what?. And all of this unfolds one eventful morning. The director kept a good pace and also a good tight screen play. I would give a 7 plus for this. But the last finish was a complete let down for me. It was an excellent recipe made and thrown outside into a trash can. But surely - we get money's worth of thrill but end up unsatisfied and shocked more at the bland finish with everything building up so well. A good movie with an end wasted just like that is my comment. I give it 7 out of 10.
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Expected more...
Thanos_Alfie14 March 2018
"The 7th Floor" is a mystery thriller movie in which we watch a man searching for his children who disappeared after going down the stairs of their apartment on the seventh floor. Since the father is a successful lawyer in Buenos Aires and in the middle of an important case would make sense for his children to be kidnapped, but everything changes after he continually searches for them and becomes more and more suspicious of everyone.

I have to admit that I expected more from this movie. Due to the fact that I had already watched some of the movies of Ricardo Darín like "Nine Queens", "The Secret in Their Eyes" and "Black Snow" and Belén Rueda like "The Orphanage" and "The Body" I had high expectations for this movie and I was let down by it. The interpretations of both Ricardo Darín who played Sebastián and Belén Rueda who played Delia were average and I think they didn't reach their potential. But this is not the most important reason why this is an average movie and nothing more. The most important reasons are the poor direction which was made by Patxi Amezcua and the poor script which had, as a result, a poor plot with no twists, no surprises and not good interpretations by a very good cast.

To sum up I believe that "The 7th Floor" is an average movie with no many surprises and also a medium plot with some gaps that will confuse you. It's a simple movie to just spend your time but don't have high hopes or expectations by it because I am sure that you will be disappointed.
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Watch and forget please
imursel9 December 2018
Acting: 7 /Story: 3 /Production values: 4 /Suspence - Thriller level: 5 /Action: 2 /Mystery - unknown: 7 /Romance level: 2 /Film noir ~ neo-noir density: none /Comedy elements: 0 /Overall: 3
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Tense thriller but far from perfect
blott2319-12 March 2022
The 7th Floor is a drama all centered around the worst day in a man's life. It's a tough watch because the stress level is always cranked up, and Ricardo Darin makes his fear downright palpable. From the first moment he loses track of his kids you fear the worst and it feels like everyone is against our protagonist. There's seemingly no one he can fully trust and most of the film is him jumping from one conclusion to the next trying to deduce who is behind this horrible thing. While it did get a bit repetitive and formulaic when he kept pointing the finger at someone else, I was still completely invested in the story. I also wanted to see if things would turn out OK, and if they would ever reveal the identity of the kidnappers (if they were really kidnapped at all.)

The ending of The 7th Floor is handled well, and they do enough to keep you in the dark. What bothered me about the conclusion was how they conveniently ignored or forgot about the long-term consequences of all the things our protagonist does throughout the film. He should be worried about being broke, without a job, and potentially at risk of being arrested. It's all swept under the rug and we're meant to just accept that those details are unimportant. The movie is still effective at thrusting you into the protagonist's shoes, as it made me feel stressed, and always on edge (suspecting every other person of being involved.) I can't say I totally loved it all, but The 7th Floor is still a good film and it's hard to go wrong when you have the great Ricardo Darin in the lead role.
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The many manifestations of revenge
gradyharp26 December 2014
Writer/Director Patxi Amezcua (with Alejo Flah as co-writer) presents this Argentinean thriller SEPTIMO, essentially a two person drama that is powerful and predictable – until the very well conceived ending.

Sebastián (Ricardo Darín) and Delia (Belén Rueda) are divorced, have two children, Luna and Luca, and Delia is attempting to force Sebastián's hand for full custody of the children (the children are happy kids equally devoted to both parents. Sebastián arrives to take the children to school and Delia makes him promise to prevent the children from playing on the lengthy stairs that lead form the 7th floor to the lobby. Delia leaves, Sebastián gives in to the children's pleas to walk down the stairs, and the children go missing. Sebastián is a lawyer and must be in court for an important case, but when the children go missing he spends every moment looking for them – with a bit of help from the janitor and a police officer who lives in the building. Ultimately Delia is notified and the two await information from what appears to be a kidnapping. The children are finally released and the remainder of the film is a conflict that must not be shared in a review. Suffice it to say that the ultimate revenge served to Sebastián's wife is as devastating as the 'kidnapping'.

Darin and Rueda find the right degree of friction and compassion in this well-constructed film. The story has been done before, but this version has true grit – and intelligence. Grady Harp, December 14
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Shocking movie
Marco-60-77474422 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
the film presents psychologically devastating situations and the actors are very good at representing their moods. The ultimate revenge served to his wife is devastating as well as the kid napped organized. All other comments made to this movies are not good and i believe that people has not understood the sense and the deep meaning of some point of the movie. U must watch this film. I have never seen an Argentinian film before and this is the first to e which i see the actors, i have found them very good. The interpretation of the kids should not be taken in consideration since the kids are very young and scenes are very much strong and difficult to sustain, i love this film even if i don't like generally the use or abuse of kids in dangerous and difficult situation represented in the films.
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