Depp V Heard (TV Mini Series 2023) Poster


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Depp DESERVED his win - thus, making him more likeable.
iSeeMoView16 August 2023
Overall, this 3-part mini series displays a good recap of the 2022 trial that would go down in history.

The creator is strongly biased in support of Amber Heard, as is evident, especially in the final episode.

There is a caption at the end that states: The most "likeable" person won, due to the influx of the role social media played in favour of Depp - suggesting that justice wasn't served. While social media no doubt amplified the trial, most people went in with an open mind at the start of the trial in order to seek justice and weigh out both sides. As much as social media was amplified, it was actually due to Amber Heard's increasing actions on the stand - and not because the world immediately favoured one party over the other at the start of the trial.

Johnny Depp was and is the clear and deserving winner of this case: Not due to the world adoring him but due to the fact that Amber Heard spewed out ridiculous claims that proved everything she said as uncredible. Had she even an ounce of respect in stating the actual truth without her horrible and discusting hyperbole acting, the world would have taken her more seriously and understood that these were two human beings that existed - perhaps with equal-causing problems within a marriage. Her lack in taking responsibility for her actions and laying all the blame outside of herself is what gave her this horrible growing reputation on social media.

The show's creator clearly believes that Amber Heard was unfairly treated. While the age of social media can be absolutely vicious - this can clearly and expectedly be the case for the Amber Heards and Meghan Markles of the world who exaggerate the exposure of events that may or may not have occurred, in order to garner sympathy from a larger audience. The world only has so much sympathy for the "infinite victimhood mentality" that these characters personally bring upon themselves. For both of these women, this outpour of having to be "right" rather than wanting to be "truthful" has tremendously backfired.

Johnny Depp won, not because he was loved (in fact, he was absolutely wrongfully defamed prior to the trial due to how he was portrayed by Heard's allegations.) He won because he was honest - and certainly more honest than Heard ever could be. The final caption at the end of this series indicates that because the world hated Heard (due to the negative social media directed upon her during this trial), it is why she lost. When the result is that she made herself unlikeable through her repulsive lies and disgusting acting on the stand.

We all have a responsibility in this life to take accountability for our own actions. We as humans are not perfect. What we can do though, is admit to and learn from any of our mistakes and mistreatings towards the world and others; and become better people as a result of this. If Amber Heard didn't exaggeratingly lie and present herself in the way she did, the world would have continued properly listening to both sides. The negative social media attention was brought upon herself: This is where the documentary creator completely missed the mark, in her biases towards favouring Heard. Ultimately, the jury decided; and they did - rightfully so, given the concrete evidence and the misleading outpour they witnessed with this drama queen on the stand.

There are only so many "crying wolf" situations that can play out by its perpetrators, before viewers step up to prove that those watching are not stupid people. Cheaply throwing someone under the bus for something they did not do - such as instigated by the Amber Heards and Meghan Markles of the world - is what grows this person's haters - and should not be targeted towards those that they wrongfully accuse when intending to cause harm.

5/10 rating for the collection of footage and editing, and the overall production and recap of the trial within these 3 episodes - but the biases didn't sway my opinion against the justified winner of this case - Depp, despite its biased intent. If it were more balanced and not leaning more towards Amber Heard at the end, this rating would deserve something higher at 8.5/10 for its production. A good documentary lets the audience decide their own verdict, without having any hidden agenda - which was greater revealed towards the ending, after the documentary's buildup.

In conclusion: #JusticeForJohnny-IS JUSTIFIED: And for his growing and coming up as the better person at the end of this all. He was the true winner, not only in winning this trial but, in also not having to put up with this abusive person in his life any longer. Continue the healing, Johnny Depp and perhaps one day, Amber Heard can do the same when or -IF- she comes to terms with reality and taking accountability and responsibility for her own actions and mistakes in life.
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Trying too hard
ScottLentz21 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This "documentary" makes the bold claim that social media is a powerful force to sway public opinion and that public trials get discussed a lot by the general public. Crazy, I know.

