The Pool (2014) Poster


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'De Poel' tries, but fails to be a fun watch.
vincent_tillema2 May 2014
We Dutch have a rich history of making movies with that typical 'Dutch mark'. Something that's hard to identify but somehow always involves nudity, swearing, a bit wooden acting and a sense of humor that is very much Dutch. Lacking budgets of, say Hollywood, Dutch cinema always has fairly low production values. Even compared to British, Scandinavian or French movies, Dutch movies alway fall short of outstanding quality. Which, even for me as a Dutchman, makes them hard to like.

Sometimes you need to give them a chance however. And with 'De Poel' (The Pond) being somewhat of a revival of the 'Nether-Horror' genre I thought I'd put my prejudice aside and give it a try. Dutch media outlets praise the movie, but to me (and I guess my fellow movie goers in the cinema) it failed miserably.

'De Poel' follows two families going on a camping vacation in a forbidden part of a Dutch nature reserve. They set up camp next to a pond, and sure enough: s--- hits the fan. The build up of tension is decent, and the main actors (the younger actors barely have any lines to work with) act quite naturally which is a relief for a Dutch movie. The tension between husband and wife is actually quite enjoyable. Mom blaming dad for being stubborn and relying on technological 'toys' instead of a good old analogue compass is fun and recognizable. There are some nice scenic shots too. That's where the goods end.

'De Poel' fails to be scary. Overly stylized shots from the perspective of 'the threat' distract and only serve to reinforce something is wrong...again, and again, and again. There is some gore, including cutting off a finger. Which is followed by the character almost ignoring his missing finger just an hour later... The story doesn't explain anything, and only barely hints at the cause of the trouble.

The Netherlands has a history of prehistoric human sacrifices in bogs and marshes which this movie hints at, but never fully embraces. There's something about the virginity of 'the sacrifice' which made me fear they would actually go as far as having an awkward forced sex scene to prevent that sacrifice from happening...luckily 'De Poel' doesn't take it there. Instead: 'De Poel' simply becomes a snore fest best to be ignored completely.

During my screening the crowd would laugh at the movie all the time, would critique it all the time and everybody walked out saying "what a terrible movie." The worst thing is 'De Poel' had potential, but in the end feels like something a film school graduate should be proud of. Nothing cinema worthy. And to be quite frank: nothing worth your time and money. So once again: Dutch cinema fails to impress and falls flat on its face.
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De Poel
parry_na7 March 2016
Directed and co-written by Chris W. Mitchell, this Dutch film introduces us to a group of campers determined to enjoy themselves however much events conspire against them. By events, I mean that Leannart (Gijs Scholten van Aschat, who co-wrote this), his wife Silke (Carine Crutzen) and his two sons discover unpleasant things about each other, as they do about friend Rob (Bart Klever) and his daughter Emilie (Jamie Grant). That's bad enough, even if, for the viewer, the myriad sardonic altercations are so true to life they raise a smile of familiarity (in some cases - not all). As a character drama, this succeeds handsomely. But there's worse to come.

When unpleasant things start happening, the images and moments are captured so fleetingly, that you're in danger of missing them. Suggestions of the supernatural, the possibility of nasty legends about the pool of the title proving to be true, and effective moments of realistic gore. You'd leave, wouldn't you? This bunch take a long time to reach that decision. Is it too late? I'm not giving anything away, although (for some, at least) you might guess the answer with a degree of confidence.

