"South Park" Spring Break (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Waiste of a perfectly good Andrew tate episode
salim-alzeen6 April 2023
I liked the rick and mr garrison part of the story but I feel like it could've used a whole episode. And the part with randy I feel like they could've easily done a full episode about Randy's pc background and that loser Andrew tate. And I would've actually liked it more if randy was against him. Furthermore I really feel like this could've been one of the few episodes where Sharon really got a chance to shine but she didn't. I did like the message tho, I know people like that. They just can't live normal lives without their partners. Their homes become messes their lives lose substance they just go out drinking every chance they get. So all in all it's descent not laught out loud funny with a good message. Oh and I don't know anything about warhammer 40k I am a gamer just never got in to it so can't comment on that.
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Wow Trump supports are butthurt by this episode? Shocker
crazelord25 April 2023
I thought the episode was pretty good. I didn't see the twist with Garrison at first, it's a classic South Park type of joke. And I liked that they used Randy for the toxic masculinity angle. I hate Tegridy Farms but this was more like how his role used to be in contrast to Stan than just jokes about him being the worst.

But you can see from all the reviews that somehow this is the episode when "South Park lost it". Kind of interesting they suddenly dislike it now. The show hasn't been as good as its prime in forever but this was definitely not bottom tier if you're not a snowflake who can laugh at everyone else except the thing you care about.
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Partly politicised, partly funny.
ansonclockerlau5 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I kinda like this episode, like mocking Trump supporters and himself, because Garrison is a very charming character he ruthlessly expands their toxic fanbase and ruins the democratic process. Also, there's an emotional part that connects Garrison and his husband. Overall, it's a nice touch of satire and comedy.

But the bad part lies with Randy being a hothead to make a party and trashing his own home, and the character based on Andrew Tate is so ridiculously unfunny that I could question my insanity. Plus, the jokes like January 6th and Toxic Mascunulity, and the ending doesn't do good for the justices. The most annoying part is the fratboy party, it's the TV cliches that plague specific parts of the episode, and I really hate this part and that's why I loathe Randy, and his family forgive him for what he did, gosh. The context is well done, but only some execution is so miserably failing that I could sit down and do nothing. At least wasn't bad as the Credigree Weed St. Patrick's Day Special, but I hope I wouldn't see the fratboy party tropes again.

In the nutshell, I liked this episode, but I hope the creator will have a nuanced satire and jokes in the future.
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bnevs182 April 2023
These weak snowflakes just cant take a joke! Not a great great episode but it proves its point with the reviews here... We should have a trigger warning so their safe spaces dont get microaggressed! When you let hate control you, you become that which you hate the most.

Its almost like they cant take criticism and will try to cancel whatever makes them uncomfortable. The end was also prescient, as we shall see.

But seriously people, the fact that noone on either side can take any good natured ribbing is exactly what shows like SP have been raging at for decades. The episode was right and America needs that person to keep them in line, its on a bender and needs to be controlled.
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Fine enough
ericstevenson30 March 2023
This is the last episode for Season 6. I actually did care for Mr. Garrison's relationship with Rick. I remember how his first name was Herbert. He's called "Herb" in this. Thank you for introducing me to how "Warhammer 40K" is actually played. I just hear about that being mentioned on TVTropes all the time.

I did like how they were just saying that we'll see how things go with the 2024 election. It's great to hear Trump is being put on trial now. I thought Stan would at least mention Wendy. I missed not seeing more of Cartman or Butters from the last episode. Randy's being a party animal again! No, I don't think Trump will win. ***
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Disappointing finale
patriots5672 April 2023
Huge South Park fan here. I laughed maybe twice during this, hence why I don't rate this a 1. What a weak finale in what was an otherwise strong season. The Garrison/Trump and Randy Tegridy farms storylines have long overstayed their welcome. And they combine both into one episode. How can you have a season finale without the main boys (with the exception of Stan)? There's almost nothing to talk about in this episode. It was just a boring episode, and about halfway through I was just waiting for it to be over. We've pretty much seen everything here before. It's a shame because earlier in the season they've done one of their best episodes in a long time (The Worldwide Privacy Tour), and then they end with this. I much prefer the episodes where the boys are the focus. Oh well. Still an otherwise good season, and I'll be watching in the future.
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And Trump is Back!
Laqshayaroraofficial30 March 2023
I am glad to see Trump back. I loved the 20th season of South Park, which was all about the elections. It was awesome and very funny. Even though this episode didn't feature Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, Butters, and the other school kids, it was still enjoyable to watch. It would be even better if they paired Cartman with Trump. Also, it was shocking that they didn't use Trump's name in the show and instead named him Garrison, but in the 20th season, they named him Trump. The ending was a bit like a gay romantic movie, but the last dialogue hinted at Trump's possible return, depending on what happens in the real-life elections.

