3G: A Killer Connection (2013) Poster

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3G - Grotesque, Gruesome & Gimmickry!
nairtejas17 March 2013
The screenplay obliterated the story. Maybe it can be dubbed as the worst screenplay of 2013 in Bollywood with a maddening plot that revolves around an unmarried couple who get into serious trouble after buying a second-hand smart-phone. Almost every sequence feels like they have been cut-short.

While Neil has portrayed his role in a very efficient way even though his character is ambiguous, Sonali is an object here with a parade of cleavages and skimpily-clad underthings with not much to act; a catalyst maybe. The music sucked big time with no respect to the vivid genre this story necessitates. One with a good message, the story of 3G is very confusing & poorly executed with shaky cinematography, amateur direction & even worse editing.

With every other person in Fiji Islands speaking Hindi, flashes of horrid faces here and there, sex, nudity, porn, foreplay, relationships, paranoia, schizophrenia, poor makeup, gruesome attitude and the rather clichéd and unorthodox idea of 'witchcraft' & black-magic instilled into technology, 3G is a disappointment. Plus, the climax is shown twice, literally.

Characters are very poorly rendered and gaudiness is the prime topic of this movie with almost everything (which is wrong) left to the viewer's imagination. Not recommended!

BOTTOM LINE: A good message lies in this haphazardly executed movie. Watch it for the high performances and some reality bites in a juxtaposition of poor film-making attributes & parameters.

Can be watched with a typical Indian family? NO

Language: Strong | Sex: Critical | Foreplay & Mouth-Kiss: Critical | Porn: Strong | Violence: Very Strong | Gore: Very Critical | Smoking: Mediocre | Alcohol: Mediocre | Drugs: No
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Neil Nitin Mukesh is the only silver lining in the movie
ketgup8318 March 2013
3G -A killer connection was a good attempt at horror with sci-fi idea but was brutually slained by loose script and poor direction.

A young man's life changes overnight when he buys a new cellphone and receives a call from an unknown number.

After watching the trailer of 3G , you will feel urge to watch the movie but you would be solemnly disappointed by weak direction. The main problem with 3G is the indulgence of unnecessary songs which spoils the mood of the film and over-the-top acting by Sonal Chauhan. The movie itself does not run in one sequence as if there are multiple stories running parrallalaly. Screenplay is full of loop-holes. Editing is pathetic. Dialogues are senseless. Music is way to low. It is the cinematography and art direction which makes the film beautiful. Sonal Chauhan is wooden. It is Neil Nitin Mukesh who is the only silver lining in the movie. The talented actor emotes very well and carries off different personality with ease.

Overall , bad direction and loose screenplay spoils the film which otherwise could have been a great watch. Below average 1.5 /5
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A New generation Thriller with a message.
pradiptadas198231 May 2013
Watched "3G-A Killer Connection" yesterday –

Now why I am writing this review as because I am in a dilemma since I watched this movie. The Question is What is better –Is it to waste time for a mindless, spineless Blockbuster or its better to go for an average or rather a bad film which has clear cut message to the society, to the audience. I don't know which is better. Surely 3G is a bad movie but I had a mixed experience which I want to share here.

I don't go for the entire story because it will not do justice for a thriller/horror movie whether it is a bad or good one if I tell the story of it.In a nutshell Neil and his girlfriend was on a vacation in beautiful Fiji ,where they buy a mobile. After then mysterious calls from unknown number comes on it and also mysterious thing happened one after another. Subsequently also there was change in Neil's behavior towards his girlfriend and surroundings. Murder also occurred one after another, which ultimately revealed at the end.

Technically the movie is very bad in one word. There was a new Concept, Beautiful locations; wonderful cinematography, Neil's superb acting but none of them can saved this new generation movie. The Title card starts with a unique note but this newly concept movie failed because of horrible acting of Neil's co-starrers (including the heroine), poor script writing, lack of techniques and worst direction. Also the soundtrack n background score failed which particularly the second one I think is a very very important ingredient in a horror /thriller film. Also it lacks twists n turns in the middle of the film which made this movie slow in pace in its every part n boring sometimes.

Regarding acting Neil Nitin Mukesh is always one of my favorite and once again he delivered a wonderful performance after "DAVID". But after watching this I personally think Neil now have to be very choosy about his Films n should not do films like this in future. No words for other actor or actresses. So pathetic. Sonal Chauhan here present only to show her sexy body n cleavage.

