The Joe Show (2014) Poster

(I) (2014)

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Reign and Fame
ferguson-619 December 2014
Greetings again from the darkness. Quick! Name the Sheriff in your County. It's highly unlikely that you can (unless you also serve in Law Enforcement). In fact, you probably can't name any real Sheriff currently in office – that eliminates Wyatt Earp and Mayberry's Andy Taylor. If you can name one, it's likely to be Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County in Arizona. This guy gets as much publicity as a Kardashian, and director Randy Murray spent 8 years following and researching Joe's antics, record and policies.

The first third of the movie solidifies the case of Arpaio as the "PT Barnum of Sheriffs". Thanks to his longtime Media Relations Director, Lisa Allen, Sheriff Joe has become the go-to guy for local, and sometimes national news outlets. We see a never-ending stream of stunts that keep Joe's face on the tube, his voice on the radio, and his words in print. You may remember the "Walk-a-Con" where he escorted 2500 convicts to the new prison. What made this fodder for cameras? How about the pink underwear each of the convicts was wearing for the trek! Joe is also known for his "Tent City" of convicts … a cost-saving measure. You might also have seen Joe on shows such as "20/20" or "60 Minutes" as he explained his crusade against illegal immigrants (he was actively enforcing the Arizona state law).

Those interviewed include politicians, journalists, and state employees, Ted Nugent, Steven Segal, Hugh Downs, Larry King and Noam Chomsky. Descriptions of Joe include: flamboyant, tough, media hound, shoot-from-the-lip guy, and bully. It may come as a surprise that he has won 6 elections (the first in 1992), so clearly there are voters who agree with his "prison should be punishment" policy, and are able to overlook the many issues brought up in the final 2/3 of the film. A change in tone occurs in the movie as we start to look behind the facade of this media hound. A "culture of cruelty" and corruption has led to 150 deaths and $25 million in settlements since he took office. There were an unfathomable 400 sex crime cases apparently swept under the rug to avoid costly investigations. The history of brutality in the ranks, some of it caught on video, is easily tied back to Joe's attitude. His ability to balance his roles as Law Enforcement officer, master Politician, and media hound was exposed by his latest opponent, Democrat Paul Penzone … but one last publicity stunt allowed Joe to raise a record $8 million in campaign funds.

Director Murray does a terrific job of starting us off with what appears to be just a colorful character, and then leading us down a much darker path of the reality behind the distractions. We see Sheriff Joe criticized for using unreasonable force, ruling through a climate of fear, and abusing the power of his position. Watching how Sheriff Joe responds to this criticism is truly a fascinating psychological character study, and it acts as a reminder of how his addiction to the media is simply a means to an end … the way to maintain his reign and fame.
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Sheriff has road in to town
abcvision6 January 2015
  • The no nonsense sheriff of Arizona Joe Arpaio is not your average politician. He has been able to use the media spotlight to focus on some critical issues that affect his community. He takes an unconventional approach to tell the story that crime does not pay. Some may say it is sensationalism other may say a thinking out of the box method. Eight years in the making, this documentary takes you behind the scenes of what it takes to be the main law man. With a media public relations at his side the good sheriff put inmates in pink underwear, establishes an all-volunteer posse, and even tackles federal issues like immigration. This movie is a fascinating deeper look into this maverick of a politician that is helping to solve large problems with unconventional ideas. Directed by Randy Murray and this story has been called a tragic comedy of historic significance. A must see film for any student of politics and political drama.
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Must watch whole movie
abigailnbrown21 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
At first The Joe Show my seem like a homage to Sheriff Arpaio. However, this approach only sets the stage for the second half of the documentary, which discusses the incredible dysfunction and cruelty underneath his movie star status.

This documentary would be interesting to either party, as it recognizes the face Joe puts on only disguises the injustice that lies beneath.

The most important information that was shared was that these are jails with people who haven't been convicted of any crime, 150 inmates have died, $120M in lawsuits have been paid by taxpayers, the political intimidation, and the way he has manipulated republican support by tapping into issues like Obamas birth certificate in order to turn the public eye away from the corruption in his office.
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Watch entire film!
lisabrookmurray3 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary is more about Joe Arpaio's relationship with the media, than his politics. It is done in an unbiased way for the viewers to form their own opinion on the topic. The first half of the documentary does shine a positive light on Joe, but the second half shows the manipulative side and how he uses the public and the media to his advantage for fame. It's an extremely intriguing and eye-opening film that everyone (no matter your political stance) should see. If you leave half way through the movie like a few of the previous reviewers, you did not see the full film and have an incredibly skewed idea of what this film is about.
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Just walked out of this rancid thing at Hot Docs
targosfan125 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe the rest of the film provides some balance, but what i saw was an uncritical Tea Party love letter to a loathsome racist demagogue. Rinky-dink carny music plays as a parade of grinning fascists and self-interested shills for this thug sullied my eyes. Finally Ted Nugent proclaims "Sheriff Joe, every time he opens his mouth the truth comes out" and I'm up and out.

Not entertaining in the slightest, and sure to enrage anyone who has followed this cynical monster's reign of error over the many years. Proof positive that electing law enforcement officials (and judges for that matter) is just insane.

Like the spoilt meat the Sheriff feeds prisoners, this film is a slice of rotten baloney.
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