The Devil Is a Part-Timer! (TV Series 2013–2023) Poster

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It's like Blue Exorcist, except done a lot better
williambendavis-933-21895814 February 2015
Ah! This is how I wish Blue Exorcist had handled itself. Make it to wear you have action, humor, and not feel woefully incomplete. The Devil is a Part-Timer! did all those things very well. It knows what it's trying to do, so it doesn't try to create some epic plot line or anything like that. All it does is bring some nicely animated action scenes and plenty of humor. This show is not very deep, so if you are looking for something with a little more meat, you might want to look elsewhere. This is something you would either turn on in the background, or watch when you want to use zero of your brain cells, and I really have no issues with that. There is some minor stuff that bugged me, like "why did the bad guy just say screw it and live with the good guys" and "why did the good guys even think that was a good idea in the first place", but I can't complain too much. It did what it set out to do, which was to simply entertain me. I give this show a 7/10.
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Misss2523 January 2022
This is funniest anime, I have ever came across. I laughed the whole time. I can watch this whole day. However, it had only 13 episodes. Sadly there is no 2nd season.
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Solid comedy with the occasional action
tarletons1513 July 2018
The Devil is a Part-Timer review.

Good fun comedy show with a little bit of story, pretty good show that you can just chill and watch.

Worth a watch, and hoping for an eventual second season 7.5/10
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A slice and a twist
EndlessBob27 January 2015
I absolutely loved this show. From the start it seemed to be an interesting twist on a common theme: a slice-of-life show, but not about high school-age kids, and with the twist that all the characters are supernatural beings from another reality. The only exception to this was Chiho, a 16-year-old high school girl and fellow part timer of Maou-sama's (whose Japanese name is Sadao) at "MgRonalds." Blessedly the anime only visited there once, and at night, in search of a place where Maou might gain some magic.

For once, the protagonist is not a hapless, nervous, inexperienced adolescent, but a 300-year-old being that had been on the verge of conquering an entire world. What a pleasure to have a lead that isn't constantly blushing, falling down, and apologizing, but instead is confident but not arrogant, and quickly grasps the situation whatever it might be.

His antagonist is The Hero, Emilia Justina, whose village and quiet family life were wiped out by Sadao's demon armies, and who is sworn to destroy him. However, in Japan, she is puzzled as to why a being intent on conquering his world by iron and fire would suddenly become considerate and helpful in our world, and rapidly advance in the ranks of fast-food employees.

I don't know why either, but it's a wonderful thematic ju-jitsu, leaving everyone from the "good" side of Ente Isla (their homeland) striving to defeat Sadao, while on his part he seems to be far more interested in being a success in his job at MgRonald's. It's never explained, and it never may be explained, but it's a great source of humor.

I haven't yet listened to the Japanese dub yet, but the English dub is great. Nice to see such voice talent without any of the usual suspects in sight, and the "topical" humor is still old enough that everyone has heard it. In one episode a character remarks that the Internet was like "a series of magical tubes,", and in another one of Sadao's generals overhears The Hero and another character badmouthing Sadao in the "Sentucky Fried Chicken" restaurant, and interrupts them with "I WOULD NOT SAY SUCH THINGS IF I WERE YOU!!!" -- straight from "The Princess Bride." I almost fell off the couch.

I just bought my copy in HD video from Amazon. Perhaps a second season will be made. I haven't read the manga yet, so I don't know where the anime ended up, but I'll follow up with that ASAP. This show is a truly original modification of a classic type of anime.
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I want season 2!
dianaa0123 February 2018
I really love this anime and I look forward to the next season (I hope there will be another season). At the end I just started crying just because I could not believe it was the last episode. The story is very interesting..So are the characters. I would watch this anime 10 times and still I would not get bored. I really recommend it
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Good enough anime but I need season 2 to fully like it!
Irishchatter15 June 2019
I've watched clips of this anime being shown all over the place (mostly Anime related YouTube channels) and at first time I watched it, I didn't watch it for too long because I basically was distracted with life. But yesterday, I finally got around to sit down and properly watch it.

