"Castle" Watershed (TV Episode 2013) Poster

(TV Series)


Stana Katic: Kate Beckett



  • Richard Castle : Maybe Erika was some kind of online Erin Brockovich, you know. A crusader for good, delving into the seedy underbelly of the legal system, in order to uncover some seamy truth.

    Kate Beckett : Or maybe she was just hired by a rival firm to steal privileged information.

    Richard Castle : Now, why must you be so cynical?

    Kate Beckett : It's in my job description.

    Richard Castle : Which is why you need me.

  • Kate Beckett : But the only evidence of what she was up to is on that missing laptop.

    Richard Castle : So without it, we're dead in the water. Much like Erika.

    Richard Castle , Javier Esposito : Too soon.

  • Richard Castle : What's this?

    Kate Beckett : What's what?

    Richard Castle : Boarding pass.

    Kate Beckett : Castle...

    Richard Castle : You fly to DC yesterday?

    Kate Beckett : [pause]  Yes. I did.

    Richard Castle : Why?

    Kate Beckett : I was invited down for an interview.

    Richard Castle : What kind of interview?

    Kate Beckett : For a position with a federal task force.

    Richard Castle : I'm sorry... You interviewed for another job in another *city*... and you didn't tell me?

    Kate Beckett : I didn't tell you about it because it was *just* an interview and I knew that you would be upset.

    Richard Castle : Yeah... Yeah. You're damn right I'm upset.

    Kate Beckett : Castle, I just wanted to see what was out there. What's wrong with that?

    Richard Castle : What's wrong with it is that you hid it from me. In fact, you lied about it. I wouldn't do that to you.

    Kate Beckett : Castle, this isn't about you... This is about me. This is about my life.

    Richard Castle : So you're seriously considering this?

    Kate Beckett : Yes. This is a wonderful opportunity. It'll be a chance to do more.

    Richard Castle : Without me.

    Kate Beckett : Castle, please don't do this. Please don't make this about us.

    Richard Castle : I'm sorry, tell me how this isn't about us. You get this job, you move to DC, I'll never see you. That's pretty much the end of our relationship, isn't it?

    Kate Beckett : You don't know that. And I probably won't even get the job.

    Richard Castle : That's not the point... The point is... you knew what this could mean, and it didn't occur to you to include me. Or worse, it did occur to you... and you chose not to... Now, what does that say about us?... Not much, you ask me.

    Kate Beckett : Castle.

    [picks up his coat and heads to the door] 

    Richard Castle : I can't be here right now.

  • Jim Beckett : Sounds like a great offer.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, it is.

    Jim Beckett : Your mom would be proud. Hell, I'm proud... So... what're you gonna do?

    Kate Beckett : I don't know, Dad... It's like I'm standing at a crossroads and I have to choose between two possible futures.

    Jim Beckett : Why do you think you have to choose?

    Kate Beckett : Because, Dad, he's right. If I take this job, then there's not gonna be time for anyone else. And then if I don't...

    Jim Beckett : It'll be because of him, and you'll end up resenting him for it.

    Kate Beckett : Or... worse... Dad, I don't know what we have. I don't know if it's... real. It's like we've been doing this dance for the past five years, and... I mean, what happens when the music stops? What if all we were in love with was the dance?

    Jim Beckett : You know, your whole life you've never had a relationship go this far. You know, somewhere around here you always end them. Now, why is that?... Look, Katie, I know you. When you get scared, you hide in your work. And I just want you to be sure, whatever decision you make, it's because it's what you want. Not because you're afraid.

    Kate Beckett : This job. It's what I want.

    Jim Beckett : Then tell him.

    Kate Beckett : [heavy sigh]  He's gonna hate me, Dad.

    Jim Beckett : That's something you'll have to live with.

  • [last lines] 

    Kate Beckett : I'm sorry... I shouldn't have kept secrets.

    Richard Castle : It's who you are. You don't let people in... I've had to scratch and claw for every inch.

    Kate Beckett : Castle...

    Richard Castle : Please let me finish... I've been doing a lot of thinking about us, about our relationship. What we have. Where we're headed. I've decided I want more. We both deserve more.

    Kate Beckett : I agree.

    Richard Castle : So whatever happens... whatever you decide... Katherine Houghton Beckett...

    [Castle gets down on one knee and presents an engagement ring] 

    Richard Castle : ...will you marry me?

  • Kate Beckett : Do you have any idea how many people have sat across that table and confessed their sins to me? What makes you think that you're any different? Any smarter?... You've only been in this room for one hour. But this room... This room has been my life. My home... And I will not let you sit there and lie to me in my own home. This is a partial print found at the crime scene, in the victim's blood. It's a match to yours, Martin. Am I still wasting my time? I've got enough to convict you. So the question is how many years of your own life are you gonna *sacrifice* for someone else's future? Or are you ready to deal?

  • Kevin Ryan : Here's what I don't get. Why go through all the trouble of creating a fake persona when you're just gonna be on your laptop all night?

    Richard Castle : Wait... Does The Cedric have Wi-Fi?

    Kevin Ryan : Yeah, that's about all it has.

    Richard Castle : Computer science major, hours on her laptop?

    Kate Beckett : She's a hacker. Which is why she was staying at The Cedric. She could pay in cash and remain anonymous while she was using the IP address.

    Richard Castle : Exactly. And whatever she was hacking into is either so illegal or so dangerous she had to make sure they couldn't trace it back to her. And even if they did trace it back to her, they'd still have to find her amongst hundreds of residents.

