"Person of Interest" One Percent (TV Episode 2013) Poster

(TV Series)


Jimmi Simpson: Logan Pierce



  • Logan Pierce : You saved me. In the Chinese culture, you'd be responsible for me for life.

    John Reese : Glad neither one of us is Chinese then.

  • John Reese : Who has access to your house?

    Logan Pierce : Just a hundred or so of my closest friends.

    [Gets a look] 

    Logan Pierce : I like people. I like to party.

    John Reese : Who knows you're allergic to naproxen?

    Logan Pierce : I don't know, I didn't develop the allergy till recently. Why are you doing this? Did somebody put you up to this? Is this penance for some deep, dark mistake?

    John Reese : Spoken like a man who's made his fair share.

    Logan Pierce : Mistakes don't interest me. I don't look back.

    John Reese : You keep moving.

    Logan Pierce : It's the only way to stay alive.

    John Reese : Philosophy makes sense, coming from a kid whose parents went bankrupt. Knowing people is my business too.

    Logan Pierce : Well, my dad owned a little camera shop. And, um he made most of his money developing film. And he insisted on staying the course, all the way until the point that film became extinct. And then he tried to sell digital cameras, but by then it was too late because everyone had one in their phone. It's like he didn't even see it coming. When the business failed, we lost everything.

    John Reese : You think if you're constantly evolving, this won't happen to you?

    Logan Pierce : Of course it will happen. But if you accept change as inevitable, it doesn't crush you when it does. Every technology ages, John. The only thing that never gets old is connecting with people. That's what everyone wants, a real connection.

    John Reese : Well, you might wanna consider losing a couple hundred of your closest friends.

  • Justin Ogilvie : We have a board meeting at 1:00.

    Logan Pierce : The board can meet me at on Coney Island. Uh, they have got these bacon-wrapped hot dogs, crispy on the outside, juicy on the in. It's your basic kosher nightmare, But you know what they say. "What happens on Coney Island..." Well, I guess nothing good really happens on Coney Island. Except for these dogs.

    Jeremy Campbell : What a lunatic.

  • Logan Pierce : You don't wanna tell me who you are? That's okay. I already know.

    [to Finch] 

    Logan Pierce : Tell me, how did you make a bug small enough to fit inside this? Your voice too. You hacked into my car's computer and you remotely accessed the accelerator and the brakes. So I guess that makes you the brains of the operation.

    [to John] 

    Logan Pierce : No offense.

    [Back to Finch] 

    Logan Pierce : And judging by your bespoke suit, you're also the bank. And there's you, John. You took out my security guard Zvi. He's a former Mossad agent and an expert in Krav Maga. So what is it, John? Former Special Ops? Ex-CIA? And you, just a very rich hacker?

    Harold Finch : As far as you're concerned, Mr. Pierce, we don't exist.

    Logan Pierce : But that's what's most impressive. John, I've been looking into you. And I'm not talking about your bogus hedge fund cover. You and your partner here don't seem to have a digital footprint. So I have to ask myself, how is this possible in this information age? People with that kind of anonymity, that's real power. So you see, I know who you are. The only thing I don't know is why you do what you do.

  • John Reese : I'll make this quick. I have it on good authority that your life's in danger. And normally I'd just follow you around, help behind the scenes, but - well, you've got too much money and too many resources. I can protect you, but only if you let me stick with you for the next 48 hours.

    Logan Pierce : Sounds like fun. See, I knew you were interesting.

  • John Reese : One thing I don't get... you warned Emily about Ogilvy. And you knew he was after you. Why didn't you tell me?

    Logan Pierce : Haven't you heard? I have a reckless disregard for my own safety.

    John Reese : You just wanted to see how I worked.

    Logan Pierce : You know, I finally figured it out, why you do what you do. Altruism.

  • John Reese : Finch, I think Pierce just made me.

    Harold Finch : Just mention the carried interest loophole. You'll be fine.

    Logan Pierce : I haven't seen you at one of these things before. What's your story?

    John Reese : John Wiley, hedge fund manager. How's that carried interest loophole treating you?

    Logan Pierce : I'm sorry. I thought you were interesting. My mistake.

  • Logan Pierce : You're full of surprises.

    John Reese : You're one to talk.

    Logan Pierce : Yeah?

    John Reese : Partnering with Kamin, your competition.

    Logan Pierce : The guy's a straight shooter, you know? Plus, Emily's software said we're totally compatible, not so much with his wife though.

  • John Reese : You said you had a safe house.

    Logan Pierce : Yeah.

    John Reese : This is a bar.

    Logan Pierce : No, this - this is a bomb shelter made into a bar, and it is totally safe.

  • Harold Finch : [Posing as a dry-cleaner]  I guess you ran out of clean suits.

    Logan Pierce : Yeah. I'm actually more of a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy. I only have one suit. A good suit is like the perfect woman. Once you find the right one nothing else will do.