I did find the show quite funny and enjoyable to watch such as the right scenes, transformation,blah blah. But I wouldn't call this my personal favourite comedy anime of all time because I thought the format was basically the same. Such as trying to concentrate on the story too much as a whole comedy but more on its serious side too. I think the fact it had 13 episodes didn't cover much of what I want out of it. It's been 6 years (also when I graduated secondary school) now and yet they didn't make a season 2, we honestly need it badly here regardless if I have to read the manga!!!!
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Want Fries with this?
KingProjector9329 September 2015
From White Fox comes a 13 episode anime based on the popular light novels about when the Devil comes to our world... and works at a fast food joint. Sadao/Satan has been vanquished in a great war in his mystical homeworld of Ente Isla, and with his top general Ashiya by his side, flees to modern Tokyo, where he works part time at MgRonald's (geddit) while trying to recover his magic.

Undeniable fluff, 'Part-Timer' still offers a few fun spins on fantasy anime and slice of life stories to make for pleasant viewing. The animation is often lively and colourful, as well as dynamic for the odd action scene, the voice cast are lively, and the characters themselves do share a strong camaraderie which helps carry the show over its weaker elements. They are by and large really likable youths and a lot of fun to be around, especially the dynamic between the dethroned Sadao and his arch enemy, the 'Hero' Emilia, who tries to keep up their archetypical battle and ends up coming off as more petty and savvy than her supposed 'enemy' as they slowly grow closer, whether they want to or not.

From a writing standpoint, 'Part-Timer' is very much your prototypical slapstick wacky anime comedy (complete with the token fanservice friendly cutie of the group, and boy are the creators not shy of milking that...), but they are some neat little twists. Not only are the 'villain' and 'hero' in the same boat and have to adapt to their new, more mundane environment, but the way they apply their fantasy background allows for some fun gags, such as Sadao's leadership and tactics when trying to compete with a rival restaurant, or treating a mere barbecue like some grand village burning. The subversion of the usual good vs. evil is the heart of much of the comedy, as well as the drama as these characters function in society and take onboard new world views and it's handled fairly well. However, depth doesn't extend much beyond that, and there are some other issues: at just 13 episodes, it's a little short for this kind of story, leaving the world of Ente Isla and bigger questions about good and evil largely unexplored in favour of domestic hijinks and pop culture nods. Plus, the show doesn't have much in the way of a grand villain or arc, and when it does come up, it's usually resolved within two episodes and the villains are more comic than threatening, so stakes nearly feel that high. Drama is not the focus, but it does leave the show with less 'meat' than I would like.

Despite those complaints, it still kept me engaged. Its comical and trope-aware mindset helped overcome its lack of innovation or daring, and it has an energy that's tough to resist. Plus, its lack of finality does leave this world open to more exploration compared to most anime, and I certainly won't be against rejoining this lot for a second round!
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Really nice
youcil5 July 2015
This show is epic . It's hilarious and has super lovable characters ! I'm really sad it doesn't have a second season though... Anyway, it made me laugh really hard and was really enjoyable all throughout . The story is one of those laid back short ones that are just really fun to watch . In the beginning ,I literally had no hopes for it , as it first throws you into an intense battle scene between the devil king himself and some angels ( is that what they were ?). I really thought it was going to drop it , but thankfully , I continued and was extremely pleasantly surprised . Right after the battle scene it jumps into comedy and made me laugh genuinely really hard . Then the devil and his right hand man are forced into living in the world of ours and the whole thing is hilarious ( I need to find a new word besides that and funny ) . But yeah , it's really awesome , so you should go check it out .
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A fun series from start to finish
cameronjames-8695928 May 2020
What a fun series, that's all I can say is this series is such a fun time from start to finish, yes it's not perfect and it does have its problems but this show is so much fun and you can expect that from a show about the devil coming to earth and working at the local McDonald's yes that's what this series is about and it's just so much fun to watch this show unfold. There is a lot to like about this show like the cast, the cast in this show was great everyone did a fantastic job playing there respected character. Speaking of characters the characters in this show are all amazing it's really hard to pick a favorite because all of the main characters are amazing. This show is also really really funny and each episode had me laughing from start to finish because of how ridiculous this show was and it's just the jokes in this show are so ridiculous in a good way and you can expect this show not to be taken seriously because it's about the devil working at McDonald's. The action in this show when it actually happens is really beautifully animated and really well done. The animation style is also really great and well animated. But as I said this anime is not perfect and there is some problems. To start with the villains are not interesting at all and they have no character development at all it just seemed like they put the villains for an action scene. Also the episodes 6-10 felt like they were copying the first 5 episodes in there tone yes they sometimes through some original things in there and episodes 8 and 9 I want to say had me dying of laughter but it just felt like a rehash of episodes 1-5 in some ways. Overall, if you want a really quick short show to watch look no farther then devil is a part timer. I had so much fun watching this 13 episode show and I really hope the second season comes out soon because I do want to return to this world and get to know more about these characters.
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The Devil is a Part Timer - Fun and often Hilarious
Xyler85223 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Hataruaku Maou-Sama or "The Devil is a Part Timer" is a 13 episode comedy of how the devil, and a couple of his demon generals from another world, end up as humans in modern day Tokyo. Though it isn't well explained,the devil becomes a decent human being. His enemy, Emelia the Hero, also travels to earth to hunt down the devil. But over time Emelia realizes that King Satan, whose armies killed her father, may have changed for the better. This is an difficult dilemma for the Hero.