I had great fun with this, although the line between real and hallucinogenic is so blurred, we're occasionally flummoxed as to what is going on; and van Aschat and his fellow writers, isn't falling over himself to explain things. My score is 7 out of 10.
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Nice try, but still far from good
recklez4 May 2014
A nice try for a horror movie. There has never been a dutch scary movie that actually was scary. Compared to the rest of them, this movie is a masterpiece. It almost gives you a scare and its first 35 minutes are entertaining minutes. Then it unfolds to be a'the shining' wannabe. All the characters become unlikable. The motives are weird and unprovoked. The movie becomes predictive. And after an hour of watching you start to lose interest to see the end. It's just follow-up of nice shot scenes, but no overall story. The acting isn't that bad. I wouldn't recommend this movie for anybody looking for a entertaining evening. Because there wasn't any nude in the movie, something that we dutch always find functional, I can't give this more then a solid 4. Not really bad, but still far from good.
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Unfortunate - Avoid!
berrie-j29 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
'De Poel' got some good press and as such I was reasonably excited to see this film. An actually suspenseful Dutch horror film; almost too good to be true. As it turns out, it was too good to be true. From the very first scene the acting is unbearably unnatural, the dialogue is clunky and the timing as far from subtle as possible. There is no motivation for what's happening to the group of campers and the "other" perspective (somewhat reminiscent of security camera footage) does nothing to create suspense. Because I don't want to sound bitter for the sake of it I will say that some of the acting between the sons was believable, as was some of the (funny) bickering between husband and wife. When the screening I attended was over, the audience collectively made a sound of disbelief and laughter.
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nice effects but predictable and low on 'neder'horror
trashgang24 September 2014
The Netherlands always had a thing for horror, a few classics came out of that country, the best known one must be De Lift (1983). From that moment the name Nederhorror came to life.

De Poel is classified under Nederhorror due Jan Doense being involved. He's known as Mr Horror in the Dutch era so this flick did had an easy promotion and distribution. But to be concrete , was it all worth watching. Well if you think you will see a gory flick or a slasher then skip this flick. If you do like ghost stories and people going berserk by dreams they have then this is your stuff.

I must say that I do had mixed emotions about it. The positive thing is that the acting was above mediocre but the story did lack suspense. Don't get me wrong, there are things going on but after a while it's a bit predictable. After eating the fish things go rather wrong at the camping era and from there you can say, well, this and that is going to happen. The last 7 minutes do offer a bit of slasher horror with one nice killing, but i won't spoil it over here. Even clocking in at 76 minutes it's a rather short flick but it was enough due the predictable parts. Even the ending wasn't a surprise.

But the way it was shot and the effects used did upgrade this flick a lot and for some the score used will do the scary part I guess. Nederhorror? Just on the edge.

Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5
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Vanishing point
nogodnomasters28 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A horror film from the Nether-lands...sounds scary in itself. Len (Gijs Scholten van Aschat) and Rob (Bart Klever) have been downsized from their banking jobs. They plan to discuss a new consulting business on vacation where they drag their unwilling families into the woods. Len decides they need to trespass to get to a good spot, one near a mosquito breeding ground, or pool. While at the pool, secrets are revealed, things rot and decay at accelerated speeds and emotions run high as the siren/witch/spirit of the pool doesn't allow anyone to leave unless...

There are a number of films where people are trapped and they always circle around to where they started having to finish a task to leave. This is another one except it has English subtitles. We get a glimpse of the event that happened to cause a curse, although no real explanation was given, it was up to the viewer to figure out. The film has a descent into madness scenes to make things interesting.

Fairy decent horror.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity...perhaps that was supposed to be blurred rear nudity in one scene.
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A feeling of regret
marc_harens5 March 2019
As a genuine horror fan and a Dutch native, I did not have high expectations of this horror movie. Even without the expectations this movie was dissapointing. The story does not come to life, the acting was mediocre and there was no suspense. Things hppening for no reason and a terrible end that makes no sense. After watching the movie there was just a feeling of regret. I could have watched something even remotely interesting. This comes from somebody who has watched so many pulp and B movies.
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Absurd in a bad way
avzwam17 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Dutch "horror film" De poel seems to be an imitation of for instance recent American remakes of Japanese horror films and it doesn't do a good job of it. Ineptly written, the film falls apart at a certain point becoming hard to watch in the sense that I wanted to fast forward and get to the end of it.

The film lacks any real artistic value. There is no good story here with themes and depth and therefore the film doesn't hold your attention.

