"The Blacklist" Dr. Laken Perillos (No. 70): Conclusion (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Back on track
djohnson-971431 June 2023
I'm five episodes into this the 10th season and am thoroughly enjoying the series once again - after a long hiatus.

Apparently, the show has finally moved on from the labyrinthine and impenetrable rabbit holes of the interminably boring Agent Keen odysee and the Russian connection, and the writers are now refocussing on its original qualities and strengths: Reddington and the Blacklist.

May it long continue.

As many unconvincing past episodes Illustrated, none of other characters are strong enough individually to carry the show, and the often predictable storylines meander along aimlessy in his absence.

But the show is back on track.
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Torture Incorporated
Hitchcoc15 February 2024
Dr. Laken Perillos returns. She knows how to cause pain. Dembe gets fooled into meeting some jerk who has been extorted by the Chinese guys. He ends up captured to save a woman and her young son. He is put in a chair and juiced up with stuff that causes horrible pain. I remember the experts on "24" and this is nothing compared to that. The bad boys are trying to get Dembe to tell them who is in the task force and where it is located. We know that ain't gonna happen. Robert is involved, but I won't say how for fear of spoilers. At times time Wu seems so stupid, but he seems to be killing a lot of people because of his Captain Ahab bit. I did enjoy the episode but in the scope of things, it is rather pedestrian.
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Dembe in Danger!
ZegMaarJus16 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode begins with Dr. Laken Perillos, she gives a massage to a client. Zhang Wei shot the police officers to death. Zhang Wei tells Laken that Wujing wants to speak with her. Wujing speaks with Laken about Red his work for the FBI. Dembe gets into a gunfight with Wujing's helpers. Dembe got ubducted by Zhang Wei. Laken wants to know from Dembe where the task force headquarters is. Ressler and Siya found Dembe. Dembe gets reanimated at Red his secret medical facility. Red tells Dembe that Robert is undercover at Wujing. Wujing killed Robert. Amazing Episode of The Blacklist Season 10, such a great Episode with a lot of emotional and action moments. Robert died and Wujing is still aiming on killing Red!
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One dull monologue after another
HarbingerUK23 August 2023
Oh my days.... Laverne Cox's character is awful and frankly her acting is awful too.

The writing for her character is one dull monologue after another however it's all delivered in an overly dramatic breathy manner that just annoys and annoys.

At one point my wife exclaimed 'oh for goodness sake just shut up!!!!' Dembe as always is great and the series is trundling along nicely.

I'm hoping that it all wraps up nicely and that the series end is finale but I could really do without any more episodes like this or more specifically without any more characters like this.

There are so many rich characters out there from this entire series, why bring her back??
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This actress bruh
neoblastome14 August 2023
This actress is so painful to watch. Again with the whole " white people bad" stuff which is so annoying to watch. They couldve brought back any blacklister and brought her like whyyyyyy.

Besides that the Story is progressive pretty good, but i just couldnt watch this episode without cringy cuz of that girl. Ironicly, she complains about white people but literally does Black on Black crime. Bruh.

I dont mind politics in Shows, but if its fone that cringe it just makes it so hard to watch and yeah. But im exited to See where this is all going and how this Story around red will end. Lets hope next ep. Is better.
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Doc can't act
imbd-937-9815232 March 2024
The writing is so boring. If not for James Spader, I couldn't bear to watch. Dr. Perillo is a terrible actor as is the new agent. I wonder how the actors feel about the writing. It's even hard to binge watch. Lol.

The story lines keep interjecting the latest and greatest social agenda but all the people want is a good escape thriller. Stop making ridiculous political statements and focus on producing a good product. Go back to the formula that brought you this far. Several scenes I fast forward or do chores until it gets better and I feel like I've missed nothing. In the old shows I wouldn't dare miss a second.
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leen-984-60734227 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The current episode is called "De Laken Perillos: conclusion". However, there is no conclusion at all. Dembe is kidnapped in a very unclear but violent chase scene by the chinese. Earlier, dr Perillos got busted out of prison for the sole purpose of torturing Dembe. It is very unclear what she was torturing him with, but he soon passed out.

Meanwhile, we learn that Raymond's old conman friend didn't defect to the Chinese at all, but this was just another con. When he sees Dembe being tortured, he leaks the address with his phone to the FBI, who come to the rescue of Dembe. Perillos escapes however. Later for unknown reasons the Chinese found out about the con trick through the phone and then apparently kill the con man (did they). Totally unclarified Raymond appears and finds the body.

My main question is this: how is this episode a "conclusion" any way you look at it, it seems that nothing is resolved. Especially concerning Perillos.
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