Overall, it was a fun episode to watch, but it might be the last episode of the season. I'm hoping to see some movies of South Park too in the future.
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jorgemiguel-6311430 March 2023
By far the worst episode of the season, maybe the only bad episode after some solid entries. Randy feels off character, he makes decisions that don't combine with him, Andrew Tate is just there, he doesn't add anything to the episode, and the final message is something quite confusing to me, hard to really understand what the writers were trying to say. To make matters worse, seeing Garrison as Trump again brought back memories of the show's 2016 season, which I'd rather forget. Also, the episode's pacing felt sluggish, and the humor didn't land as well as in previous episodes. All in all, a disappointing entry in an otherwise short but decent season.
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Pretty weak
sktraut31 March 2023
I don't think I laughed once. The creators went a little overboard trying to connect spring break with trump and masculinity. Definitely more of an episode with a message than one that's trying to make you laugh, but those are my least favorite SP episodes. Considering this is the season finale, I'm pretty disappointed. They've been having these very short seasons lately. Six episodes? That's not enough time to hit your stride in a season. I bet they'll do another couple specials to supplement the season like last year, but it makes me long for the days where at least every other episode was memorable and relatable. Feels kinda like they're losing their edge.
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The Worst
iggles361 April 2023
I am a HUGE South Park fan. Watched them since the first day. Enjoy 90% of what they've done. Even some of what's not funny has a tendency to keep my attention with their story telling.

But, this episode. Is. The. Worst.

Two of the weakest story lines ever in South Park have been Garrison as Trump and anything Randy since they moved to Tegridy Farms. They tried to twist both into an episode.

I was unamused.

The stories were just bad, and again, the absence of the boys.

After last week's episode I thought they were headed back to what makes the show great!

Good ol' potty mouth humor.

I think this episode is supposed to be a preview of their eventual take on the upcoming election.

I hope they don't go there.
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A messy and disjointed episode to wrap up an actually pretty great season
Ottodane2 April 2023
Not sure what happened here. There are a lot of awkward jokes and the messaging feels a little too on the nose while at the same time being a bit confusing. I feel like there were a lot of missed opportunities for jokes as well. This show is so impressive because of how they create each episode in the span of a week and somehow it rarely feels like that. But this week it definitely felt like they had to rush an episode out. It doesn't feel organic at all, but rather stitched together with a series of mediocre jokes.

However, (despite what some people are saying) I thought this season overall was pretty great. Topical as ever and hilarious throughout, season 26 is another positive season in my eyes, although it was a bit too short.
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Worst episode?
garydubois-1915131 March 2023
This was the first time I've watched an episode of South Park without having a single laugh since the Jakovasaurs episode from season 3. Trey & Matt usually keep their content more relevant to current events (and funny) but this just felt like an obligatory installment with no fresh perspective, which seemed sadly inevitable after the billion dollar jackpot that Trey & Matt fell into. Why focus on a political figure who's no longer in power with so much happening in the world right now? I don't love Donald either, but is our CURRENT president off limits? He's certainly not perfect. It's ironic that the same guys who wrote Team America World Police are exhibiting their own political biases and are becoming the same pretentious, out of touch celebrities that they once mocked.
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South Park is losing its charm
jaxxds1 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This may be one of the worst episodes to come out of the show and the entire season has been lackluster. Where to begin? First of all, the episode is downright unfunny. Another episode where they're saying "haha Randy is an idiot" but this time it's not him doing something stupid but interesting, rather it's just him throwing a rager and constantly making comments about how society is vilifying men for their masculine activities. And then there's the second "plot" of the episode, Garrison turning into Donald Trump again and his rallying is compared to college kids partying on spring break which oddly feels like there is absolutely no connection between the two. Matt and Trey really couldn't think of ANYTHING for this season's finale other than bringing back the Garrison is Trump joke that stopped being funny seasons ago? And then there's another glaring problem in this episode. Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny aren't in this episode. Granted, Stan is technically in the episode but he does absolutely nothing expect play Warhammer 40k with Token the whole time, essentially being a background character. How is it a season finale when the boys are just flat out ignored? The boys and their classmates are scarily absent from this season and they don't even feel like the main characters anymore. The show has been focusing way too much on the adults. Randy and Garrison are staples of the show and are funny, yes. But they have overstayed their welcome. People are tired of their characters and the same old predictable episodes about them. I can't tell if Matt and Trey are burnt out or they just don't care anymore cause they're making big bucks with Paramount+. And speaking of which, this season being yet another 6 episode season makes this episode all the worse, as it can't hide behind a variety of other episodes to watch. It's really sad to see how far South Park is falling.
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Critical_Potat4 April 2023
I stopped watching the show years ago because it felt like it became just another Hollywood mass produced filler riddled mess, but I've heard good things about this season, and gave it a try. It wasn't horrible, felt like there might be some potential to it again, world privacy tour and the Japanese toilet episodes made me giggle again.. But this last episode is just lazy and lame, as if it was written by an intern using chatgpt.. Tegridy Randy and Trump Garrison must be the most tedious characters ever created, and they decided to circle back to that? I'm not American, thank the gods, but even I know there is an abundance of material they could've worked with.. but maybe it's skipped because the country pretty much became a parody itself, not much to satirise about it anymore..