The film basically has no personality of its own; it's like the script was written in an office by people who wanted to make a "Hollywood" movie which results in these Dutch characters in this Dutch movie speaking in ways that Dutch people don't speak. We don't talk like characters in a Hollywood movie (I am Dutch myself). I cringed listening to this fake dialogue. One character seemed to be an exception and he was talking like a lot of Dutch kids talk nowadays where they too copy things from American culture. I wouldn't be surprised if the word "fokking" is now officially a Dutch word.

Anyway, I could go on but you get the idea. De poel is a failure. I do give it two stars instead of one though as there were a few successful shots. One for instance was a wide dolly shot where one of the kids leaves his tent at night and walks to the water. That was an OK shot.

Edit: I was reviewing Hansel and Gretel when I saw that I had given this two stars due to some of the shots being OK. But I have to admit that even those shots don't save this film from being a complete and utter failure. It sounds harsh but that's just the way it is. So one star it is then.
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It's Fine, Just Fine
hellsing21815 March 2023
Having watched this the word Fine is about the only thing that I can choose to describe it. There is nothing exceedingly bad about this movie, with fairly competent actors, nice scenery, and some moody shots thrown in. Yet at the same time, none of it is remarkable. No actor really stands out from the rest, there isn't any memorable gore effects, and the unexplained plot all drain what creativity is in this film until it reaches an equilibrium. If you watch it, you won't be wasting your time as it is a decent way to kill about 80 minutes. It is however something you may walk away from unsatisfied and eventually forget it exists.
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Very descent little thriller
HLEYE21 April 2019
Never mind the 'critics' this is a nice small dutch movie, well acted, and surprisingly well done. No it's NOT a blockbuster nor was it intended to be one. Good watch anyway. gave it an extra point because of the naggers
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De Poel , the future of dutch horror looks promising.
Tibbletoad6 May 2014
Two Fathers go on a camping trip and take their families in tow , when they set up camp in a restriced nature reservation at the side of a small pond (poel) things quickly start to unravel. The premise of this movie is simple and the way it is brought is also simple. The Netherlands are not known for their stellar horror movies , where de lift( remade into down) was the most known one. This is the first movie from the This is not a problem tough, the movie assumes the viewer will piece things together that is a nice change from the overly explaining and " See what i discovered" things that plague most horror movies. When the movie was over the people in front of me left after saying "What a vague movie" but i did not find it vague at all, in the end i pieced together what had happened and the only trouble i had with the movie was explained to me later by the creators on their facebook. The food got spoiled or destroyed, and the puddle would not let them leave, something that made me wonder why. but the most clear answer is simple, the puddle did this to get them to go desperate. The story starts as a slow burn but sadly shows the evil of the puddle a little to soon, a little more guessing would have been nice Sure what would happen could be guessed while the movie was playing,but this is a first movie from the house of nether horror, and for a first attempt this is a great movie. And if this movie is the quality of movies that they will keep making all i can say is the future of dutch horror looks promising.

I certainly recommend this movie, but how much i liked it , the movie does not feel like a cinema movie so if you do go to see it see it on DVD, stream or even on demand.
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Great Dutch horror movie that hits the spot
Reinbo-78 May 2014
De Poel (The Pool) really surprised me. Where most horror films and especially dutch ones lack tension and add every cliché in the book, The Pool is witty, has a lot of black humor, is well- acted and has just enough gore to satisfy a horror buff, but does not scare away a main stream audience.

It's e well directed family drama turning sour when a acing trip turns into a believable nightmare. Sound design and music ensure a good creepy vibe. The characters are believable, even when the start going a bit berserk.

I really enjoyed it. Fun to watch and a little bit scary.

Well done!
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Descent goes Dutch!
Field7824 August 2014
Well, there's a surprise; another Dutch movie that only receives a mediocre rating on IMDb (5.8 on the day this review was posted). It is quite a fact that everything which is Dutch and not directed by Paul Verhoeven has a tough time in the cinemas. 'De Poel' (The Pool) received quite some positive reviews and was hailed as proof that Dutch horror movies can work; however, advertising for the movie was predictably lacking, so this movie probably only saw the inside of a few cinemas for no more than 2 weeks, with only a handful of moviegoers and some copy pirates as its sparse public. But you would at least hope that a good movie, even a commercially failed one, ultimately gets its due credit here, like The Shawshank Redemption. Alas, no such luck.