So after reading the above paragraphs why you will watch this movie? I think, it will be for these following 5 points:- 1. A Totally New concept, New Generation Thriller. 2. Neil's one man show Performance. 3. Last 20 minutes of the movie where the thriller unfolded in a unique way. 4. Beautiful Fiji. 5. The message that delivered at the end of the movie.

So my friends who are Thriller/horror movie lovers can go for this once, but please don't see with your family ;-)
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An innovative idea lost in its monotonous execution.
bobbysing26 March 2013
The fact that Horror films have a decent pull in the Hindi viewers cannot be denied by anyone knowing the Indian market well. Yet, another important acceptable fact remains that today our Horror ventures have in fact reached an alarming saturation point, where we do need new, fresh ideas to serve the same terror again to the viewers willing to get frightened sitting in the theaters. Now quite thoughtfully, a similar attempt has been made in 3G which undeniably has a unique plot to offer interconnecting the haunting spirits with the mobile phones lying in our pockets.

Hence thinking from that perspective, 3G does have the novelty factor, which works really well as the film begins showcasing the charming beauty of Sonal Chauhan emerging from the sea. The exciting plot of a haunted phone, receiving some strange or weird calls from an unknown destination (probably from the wandering spirits) successfully generates the desired interest in the viewers and one becomes hugely involved in the film to know what will happen next? But unfortunately nothing substantial turns up in the entire first half and the narration just keeps moving around the annoyingly ringing phone and the loving pair, without any definite purpose.

Continuing with the same monotonous feel post intermission, 3G purely fails due to its erratic writing and confusing characterization which is not able to deliver the expected, right from the word go. For instance, if a phone shattered into pieces by hammer in front of a lady, resurfaces again simply from no-where right there on her bed, then she would ideally scream like hell and would not dare to even touch it. But Sonal in the film, holds its very calmly as if there is nothing unusual for her in its reappearance quite weirdly. Similarly it never gets clear to the viewer that whether Neil is a split personality or a person possessed by the spirit, who is there to serve her own hidden purpose in his body.

The film keeps progressing at an uneven pace with many repetitive scenes, due to which one loses the interest long before it all gets over. No doubt the beautiful camera-work is there capturing the eye catchy locations and few songs composed by Mithoon are pleasing too. But in absence of a gripping progression followed by a messy screenplay, 3G is never able to pick up after making a fairly decent start. Director Shantanu and Sheershak keep trying to fill in the shortcomings with many sensuous kisses and erotic scenes which are unable to provide any kind of momentum to the film. And in the end the viewer is really not interested in getting impressed from the appealing revelations made in its climax.

Revolving around only few characters 3G has Neil Nitin Mukesh once again trying his best to come up with a worth noticing act post David. Sonal Chauhan clearly indicates the insight that probably her stunning looks and skin-show can do the trick much better than her acting. Mrinalini Sharma is only there to do some erotic postures and Asheesh Kapoor becomes another victim of the film's lackluster writing.

In all, 3G wastes a fine innovative idea stressing more upon its over the top execution and final look, planned without any clear vision. The director due surely have a knack of some wacky haunting ideas relating the supernatural with our trendy technical gadgets, as used in their earlier written plot for AA DEKHEIN ZARA (2009), talking about a camera looking into the future. But here if only they had used the idea of an evil phone more entertainingly, 3G could have showed the result, providing the much needed horrifying entertainment as expected by the viewers. Nevertheless in the present version, you may still watch it in the comfort of your homes instead of the theaters but that too only if you must.
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Mixed feelings
eyestoremember17 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Considering the concept i had to see this one just for the effort that at least there are some people in India trying to do something different. Was i satisfied not? well it is there that i have a mixed feelings.The screenplay for quite its part seems labored as after the promising start the makers seems to have lost track of the end they had in mind or like the plot seemed confused. Well for starters if they didn't want to help the spirits rest in peace why did they track them?

The end is quite the bummer here as it will not be clear to most of the conventional India audience as who was exactly the spirit wrecking heavoc's in the lead characters life.

The movie does attempts to be unique and the actors on their part do seem to act but the labored screenplay does not provide much to play with. Only if they had worked more on the screenplay the end result could have been much better. The movie is not a total loser either as the way the secret is revealed is different. Music is good and background score saves the grace on many scenes. In end it is halfway there.... but still different

A film with much more gut than many mindless and spine less block busters

A film which with fresh concept which could have been much more
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Abysmal, don't even bother
AvinashPatalay15 April 2013
Fiji Islands is the only good thing about this movie - its gorgeous and breathtaking to the effect that you would seriously contemplate your next holiday in there. And then all good things come to an end.