South park should've ended years ago, it's clear that the creators are either burned out, or just became lazy moneygrabbing corporate shills, like everyone in the mainstream entertainment business..
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Stupid and shallow
ds-kovac4 April 2023
The last episode cemented it - south park has lost it. Shallow and apologist, barely scraping the surface of societal problems, but "addressing" them anyway so they can add a notch to the bed of "We wrote about it". What a letdown.

Good comedy left the show long ago, but this shallowness is definitely new.

There were very few interesting ideas in whole season 26 (chatGPT was one), and the majority is now a filler, or worse - a primary-school level take on politics and socioeconomics. What did happen to Trey and Matt, did they burn out? It definitely feels like they let AI write this season, much like they hinted in the show. What a waste of time.
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Possibly the most boring South Park episode ever
Jewseppe7 April 2023
The whole episode focuses on Mr. Garrison with a Randy B-plot. The only kids in this episode is a very boring and lame Stan and Token who do nothing but play a d&d style game while Randy acts like a complete moron trying to get the kids into the "spring break spirit". Andrew Tate shows up out of nowhere which is maybe the only humorous thing that happens in the entire episode and will probably be the only thing about this episode from being completely forgotten in the future.

Then the main plot is about Mr. Garrison and his new boyfriend who go on vacation to the beach and Mr. Garrison gets lured back into his MAGA ways. It's extremely predictable how the plot is a metaphor for drug and sex addictions but the jokes aren't really funny and I saw myself trying to laugh but not really being able to.

The endings to both plots also seemed very lazy, empty, and rushed.

This entire episode just goes to show that they shouldn't have episodes focused solely on the adult side characters and this show relies on kids doing stupid kid things to make the show funny.

What's even more unfortunate is that if they waited just a few more weeks for something actually interesting to happen and they could have actually made a funny episode about Mr. Garrison's arrest. They could've even brought back Mr. Slave to parody Stormy Daniels. I imagine they will maybe make that kind of episode next season but by then it would probably be too irrelevant.
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.... The country is fine" ?!
Chef46224 April 2023
I love how South Park has once been the true voice of objectivity ... but "the country is fine" line made me want to turn it off ... I have never turned off a South Park episode in my life but this one came close. I begrudgingly continued. Regardless of your political views, there is no way in hell that our country is fine and my last hope in the objective writings of South Park were shattered.

The last episode was one of my all time favorite. I felt so much for butters and the full message of the episode along with all of the previous ones in this season were pure gold.

It seemed like they used their own parody of how the manatees would write family guy episodes on this one and in doing so it will leave a lingering bad taste.
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justincp-4665130 March 2023
Each of the episodes of the season seemed episodic yet carried the underlying comedy that the world is falling apart. This episode is just a make up by the south part team for getting the rise of Trump wrong last time. What is transformstive about this idc about your political ideology it just wasn't good.