Did most people who rated this movie take the time to actually watch it? I kind of doubt it. There has to be an audience for this movie, a rare type of Dutch film that takes its matters seriously, and doesn't feel like a low-budget, low-scale imitation of a better American original. It is not that Dutch cinema has a rich tradition of horror movies. 'De Lift' (The Elevator', remade as 'Down') is a rare example from the 80s. Not much worth mentioning was made in the 90s, and in the zeroes, a few attempts were made to revive the genre with 'Doodeind' and 'Slachtnacht'. However, these two, although enjoyable, were obviously made from the archetypical American example, the slasher horror (or 'Dead Teenager Horror' as the great Roger Ebert liked to call it). The Pool, however, seems to take its inspiration from (IMO) one of the best British horror movies of the last decade: The Descent.

The Pool has the same basic premise: a couple of friends venture into a forbidden area, but a succession of adversities slowly turn them against each other. And while the psychological tension rises, a hidden evil that dwells in the surroundings starts to pick its victims, one after another. In this case, experienced camper Lennaert (one of Netherlands' finest character actors, Gijs Scholten van Aschat, who also co-wrote the screenplay) goes on a camping trip with his wife, sons, his good friend and the friend's daughter. He convinces the rest to stray from the beaten path and enter a forbidden area to camp in, next to a giant pond. It doesn't take long before a succession of events, ranging from strange, unnerving to downright disturbing, convince them that there is something terribly wrong with the place. Of course, Lennaert gets the blame for this, which causes his relation with his family and friend to take some turns for the worst, with dire consequences.

The great difference with 'The Descent' is that the outside threat does not come from a few cave-dwelling monsters, it has a more supernatural origin. However, the biggest strength of the movie is that it doesn't lose itself in exposition. No time is wasted on endless explanation; it is almost like the makers rely on the audience's familiarity with supernatural movies like The Grudge, The Ring and The Shining; we only see glimpses and images of what may be visions, hallucinations, memories, feverish dreams, or reality, and the audience has to fill in the blanks for itself. I saw a few deleted scenes on the BluRay disc that explain way too much and kill much of the mystery, so the creators were right to cut them out. It also helps the movie to pick up a pace unusually fast for the genre. Within 30 minutes, we are in the second act, and after one hour, it turns into the highest gear, so the mere 85 minutes of run-time certainly don't feel short.

The absence of monsters doesn't mean a lack of gore. The visual horror scenes come sparingly, but are all the more effective and visceral for it. The special effects look really great, given the low budget of the production. Still, the movie remains evenly balanced between character scenes and gore, right to the end. I would have hoped for a climax that had me gasping for air, but unfortunately, the ending is quite tame compared to the rest of the movie. The actors, with leading man Scholten van Aschat up front, have no problems being convincing without being flashy or going into hysterics, which adds perfectly to the tension. I've heard people say that the dialog is bad, but I think that is because Dutch simply doesn't sound as cool as English (both our words and sentences are longer, which makes it hard to make cool-sounding quotes).