It tries very hard to also re-litigate a few details about the trial with very dramatic music over top of what I'm sure they think is real spicy "evidence". Wouldn't be surprised if this was produced by Amber Herd's team. Only Johnny's defense seems to be "fact checked", not Amber's

It certainly seems to want to mock and discredit the people who supported Depp throughout the trial and make Amber look like their victim.

If you like the drama, it's a fun and normal court doc. If you're actually interested in learning about the facts of the trial, you won't find much of that here.
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This is clearly biased in one direction
jaybug-4992519 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
These two were toxic. Johnny admittedly had temper flare up's and drugs. She told untruths. It would be difficult to tell this story with taking sides. The human fecal matter is one point. They fail to bring in his witness. They feature her witnesses. They bring in other things not really related and some text Johnny made about a prank he was considering. I watched the whole original trial. Even though they both behaved badly, Ms. Heard was discovered to have lied several times. She got 7 million. She should've just walked away. Mr. Depp was more believable. I believe he would have been a nightmare but she was a gold digger.
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Just awful
gypsy-8729317 August 2023
The content is there and, quite literally, writes itself. Rather than focus on the trial and major players, this documentary focuses on the impact social media had on the trial. To be honest, I found that to be the most annoying part of the actual trial. Everyone suddenly became an expert on civil cases and felt the world wanted to hear their opinion. This series goes from one nobody to the next, and their outlook and opinion on the case. NO ONE CARES! I wanted to hear more on the case itself, not from the nobodies with no legal expertise. Such a waste of a time, and had I know how bad it would be, I would never have watched.
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Where do they find these people??
michelemvincent17 August 2023
Really? A dude dressed up as Deadpool is a commentator? They must have scoured the Internet for every wackadoodle with a YouTube page waiting for their 15 minutes.

Depp clearly has substance and anger issues. Heard *clearly* has a personality disorder. On the witness stand she's rehearsed and over-acts in her answers. It comes across like she embellished a LOT of her story, based on hers and Depp's arguments.

That pretty much speaks for the caliber of this, um,... "production". It's a bunch of yahoos offering commentary that just feeds the media circus. Skip it. Watch the actual footage and decide for yourself.
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Humanity just gets classier
sad_otter17 August 2023
I read some reviews earlier as I was iffy about watching something like is. Though I agreed with a lot of the negative ones broader points I found their reasoning flawed. I really don't see how one could say this ...documentary? Tabloid thing?...whatever, whoever made it isn't obviously biased toward Heard. How? By showing her side? Such as it was. If they were biased in her favor they did a real poor job of it. Granted she didn't give them much to work with but wow. If you think this was biased what would fair have been? Just 'settle' for crucifying her?

Domestic violence is one of those most malleable legal violations I've ever seen. Did Depp abuse her? Yeah, looks like it, by the definition. And she sure kept up her end. In my state domestic violence is essentially ANY physical contact while you're mad or arguing with the other person. Brush past them in the hallway and your watch or purse scuffs the other person? Sure, arrest em. There's a bias towards men as the aggressors sure. Sometimes the police just take both parties in if they can't figure it out. It's really a matter of who decides to take it outside the relationship and report it first as they control the narrative and decide when the clock starts and when it all starts to count. That's a big advantage.

We'll never know for sure.. that's true. I do know that it takes two to have a violent relationship. Maybe one started, maybe the other. That rapidly becomes irrelevant if you're both fighting and staying. I realize some unfortunate few are isolated and cowed into submission but Amber Heard is/was a celebrity. She could've blinked two times into the cameras constantly pointed at her. There's excuses and reasons to stay, many that Amber deployed, but it comes off rather less a final cry for help then a pulling of the nuclear option and busting his ass kind of thing. This series was overall a fair rehash of the major points, though moving special by any means. It's a documenting of the experience through someone with a lot of online exposure.