The Devil is a Part Timer focuses less on battles and drama and more on the everyday exploits of it's main characters. It's a fun anime that is often hilarious. Currently you can watch the show on Hulu and see plenty of images online. This show is so good that hopefully the creators will produce another season.
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The Devil is a Part-Timer review Warning: Spoilers
Sadao works part time at a burger joint. He barely makes enough for rent. And he's the devil king, Satan. Or he was before the hero Emilia trashed his place and forced him to retreat through a portal. Now he plans on conquering the world a different way. One shift at a time.

Most of the violence in this show is slap stick, but there are a few more violent bits. Some blood is shown via punching and getting cut. Nothing too bad, but it's there

Despite having plenty of innuendo and fanservice moments, actual nudity is rather low in this show. One character is well endowed (isn't that always the case?) and her chest size is often the butt-end of a joke or two. Also, near the end, one enemy implies he means to rape a girl. He doesn't get the chance, thankfully.

This is gonna be weird, but remember: Japan. Okay? Right. So the "devil" in this show is not the one from western culture. Not even close (although at times they try to make it seem as if he is). The story sets him and "the church" in a different dimension. A whole other world. Biblical names and church history bits are used randomly in that world, but it often rings more Catholic in places and then just deteriorates out to whatever the show creators felt like that day. In other words, it tries at times to blend religion and magic and heaven knows what else, but in the end it's all pure fantasy with characters that have the same names as those found in the Bible and little else. This show is mainly focused on comedy and it doesn't ever forget that for long.

That said, if the mere idea of these things bother you, skip this one. The symbolism, however weak, is kept throughout. One character even falls in love with the "devil." It's not a "theme" that goes away (if you can even call a story element created simply to have characters put in the most awkward positions possible a "theme").

I found this show to be hilarious and looked forward to new episode uploads while it was simul-cast. The characters are mainly stereotypes, but it hardly matters when they're so bloody hilarious. While every once in awhile a point is almost made about judging others and such, that part is clearly the backseat passenger to the comedy (it's best not to dig deeply into this show. There's nothing to see).