You could say that the movie is assembled from parts snatched out of other (sometimes better) movies, but I feel that you can make a fresh new dish from old ingredients, as long as you don't snatch it from one recipe and flavor it enough. The stew created for The Pool is good for my taste, so I certainly am hungry for more. I wouldn't be surprised if it starts to make money when Hollywood is eager to buy the remake rights.
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Jump in, the water's deadly! Warning: Spoilers
The Pool is a deliciously tense movie. Contrary to what people have come to expect from Dutch horror productions, this is a little jewel both in its storyline as well as the high level of acting. Gijs Scholten van Aschat and his companions show not a solitary moment of weakness in their craft, and thus make a relatively predictable camping-in-the-wild story into a edge-of-your-seat experience. You know beforehand that people'll drop like flies. But that you'll care about these two divided families, and will bite nails till the end, that's a pleasant surprise. Not just that, but the quality of the sound, which in Holland is usually more horrific than its movies, is absolutely sublime: you won't miss a word. The little eye-rolls, irritations of a marriage that's past its prime, and creeping madness have been brought into frame with a deftness which can't usually be expected in a horror flick, much less a Dutch one. Subtlety and maggots, humor with a mourning band.
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I was prepared not to like it, what a surprise!
guitarslinger-0025018 March 2018
I don't often review films. Frankly, with the advent of "quantity over quality" which has taken place with free streaming on major providers, I find that movies of the horror and/or psychological thriller seem to be just recycling the same themes and storylines over and and over again, with cheaper and cheaper production budgets. I just find that it's much harder to suspend my disbelief these days - and maybe that's because I've seen so many horror films/thrillers at this point.

Let me tell you, don't be thrown off by the fact that this is a foreign film and contains subtitles. IT IS TERRIFYING. The characters are easy to identify with, as is the storyline. For those who enjoy the outdoors, they can relate. And for those who do not, well, this movie will only drive them further away from the woods!

I just have to say that this film was jarring. The twists, the turns, none of them were typical of the genre, and the writers were/are brilliant. The acting was top notch, and the filming was wonderful. The scenes were cut perfectly for the style and fit the scenery and context well. I literally couldn't stop watching, the film kept me on the edge of my seat. OH, and I tried to eat dinner during it. Don't do that!
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Deeply unsettling, great watch
thetvmn12 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I was not expecting this movie to be this good! Didn't waste any time, it went from a happy family on a camping trip to a deeply unsettling situation very quickly. The more the movie plays out, the scarier and more twisted things get. I believe this is the first Dutch horror movie I've ever seen, but I will be setting out to find some more after this one. I was a little surprised how willing everyone was to jump into a scummy pond, maybe there are fewer snakes and spiders and algae in Holland? Lol. I almost vomited after seeing the woman's head wound...but give it a watch, you won't be sorry!
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Great Movie! Definitely worth watching!
bloodfeathers31 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You won't be disappointed! Something different to watch! I was not excepting to like this movie that much...but it was a really good movie! Great acting! It was not corny at all! Good storyline! Being trapped in the forest! Family turning on each other. Father losing it slowly. It wasn't really scary but It was definitely a creepy good movie. You don't really know if anyone will make it out of there. I would definitely recommend this movie. I love international movies! There are a lot of scary & creepy & just good european horror movies including french make good ones. Also a lot of korean, thai, and indonesian horror movies i love too! I enjoy them more than alot of american horror movies lately! You might have to read the subtitles.. i don't think they have this with english audio but it doesn't matter! I will be watching again with my husband...
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Well made, well acted and fairly scary movie.
johannes2000-18 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This Dutch horror-movie has a fine creepy atmosphere, strong performances of both the adult and the young actors and the story keeps you involved and intrigued right until the end. Maybe the premise isn't that original, but hey, which horror-flick can be really original nowadays, it's more the way how they handle the clichés of the genre that counts, and here this is done very well.

In spite of the modest length of the movie (1 hour and 16 minutes) it adequately succeeds in slowly but gradually building up the anticipation of looming danger, and in giving each of the campers their own characterization. The leading father (Gijs Scholten van Aschat) and his son Jan (Alex Hendrickx) have the most important parts and both actors do an excellent job.

My only reservation lies in the development of the story. As long as the origins of all the weird happenings stay in the dark, or are only hinted at by way of sudden shadows, sounds or movements in the misty darkness around the pool, it's all extremely creepy and sinister, a bit Blairwitch Project-like. And the mental deterioration of the father works quite unnerving too. But towards the end they link everything to some ancient legend and choose to visualize this, to me that was a bit too easy and felt like a let-down.

But over all: a well made and scary movie.
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