Whether you watched the trial or this the big points remain the same:

-Johnny is what I guess you'd call a functional substance abuser/alcoholic that has anger and control issues when under the influence.

  • Amber has more constant mental issues regardless of substances. Bipolar or something in that realm. Maybe just PTSD but she's got a funny way of showing it.

  • They both oscillate moods and get angry then nice and had been at war for quite some time.

I strongly feel anyone should be able to get help for domestic violence. However at this point with this system I feel it should be completely limited to separation and counseling with no punitive aspect. The same laws that protect a cowed survivor of chronic abuse easily and often get plastered to generally stable people that let themselves be driven nuts in isolated incidents. Abusers every past transgression related or not are generally admissible while the victim can just happen to have accused their last half a dozen previous partners that had never been violent before too and that all gets sealed for their privacy as a delicate survivor. I get why this stuff was put into place but it's so easily exploited. Imagine when a man uses the exploits that and see how you feel about it. There's probably a few guys hiding in the bathroom and crying in the corner of the shower fully dressed but it's not the majority. I get solidarity but it's just too difficult to accurately punish events in a private relationship barring apparent wounds/evidence.

They're both guilty. She probably did drop a deuce on his bed. You go girl. He's an angry drunk and they were pretty much the worst personalities for each others bad sides. Well the guy hung out with Hunter Thompson; did she expect a calm sober pacifist? Everyone should've kept quiet, separate as gracefully as possible and not take it public. With celebrities that's essentially fighting dirty. That Op-Ed was just like the anonymous "I don't want to say who cuz I won't sink that low ...BUT (assassinates the character of person whose identity everyone knows anyway)." It was an ugly embarrassing slog for both of them and wow she got the worst of it. Oh well. You took it into the court of public opinion. Anonymous callous public opinion. Good luck with that.

This series did rely very strongly on a ton of YouTube and TikTok personalities, none of which I recognize and just come off as tacky and dumb (am I suppose to care what a guy in a Deadpool mask said about something?). All that was an aspect as far as the backlash against Heard but if you found that to be a running theme of the trial or integral to it that's just your experience but not everyone's. Random people thought stuff about this. Both ways. Great, so skip all of it.

I recommend this to anyone that managed to totally skip all this as it happened. Otherwise nothing new. I did like the poop emoji with sprinkles Netflix used for the thumbnail though. Not the most cerebral humor but I enjoyed it.
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A review from a real person not a bot/drama queen
danielcereto18 August 2023
First, I am not into influencers or social Media. So, consecuently my opinion about the documentary is that both are guilty of abusing each other in different ways. The big difference was that the Amber's legal team were pretty bad in court. On the other hand, Johny was guilty of several actions but his attorneys were pretty good attacking and almost humiliating Amber.

Second, I don't understand why social media "experts" are so important here. Most influencers are just people who don't go out often, they live 18 hours a day in a room, and they can barely understand how the world works. I don't get it.

Tik Tok is not the new Harvard legal faculty!!

Anyway, great watch. I recommend the documentary.
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Time Netflix stops using the words docu series and documentary, this is propaganda
roberth@webworqs.com16 August 2023
I gave this so called docu series a shot & watched it. Did I enjoyed it? No, it was not keeping the threads together & the main purpose was to make Amber Heard's story shine more positive to give her more credits & truthfulness, which of course is a lie.

The courts judgment was that neither of Johnny Depp & Amber Heard was complete winners, Heard won on one small thing which was not in real against Depp but of a tabloid hunter, but Depp got to take the punch for it. The rest won Depp after a long trial where the whole world got to see how they both are & was. Series didnt respect the court.

The series didn't respect the court decision and the hard work of the judge and jury.

Instead it has an angle that let people start interpreting this sad case between once two loved ones in favour of Heard.

