Turner Risk (2019) Poster


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Solid Attempt Ruined by Maddening Dialogue
dave-145-51526614 June 2020
In the first 20 minutes the potential was there, primarily via Nick Fink's performance. Once the other actors take over as an ensemble seeking the titular character, their incessant, chirpy dialogue, most of which attempts to be funny but rarely lands, becomes excruciating.

The Turner Risk drinking game would be to simply down a shot every time someone says: "What's that supposed to mean?!" You'd be unable to walk by the credits.

Some flashes of quality here - but for the writer and director's next projects, they'd likely benefit from more time in the editing room and less time focused on trying to make every character an amateurish insult comic.
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Was this a movie?
mitchowdhury-mail30 June 2020
I thought this was an in-house film made by college students who are learning film making. I hope that's what it was. Poor acting, direction, plot, and everything else.
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Best new genre of drama/horror that I have ever seen.
sydneyseb5 July 2020
For a movie with a small budget this movie was so well made that I had to take a pause. Too realistic almost. Very impressed. Acting and production was excellent. This feels like new cinema art.
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Be the tree...
anniepoulson23 June 2020
About Turner Risk... the camera angles, music, editing, etc., were all perfectly merged together. There is real quality here and it is great seeing Nick Fink and the other actors in their first film. Storywise, a little more comic relief could have helped relieve the tension that builds over time. But despite the dark tone, the story really pulled me in.

Strong directing and writing too. The dialogue was unique in that it helped define the characters, making them more like real people we might know. Each character talked in his/her own way consistently, building each characterization.

The biggest part of the film's success with me was that it isn't like any other film out there. Every traditional plot point was twisted to something new and unexpected. I suppose that wouldn't work for those wanting to see a story they're more familiar with, but for me, this was far more fresh and real. This one also starts right off and doesn't let up too, moving from one eventful moment to the next, all of them connected in some way to that final shot. It kept my attention from start to finish.

By the end of the film I felt like I had gone through that intense day with them all. It was so very personal in many ways, the way it managed so many different character's innermost issues with life and each other. When Robbie looks at that tree at the end and remembers his cousin's advice at the beginning of the film, everything came together. Be the tree... It reminds us that sometimes unexpected changes hit us hard, but there's no way to prepare for them, just learn to stay strong and adapt. That's the ultimate lesson here.

This little film is worth catching. For me, Turner Risk is current, provocative, and unexpectedly powerful.
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character-driven and very human story
gaalswijk10 June 2020
Turner Risk is definitely a nice surprise; it 's hard to get into the head of a serial killer... why he does what he does... In the case of Turner, well he never seems the right fit; which leads to a terrible path he is taking. I must say all the young actors did a great job in this movie. Some of the realistic violence must have hunted their dreams for quite a bit. I hope this movie will get some more viewers, it surely deserves it.
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if youre in for a cruel surprise, then have a try at this one but be mentally fit.
ops-525359 June 2020
In general ive got no affection to killer movies, but there are exceptions, and turner risk is one of them.its a teenage crime drama, where you follow a developing story in about real time, like a reality show, where the cast delivers and the score beats the your heart out and the direction and plot build up are among the best ive seen ...

becaue this is one of the most crueling impressingly uncomfortable killspree movies ive seen for a long time, and its all so very easy and plausibel, and the worst is that in a worst case scenario you can actually feel symphaty for the snapper, because its a story about bullying and unfortunate childhood experiences that drives this story. so if you want to meet the gold coast strangler then have a look at this.

the grumy old man have had some emotionally moving moments through the years picking movies by chance, and this one is real cruel and hits you like a hammer, if you live through the first 10 mins it will devour you.its highly recommended
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A Brilliant but Brutal Take on the Impact of Bullying
ck-4685213 June 2020
When we first meet Turner Risk (Nick Fink), he is plotting the first step in his master plan of revenge. We don't know exactly why yet, but the twists and turns of this intense, provocative thriller eventually explain it all. Shocked by his first senseless, unexpected murder, we start out hating Risk. Like the bullies who tormented him for so many years, we react to him rather than try to understand him. But by the end of the film, thanks to the sensitive screenplay by director Michael Dailey and Morgan Lintz, his dark motivation is revealed. Then we still may not like him, but at least we understand him.

Countering Turner's fury is his only friend Robbie Cruz (Carlin James), who refuses at first to accept Turner's violent spree, but is eventually forced to confront it. Partnered with a new friend (Seth Cruz) and old enemy (Rory Hart), the bulk of the film follows their eventful search for the killer.

Relationships are the primary focus of Turner Risk. Supporting each other is essential, the film suggests, but there is also power in how we constantly modify ourselves to fulfill that support. That makes this film more topical now than ever, as it explores troubled souls who are all seeking some sort of salvation.

Unfolding over a roughly 24-hour period, the unique story builds its tension to an emotional climax. The actors so perfectly perform their roles that by the end of the film we seem to know them as real people, and we feel as if we have gone through this hellish day with them. Meticulously directed by Michael Dailey, every shot moves the story forward. Sean M. Brodie's cinematography is notable, and Dara Taylor's powerful score resonates throughout each scene. All these polished elements significantly boost this low budget thriller's production values.

Yes, Turner Risk can be brutal because it wants to be real and not hold anything back. But we are treated to the alternative to all the violence, the unique bond of conflicted people coming together for a common cause. Highly recommended.
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Incredibly Realistic Movie
belhuepress30 December 2020
I found this movie incredibly depressing, and realistic. It is about the awful world of young men now, especially young men from immigrant families who never feel like they are a real part of America, a part of its sexual mores (there is a revolting level of homophobia and sexism), its constant dead-end consumerism and careerism, and its culture of endless competition and cruelty. Turner Risk is a loser in that culture, and the victim of a lifetime of bullying; anyone who has been really bullied understands how he feels, although not how far Turner goes with his feelings. I really wanted him to nail his enemy Connor, who is the one character who gets away, but not unscathed. I think this is a shocking, and very gripping piece of indie cinema; that so much could be done so economically really impressed me.
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Highly recommended
ivwsdqzg4 January 2021
This film was, despite a clear limitation in budget, an excellent production. The script was tight and moved evenly throughout. Nick Fink and Carlin James shine here, with Fink's intensity of his role making me wonder why he isn't more well known. Michael Dailey's writing and direction are stellar here, making even mundane shots interesting and dialogue that is authentic. The pacing of scenes are riveting. Very much enjoyed this flick and look forward to more from the entire production team.
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It will keep your attention from start to end
raquelriddle3 July 2020
The music is perfect and the editing is extremely well done. Amazing this was created for less than 100k. The story itself is intriguing and will keep you guessing until the end. A must watch!
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Great film for an inde film
lilxhobbesfreak31 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Turner risk isn't your typical film. This film is very raw and doesn't sensor what big blockbuster films do today. This film is very realistic and I imagine this is what I would do if a close friend needed my help. I think this movie was very good for what it is. I don't think millions were spent into this film but it wasn't just filmed using an iPhone either. If the budget was a tad higher, I believe it could've been a huge blockbuster.
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