    Kate Beckett : So she created a whole false persona. And who's gonna look twice at a runaway hooker? I mean, she's like the girl with the dragon tattoo.

    Richard Castle : Only they did find her. Which is why we can't find her laptop. Whoever she went up against killed her and took it.

    Javier Esposito : Uh, problem. We don't know who she went up against and none of her friends seem to know either.

    Kate Beckett : Okay, contact The Cedric's Internet provider and get a list of all the IP addresses accessed by residents over the past two weeks. There's *gotta* be an answer somewhere in there.

  • Kate Beckett : Lanie, if you had the opportunity to do something that you *wanted* to do, but it would mean that... everything in your life might change... would you take it?

    Lanie Parish : Well, it depends. How good is the opportunity?

    Kate Beckett : Great... Really, really great... But the job's in DC.

    Lanie Parish : And you're worried about Castle.

    Kate Beckett : [sighs]  I mean, we're in this relationship, but... we never talk about where we're going. And that's okay, right now. It's just... But if I get that job...

    Lanie Parish : Then you're gonna have to.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah.

    Lanie Parish : Maybe that's not such a bad thing.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah, but what if it is?

  • Jessica Banks : This is my partner, Mitch Bauer. Do you know this girl?

    Mitch Bauer : [looking at Erica's picture]  No. Should I?

    Jessica Banks : Well, the police think she may have hacked our server.

    Mitch Bauer : Why? What did she access?

    Kate Beckett : We don't know.

    Mitch Bauer : Well, is she in custody?

    Richard Castle : Sort of.

    Mitch Bauer : What do you mean "sort of"?

    Richard Castle : She's dead.

    Kate Beckett : Actually, she was murdered, and we believe it might have to do with whatever it was she was trying to access from your system.

  • Richard Castle : Three deaths, all leading back to the law firm of Banks and Bauer. Is it just me, or is this starting to smell like a John Grisham novel? A single car accident with no witnesses? Guys, this is a classic conspiracy cover-up. Though only a lowly intern, Pam stumbles onto something that the firm is doing. Something big and nefarious. She has to be *silenced*. Only after the *accident*, Blaylock can't take the guilt or admit the truth. So, his only bastion is to escape into the sweet oblivion of drugs.

    Kate Beckett : And then when Erica starts coming around, they realize that they're gonna have to act by eliminating them *both*. But what are they covering up?

    Kevin Ryan : Whatever it is, the only possible evidence is on Erica's laptop, which our killer took.

    Richard Castle : Yeah... Wait. Are we sure about that? Erica was meeting Blaylock on the roof, right? A guy who, according to the e-mails, she didn't know very well. If I'm Erica, I'm hiding that laptop.

    Javier Esposito : Well, we searched her room. It wasn't there.

    Kate Beckett : Wait. Do you guys remember the footage from the elevator?

    Richard Castle : Yes. She went down to the laundry room first.

    Kate Beckett : And Lanie said that she found traces of creosote under her fingernails from the boiler room next door.

    Richard Castle , Kate Beckett : The laptop's in the basement.

  • Kate Beckett : Are you familiar with a girl named Pamela Bonner?

    Jessica Banks : Detective, what is this about?

    Kate Beckett : Mr. Rigsdale?

    Colin Rigsdale III : Name's not familiar.

    Kate Beckett : Really? I understand that she was an intern here at the firm last year. Isn't that correct? And isn't it also correct that you attended the Banks & Bauer summer associate party last year?

    Jessica Banks : Don't answer that. Detective, what are you doing?

    Kate Beckett : The same thing that my victim, Erica Albrook, was doing. Trying to figure out how her best friend, Pamela Bonner, actually died.

    Jessica Banks : Her death was an accident.

    Kate Beckett : Really? Then why do we have a record of Ian Blaylock, Mr. Rigsdale's attorney at the time, receiving a phone call from him at 1:45 that night?

    Jessica Banks : Detective, this is privileged information. It's inadmissible.

    Kate Beckett : And we're not in court.

  • [after questioning a suspect] 

    Kate Beckett : He's prepared to give a statement implicating his brother in both murders, as well as the accident. Would you guys mind taking it?

    [starts to leave] 

    Javier Esposito : Yo, Kate.

    Kate Beckett : Yeah?

    Javier Esposito : What's up?

    Kevin Ryan : Yeah. What's going on?

    Kate Beckett : Look, there's something that I have to tell you guys, but there's someone else that I have to tell first.

  • [deleted scene] 

    Richard Castle : Hey.

    Kate Beckett : Hey. Couldn't sleep.

    Richard Castle : The case?

    Kate Beckett : Mm. Yeah, among other things.

    Richard Castle : You know what you need? Both of us, actually; a long vacation. Just turn off our brains. What do you say, next month after the book is in, we take a couple weeks and go out to the Hamptons, just the two of us?

    Kate Beckett : [not entirely invested]  Yeah, that sounds great.

    Richard Castle : It will be. Now, quit thinking so much. Makes your forehead all wrinkly; like I'm dating a Shar Pei.

    Kate Beckett : Is that what we're doing? Dating?

    Richard Castle : Dating, being with, semi-cohabitating. Tell you what we're not doing: sleeping. Come on back to bed.

    Kate Beckett : [quietly, as he turns to leave]  Yeah, I'll be there in a minute.

  • [first lines] 

    Anthony Freedman : Sorry to keep you waiting, Detective Beckett.

    Kate Beckett : Not a problem, sir. You're a busy man.

    Anthony Freedman : Tell that to the Attorney General. He just had his first grandchild and now wants to show me pictures.

See also

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