Tough Rides: India (TV Series 2014– ) Poster

(2014– )

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The India's road challenge, unlike anywhere else.
Reno-Rangan4 February 2016
This is the second season of the 'Tough Rides', a television travel series. After the 65 day road adventure in China, Pyle brothers back on the road with their new bikes, but this time they chose India. A little shorter than the previous expedition that got them into the Guinness World Records. Here they planned to cover 14,000 kilometers in 54 days. So they began their ride from New Delhi to the little north to the Himalayas. From there towards the south through the coastal road on the other side of the western ghats. Before getting back to New Delhi, they stretched their journey to the eastern most to a small state, Sikkim.

It's not easy for outsiders to hit the Indian road all by themselves. Anyone who visited India knows how dangerous the Indian roads are. India has the worst road infrastructure compared with any top 10 economy in the world. The traffic rules are easily broken by the locals due to the dense population behind the automobile wheels and motorcycle bars that outnumbers the police force. At least one of the brother knew about China, but India is totally a new experience for both of them.

I think they learnt some basics about what to do and what not. For example, respecting the culture, especially stray cows and visiting some shrines on the roadside in their journey. Still, I felt the season was a let down, I mean it was very good, except they failed to exploit their journey fully. Maybe they did for themselves for fun, but they are not on the final cut video the places like Goa, Kochi, Vivekananda Rock Memorial (which is like the India's version of the Statue of Liberty), Marina beach, Vizag et cetera.

I felt there was some improvements in their speeches about the places they have visited. In the China's season they used to repeat the same words again and again, here they explained quite clearly, but in their own words and version. Obviously, the frustrated words were censored, but there were many negative comments as well and I think they spoke the facts, so no offense at that.

"I think you know, the journey of India is very much a religious journey. I think we're gonna encounter lotta different religion, lotta different faith and lotta history"

They avoided the fall in this trip. In India that's definitely a death trap with reckless drivers around. I think I saw only one major fall that damaged the bike without affecting the journey, but later they met bike trouble. A couple of times flat tyres and support vehicle broke down. These things are supposed to happen in a quest like this, but how they have dealt it was the lesson for them as well for the viewers.

The hospitality was good, during the troubled times, many had come forward to give a hand. But a guide in Madurai was so funny, he just uttered so many words that these brothers found hard to get it. What I liked was isolated places, the natural hidden beauties of landscapes and others. Unlike the China's edition it's hard to see places like that in India. People are everywhere and small towns and villages all along the road. So I think if you escape that then you can enjoy the real subcontinent.

The pace was excellent, each episode is very quick and explores the different part of the nation. It is not a detailed documentary, if you like short and sweet, then it will be what you're looking for. But if you plan for a similar voyage, this won't help much, I guess. Because the Pyle brothers just showing what they're experiencing than giving guidance to their path followers.

It would have been great if they release the uncut version, that each episode run long as 60 minutes. Anyway, I definitely suggest it. It's not only adventurous, but fun as well as filled with some serious stuffs. The background score was one of the highlights, that was so Indian. Especially in the first 3 episodes and those were my favourite along the final episode. So, what's next? I've heard the brothers going to the South American to venture in Brazil. I'm very eager to watch it, let's hope they won't disappoint us.

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Less of a travel show , more of a whine show
hisxlnc13 April 2019
If you want to see two grown up adults whining and cribbing just about everything, then this is the show for you.
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A Surprising Gem
richardonthames6 October 2018
I loved it. If adventure, travel and discovery excites you, then you will love it also. Good photography, perilous moments, interesting cultural experiences and two easy going likeable hosts injecting occasional wit.

You don't have to have watched Long Way Round or read Ted Simon but if you have and liked them you'll love this also.
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A not so good rip off of the Long Way Series
singhsjph27 December 2020
Ryan is actually really good as a solo travel host when he treks. His other shows about extreme trekking are fantastic. He has an understated way of describing things, has child like excitement for natural beauty and he comes across as an all around nice and curious guy. However, I am very disappointed with his biking show and felt the need to write a review.

The biking show was heavily inspired by Long way series by Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman. From helmet cameras to diary cams, the show felt completely unoriginal. What Ryan is able to do in other trekking shows is slow walk through amazing landscapes and get an inside glimpse of completely foreign cultures, he just wasn't able to do that here. Pacing felt off which is why I felt he is a better trekker than a biker as a travel host.

Lastly, many comments by Colin, his brother and biking partner can rub informed travel lovers the wrong way. There are much better long haul biking and travel shows that do justice to the landscape and culture no matter how foreign they are to the travel host. Perhaps they felt the need to inject buddy humor like Ewan And Charlie, but the jokes felt flat and made them look like unwilling, weary travelers from day 1. Maybe Colin needs to get inspired the right way by Ewan and Charlie to see how one can be classy even when you encounter aspects of a foreign culture you are unfamiliar or in disagreement with. Or, watch some Michael Palin or globetrotter hosts to have a more respectful attitude when traveling through less developed parts of the world. Seems like a poor use of a lot of good photography and Ryan's potential as a genuinely good travel host.
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Usual Stupidity
renseignement9 September 2016
I was expecting something different than the usual generalities, stupidity etc. about "India" and spiritual landscape. Well, if you are like me, looking for something that make sense beyond the very personal impression of the "hero" don't loose your time with this film. And, if you are like me, looking for beautiful images, wonderful landscape, again, don't watch this movie, you will see what you can see everywhere (on YouTube for instance), there is no more interest. I am still wondering why I watched almost all this film... No educational interest, no contemplative interest, no "sensation" interest. Why people spend money for this ? Why so much time and money in this ? These are genuine question...
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