  • Justin Ogilvie : Is this the guy who outbid you at the charity auction?

    Logan Pierce : We're considering a merger.

    Justin Ogilvie : And you think that's a good idea, partnering with a guy you just met?

    Logan Pierce : Oh, I think it's ideal. I haven't had time to learn all his flaws yet.

  • John Reese : Why get the exact same car when your old one didn't even have a scratch?

    Logan Pierce : 'Cause it's unparalleled. I don't collect toys, just the best of what I need. One car. One watch.

    [Shows the one on his wrist] 

    Logan Pierce : 2 mil, charts the phase and the orbit of the moon, tells time to the nanosecond, and I don't have to wind it.

    John Reese : For $2 million, I certainly hope not.

  • Harold Finch : [In John's earpiece]  The board called an emergency meeting. Pierce is no longer CEO of Friendczar.

    Logan Pierce : [looks at John]  Who died? Oh, God. Don't tell me it was me.

    John Reese : The board thinks they can do your job after all. You're out.

    Logan Pierce : Well, here's to unemployment.

  • John Reese : What are we doing here?

    Logan Pierce : Do you like pierogies? I have it on very good authority they have the best in the world, so...

    John Reese : You flew me halfway around the world for fried dumplings?

    Logan Pierce : *Double* fried.

  • Auctioneer : We'll start the bidding tonight with our most coveted item, a collection of letters handwritten by Albert Einstein. We'll start the bidding for the letters at $1 million. Who will start at $1 million for our opening bid?

    [Pierce bids] 

    Auctioneer : $1 million right here. Looking for 1. 5.

    [Kamin bids, bidding war starts] 

    Auctioneer : I've got $1 million, looking for 1. 5. looking for 2. for $2 million. I've got 1. 5. I need $2 million for these letters.

    John Reese : Kamin's bidding against Pierce

    Auctioneer : $2 million, anyone? $2 million right here, looking for 2. 5. $2,501,000 right here, looking for 3.

    Logan Pierce : [Stands]  You know, I think these letters are worth much more than a piddly 3 mil. You could do better. Am I right, Kamin? 5 million.

    Auctioneer : We've got $5 million, ladies and gentlemen.

    Logan Pierce : That's too rich for Kamin's blood. Anybody else? Hmm?

    John Reese : Hmm? I'm so sorry, Finch, but this guy is too used to getting his own way.

    [Holds up his paddle] 

    John Reese : Ten million.

    Auctioneer : $10 million, ladies and gentlemen! We've got $10 million going once.

    Harold Finch : Mr. Reese, this is not petty cash.

    Auctioneer : We've got 10 million going twice. Sold, right there to the gentleman for $10 million.

  • Justin Ogilvie : Always knew a woman would come between us. Just didn't think it'd be 'cause you liked her technology better.

    Logan Pierce : Emily didn't break us up, Justin, you did. You know, she actually reminds me of you, how you used to be - passionate, principled. Before you decided we need to bully and bury our competition.

    Justin Ogilvie : I didn't hear you objecting.

    Logan Pierce : That's 'cause you weren't listening to me. How many times did I tell you I don't want to run a business like that?

    Justin Ogilvie : You didn't want to run a business at all, left me to do everything! I thought maybe you'd gone off the deep end, parading around town half-naked, taking board meetings at Coney Island. Then I realized, if the board pushed you out, your non-compete clause would be null and void, and you could take Emily's technology public.

    Logan Pierce : Emily's idea's better. It's what people want, the perfect match in love and friendship, even business.

    Justin Ogilvie : What do you know about friends? All your friends want you dead.

  • Harold Finch : Friendczar is aggressive about purchasing and absorbing small start-ups. And if a small CEO tries to go toe-to-toe with them, he gets sued for patent infringement, no matter how bogus the suit.

    Grant's Lawyer : Could you tell me why Logan Pierce can't even look the man he's suing in the eye?

    Justin Ogilvie : 'Cause he's asleep.

    [Hits Logan with a pen, he pops up] 

    Logan Pierce : You didn't violate our patents, we screwed up. We'll help you raise the venture capital funds you lost.

    Richard Grant : Uh, thank you.

  • Logan Pierce : Alright, Chewie, prepare to get posturized. You know I heard your mother sat on her iPhone and turned it into an iPad. Is that true man? Is it true?

  • Sinclair Melborne : Two days before your company's IPO, and you're streaking across Tribeca?

    Logan Pierce : Tell me, Sinclair, do you buy all your shirts pre-stuffed, or do you just fill 'em out that way?

    Sinclair Melborne : [Pulls Justin over]  Come here. Get your partner back in the game, or I'm gonna call an emergency board meeting.

    Logan Pierce : When you build a viable web server using the LAMP stack, Sinclair, you're free to run the company. In fact, let's put it before the board - you or me. That's what I thought. Lunchtime, bitches!

See also

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