"Castle" Significant Others (TV Episode 2013) Poster

(TV Series)


Nathan Fillion: Richard Castle



  • [after learning that Beckett is going to dinner with his ex-wife] 

    Richard Castle : Is this as bad as it seems?

    Javier Esposito : No, it's much worse. *Much*, much worse.

  • Richard Castle : Your throat feel any better?

    Alexis Castle : Why'd I have to get mono?

    Richard Castle : Well, it's called the kissing disease for a reason. I assume you and Max were... I'm going to stop right there.

    Alexis Castle : I think that's best.

  • Kate Beckett : Good morning, Lanie.

    Lanie Parish : Not from the way you sound. What's wrong?

    Kate Beckett : Men are clueless.

    Lanie Parish : Men, or just Castle? Well, no matter how miserable your day is, it's not as bad as Michelle Twohey's. She took an ice pick to the side of the neck.

    Kate Beckett : Michelle Twohey, the divorce lawyer for the rich and famous? Isn't she the one that only represented women?

    Richard Castle : And strikes fear into the heart of many a soon-to-be ex-husband.

  • Javier Esposito : Bro, what was that?

    Richard Castle : What was what?

    Kevin Ryan : Your girlfriend just uttered a sarcastic remark about your ex-wife, and all you're gonna say is "What was what"?

    Richard Castle : Oh, that was nothing.

    Javier Esposito : Spit it out.

    Kevin Ryan : Tell us.

    Richard Castle : Uh, okay, as you know, Beckett is staying at the loft while her place is getting fumigated, Alexis is home sick as well, and then Meredith showed up and she said she wanted to stay in the loft...

    Javier Esposito : And you said no.

    [Castle remains silent] 

    Javier Esposito : Tell me you said no.

    [Castle is at a loss for words] 

    Javier Esposito : Wow.

    Kevin Ryan : Really?

    Javier Esposito : Letting an ex stay with you when you're with someone else, that's like throwing gasoline on fireworks.

    Richard Castle : Come on. Guys, it-it's not that bad.

    Javier Esposito : Castle, you are on the edge of a very, very steep cliff, my friend.

    Kevin Ryan : And if you don't do something about it quick...

    [Ryan and Esposito whistle as they pantomime going off a cliff] 

  • Kate Beckett : I cannot believe that you are actually letting your ex-wife stay with you. With us!

    Richard Castle : What was I supposed to do? Stick her in a hotel?

    Kate Beckett : Yes.


    Kate Beckett : Look, I get her taking care of Alexis, but staying at your *place*?

    Richard Castle : Okay, wait, hang on. I turned to you, I said, "Is it all right with you?" And then you said, "Yes."

    Kate Beckett : What am I supposed to say? Everyone is looking at me. I'm not meant to be the bad guy in this case, you are. Besides, I gave you the look.

    Richard Castle : What look?

    Kate Beckett : The "look" look. My look. Please don't tell me after four years, you don't actually know the look.

  • Kevin Ryan : Hey, guys... uh... I think we might have our theory backwards. What if it wasn't an angry ex-husband that killed Ms. Twohey? What if it was an ex-wife?

    Kate Beckett : Oh, wow, troublesome ex-wife?

    [looks at Castle] 

    Kate Beckett : Imagine that... So you think one of her *clients* killed her?

    Kevin Ryan : Uh, well, Lanie got a hit on the blood found on Michelle's jacket. It belongs to a Samantha Voss. She's in the system to due a DUI arrest in Los Angeles.

    Kate Beckett : Did she have a grievance with Michelle?

    Kevin Ryan : Oh, I'd say so. The morning of Michelle's murder, a judge came down with a ruling in Samantha's contentious divorce case. She lost big.

    Richard Castle : How big is big?

    Kevin Ryan : Uh, Upper East Side apartment big, car and boats big, half of her multi-million dollar net worth big.

    Richard Castle : [to Beckett]  That's big.

  • Kate Beckett : Castle, what is it?

    Richard Castle : I just wanna make sure you *want* to go to dinner with Meredith. Remember, she's a little crazy. And, of course, dramatic. Ohh, miserable combination.

    Kate Beckett : What are you so worried about? I mean, it's just two people that you've been intimate with coming together, comparing notes.

    Richard Castle : [laughs]  Comparing notes.

    [stops laughing] 

    Richard Castle : What notes?

    [Beckett smiles and walks away without answering; Castle follows her] 

    Richard Castle : Seriously, though, what notes?

  • Kate Beckett : No.

    Richard Castle : No, what?

    Kate Beckett : No on the Four Seasons. If anyone should be sent to a hotel, it's Meredith.

    Richard Castle : No, I tried. It just- It means so much to her to be there for Alexis, and... it'd just seems so heartless to kick her out and send her to a hotel.

    Kate Beckett : Really, Castle? 'Cause you just tried sending me to one.

    Richard Castle : No! But that was because...

    Kate Beckett : But nothing. Button up, kitten. We're going home.