Remember, Heard actually accepted this public court trial, but she didn't expect the backlash after people learned more and more how she is, how she in one seconds can pretend to cry against the jury, but once she turns her head in other direction she at once stops fake crying and gets a stone face expression.

Depp was never without guilt, but he was not an abuser. She tried all the time to provoke him and he runned away and she followed, all this was brought up during the trial. I didn't got this important part brought up in this series.

I encourage people to watch this series even if it has a lot of strange angles, but please after watch the live sent trial in full, it's very informative.
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Required justice
arrreejj13 June 2024
Among all the misinformative TikToks and online videos, where people supported Johnny depp, took heard out of context, and did little other research, this series was needed.

I don't know why I have to write such a long review for imdb but oh well. I hope this series brings a bit of light on one of the biggest domestic abuse trials. It shows how much power a well liked, rich man has, and that convictions are not about the truth of the matter.

The trial leaves me with a lot of questions like why was all that evidence concealed and why was it not shown to the jury? Why didn't the judge do better in light of the evidence, during and not after the trial? Why didn't the judge sequester the jury? Why isn't our justice system better.
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Did public opinion sway the verdict?
magnoliacream19 August 2023
This is a 3-episode summary of Johnny Depp's defamation suit against ex-wife Amber Heard plus a peek into the state of public opinion during the trial. It was a he-said-she-said circus that tried to paint the other party as abusive and dishonest as much as possible. The trial ignited TV/internet spectators around the world, many of whom suddenly became law and psychology experts who could tell with confidence whether somebody on the witness stand was lying or not.

Depp's side wanted the trial to be made public. I'm baffled why Heard's side allowed it, considering her inferior fame compared to his. Goaded by public opinion that was mostly one-sided in favor of the much more famous Depp, his attempt to reclaim his reputation looked like a heartless attack against his ex-wife who was battered and bullied by his supporters not only online but in person outside the courthouse. No matter how bad she might have been, I could not help feeling distraught at this cruelty. I was a neutral viewer but could not deny that this was a stark display of abuse even more severe than those cited during the trial. This time, Depp's side let his fandom join in the abuse.

The trial showed how truth is immaterial in the court of public opinion where people tend to believe what they want to believe in, to side with the party they sympathize with. And Depp's much more massive and zealous fanbase did not disappoint.

The trial also showcased how women's tendency to be more emotional can doom the female side of he-said-she-said tussles. Depp was shown to be much cooler than his ex-wife, sometimes even smiling or chuckling, making him appear likeable and believable. Heard, on the other hand, sported a facial expression that sometimes bordered on antagonistic and sometimes looked like an attempt to play the victim. And her unusual asymmetrical hairstyles only made it harder to empathize with her. In short, she did not look likeable and believable.

Depp might have won in the court of public opinion that might have influenced the verdict despite the jury being continuously warned against it, but in the end, unbiased viewers would more likely feel that the truth had escaped their grasp. With the reputation of both sides shred into pieces, this airing of dirty laundry was lamentable, if not devastating, for both parties. But what was most disturbing was witnessing mobbing or group bullying in action.
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If I could give 0 stars I would
frkejensen16 August 2023
This isn't even a Documentary. Watched it with the sound for vision impaired people, and 10 minutes in there was no doubt - this felt like a media strike from Ambers Team, a hit piece. The description of mannerisms was so flawed and one sided. This documentary claimed it would set it up so we could see the testimonies side by side, with both views side by side. It didn't.

No new information only left out information, and nothing off importance was included.

Finale episode, where they bring up the excluded documents, the ones that were made public. They only mention one text - one that was excluded because of no metadata and it was different to all the other texts, and they make it into the most crucial evidence. But no mention off all the audio where Heard is taunting/bullying and admitting to be the abuser - not even a mention of the Australian tapes.

Also the very few bits of YouTubers taken out of context, but with no focus on all the hours they used on explaining and deep diving every single detail was mentioned, they painted those lawyers as devils.

