"How I Met Your Mother" The Final Page: Part Two (TV Episode 2012) Poster

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The Game Changer.
jimmykim900121 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I always felt that season 8 was going downhill. It seemed all too slow, and the jokes were starting to degrade. But this was a game changer. This changed everything. For one, I was thinking about how we all know that Barney was going to end up with Robin, and how they might make it exciting for us, and I was pleasantly surprised by this episode. I loved how everything came together, and how it referred back to older episodes. It definitely appealed to my emotional side (music helped. Great song decision btw), and it was a nice and surprising way to make a known outcome surprising and fun.

In my opinion, this was one of the best episodes they made. It refers back to old episodes, and I have to rate this 10 out of 10. I will definitely be looking out for the next episode to see where they go with this story.
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Perfect mid season finale!
RachelC_95 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As a huge fan of How I Met Your Mother, I hate to say that I have been incredibly disappointed throughout the whole of season 8.

For every episode in this season, the plot seemed to be messy and rushed, the jokes were sloppy and I was overall left confused after each episode with no idea as to where this season was heading. That was until the mid season finale. Everything comes together in this episode, and all the confusing plot lines from previous episodes now make total sense, and I was personally left stunned by this beautifully executed episode.

It is clear that this season up until now was mainly about Robin and Barney, and the writers have done a brilliant job in this season to show us where their future is headed. As well as this, this episode provides closure for Ted, who can now move on and continue with the search for the true love of his life.

All in all, this is one of the best How I Met You Mother episodes I have seen, and I'm so glad that I persevered with this season to see it all come together in this 2 part episode.
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Maybe not the funniest episode, but without doubt the most emotional
jimmy-noetzel6 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
For awhile I felt like the 8th season wasn't bad, but wasn't the greatest either. I always love to see how they show the outcome and then have something unexpected happen and have the writers find their way to get around it. I now feel like the robin + barney plot line is the best in my opinion seeing how they overcome their faults. The ending with the last page of the playbook was simply AMAZING. It really let Barney's character shine as not only a wise cracking player, but a heartfelt lover. The caliber of the writing on this really astounded me for being a mid-season finale, I was almost certain that this was a season finale until I looked. Defiantly check this episode out, undeniably one of my absolute favorite episodes, if not my favorite.
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One of the best episodes ever
swizzmaster30 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you don't like this episode then you're stupid. This is one of the best HIMYM episodes ever produced. The emotion in this episode tops any so far and it is such a feel-good moment to see the breakthrough that Barney makes into realizing that he wants to spend the rest of his life with one single woman and put his previous life behind him, helping him discover that it doesn't take being with multiple women to make him happy, it just takes one very special one. Robin is clearly the one to make him realize that by being one of the only people who can actually keep Barney in line and make him reflect on his life and actions. Barney also shows the love he has for his friends by finding a way to get Ted's approval to propose and subsequently marry his ex-girlfriend who everyone thought he would never be able to let go of. Barney is a complex character portrayed perfectly by Mr. Neil Patrick Harris and his character development is only furthered by an outstanding cast. I can watch this countless times and never get tired of it. I'll be lucky if I can ever find a girl I love enough to go to these lengths to win over.
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The Final Page: Part Two (#8.12)
ComedyFan20106 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Ah that was beautiful! It is not the funniest episode. But the best proposal I can think of on TV. The last page of the playbook, this is kind of poetic. I was suspecting when Barney started dating Patrice that something is going on, but I was still loving it! So happy he is back with Robin! Guess now they will be staying since the wedding has to happen, and it is good.

I just don't get why Barney had to do it on the day Ted's building was open, one would think he would go and see that if it is his best bro. But this is a small detail that doesn't matter that much, just for some reason caught my attention. Still, loved it. Barney and Robin 4ever!
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The best episode of the series
akshaybhandari22 May 2019
Barney has been amazing throughout this series but this is the episode where the romantic Barney steps out. Loved the ending of this episode. Loved the song.
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One of the best episodes of the series
azizoadhami26 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Best part of this episode is the indirect best friend blessing of the engagement
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The Last Episode of the Series!
breindelw2 April 2022
If you've watched the whole series before, you'll know that the best way to re-watch this is to stop after this episode. The End! Beautiful!

If you've never watched this series before, trust me. After this episode, stop.
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One of the best episodes of the whole series !
unofficialtt12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I got chills and tears when I watched this episode. All the flashbacks, callbacks to previous episodes, confusing storylines finally making sense....just brilliantly done. Top notch performances from Neil Patrick Harris and Cobie Smulders, paired with the soundtrack resulting in a scene I will never forget in my life. A very welcome surprise and PEAK mid-season finale.

The audience already knew that Barney and Robin were gonna get married. But as season 8 progressed it got more and more confusing as to how that would come to be because the story kept moving in a different direction. But my oh my ! When the pieces got put together I was left stunned. Some may say Barney's proposal was manipulative and unrealistic and I agree but it is also perfect and one of the greatest things I've seen on TV. It was a perfect mix of taking charge and sending the ball to Robin's court to see how she would react. If Robin had acted any differently then the entire play would fall through. But Robin acted the way she did because she loved Barney, and Barney loved her. Not to mention he knows her extremely well. I also loved that he found a way to integrate Ted's consent into all of this. And my favourite part was how the last step said "Hope she says Yes" because at this point after coming clean about the play to Robin it all depends on her now. And Barney is ready to risk it.