  • Kate Beckett : Well, I guess we should call it a night. Okay, Castle, see you later.

    Richard Castle : Later? We can go back to my place together.

    Kate Beckett : Um... I have a dinner date with your ex-wife, remember?

    Richard Castle : Yeah, I remember. I was just hoping you'd forget.

  • Richard Castle : Okay, what did she say about me?


    Richard Castle : Oh, come on, I get it. I get it. I mishandled this whole thing and I am sorry. Believe me, I'm sorry. Please... tell me what Meredith said. Is it anything I need to be worried about?

    Kate Beckett : [laughs]  You know what, Castle, as much fun as it would be to continue torturing you, I actually like you a little bit more now.

    Richard Castle : You do?

    Kate Beckett : Mm-hmm. Yeah. Meredith is a fun, dynamic, and hard-to-say-no-to woman. But, as long as we're together, she never stays here again.

    Richard Castle : That goes without saying.

  • Richard Castle : I mean, I know your apartment is habitable again, I just... Do you have to leave?

    Kate Beckett : Do you want me here because you actually *want* me here? Or do you need protection from the redheads?

    Richard Castle : A little of both.

  • [entering the apartment with Meredith after going out to dinner] 

    Kate Beckett : My God, Meredith, Castle did that? I can't believe that you married him.

    Richard Castle : What can't you believe? What? No. What- Don't- Come on. Beckett, there's two sides to that story. That- What did you- What story- What did you tell her?

    Meredith : The truth, Richard.

    Kate Beckett : Castle, you're not the man that I thought I knew.

    Richard Castle : I'm the man you thought you knew. I'm the man you know. I thought you- I'm that- You think- I know you- I'm him.

    [Beckett and Meredith start laughing] 

    Richard Castle : [to Martha]  This is so not cool.

  • Martha Rodgers : Oh, darling, please just relax.

    Richard Castle : I can't relax, Mother. My-My worlds are colliding. Okay? I'm not... I can't relax.

    Martha Rodgers : Well, have a glass of wine. Works for me.

    Richard Castle : I bet they're out there right now, just telling secrets about me. Boom! What do I do? Should I call them? I should call them.

    Martha Rodgers : No. No, no. What you shouldn't have done was let Meredith stay here in the first place. This isn't a flophouse, darling. You gotta stop letting freeloaders just live her

    Richard Castle : Please tell me you see the irony.

  • Javier Esposito : Noah Kesswood. Former officer in the Army's Military Intelligence Corps.

    Richard Castle : *Former* military intelligence?

    Kate Beckett : Noah uses a fake identity, starts dating Michelle, and then he disapears just after she's killed?

    Richard Castle : It's "The Bachelor" meets "Homeland".

  • [as revenge against her ex-husband, a murder suspect has sliced up a priceless painting] 

    Richard Castle : Well, you may not have killed Michelle, but you certainly murdered that original Zaozirny.

  • Meredith : Are you sure it's okay that I'm going to Paris without you?

    Alexis Castle : Just because I'm sick, you shouldn't miss it. I want you to go.

    Martha Rodgers : We all do.

    Richard Castle : What's going on?

    Alexis Castle : I-I just feel so guilty that Mom is missing her vacation because I'm sick. So, I told her to enjoy Paris for the both of us.

    Richard Castle : Are you sure, Alexis? I mean, your mother...

    [Alexis shakes her head no, while Martha, behind Meredith, gestures for him to play along] 

    Richard Castle : ...should... enjoy her vacation. Have a safe trip, Meredith.

  • Richard Castle : Sorry about this. I know this isn't what you expected when you asked to stay here while your place is being fumigated. Alexis was supposed to be going to Paris with her mother.

    Kate Beckett : It's fine.

    Richard Castle : [the front door buzzes]  Okay. Well...

    Martha Rodgers : [off screen]  I'll get it.

    Richard Castle : If you want to stay in a hotel, I would completely understand.

    Kate Beckett : No! I'm not gonna leave you just 'cause your daughter's sick.

    Martha Rodgers : [off screen]  Richard?

    Richard Castle : I am gonna make this up to you in so many ways.

    Martha Rodgers : [off screen]  Richard!

    Richard Castle : What?

    Martha Rodgers : Your ex-wife is here.

  • Richard Castle : Uh, wh-what are you doing here?

    Meredith : Alexis! Oh, my poor baby.

    Alexis Castle : Aren't you supposed to be in Paris?

    Meredith : Not without my daughter. And since you can't go to Paris, I'm bringing Paris to you. French pastries and "Funny Face". We can enjoy them as I nurse you back to health.

    Richard Castle : Meredith, how- why-why so much luggage?

    [Meredith gives him a coy smile and realization dawns on him] 

    Richard Castle : Oh.

  • [last lines] 

    Richard Castle : How about I make you a little breakfast before you leave? I'm gonna whip up a smore-let. Sounds better than it tastes. That's, no, it's the other way around. You're gonna love this.

See also

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