I'm sorry but a 8 year old could have made a better documentary, what a waste of time.
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Clear agenda!
jacquimelck17 August 2023
I really struggled to watch this docuseries. As someone who watched every minute of the trial live, this depiction is biased and does not accurately reflect the events of the trial as they played out. Many moments of the trial have been used out of context to mislead the viewer regarding how poorly Amber actually came across while testifying. I would have preferred a more balanced account that considered the differences in the legal defences of the two sides. Johnny's team did not use social media to manipulate social media. Instead, people online following the trial were genuinely moved by the Depp defence and stood up for Johnny as a result.
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How many mis-truths in one show
croupier-3902022 August 2023
Netflix have got this so badly wrong that it now makes me question every documentary ever produced by them.

It is clear that this was pushed onto them by Heard's team to make her look the victim, when if you watch the trial it is clear who the abuser was and that Amber totally lied and defamed Johnny so badly he was awarded 15 million in punitive damages......punitive!!

Below is just a copy of above, but it wouldn't let me post without a 600 word minimum review lol!!

Netflix have got this so badly wrong that it now makes me question every documentary ever produced by them.

It is clear that this was pushed onto them by Heard's team to make her look the victim, when if you watch the trial it is clear who the abuser was and that Amber totally lied and defamed Johnny so badly he was awarded 15 million in punitive damages......punitive!!

Come on Netflix do better!!
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Fandom is a Double Edged Sword
marymcfarland-0186616 August 2023
This documentary was fine. It was exactly what it sold itself to be....a side by side comparison of testimony from TWO VERY damaged people who HURT EACH OTHER and also happen to be extremely wealthy and in the public eye. It also highlighted the unfortunate power of random keyboard fan warriors, which seems to be a fact that is lost on everyone.

I did not watch this trial because I do not care about these people. I did watch this documentary simply due to the lack of new content because of the strikes.

My takeaway from this someone who could not possibly care that it told the story it said would tell. I appreciated that it highlighted how random, ill-informed public opinion on social media influences everything, and also how the legitimate media just takes that ball and runs with it.

If you're not some crazed super-fan, I recommend. It's interesting enough.
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We watched it live!
SirEllas16 August 2023
So the creator have to be a troll, made this just to make waves. People say we all got influenced my media and so on. But most of us watched live, everyday, every minute! We know better. Did she pay for this? This is not at all a objective documentary. Did the creator watch the trial, honestly? I personally started out on AH side, cause the media angle made think this was true. Then I watched the trial and everyday it turned me little by little. This undermineds the jury, the people that watched and him. It's a full documentary on gaslighting. Is it because he put it behind him and said no to be a part of the documentary?
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Did I miss something?
brandon-hutson17 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The majority of these reviews talk about how this doc was skewed towards making Amber look a victim. I saw it as exactly the opposite. I thought that it portrayed Johnny as more of a victim than Amber (rightfully so).

In my eyes, they highlighted a bunch of instances where she was caught in lies, while rationalizing a lot of the lows that Johnny experienced. What I took away from how this doc was presented, was that Johnny was clearly being set up to be an abuser by a woman who may in fact be a literal psychopath.

Obviously there's no way for any of us to know the whole truth of all that happened during their tumultuous relationship. But if I had previously known nothing about the case beforehand and watched this documentary, I think I probably would've finished watching it convinced that Johnny Depp was the victim (which is how I felt while following the case anyway).

So in conclusion, I'd just like to say that I respectfully disagree with how this documentary was perceived by many of you. What I got from it was a bit of extra vindication for Johnny, a continued distrust of Amber Heard, and a few laughs at her deplorable acting abilities.
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Phantasma_the_Black17 August 2023
This nearly three-hour documentary about a specific court case turns out to be much more than that - a reflection of ways in which power, charisma, and social influence control the narratives and worldviews of so many of us.