Also Cobie's acting here !!!! She thought this was one of Barney's elaborate plays to date her again but he wanted to marry her. Robin's face as the initial shock and surprise subsided and she gave in to her true feelings is priceless.

Chills. Just literal chills. Doesn't even matter what happened in the show after that. This scene will remain untouched.
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Barney's really good at hooking up with girls, man
alexshenboy17 April 2021
Two proposals, both best I've ever seen. He's just too romantic.
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bevo-1367815 June 2020
I like the bit where he won't look after patrices cat
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surprise, surprise !!
pulioliver18 December 2012
fun and a bit different than what we are used to in how i met your mother .but as the season 8 is moving ahead, things are developing too fast in this TV show i can say just few words about this episode: surprising, fast, too fictional ( in way how all things are magically explain at end)\ all in all, surprise and so-so episode i saw much better. so before u watch it, don't have so big expectations. yes after this u can really wonder what will happen next, but also u just stop, and think : what now? why this happened and why in this, lets say harshly, stupid way.OK, screen players are trying to short a bit this how i met your mother saga,but in some episodes, things are really moving too slow, and now, out of blew,everything happens in just one episode.
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A really really really stupid episode, proving that even thought the show is enjoyable, it's ridiculous
antonkid1 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So, discarding for a second the fact that none of the relationships in the show make sense (even the non-romantic ones), there is still no reason for the episode to end as it did.

The whole premise revolves around Barney misleading Robin into thinking he's in it for the long run with Patrice, thus making her jealous and wanting him more etc. Robin falls for it (because the plot calls for it) and they inevitably both end up on top of that building where she finds the last page of the Playbook where Barney's entire plan/play is described.

Upon finishing reading she lifts her head and sees him standing opposite of her. She then goes on a rant about how this was not OK and even someone like him was supposed to know how manipulative and deceitful this play was, too much for her to now be able to ever trust him. Then he bends the knee and she says yes.

...What? Did you not just go on a tangent about how you would never be able to trust him? How do you see this working? How did you claiming to not be able to trust a person lead you to agreeing to marry him? There is no cause and effect connection between the too, it's retarded. There is no way realistically for them to end up together, but apparently the writers had a real hard on for them being a couple so they just wrote it in anyway.

The show is rife with social premises that have no basis in reality, like how Robin spends an insane amount of time with a group that includes not one but TWO OF HER EXES. Don was really on point when he made that observation, surprised he didn't haul ass sooner. And when characters actually try to make it out to be insane when Victoria leaves Ted for refusing to end his friendship with Robin, you know, his ex with whom he keeps daily contact and relapsed with and has the "if we're still single by the time we're 40" deal.

I like the show, I really do, part of the reason I watch it is because it's just a group of friends in scenarios that wouldn't happen in real life. But instances like this really remind how this show just doesn't care about integrity or consistency.
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Just Perfect!
AwkwardPotato10112 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was the perfect way to end the episode. Maybe it's slightly different to previous episodes but it was a complete surprise - definitely got me emotional.
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I Really Enjoyed This Episode
slightlymad2215 February 2015
Despite not appearing till the end of the episode, Neil Patrick Harris still dominates and is largely to thank for the episode being so good.

Plot In A Paragraph: Sworn to secrecy over Barney's plan to propose to Patrice, Ted decides to ask Robin to be his date at the grand opening of the GNB building (That inexplicably Barney was not attending) whilst Marshall and Lily are having their first night away from baby Marvin Jr.

One of the better episodes of the season, and a lovely ending (if not sad for Ted, who clearly still wants to be with Robin) hopefully this will lead towards the wedding (where Ted finally meets the mother) in the season finale.
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Just Barney! Not a compliment.
MaedMaex6 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Really great episode. But when you look closely Barney is just a real big asshole. He could have brought his "number" on every evening. But he needed to chose Ted's "big evening" to not just take part him self, but also to prevent Robin from taking park. Just a kick in Ted's nuts. Proving himself to be a friend no one needs.
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Worst episode by far.
m-4782616 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The perfect example of fan pandering writing. Here you have a fake and tacky attempt, at bringing together, two characters that never clicked. Why? Because of all the obsessed shippers who threatened to stop watching the show, if writers didn't go their way. True story. And the cherry on top, was Ted doing the matchmaking... The first slap in the face, being when Robin said she wasn't in love with him, a year earlier.

And this is just the beginning. Because everything will be about their engagement and wedding, for the most part of the remaining of the series.

It's a good thing the show ended differently. Just to redeem things a bit. With Robin and Barney ultimately not working out. And Ted being her last minute endgame (who didn't see that one coming?) Only it's a shame they had to wait, not owning anything these crazy fans, before deciding to make logical decisions for the show's script... Obviously, the mother had to make an appearance. But at one point, it became anticlimactic. Also, they could've simply given Robin & Barney better match, to postpone the unavoidable.

What a waste. Bad teen drama level writing, there.
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