The plot is hackneyed. The screenplay is incoherent making the proceedings unbearable. Coming from the writers of "Table No. 21" my expectations were on a higher note.

Niel Nitin Mukesh cannot act, period. Sonal Chouhan makes a good attempt and showcases her svelte body in the choicest costumes. Few songs stand out. DOP is excellent.

Watch it only with a group of your best buddies and make a spoof of every scene - yes, at-least it would serve a good laugh.
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A Failed Connection
dreamzofabird17 March 2013
Movie specifically kicks off using Neil and also Sonal about to occasion journey, it does not pay attention to understanding the characters initially, the particular motion picture only leap starts off using scenes that happen to be only used to terrify followers using immediate sound effects and also creepy digital camera perspectives. Initial half of the particular motion picture only goes on doing this without having uncovering any puzzle. next half of the particular motion picture can be in which Sam and also Sheena start studying items and start to resolve puzzles, last but not least they will perform get acquainted with the particular puzzle from male climax after which motion picture concludes having a pose and also representative actually leaves any accountable information for the visitors.

It's been several years because Bollywood continues to be doing horror shows along with recently just about all they will attempt complete is frighten people with strange sound files along with digital camera hints without having reason from it, it's got did wonders a few times however how could it function when they replicate very same goods repeatedly? 3G is categorized in the very same type however simply that there's the latest kind for your ghost a cellular phone. Possibly the way overseer revealed this mysteries unveil is uninspiring mainly because script seemed to be inadequate, not any scene persists pertaining to sizable amount of time along with out of the blue a tune appears from no place. Ultimately he / she gives out a liable communication which usually no-one who is viewing attaches.

Entire 3G – A Fantastic Connection is usually a Bollywood's clichéd scary movie with absolutely nothing fresh along with at the same time it had been inadequately directed. Without music and cinematography movie would have been even more painful.

Bottom-line : 3G – A Failed Connection :poop:
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Just God Awfully Terrible
creedreaper18 March 2013
First off I don't understand what Neil Nitin Mukesh was thinking when signing for this film? The writers/directors of this movie shouldn't be allowed to make anymore films ever.

You have a budget to get somewhat of a decent actor Neil, and you have an opportunity to shoot in beautiful Figi Islands and you come up with this garbage? Fiji Island is likely to be the last place you'd think about horror.

Now onto this 3G crap: This is a 4G generation, 3G is old news and 3G is the speed of Internet on phones, not the cellular data which sends and receives calls. They made Engineers look bad because Engineers are practical people and do not believe in afterlife crap.

These morons did not even see 1920s/Raaz/Haunted which shows actual Indian horror. The only good thing about it was the Adnan Sami's song "Bulbulya" and they even cut that song into pieces with terrible Direction.

All in all, this movie was so terrible that I had to watch it in 2 days as I kept falling asleep. If you are thinking about watching it, just watch it to see Fiji Island and that's it.
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Typical Bollywood Trash
swgreif9 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I bought a pirated copy of this movie in Vietnam and paid the equivalent of 40c. Had I known it was Indian, I would not have bothered. I wish I had my 40c back! Avoid this dogroll; I mean dogsamosa.p
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Could have been better
batramayank-6234716 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is available on two platforms - Zee5 and Jio Cinema. It is also available on YouTube on the official channel of Shemaro. On Zee5, the movie is censored and looses it essence. So I had to re-watch on YouTube to completely understand the movie.

Now, coming to the review, the movie's story is engaging but has a lot of plotholes like the person who is shown in the start of the movie and Diana - these are those characters whose stories are not fully explored in the movie and how are they connected with Mong. Also, the screenplay is too slow sometimes and makes you skip 10 seconds.

The songs are unnecessary. There's only one beautiful song in the movie "Kaise Bataun Tujhe".

Acting by Niel is good and by Sonal and others - quite satisfactory.

One thing I didn't really like about the movie was the portrayal of the gay character. It looked like a caricature.

The movie could have been better with better screenplay, including Fiji actors and not making everyone Indian, not stereotyping gays, better dialogues and no songs at all or just one song - "Kaise bataun tujhe" that too only in the beginning.
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3G - A Killer Connection (V/UA) Hindi ------------ my Rating : ★ IRRITATING
yunusitboss12 May 2013
Gippi (U/A) Hindi Bombay Talkies (U/A) Hindi Ethir Neechal (U) TAMIL Complete Review and more Hot news .... LIKE THIS PAGE : English Hindi TAMIL TELUGU Facebook : Movie Review by Yunus Irshad https://www.facebook.com/YunusIrshadsMovieReview

3G - A Killer Connection (V/UA) Hindi ------------ my Rating : ★ IRRITATING

STRENGTHS :- * Editing : was good especially in the TITLES .... * Concept : was good but not conf-usable and gets irritated .... * Songs : were fantastic.... * Kissing scenes : were hot and unlimited ....