Butters loosing all his money to lazy employees and reinvestment was squandered people need to scrutinize the actual place of the common person why do they feel heard by a raving lunatic. The raving lunatic will always rise to the top the real comedy is why do they feel neglected and misteprested on both sides people need to be vulnerable and not expect a polotician to represent their "personality".
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I would describe this episode as "bleh"
Rooooguuu17 April 2023
This was part randy episode, part Mr. Garrison episode. That right there should lower your expectations. What made South Park amazing was that it was told from the perspective of the kids. But the show is often at its worst when they abandon the boys and go with the "dumb clueless dad" approach. Randy episodes are almost always disappointing and although this is also a Mr. Garrison episode, it certainly disappoints (especially as a season finale). I hate trump but the whole Mr. Garrison as the Trump of the South Park universe is getting old. It's honestly just confusing. And the topical humor does not age well.

The only thing connecting the two plots was the fact that it was spring break. I just watched it and I couldn't even tell you the point of the episode. Mr. Garrison saved his relationship with his completely forgettable boyfriend? Randy, in the style of Peter from Family Guy, overdid it and needed Sharon?

When you go down to 6 episode seasons, the episodes shouldn't be this bad.
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Not the Worst, But still weak
thekingmanx8 April 2023
Honestly, I enjoyed this episode much more than I thought I would mainly because the A and B plot center around Trump/Garrison and Tegridy/Randy which I am typically not a fan of.

For the Tegridy/Randy part, I feel like the commentary they were trying to was super heavy handed but also kind of unfocused. Like the Andrew Tate shoehorn, and Randy constantly talking about "real" masculinity just didn't work. And I feel like the commentary was just too simple. Basically boils down to partying hard bad, also Andrew Tate. Like seriously the Andrew Tate inclusion was just so unnecessary and weird, cause it's not even like its him, it kind of feels like they just made up a random character and made him look like Andrew Tate.

The Garrison arc I enjoyed a little more but only because Garrison is just such a ridiculous character and the whole Garrison Rick relationship thing is kind of wholesome. But again I feel like the commentary is both heavy handed and unfocused. Like Garrison's obsession with rallying as a metaphor for toxic habits is kind of funny but just to over the top. And I have no idea why they just started putting in footage of the capital riots during his speech it didn't make any sense.

So yeah, pretty mid episode, but still mildly entertaining. I wasn't like itching to turn it off, but I probably won't revisit it ever again.
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DJ_Reticuli2 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The worst South Park episode in memory. Most of it was blah and forgettable. The ending was rote and weirdly phoned-in. Are they using Chat GPT again? The only funny stuff was related to Warhammer and what was meant by the "rager parties" Mr Garrison was alluding to. The episode would be otherwise forgettable except for the following...

I never thought South Park would dip their toes into the pro woke nonsense in a way that was so forgiving of it. It's not even attempting to have balance. Stan here's just a parody of people complaining about the emasculation of males in America... wow. Also, the Trump jabs before were always in good fun for everyone because they were so outrageous, like making fun of Matt Damon in Team America. You couldn't take it seriously, and it was hilarious in its own self-contained microcosm. Now they're actually citing policy and current complaints... real political issues in the episode and making light of them.

Thinking back, though, for a show that's even included religious figures that other outlets would never even touch, have the creators of this show ever made fun of Biden a single time? Has Biden even been portrayed in a single episode in any form momentarily? That seems totally unprecedented for South Park. Obama, Bush, the Clintons... all previously represented in some form. Biden is a bumbling, mumbling, incompetent mess. I mean, there's at the very least a Poltergeist 2 South Park episode just waiting to be made with the old creepy guy in the black hat trying to smell Shelly and get votes. And Hunter is at least a whole episode waiting to happen, too.

This finale even brings up the Jan 6 protest that got slightly out of hand, including integrating some of the actual footage. Have they ever brought up BLM or Antifa specifically on South Park? Did they ever deal with the subject matter of the riots across America or the deaths they directly caused? We're talking murder, here. The only homicide on Jan 6 was of an unarmed female Trump supporter shot by a black cop we didn't even learn the identity of for an entire year. There's a leaked teleconferencing video of Sunrise Movement saying that setting fires is a legitimate form of protest in their Marxist 'actions'. The best South Park can do to parody any of that is, what, Man Bear Pig?

What a huge let down and betrayal of their claim that South Park makes fun of everyone at some point. No, they don't, actually. After their latest nearly one-billion-dollar deal with Viacom, I guess the South Park guys know who pays their checks in Hollywood and are toeing the line the best they can. However, I just googled the creators, and they have a relationship with Hunter Biden's lawyer. No joke. Maybe calling it 'toeing the line' is being too generous.
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