The animation is decent and so is the music, although not spectacular in their own right. So long as you don't take things too seriously, chances are you'll find this show a fun ride. Just be sure you don't read into some of the "religious" implications too much. It's a labyrinth of half-backed research riddled with inconsistency. In fact, you might even say that it was done on purpose to joke on the many western myths and stories that conflict with each other. With a show like this, it's hard to tell.
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The Great Lord Satan traversed into another dimension after being chased down by heroes. This dimension changed the Satan's life forever, for the better.
anthony_adhinata9 July 2015
Beautiful story line and heart-warming to see. This comedic-yet-emotional anime series are very pleasant to watch. The slice-of-life show paired with a twist of supernatural beings leave a pleasant and charming experience to viewers. The ever-developing characters especially the development of the Emilia's personality towards the Dark Lord Satan as they deal with typical daily issues faced by normal humans was always pleasant to see and beautifully underlined. The tremendous efforts put out by Satan, Emilia, and the generals in order fit into a normal human society are hilarious. Definitely a 10/10, I'm still very confused why the second season has not come out yet.
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The most generic anime i have ever seen, with a filter of originality.
sebastianali12319 September 2021
Many will hate me for this, but that's how I see it. Although at first glance when looking at the first 2 chapters (and some that come later) it seems that it will be interesting and that it has a lot of lore saved for later, the truth is that it does not exploit it at any time. When these important scenes are over, the worst of the worst begins. The series basically boils down to a serious scene, a battle scene, and then 3 or 4 filler chapters. Yes, I understand that the characters do not have their powers and more, but it is that these chapters in between have an extremely generic and repetitive humor (removing certain exceptions that do give some grace), and some of the most filler things i have ever seen, and it is that in the end it simply feels that they put these action chapters very by force, if it weren't for these specific chapters I wouldn't realize that I'm watching an anime that is about demons and that kind of thing. And the series "ends" very openly, with a lot of unresolved doubts. Yes, I know they are going to do a second season, but that is not an excuse for all the other flaws. For the moment, this will be the score that it will have until it improves with time (if im not very lazy to watch it again...).
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Exciting and Funny
quinlandurkin13 September 2020
(8.5/10) An action filled slice of life that is funny and captivating. This series has impressive attention to detail and complex character development in every episode. This anime was very enjoyable to watch and left me hoping for a second season.
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This is one of the funniest anime I have ever watched
peterfmodel18 August 2019
Japanese anime is not known for its comedy, sure you can get the occasional laugh, but they are typically not good at a full blown comedy, this is very much the exception. I was constantly laughing at the antics of Lord Satan and his side kick Alciel. Lord Satan loses his war against the human kingdoms and escapes to Japan. While in japan he decides he will conquer the world, but first he needs money so takes a part time job at McRonalds. From there on the story becomes a rip roaring comedy. When Alciel is at the verge of death he pleads with his master, Lord Satan, to only go to the cinema on Tuesday where the tickets are at half price. That was totally wonderful; of course he does not die and his wife like antics continue for many more episodes. I want a season 2, please.
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The Devil is a part timer
WeAreLive14 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sadao and Shirou came from another world (where they are fighting a war) and they must get a customed to how earth and japanese culture works. While at the same time find a way to get back to their world. Sadao gets a job at mcronulds (parody of mcdonolds) to gain money meanwhile they run into some of their rivals which later becomes alias to stop an even bigger evil.

I marathoned the whole series recently on youtube in preparation for season 2 and I have to say it was a really fun anime. I will admit this has been on my list for quite sometime the stuff i heard about it being incomplete held me back from watching. But when season 2 was announced recently this wasn't the case anymore.

This is definitely a fun anime to watch i highly recommend it.
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imsxbrina21 March 2019
The characters r the bEST!!! The story is rly good. I just love it, it's definitely my favorite anime now
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Look for the allegory--
colcam3 January 2016
The anime that is both a story and an allegory.

The story is what you see, the allegory is the parallel between Satan (of the story) and Japan (before and during WW2 versus afterward) where you see an acceptance of what is normally unspoken, that Japan did horrible things, things that are echoed by the things Satan does in the other world of Ente Isla.

The jump to our world is the break in behaviors after the end of the Second World War, when Japan had to start over, and changed its behavior, its attitudes, and seemed so disjointed it was difficult to draw the connecting lines between before and after versions of Japan.

The the killing of the hero's father and village and the rise of the Hero is a sly play on Japan's attack on what was the 17th largest military in the world on December 6th, smashing its fleet at Pearl Harbor, and the rise of the United States to become something that was overwhelming, an impossible hero born of the tragic.

The "good" Olba Meyer was drawn as the Soviet Union-- to be so powerful he could not be defeated, and Mitsuki Sarue being an unshaped force that represents good being bad, and a threat to bad becoming good. They spiral into the former enemies being united to preserve a new something, even though neither was really prepared for it.