Moreover, it delves into the effect of social media on the court of public and, if that wasn't concerning enough - the court of law as well. More often than not, we like to believe we have transgressed the times when a charismatic individual could persuade the whole of society in whatever he wanted them to believe, but now and then, we get a harsh reminder that we are as vulnerable to manipulation as we have ever been. Perhaps even more so with the (mis)information spreading faster than ever.

However, and unfortunately so, this project seems plagued by the very lack of the broader picture it aims to criticize. The UK trial is only briefly mentioned and, while we do see the effect of social media unfold in front of us, the real mechanism behind it is never explained. An expert commentary on PR strategies and domestic abuse could have filled in the gaps.

In conclusion, although it tackles important topics, it still could have been much more. Perhaps the producers were afraid of making the "wrong" people angry. Or maybe they believed that putting the mirror in front of us will suffice in making us rethink our perception of truth and justice. Only time will tell.
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Depp vs Heard Guilt!!
drana-8671626 December 2023
The documentary shows what happened in the court. It is nothing but personal issue between husband and wife who happened to be famous movie stars. We all had our own opinions. For some Amber is wrong, for some Depp. Most of them watched the trial live but majority of them saw it on social media through YouTube/TikTok channels. They believed in what the 'CREATORS' showed them and how they bullied not only Depp or Amber but others on social media too and that's the problem.

It doesn't matter who wins the case because it was a personal issue but how social media influencers are making content irresponsibly is the problem nowadays and that's what this documentary shows us.

I am feeling guilty because I fell for that too!! Last 10 minutes of episode 3 is something else!! Must watch!! No sides were taken. It appears that director took Heard's side at first and it's only because we never heard or believe her side of the story. Johnny is not shown in a bad light.
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dramatised 'documentary', but gives some insight
promethesis18 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who didn't follow up on the news regarding the trial, and being a European, this dramatised documentary gives some insight in what happened between Depp and Heard and the media+social media circus it generates. After seeing the 3 episodes (binge-watchable) I am inclined to support Heard, not Depp, simply because (it appears so in the documentary) that social media were full of fans of Depp that didn't like Heard, to the point of harrasment, and how it (supposedly) came to be that the social media had such a massive sympathy for Depp. Though I am aware some dramatic techniques, soundtrack music even, can influence someone while watching the docu...Fact is there was a trial with a verdict, and a film... is not a trial. This said, maybe the documentary is far too short to cover all information, but it raises some gigantic questions about social media, and fans, people who stay loyal to their idols without questioning them if they become compromised or do actions, even supposedly, a normal healthy person would and should not do. This information is all available in this documentary.
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Insufferable Rehashed TikTok Nonsense
kaideneve21 August 2023
Upon finishing the first episode, which was a chore in itself to get through, I could already tell that the overarching formula of this "documentary" is nothing but a chaotic mishmash of random YouTubers and TikTokers giving their hair-brained opinions on the various aspects of the trial, interspersed amongst short clips of the actual courtroom proceedings organized to make it seem more confrontational.

This series is extremely annoying to watch, and I'm saying this as someone who followed the trial very closely. I would rather taze myself and chug Sriracha than watch more, and unless the 2nd and 3rd episodes (which I don't feel I need to watch) have an amazingly different approach, I'm gonna go ahead and give this a huge pass.
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Glad YouTube creators are here for you to COPY&PASTE
thimbletack16 August 2023
I watched the whole trial streamed. Why is a "documentary" JUST using other people's footage? If my content was used, without permission (like popcorn planet), I'd be so angry. If you wanted to do a documentary, why wouldn't YOU - a producer, filmmaker, etc attend this trial and get your own footage? It's so lazy. I do enjoy my documentaries on Netflix and this is absolutely the worst. Grant it, what was on social media was a huge wave, but how does that give someone the right to make a documentary threading other people's work together?

Watching the whole trial, this is incredibly biased. If you show testimony of Heard's witnesses, maybe also show Depp's witnesses in the same light in the same episode!