WEAKNESSES :- * Everything else....

FINAL VERDICT :- * Overall ... it is an boring flick .... waste of time .....

Sam purchase's a second hand cellphone and starts getting mysterious calls.
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I love Mukesh
lalatendu-swain13 April 2013
Just Remember Don't play with the humanity.Over all idea is good must see.The below is not completely true.

"3G -A killer connection was a good attempt at horror with sci-fi idea but was brutually slained by loose script and poor direction.

A young man's life changes overnight when he buys a new cellphone and receives a call from an unknown number.

After watching the trailer of 3G , you will feel urge to watch the movie but you would be solemnly disappointed by weak direction. The main problem with 3G is the indulgence of unnecessary songs which spoils the mood of the film and over-the-top acting by Sonal Chauhan. The movie itself does not run in one sequence as if there are multiple stories running parrallalaly. Screenplay is full of loop-holes. Editing is pathetic. Dialogues are senseless. Music is way to low. It is the cinematography and art direction which makes the film beautiful. Sonal Chauhan is wooden. It is Neil Nitin Mukesh who is the only silver lining in the movie. The talented actor emotes very well and carries off different personality with ease."
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Stupid movie
johnmaco19 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
3G - a killer connection is the most stupid movie I've seen in recent times. Story, acting, dialogs - everything is below average. I wonder why this movie was named 3G? The movie starts with a strange murder. Then we see the lead actor (Neil) using a computer screen that we normally see in IronMan movies. Then he lands in Fiji on a boat giving SRK (Don) a run for his money. Just kidding. A few minutes later, he drops his mobile in a pool when his GF gives him a hug. Then he buys a cheap looking phone (actually a Chinese version of Samsung Note) from an Indian shopkeeper who's living in Fiji since his birth but can speak better Hindi then the lead actor. Then we see forced songs, dull kisses, boring foreplay and strange things happening to the couple and their priced possession i.e. mobile. At a point when the couple goes to interrogate some guy (actually the one from the first scene) in a mental hospital, I gave up. I did not even bother to know why was this happening to the couple. Do watch it if you have really nothing to do. I am giving 2 stars for background score and songs. Rest everything is below average.
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Don't even bother downloading
saurabh19901017 March 2013
Sam (Neil Nitin Mukesh) surprises his girlfriend Sheena (Sonal Chuhan) with a visit to her to Fiji. Sheena accidentally drops his phone into water. Later on when they set out to purchase a new phone, Sam's interest is grabbed by a second hand phone. Nonetheless he is satisfied after verifying that the phone supports 3G facility which apparently is his only need. Sam receives a call from an unknown number which happens to be a lady in pain . Sam overlooks and lets it go. But this scenario repeats itself constantly also their appears to be a dual identity outlook in Sam's living. However interesting it may sound mark my words it is not. When u have got a hold of whats happening you make up your mind that well whats the reason behind it i gotta know. Well i tried very hard to like the things which leads us to the climax but it is so f**king annoying and boring. It doesn't bores you actually it is a mental torture to be precise. It has taken two geniuses to come up with this trash. Yes guys the movie we are talking about here is directed by two people. Talking about the different aspects of the film. The movie is technically zero. You can literally see that the scenes have not been dubbed aptly. The facial expressions and the dialogs do not match each other. The writing is awful. The attempt at making this a scary and thrilling venture turned out to be futile and kills the film itself. The performances are so damn poor i can't start to tell about it. I was like why did Neil has to do this after a fabulous David ? I wonder and ponder. I now understand why Sonal Chauhan has not been getting movies she is GOD-awful in the acting area. The direction is the worst part of it. The music is good to the ear but not a single song fits in , i mean the song starts instantly at any moment. WHAT THE F. The background score is also very poor , A horror movies key ingredient is the score. There are only two major background scores, one is during any rapid scene and the other is Neil Nitin Mukesh's phone ring tone. Not at all suggested. Don't even bother downloading. But its pleasurable to those who want to seen Sonal Chauhan in a bikini, and the ones who get excited by on screen kissing. REST PLEASE DON'T
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