It is amazingly well done for that purpose, the Chiho Sasaki character representing what Japan is becoming, and how it accepts how bad it was but is changing; but it really doesn't understand what it is doing, either.

Normally anime is just anime, but in this case, it is allegory in a manner and fashion that makes acceptance of the past a building block for the future.

It is history, fiction, parody, and allegory, all mixed and poured into the mold of light entertainment.

If you watch it twice you may see a different story the second time.

Or you can just watch it for the laughs.

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Yeah!!! Finally A Unique Anime!!!
tesswysko29 July 2020
Honestly, when I read the title, and saw it wasn't English dubbed (meaning that if it's popular enough, they'll spend the money) I had very little expectations. However, I LOVE IT!!! I can't believe they only made 13 Episodes!!! My only complaint is a couple characters tend to fly off and start talking super fast. With it all being subtitled, I had to rewind and watch it a couple times to read it all! Maybe if you speak Japanese it's no problem to understand, because our ears pick up faster than our eyes read. But out of all the Anime I've watched,going back to the 70's, this would be a top 10!!! ❤
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Sophia24_C29 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I disliked so many of the characters, and didn't find it as funny as people were making it seem. The plot is just boring most of the time, and he ends up being with the HIGHSCHOOL girl in the end!! WTH?! It also felt like a chore watching a single episode-
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A Very Good Anime, but Disappointing that it's only 13 Episodes
gavinshirey23 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The Devil is a Part Timer has the most unique story I've seen in an anime, its has great characters, great animation, and actually funny jokes. There is only 1 season, but the way its ends you feel like you need a 2nd season. The most essential question is the whole series is never answered: Do they go back to Ente Isla? They never do go back but they never say that they will not go back, they just say they dont have enough power. It misses out of giving this Anime and heartwrenching, or happy, ending to put a wrap to it. Make a Season 2, I and so many others will watch it
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Quite good
nadvsart5 February 2021
In the begining i was beyond confused on what was going on, but after around 2 episodes i knew what was going on and i really started to like it. I just finished it and its quite good imo, if u want a random funny anime to watch, this is quite entertaining
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The Devil Is A Part Timer doesn't fail to entertain
elliotscardon14 March 2021
The idea of satan working at a fast food restaurant is a stupid idea, one well executed. This memorable story will leaving you begging for more. If you haven't seen it, you absolutely should. The character dynamic between Alciel and Maou is perfect and the story does well to make ordinary tasks such as working a part time shift entertaining. Do not hesitate to watch.
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A little bit underrated
akarunkumar-486136 July 2021
I wish it had little more episodes. It was good to watch. Demon lord became a good person after coming to earth and the hero from the same world spying on the demons actions. It's fun to watch.
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The Devil Is a Part-Timer! (Now with two seasons)
Tweekums11 January 2024
War is taking place on the world of Ente Isla. Lord Satan and his demonic generals are hoping to take over. Things don't go to plan. They are beaten by the Hero Emelia. Satan manages to flee through a portal, along with his general Alciel. They find themselves in a strange world... modern day Tokyo! With their demonic powers drastically reduced they must find a way to live. Satan get a part time job at 'MgRonald's' burger restaurant and rents a small apartment. He later learns that Emilia has also arrived in Tokyo although she seems to be more successful than him in this new world. Will their battle recommence in Tokyo or will events lead them to an unlikely alliance?

I thought this series was rather fun. Satan may be an unlikely choice for the lead in a comedy series but this one isn't 'pure evil'... in fact the more we get to know him the nicer he seems. He cares about his friends and can change his opinions about perceived foes. There is some action, which is fun, but first and foremost this is a character led comedy. The characters are fun to watch and our protagonists are likeable. The comedy elements are good with plenty of laughs in each episode. The character designs are good as is the animation. Several reviews bemoan the fact that there is only one thirteen episode season... thankfully that is no longer the case; almost ten years after the first season a second twenty four episode season was released. Overall I'd definitely recommend this to anime fans wanting a good laugh.

These comments are based on watching the series In Japanese with English subtitles.
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