I hope those content creators bring some serious heat to this production crew.
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SA/DV Survivor who watched the Trial
deannagress-6814321 August 2023
Personally devastated watching Netflix blatantly normalize Victim Shaming. Depp won.

I watched THE Trial -the jury got it right . He won because he was the victim. Whoever greenlit this at Netflix should be fired but it doesn't matter I cancelled my $26 Netflix sub This isn't a documentary. There is too much taken out of context The trial happened in a courtroom the reaction to the evidence happened on SM This trial triggered many survivors like myself who initially believed Amber only to hear audios of her sounding like our abuser but to put future victims at risk because of her false allegations is reckless.
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People are mad the facts/receipts are different than the hype
bebittevachon18 August 2023
Far from perfect.

You can see at times, they seem to be on Amber's side. I believe it's because the receipts shows Depp lied a LOT.

People are mad because the truth is different from what they were told to believe on the tiktok train.

They would get sued if the facts they bring against J. DEPP are fake so at some point, people must stop choosing their "favorite" 's side and accept they are both wrong.

We see their reactions when the other one speaks, a plus when all you saw where random videos about the trial. Many things were taken out of context.

Could have been way better for a doc that took 1 year to make tho.
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This is a collection of random commentaries pulled from YouTube
madisonroy-1204319 August 2023
I regret wasting my time on all 3 episodes.

This documentary consists of footage from the trial and footage from commentators on social media with a few short news headlines/interview segments thrown in. The documentary makers thread footage together with occasional blocks of text on a black screen. The editing seemed silly at times with a cheap looking glitching effect applied frequently and cliche villain music played over some bits. There was also an obnoxious amount of stock footage of people watching whatever segment was being covered on their phones. This documentary doesn't bring any new interviews or commentary to the case and honestly feels very lazy. They chose to predominantly feature the most outlandish YouTube commentators like some guy in a deadpool mask and Jonny Depp fan pages rather than the professional lawyers and behavioral analysts I remember seeing break down the trial.

The main point of the documentary is not to cover the case itself but to look at the public reaction to it. Ultimately it asserts that Amber Heard was evaluated unfairly by the public and insinuates that the trial verdict was skewed by unfair media coverage of Heard. The documentary left out so many key moments of the trial, for example, the testimonies about Heard abusing her former partner and her assistant. It treats the media reaction as being the result of a bias towards Depp stirred up by blind fans who wanted him to win and it paints the negative reaction to Heard as victim blaming, even insinuating that Depp is behind a smear campaign using bot accounts.

In reality, people went into this trial mostly believing Amber by default and their minds were changed in real time by the outlandish things coming out in the trial. For my part, I was under the unquestioned impression that Jonny Depp was a wife-beater before this trial, and that belief was only pressed when I heard Amber admit to hitting him in recordings and saying no one would believe he was abused. The trial caught my attention because it was being publicly broadcast in full and I was curious to hear both sides of the story. Amber made herself look like an awful person and that was reflected in the public backlash towards her.

If you are interested in the trial, I suggest just watching the actual thing on YouTube so you can judge it for yourself. If you already have watched it and, like me, are looking for interviews with professionals or follow ups with some of the people involved, then this is not the documentary for you either. If you are Amber Heard, then maybe you'll enjoy this one sided recap of the trial.
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Cringe-fest and Triggering Because of Depp Devotees
mayank60022 September 2023
I'm not sure what this docu-series is actually trying to accomplish, but for me, it solidified my belief that some people on this planet have way too much time to queue outside court, stand on the curb-side or make those cringey online video in the name of content creation. Plus, it also solidified my belief that this trial in particular wasn't really a trial but a PR campaign from both sides, where one side won and other lost. Court cases should allowed to be just court cases but here the way people made videos, screamed in those so called "reaction videos", I just kept getting triggered and had to somehow sit through.
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